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Please help Nyx


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I'm not asking for much

I'm not asking for a complete rework

Just some stat adjustments here and there so that nyx is actually playable without having to turn her into a makeshift rhino that slams a hammer to move around.

This shouldn't be difficult I just want to play my Nyx..

here's my suggestion:

Nyx stats:

All fine, except energy should be set to 400 by default (no , this isn't overpowered , nyx is a squishy frame and it's only fitting for her to be a glass cannon). Also, saryn exists and all her stats are at 300 with her health being 375.
Nyx is extremely energy hungry and she needs that 400 energy as base value, or 375 at least.


Nyx passive!

Her passive works against her 4th ability. she needs enemies to attack her, having decreased accuracy sounds like a straight debuff for her 4. Also, chaos exists , so this passive is straight up useless..

I'm not asking for a better passive. Just remove her current passive because it counts as a debuff rather than a buff.., keep her without a passive for all I care, I don't really mind.

Turns out the passive is disabled when adsorb is active. So I don't have an issue with this now. It's cool.


1) Mind control:

I don't mind it staying the way it is , it's a cool way to have an ancient healer or a shield drone as a companion.

Just fix the companion AI, make the companion a bit more aggressive and make him prioritize enemies that are about to attack Nyx instead of just standing in a corner doing nothing.

Again, this isn't a priority I really don't mind what u do with this ability.


2) Psychic Bolts:

Don't use it, don't care, I'm not playing Nyx because of this ability.


3) Chaos:

This is one of nyx's signature abilities and this is why I love the concept of this frame. I don't want to replace this ability. it just needs some buffs.

1) Chaos sphere augment should be how chaos works by default. Chaos should follow nyx, enemies outside of chaos's circle should be freed from this ability.

2) Chaos radius should be x1.5 its current range

3) Chaos should not have a set duration, instead it should consume energy over time while the ability is active

2) Nyx should have the option to disable this ability by simply casting it again.

3) Chaos should function like radiation procs (funny how oberon is a better nyx than nyx..) Enemies affected by chaos should deal extra damage to each other.


4) Absorb:

This is the highlight of nyx's abilities and this is why I'm in love with this frame. I love the concept of this ability and I love the way it plays. My only issue with this ability is it barely does anything. it's all looks no function.

1) Absorb should charm enemies within the ability radius to attack nyx and only nyx.

2) Charm should take priority over chaos even if chaos is active

3) Charm radius should be equal to half of the explosion radius.

4) Explosion radius  should be x2 its current radius. the current radius is too low and by the time nyx does anything all enemies within range are already killed by allies which renders the ability useless.

5) Absorb's damage multiplier should be similar to mag's magnetize or octavtia's damage multiplier (take ur pick , anything is better than her current negative  damage multiplier..)


Tl dr, please fix the stat numbers of her 3 and 4 if you can, that's all she needs for her to be a playable frame.
Thank you for reading and godspeed all 3 Nyx mains out there.



Edited by Haukaido
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34 minutes ago, Vespilan said:

Unrelated but I thought this picture of a poll with 108 participants I conducted recently would be a great addition to this post

I paid 50p few minutes ago to try her new singularity augment. 
long story short. a zaw with an arcane/telos boltace and even zenurik focus school do it better.

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1 hour ago, Haukaido said:

Nyx stats:

[...] energy should be set to 400 by default

There's a point of too much, an increase to 300 would be nice but more than that ... use Mods 😛

1 hour ago, Haukaido said:

glass cannon

The Prime has 100 Health, 125 Shields, 125 Armor. Not super tanky, but also not extremely squishy, really.

And ... cannon? Nyx is not a nuker, she's an enemy controller.

1 hour ago, Haukaido said:

Nyx passive!

Her passive works against her 4th ability

It's deactivated during Absorb.


1 hour ago, Haukaido said:

chaos exists , so this passive is straight up useless

Being free aside, Chaos is not a 100% enemy control thing, if you're too close to enemies, they still shoot at you,
so the Passive can be plenty useful even for Chaos'd enemies.

