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Self-Damage Revisite After a Few Months


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Honestly, I do miss the self-damage. I was one who wanted the self-damage out of the game also but now realize it was there to make a balance to some frames use and synergy. With how it is now we see too many who are making large AOE too meta. The way to balance this is self-damage be placed back in game.

Also I know Chroma mains will love having self-damage again. I barely see Chroma on public runs any longer.

What is the communities thought?

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing said:


I don't understand why the community keeps flip-flopping their collective opinions and then wonder why nothing ever gets done.

It's not "The community". It's a vocal minority that want to make their voices heard but don't actually know what they want in terms of gameplay alterations. 

Edited by Brynslustafir
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Just now, Brynslustafir said:

It's not "The community". It's a vocal minority that want to make their voices heard but don't actually know what they want. 

Yeah, but the developers LISTEN to those minorities and screw it up for everyone else. That is what I'm worried about.

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6 minutes ago, (XB1)Skippy575 said:

People needed to stop shooting everything from point blank range. 

Hotboxes need to actually work. Just last night I saw hitboxes screw up so badly, that my nails from the Twin Gremlins (I use Randomizer a lot) spun around in midair and killed the enemy from behind, thus caused the enemy corpse to come flying AT me and embed himself in the doorframe behind me. A self-damage weapon would have immediately killed me through no fault of my own

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33 minutes ago, (XB1)Skippy575 said:

People needed to stop shooting everything from point blank range. 

Or my teammate needs to stop jumping in the way of my shots.  Same with level geometry.  There's a lot of cases where explosives could, through no fault of my own, get me killed off.  And the stagger mechanic does at least have a risk.  Shoot carefully or risk dying because enemies shot you while you recovered.  At least here, there's a risk of death instead of 'oop, you were 0.10 meters too close, you're dead now'

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Y'know what?  How about we make self damage a toggle.  That way you can blow yourself up and die a bunch for no good reason while the rest of us rejoice in being able to use the ogris, tonkor, bramma, and kulstar without getting instantly gibbed the millisecond the netcode, hitboxes or projectile math doesn't line up quite right.

Self damage can stay dead, it wasn't any fun whatsoever.  Chroma is still completely playable, players just have to put a little thought into getting their vex armour stacks and can actually bring full loadouts instead of relegating their secondaries to near-uselessness.

Edited by captainHalide
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40 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

Hotboxes need to actually work. Just last night I saw hitboxes screw up so badly, that my nails from the Twin Gremlins (I use Randomizer a lot) spun around in midair and killed the enemy from behind, thus caused the enemy corpse to come flying AT me and embed himself in the doorframe behind me. A self-damage weapon would have immediately killed me through no fault of my own

Yeah, the hitboxes are pretty not-good as of right now. 

Warframes janky lag compensation doesn't help either.

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1 hour ago, kwlingo said:

I was one who wanted the self-damage out of the game also but now realize it was there to make a balance to some frames use and synergy.

Seems Pretty Balanced to me... 

1 hour ago, kwlingo said:

With how it is now we see too many who are making large AOE too meta.

If that was the case we would be seeing alot more Saryns, Volts and Equinoxes. Doesn't matter how big the Bramma's AoE is... Saryn will still steal all your Kills. 

Its not a Meta, People are just using them more often because they always wanted but were annoyed by Self Damage, ergo what we are seeing is just a Whiplash Effect of everyone releasing their inner Bomber MAn that they have had Bottled Up inside for So long... Things will even out once we get The Lanka Vandal when Deadlock Protocol drops :)


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My only problem with it is the stuns on the weapons that didn't have self damage previously. Other than that I think it's fine. It's kinda fun to run around a mission as rhino or Atlas and blow things up point blank with an ogris.

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I don't care that much about self damage one way or the other, but as bad as I thought the old stagger/stun/knockdown mechanic was, DE said "Hold my beer" and made it worse. Much worse IMO. I'd love to see that rolled back.

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Self-damage is horrible. I don't care how careful you are with your shots, you will eventually hit yourself with the blast. Maybe not a lethal hit but still enough to take a sizable chunk. Worse you could have a grineer teleport right infront of you just as you were going to fire, or something run the way causing it to explode much closer to you.

To top it all off, the damage explosive weapons did was pitiful thanks to the falloff. It was not worth the effort to be careful, risk harm or death to only kill 2 out of the 7 guys huddling together.

Nixing self damage, saved explosive weapons and made them fun to use.

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I agree some weapons gaining the stagger makes no sense. However ill take the stagger over my gun killing me on stuff like the lenz, bramma, and ogris.

As for vex armor chroma. Just because you can't cheese it doesn't break chroma.

Just be gohan and dont dodge well its up so enemies will hit you and you get stacks.

Never do suicidel weapons ever again.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing said:

Vex Armor doesn't stop working once self-damage is removed.

I don't understand why the community keeps flip-flopping their collective opinions and then wonder why nothing ever gets done.

I swear I saw your comment on taking self damage out of game a while back. Lol

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The only people who want self damage back are chroma mains. 

Weapon balance can achived by reducing explosion range or damage, and lets not forget blast has major damage penalty agiants armour, you know the stuff thats hardest to kill. 


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4 hours ago, kwlingo said:

Honestly, I do miss the self-damage. I was one who wanted the self-damage out of the game also but now realize it was there to make a balance to some frames use and synergy. With how it is now we see too many who are making large AOE too meta. The way to balance this is self-damage be placed back in game.

Also I know Chroma mains will love having self-damage again. I barely see Chroma on public runs any longer.

What is the communities thought?

Also I would like to add that there is a weapon that still does self damage that the community and apparently DE forgot about. Of course I'm not going to say what it is though.😁

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Honestly when I do get hit with it I find the self-stagger to be more irritating/punishing without crossing the line into "BOSHY" territory which was all self-damage ever was/did. Self-Damage was just eyerollingly stupid. 

I don't particularly mind if people use explosive weapons in excess, it isn't like self-damage would have stopped most of them anyhow. The only thing that irritates me about large scale explosive weapons is this games overuse of particle effects. I was in the Ruk Sortie a few days ago and because of a single Brama user I literally couldn't see Ruk the whole fight.Medium particle effects btw. Gave up trying to even shoot at him after about 5 seconds and just wondered off to clear trash mobs. Thing is self-damage wouldn't have done anything because the player with the Brama was well outside self damage range anyhow. So plz DE clean up yo particle effects. 

Edited by Oreades
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23 minutes ago, nickelshark said:

Also I would like to add that there is a weapon that still does self damage that the community and apparently DE forgot about. Of course I'm not going to say what it is though.😁

It was the Penta w/ Napalm Shells, and we didn't forget. The community made it public pretty quickly, and DE patched it a day later

Edited by TARINunit9
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Let's be honest here:

1) Chroma's utility relied mainly on Tridolon and Profit-taker, basically boss jaw-breaking frame, after that he'll always stay a boring garbage frame, even i love chroma, but it's problem is not whether there's self-damage or not, he needs a rework, end of story.

2) You wouldn't complain if you'd manage the knockback with the timing on the jump button, it's legit 1 second recover with it.

3) "large AoE meta" or basically the Bramma spamming was before DE took out self-damage, and one could just plain ignore self-damage nuking with, i.e, Revenant, and just point-blank the entire thing, so i don't see any point on discussing that matter.

Edited by lukasystem
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