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Offline Trading Shop in Relays


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Hey guys, how would you feel about the idea of creating an offline trading store in relays to sell items for platinum. I mean, you will need to teleport to the relay, find a special NPC that will show a table with a list of items for sale

In addition, DE could burn a certain percentage of platinum from the sale, as a fee for using this shop (1-3%, for example).

Also, the shop would increase the attendance of relays.

The player would still have the choice to use, for example, trading chat, warframe.market or pay the store a percentage of the sale and go do other things.

What do you think of this? Just thoughts 🙂 

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7 минут назад, Nakrast сказал:

Trading is, and should be, only and exclusively an interaction between 2, online, people.

Not quite so, when you come to the store in real life, you do not buy goods directly from the manufacturer, the store acts as an intermediary with its margin. It’s the same here, you expose the items, and the NPC makes an extra charge of 1-3%, NPC is an intermediary

This will save you time if you do not want to spend hours in the game just waiting for the buyer

Edited by Maxim
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6 minutes ago, Omega-ZX said:

No. Auction house is against the philosophy of active playing the game.

Does sitting around in your dojo/ship copy pasting or typing up the same message to post in trade chat really count as actually playing? It seems more like just idling in my eyes.

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7 минут назад, Berzerkules сказал:

If you could sell your prime junk for plat to a npc then DE would have to set the market value for every item in the game. This would be a terrible idea for players and DE. 


Why would DE set a price for each item? The player can set the price himself, as on warframe.market. 

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Im fine with the current trading. You either camp at trading channel waiting to get some really nice deals (or get scammed to death), go to maroo and wait ten thousand years or use warframe.market or similar sites to make people pm you. I did the same in Path of Exile and it works. It just works. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Just use some 3rd party trading sites, pour all your trash into them, rivens too, mods, items, avionics, weapon parts, prime parts and delegate like 30-60 minutes and see how plat just flows.

Edited by Savire510
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(I'm not a native english speaker, so my english might be a little bit rough, sry)

Can we please get an proper Ingame market system, and not this way to laborious Trade chat system? Why not something as easy, uncomlicated and relaxed as other MMOs like, for example BDO. Just an easy trade console somewehere in the orbiter, where you can upload the stuff you want to sell, for the price you want to sell it, and when it's sold, you get a message and then go and recieve your Platinum from said console. And when you want to buy something? You just search for it, then get a list with prices, you search for the best price, click a "buy" button, and BOOM, it's yours. Would make trading a lot easier and better. Currently, you have either use Trade chat, and hope that someone has the item you want or someone wants the item you want to sell, then message them, wait for an reply, then get into a group, then go to Dojo, and then you can sell him with one of your limited trades for the day. Or use Warframe market and hope for a good price, just to wait 1hour for an reply. With an proper market system, it's just 2 clicks. Which leaves more time to actually play the game and farm stuff = Grofit.


Edit: I did not mean copying the BDO Trading market one to one into Warframe, just wanted to give an example of an ingame Market. If you dont like BDO, here's another example: Escape From Tarkov. Yes, it's a completeley differnt game, but this is just about the basic function of a market system.

Edited by Karasokami
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I think originally, Maroo's Bazaar was supposed to be that. I recall early on, Maroo's Bazaar was filled with a lot of people and people were setting up shops around the area and people can buy stuff directly from other players.

After my hiatus, I was surprised that Maroo's Bazaar was so empty.

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Im going to copy paste my comment from 2 hours ago in the simillar topic about an auction house and in-game market.

There it is:

Im fine with the current trading. You either camp at trading channel waiting to get some really nice deals (or get scammed to death), go to maroo and wait ten thousand years or use warframe.market or similar sites to make people pm you. I did the same in Path of Exile and it works. It just works. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Just use some 3rd party trading sites, pour all your trash into them, rivens too, mods, items, avionics, weapon parts, prime parts and delegate like 30-60 minutes and see how plat just flows.

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An ingame market would be more ideal than the system we have currently though. It might be "fine" as it is, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be improved.

It's probably no big deal on PC, since warframe.market is just there, but it moves so slow on Switch because not everyone has access to 3rd party sources at all times (plus lower population), so a proper passive ingame method would be extremely good for consoles at the very least. I don't want to sit in Maroo's Bazaar or my Orbiter glossing over Trade Chat and not playing either, I just want to go play.

Edited by (NSW)Matt-S
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wont ever happen, DE make a killing from riven sales and plenty more FOMO sales in general, a proper market will do the same as other auctions/markets, which will drive down prices as everyone wants a quick/easy sale, lower sales/less plat bought to buy those sales.

We want such a system yes, DE however do not, their plat sales would plummet.

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A feature like this would reduce person-to-person interactions to basically zero. Instead of meeting and haggling with people over tradeable goods, they become market orders, records on a table, so disconnected / impersonal.

Add to that the potential for market manipulation by bots.

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Markets work better if most of the items are consumable. Like EVE where when you die, half your stuff blows up and the other half is stolen. Or having massive player base like WoW by the time I quit, market was still ok for 1/1000 rare drops and food and craft materials. Most gear was super low. But when many players have a dozen alts, a cycle of bind on equip gear kept the craftable gear moving on market.

Warframe is primarily a single account, once you have it, you never need it again. And smaller community. A easier to bot market It will likely be more detrimental to newer players when they need to sell a lot more of everything just to cover smaller purchases like slots. It won't happen overnight, but it also won't take years.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)thowed said:

Because those other games don't let you trade for premium currency.  I'm sure if we were trading for credits and plastids there would be an auction house.

That isn't true, there's been several both free to play and pay/buy to play games that have traded premium currency or conversions, all of which have auction houses/markets. Warframe's plat system wasn't unique even when the game first came out.

A market doesn't exist because it meant significantly less work for the developers. It would have been an extra system for them to have to design, maintain, as well as design and balance the game around.

The game has never been designed in a way to even take trading into consideration, let alone an actual market. Between their design decisions and their marketing decisions it is evident that trading is a complete afterthought and exists purely to check a box on "we have this in the game", rather than it being an actual thing people are meant to interact with regularly. DE even handles fraud in a very poor way.

Edited by Yamazuki
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