1 hour ago, Haukaido said:

Mind control:

[...] fix the companion AI, make the companion a bit more aggressive

Yes please.

A (maybe lesser) version of the Wuclone teleport would also be very welcome.

1 hour ago, Haukaido said:

I really don't mind what u do with this ability

What I'd love to see is MC being permanent once the victim has stored up lethal damage
(and having that enemy then drop whatever they would drop on death, to prevent e.g. griefing with Power Cell Carriers).

Maybe even allow the ability to affect multiple enemies, let's say ... 3, that seems like a non-crazy number.
E.g. Nekros can keep around multiple Eximus units, potentially forever, let Nyx have a slice of that, why not.

Canceling Mind Control (on all targets at once) would be done via a hold function,
though to make it a bit more interesting, let enemies stumble for ~2 seconds then have their heads asplode
(whether or not that should also deal some AoE damage, dunno, I think visual & sound effects would be enough lol),
this would also give you an opportunity to re-MC at least one juicy target you actually want to keep, while phasing out lesser ones.

1 hour ago, Haukaido said:

Psychic Bolts:

Don't use it, don't care, I'm not playing Nyx because of this ability.

I mean, an AoE(ish) 100% Armor & Shields strip, surely that deserves better than getting glossed over?

It just needs a little more, like, the target limit could - and should - just be removed, that already would help a lot.

1 hour ago, Haukaido said:


[...] Chaos radius should be x1.5 its current range

Again, there is such a thing as too much, 25m range is really good enough as a base value.

1 hour ago, Haukaido said:

Chaos should not have a set duration, instead it should consume energy over time while the ability is active

That would disable multiple forms of Energy gain, wasn't your earlier 400 Energy request so that you'd have less Energy issues?

Just allow the ability to re-stun enemies on re-cast, done.

1 hour ago, Haukaido said:

Chaos should function like radiation procs

Chaos increases the "threat level" of enemies, which makes it superior to a Radiation proc's confusion.

1 hour ago, Haukaido said:

Enemies affected by chaos should deal extra damage to each other.

Sure, nothing wrong with that, enemy damage needs some helping hands to keep up with their EHP scaling.

(Mind, unlimited Psychic Bolts spam would be a decently-sized hand, right there.)

1 hour ago, Haukaido said:


[...] should charm enemies within the ability radius to attack nyx and only nyx.

It kind of already does something like that, it's another ability that messes with the threat level, making enemies prioritize Nyx over other targets.

1 hour ago, Haukaido said:

Explosion radius  should be x2 its current radius.

At minimum.

1 hour ago, Haukaido said:

Absorb's damage multiplier should be similar to mag's magnetize or octavtia's damage multiplier

Indeed, just make it a super-sized Mallet, basically.

And I would very much like that to include periodical (lesser) pulses of damage while the ability is active,
to negate situations like you mention, where all the enemies are already wiped out and you're sitting there with lotsa damage stored for nothing.

But ... to get a little more crazy, what if Absorb didn't actually root you in place?
Let Nyx move - i.e. fly, including vertically - around in that bubble, at a slow speed, allowing better repositioning and just, you know, fun 😄

The Augment (costs a Mod slot already and thus) I don't think really needs the mobility and burst range penalties,
maybe up the Energy drain bit by bit so you can't easily keep up god mode forever (see e.g. Valkyr).

Edited by NinjaZeku
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5 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

It's deactivated during Absorb.


Ah didn't know that. well then , I don't have an issue with her passive now


5 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

Again, there is such a thing as too much, 25m range is really good enough as a base value.

ah yea , I was thinking of 2 different suggestions for this ability and I guess I went overboard and slapped them together lmao.
yea 25m base value is great. Scratching that


5 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

That would disable multiple forms of Energy gain, wasn't your earlier 400 Energy request so that you'd have less Energy issues?

Just allow the ability to re-stun enemies on re-cast, done.

The idea behind this was to make the ability function the same as nekros's desecrate. Sure , it could remain duration based (I'm scratching that aswell), but I'm highly against the ability being recastable. It should be a ring of chaos that follows nyx instead of being recasted upon enemies. having nyx spamming high duration chaos in places where she's not can be very annoying and counter productive in mission such as survival since enemies will keep chasing each other instead of following nyx or her allies.
enemies should only be affected by chaos if they are within nyx's ability radius and should be freed from chaos if she moves too far from them. Nyx should also have the functionality of disabling this skill whenever she wants if it's going to remain duration based.

5 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

Chaos increases the "threat level" of enemies, which makes it superior to a Radiation proc's confusion.


I was referencing the damage multiplier of radiation procs

5 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

.It kind of already does something like that, it's another ability that messes with the threat level, making enemies prioritize Nyx over other targets.

6 hours ago, Haukaido said:


I'm sorry but it doesn't. I tried it multiple times , enemies would straight up ignore nyx and go running towards defense objectives or towards the nearest ally.
also threat level doesn't matter here since this ability has a smaller radius than chaos and even a smaller charm radius (if they add a charm effect) than chaos. My idea is that while having chaos active enemies will be straight up attacking everyone , but when nyx activates her 4 she needs enemies to attack her, thus she charms nearby enemies to prioritize her over everyone else so that they feed her damage absorption resulting in a greater explosion damage. (and could also work as a nifty protective ability for defense objectives).

5 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

And I would very much like that to include periodical (lesser) pulses of damage while the ability is active,

this would result in players pressing 4 and going afk. the functionality of this ult is fine as is. Nyx could store her damage for the next time the enemies show up (also the reason why I suggested a greater energy base value)

5 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

But ... to get a little more crazy, what if Absorb didn't actually root you in place?
Let Nyx move - i.e. fly, including vertically - around in that bubble, at a slow speed, allowing better repositioning and just, you know, fun 😄

I don't have mobility issues with nyx's 4, I like it the way it is rn. I can cast 4 midair, "figuratively absorb damage" , disable the ability, double jump (while still in the air) and cast it again.
figuratively , with enough energy nyx might never have to touch the ground and can move around freely. It is really fun the way it functions rn.
Also, the augment is not my cup of tea, so keeping it as an augment is best. I really don't like how it gives nyx limited grounded movement. but again , that's personal preference.

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I just stared using her this week because she is the lowest used frame. I wanted to see if I could make good use of her kit. She is actually a great frame to use. The only thing I wish was her 4th ability didn't slow her down.

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31 minutes ago, kwlingo said:
I just stared using her this week because she is the lowest used frame. I wanted to see if I could make good use of her kit. She is actually a great frame to use. The only thing I wish was her 4th ability didn't slow her down.

She would be good if 1 ability could generate aggression and be faster to ignore AI problems.. She would be good if 2 could affect more enemies than 6. She would be good if 3 put Nyx allies on a lower priority for attacking enemies. She would be good if 4 didn't eat a ton of energy for absorbing damage and actually absorbed the damage. She would be better off if DE recognized that disarm passive ability was better than reducing accuracy, which does almost nothing.

Nyx is good on paper. But in fact, she powers have a lot of problems, which mostly lie in AI or in very strange restrictions.


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12 hours ago, Haukaido said:

5) Absorb's damage multiplier should be similar to mag's magnetize or octavtia's damage multiplier (take ur pick , anything is better than her current negative  damage multiplier..)

why not turn absorb into assimilate, remove the damage thing entirely and with it the enhanced energy drain she gets when damaged 


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10 hours ago, zhellon said:

She would be good if 1 ability could generate aggression and be faster to ignore AI problems.. She would be good if 2 could affect more enemies than 6. She would be good if 3 put Nyx allies on a lower priority for attacking enemies. She would be good if 4 didn't eat a ton of energy for absorbing damage and actually absorbed the damage. She would be better off if DE recognized that disarm passive ability was better than reducing accuracy, which does almost nothing.

Nyx is good on paper. But in fact, she powers have a lot of problems, which mostly lie in AI or in very strange restrictions.


I use her for max range for interception and with the chaos augmented. Make the entire mission easy. Everyone always thanks me

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4 hours ago, kwlingo said:

I use her for max range for interception and with the chaos augmented. Make the entire mission easy. Everyone always thanks me

A frame that's useful in only 1 mission is not a good frame. where else could u bring nyx? that ability would slowdown every other mission because enemies take too long to die. I could perhaps use it for excavation or defection if enemies didn't prioritize shooting the defense objective even under the effect of chaos.
Even in interception , that mission could be soloed with any max range frame so it isn't anything special.
you'll even notice that nyx is easily overshadowed by frames such as explosive leged mirage/max duration slowva/saryn/volt/mag/khora/banish limbo (especially banish limbo lmao). Also, unlike Nyx, these frames are actually useful in multiple missions.

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2 hours ago, Haukaido said:

A frame that's useful in only 1 mission is not a good frame. where else could u bring nyx? that ability would slowdown every other mission because enemies take too long to die. I could perhaps use it for excavation or defection if enemies didn't prioritize shooting the defense objective even under the effect of chaos.
Even in interception , that mission could be soloed with any max range frame so it isn't anything special.
you'll even notice that nyx is easily overshadowed by frames such as explosive leged mirage/max duration slowva/saryn/volt/mag/khora/banish limbo (especially banish limbo lmao). Also, unlike Nyx, these frames are actually useful in multiple missions.

You thinking is like the Nuking community of Warframe. "If you cannot nuke than they are not a good frame." Trust me you will see this all over the forum to reddit. This is what Warframe has come to be known for. I use to believe this also, then the game got super boring because I could kill everything "map clear" without me even seeing most enemies. ahahah If you justify this as a great game design then you have to look no further than Nuking. ahhaha If you are claiming nuking is a great way of gaming than it almost similar to saying just give me the reward anyways because I not even going to see much enemies on the map for the reward.

CC was once the best way to play Warframe. This was the time players had to kill enemies individually like 90% of all game ever made. Now its how can I not see any enemies because my ability nukes the entire map or explosive weapons that can one shot level 10,000 with 10 meter AOE.

CC and abilities that still engage players to "ACTUALLY" play the game is not a poor design, nuking a room is poor design. Imagine every game ever made, press X "nuke" win... humm this would be interesting...

Also Nyx can be brought into any mission and be great if the only thing you are not looking for is nuking entire maps.

Edited by kwlingo
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Nyx is actually pretty good in certain assassination missions since she simply strips armour with one button press at 125% strength (or you can retain weaknesses with 124% strength via augur secrets). I was in disbelief when it worked on ambulas assassination


She's okay in pub/solo survival, good in interception, good in hijack, good in capture, sabotage, mobile defense, excavation. 

Only really bad when your objective is stealth or quantity kill based rather than time or interaction/single kill based. (defense, exterminate, spy)

Edited by TeCoolTenno
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9 hours ago, kwlingo said:

You thinking is like the Nuking community of Warframe. "If you cannot nuke than they are not a good frame." Trust me you will see this all over the forum to reddit. This is what Warframe has come to be known for. I use to believe this also, then the game got super boring because I could kill everything "map clear" without me even seeing most enemies. ahahah If you justify this as a great game design then you have to look no further than Nuking. ahhaha If you are claiming nuking is a great way of gaming than it almost similar to saying just give me the reward anyways because I not even going to see much enemies on the map for the reward.

CC was once the best way to play Warframe. This was the time players had to kill enemies individually like 90% of all game ever made. Now its how can I not see any enemies because my ability nukes the entire map or explosive weapons that can one shot level 10,000 with 10 meter AOE.

CC and abilities that still engage players to "ACTUALLY" play the game is not a poor design, nuking a room is poor design. Imagine every game ever made, press X "nuke" win... humm this would be interesting...

Also Nyx can be brought into any mission and be great if the only thing you are not looking for is nuking entire maps.

I didn't say any of that. I don't get what ur point is with that oddly specific scenario.

Anyway, I find it strange how you woild defend Nyx being a viable frame when clearly she's miles behind every other frame in the game.

Please name 1 mission where bringing Nyx is a better choice than bringing any other frame.

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8 hours ago, TeCoolTenno said:

She's okay in pub/solo survival, good in interception, good in hijack, good in capture, sabotage, mobile defense, excavation.

It's strange why people play Inaros more than Nyx in these modes. Although no, it's not strange, most of them don't even require abilities.

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3 hours ago, Haukaido said:

I didn't say any of that. I don't get what ur point is with that oddly specific scenario.

Anyway, I find it strange how you woild defend Nyx being a viable frame when clearly she's miles behind every other frame in the game.

Please name 1 mission where bringing Nyx is a better choice than bringing any other frame.

This just means you want map clearing abilities or AFK abilities. Lol great game design. This is the reason why so any of those frames are used. For example when Ember could map clear level 30and lower with World on Fire, but now you actually have to use her LOS to be useful players won't use her. You see this is the kind of game play you are implementing. Nuke or AFK is only good. 

If you don't know how to use Nyx, it's okay. 

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41 minutes ago, kwlingo said:

This just means you want map clearing abilities or AFK abilities. Lol great game design. This is the reason why so any of those frames are used. For example when Ember could map clear level 30and lower with World on Fire, but now you actually have to use her LOS to be useful players won't use her. You see this is the kind of game play you are implementing. Nuke or AFK is only good.

If you don't know how to use Nyx, it's okay.

I don't see anyone talking about Nucking other than you. On the other hand, Nyx chaos is so a piece that is used for AFK farm interception.


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2 hours ago, zhellon said:

I don't see anyone talking about Nucking other than you. On the other hand, Nyx chaos is so a piece that is used for AFK farm interception.


Yes we are. If you look they compared Nyx wit Saryn, Volt, Khora, Mirage, and Mag. These are classified as Nuke frames. Group all enemies into one large area or have multiple large area the instantly kill enemies with little effort. Nyx chaos is not afk, enemies will still target you if you are the closest target. It just allows for less units to target just you or your team.

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1 minute ago, kwlingo said:
Yes we are. If you look they compared Nyx wit Saryn, Volt, Khora, Mirage, and Mag. These are classified as Nuke frames. Group all enemies into one large area or have multiple large area the instantly kill enemies with little effort. Nyx chaos is not afk, enemies will still target you if you are the closest target. It just allows for less units to target just you or your team.

Wisp does not have nuck potential. Wisp does not have the ability to block the entire map unless it has 100500 allies for its electric buff. But, Wisp is one of the best frames that people want for solo and in a party.

OK. Nyx has a very large CC literally for the entire map. Nyx has a protective potential of its 4 and a small nuck when turned off. Nyx has the ability to remove 6 enemies ' armor and shields (and I really don't understand who thinks this ability is strong at all, but at least ash augment exists and works much more effectively.) Nyx is a frame that no one wants for solo or in a party.

And Nyx has 1 allied mob that does anything except shoot at enemy or banal distribution of its 90% DR aura for Nyx. The fact that they shoot at the wall is not just a meme, it's the reality of the game. And people are literally talking about it. She have only one power as the main mechanics -  make stupid mobs more stupid. And they don't even become less dangerous. 

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I’ve recently started using Psychic Bolts and they’re surprisingly awesome tbh. Just need a tiny bit of strength to strip all the armour/shields off of whatever beefy enemy gets in your way.

What does need changed is DE’s obsession with enemy’s damaging eachother. It doesn’t work, it will never work. Their damage simply doesn’t scale high enough, even with Mindfreak or 10 radiation procs.

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4 hours ago, kwlingo said:

Yes we are. If you look they compared Nyx wit Saryn, Volt, Khora, Mirage, and Mag. These are classified as Nuke frames. Group all enemies into one large area or have multiple large area the instantly kill enemies with little effort. Nyx chaos is not afk, enemies will still target you if you are the closest target. It just allows for less units to target just you or your team.

that was a reply to the statement u made saying Nyx is excellent in interception missions. I mentioned those frames because my point is it's nothing unique and to prove that there are already countless frames that can do what nyx does while also being a good choice for numerous other missions aside from interception. I also mentioned Nova and Limbo in that argument who are clearly not nuke frames, but I guess u looked them over because for some reason you think this is a discussion about turning nyx into a nuking frame while clearly it's not.

Please read this again.

On 2020-05-08 at 3:17 AM, Haukaido said:

you'll even notice that nyx is easily overshadowed by frames such as explosive leged mirage/max duration slowva/saryn/volt/mag/khora/banish limbo (especially banish limbo lmao). Also, unlike Nyx, these frames are actually useful in multiple missions.


41 minutes ago, (PS4)DidelphisV said:

I’ve recently started using Psychic Bolts and they’re surprisingly awesome tbh. Just need a tiny bit of strength to strip all the armour/shields off of whatever beefy enemy gets in your way

It is a useful skill but I never found the need to strip enemy armor before level 100. Rn this skill is only useful in endurance runs where Nyx can't survive without turning into a bootleg rhino, which is really not a fun way to play a game.

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6 hours ago, zhellon said:

Wisp does not have nuck potential. Wisp does not have the ability to block the entire map unless it has 100500 allies for its electric buff.

Have not tested this for a while now but Wisp's ability 3 with power strength use to be quite viable at killing hoards of enemies. Each enemy killed exploding and creating seeking damaging energy. Not sure if this is still a thing in the game any longer. All people use her is for Motes power strength.


2 hours ago, Haukaido said:

I also mentioned Nova and Limbo in that argument who are clearly not nuke frames, but I guess u looked them over because for some reason you think this is a discussion about turning nyx into a nuking frame while clearly it's not.

I did mention AFK. You were comparing too many different frames most were nukers.

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6 hours ago, kwlingo said:
Have not tested this for a while now but Wisp's ability 3 with power strength use to be quite viable at killing hoards of enemies. Each enemy killed exploding and creating seeking damaging energy. Not sure if this is still a thing in the game any longer. All people use her is for Motes power strength.

This ability is blocked by walls. Homing missiles will also mostly hit the wall in narrow spaces. This ability to quickly blind a group of mobs, no more.

6 hours ago, kwlingo said:
did mention AFK. You were comparing too many different frames most were nukers.

No Nucker can stand on an intercept as easily as Nyx does. Even Limbo can't do that. Especially against nullifiers, because mobs destroy the dome of the nullifier. But this is the only niche where Nyx is useful, at the same time, Nyx is useless almost everywhere. At least the banal addition of aggression generation would help Nyx a little. However, with this setting, it will become nothing more than like the power of the revenant, which already has the generation of aggression of its servants.

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15 hours ago, (PS4)DidelphisV said:

I’ve recently started using Psychic Bolts and they’re surprisingly awesome tbh. Just need a tiny bit of strength to strip all the armour/shields off of whatever beefy enemy gets in your way.

What does need changed is DE’s obsession with enemy’s damaging eachother. It doesn’t work, it will never work. Their damage simply doesn’t scale high enough, even with Mindfreak or 10 radiation procs.

They should just scale damage enemies do to one another like Vauban's Flechette orbs.

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On 2020-05-09 at 12:50 PM, zhellon said:

Even Limbo can't do that. Especially against nullifiers, because mobs destroy the dome of the nullifier. But this is the only niche where Nyx is useful

This is a bit off topic but limbo can solo interception simply by using his 1 at max range and spamming it in all directions. Not his cata.

Anyway yea, atleast Limbo is useful in numerous other missions.

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