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How to make Mag more interesting and versatile without changing much


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I don't think that Mag is useless but she is really boring imo and there is not too much reason to play her since other frames can to the same but better. So I had ideas for about her and would like to hear your opinion about this.

1. Keep it as it is but make Enemies land in front of her insted of flying around and give them a short stun maybe.

2. Currently its her best Abbility and I think most people would keep it since its very powerfull, I personally dislike it since you have to build everything around it to make it really usefull and for this overhaul I would change to something like this: "Mag drains Energy from enemys in front of her to replenish and overcharge her shields." (maybe only once per enemy could be broke otherwise idk)

3. Also something I would keep for the most part but with a few changes. "Mag overloads and releases her shield to creates a wave of energy that depletes enemy shields and armor, creating shards that explode shortly after. Shields of allies touched by the pulse are restored." So as I said it stays mostly the same but the abbility scales with the amount of shield you have and shards explode after a few seconds. The waves should also travel faster something like 2x or 3x the current speed without being affected by duration only range.

I would give this an Augment to change it to Magnetise so it creates a bubble that draws bullets and enemys in. (Scales also with the shield)

4. "Mag grabes enemys around her and crushes them with her power while magnetising them so they attract sharp metal parts, bullets and debries." The abbility has multiple dmg types: Slash, Impact, puncture and Magnetic with guaranteed status. It also restores some shield like it is currently. I imagine the abbility as something like this (Battlefront 2 player will get flashbacks from this):

I really really would like to have an abbility that gives a good feel of power liek the one in the video, since most frames dont have this. (Equinox Maim is a good example for something that feels as powerfull as it is, with the little screenshake and the cool sound it makes when u release it.) But that is probably just me...


So what do u think? Any ideas for the other Augments?

Edited by V_a_IN_Q_u_i_S
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14 minutes ago, V_a_IN_Q_u_i_S said:

I don't think that Mag is useless but she is really boring imo and there is not too much reason to play her since other frames can to the same but better. So I had ideas for about her and would like to hear your opinion about this.


Today I killed more enemies and did more damage with Mag than a Saryn did.
Also it is able to beat Mesa in terms of kills and damage on some maps.
Saryn and Mesa are two most broken OP frames in the game that need serious changes and or nerfs.

Mag is just fine and does just fine in terms of fun and efficiency 🙂 At least for me.

Her 1 I mostly use to either clear fodder or pull enemies into her 3 faster.
Her 2 is an excellent barrier and a hell of a dps bubble.
Her 4 has an excellent support effect but in terms of damage is... mediocre.

Edited by Acersecomic
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I have been using mag alot lately.   I do NOT build around magnetize.   I focus on pulse.  I hate that pulse and crush do NOT work off the same loadout.   Crush needs RANGE/STR.   Pulse needs DUR/STR.  You can not have all 3 of those so you have to choose.  

Duration needs to kick rocks.   Mag should be all about range/str which would benefit ALL of her kit.  

I agree crush is kind of weak for an ultimate.  

The only thing I want for Mag though is damage reduction.  shields dont stop crap later on so it doesnt matter how many u got or how strong they are.  The only reason my mag survives now is because im insta killing everything around me with melee.   Shield Gating has helped and is nice on all frames.  

I recently decided to finally try sorties.  I have almost 4k hours in game and never ran a complete one.  I used mag and blew right through one.  I have done the sorties each day after using mag lol.  Havent even died.  Im never first in stats, im not using my best gear,  but im usually second in damage and kills.   

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24 minutes ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_ said:

I have been using mag alot lately.   I do NOT build around magnetize.   I focus on pulse.  I hate that pulse and crush do NOT work off the same loadout.   Crush needs RANGE/STR.   Pulse needs DUR/STR.  You can not have all 3 of those so you have to choose.  

Duration needs to kick rocks.   Mag should be all about range/str which would benefit ALL of her kit.  

I agree crush is kind of weak for an ultimate.  

The only thing I want for Mag though is damage reduction.  shields dont stop crap later on so it doesnt matter how many u got or how strong they are.  The only reason my mag survives now is because im insta killing everything around me with melee.   Shield Gating has helped and is nice on all frames.  

I recently decided to finally try sorties.  I have almost 4k hours in game and never ran a complete one.  I used mag and blew right through one.  I have done the sorties each day after using mag lol.  Havent even died.  Im never first in stats, im not using my best gear,  but im usually second in damage and kills.   

Strongly concur with this.


The other difference I would like to see implemented (possibly in addition Sentinel/Companion/Moa)is varying Shield Regen stats: % of Shields Regenerated per sec and also the Shield regeneration delay amount.

Maybe implemented as an additional passive on Mag that she boosts her companion's Shield Regen (Pets/Sentinel/Moa)

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vor 45 Minuten schrieb Acersecomic:

Today I killed more enemies and did more damage with Mag than a Saryn did.
Also it is able to beat Mesa in terms of kills and damage on some maps.
Saryn and Mesa are two most broken OP frames in the game that need serious changes and or nerfs.

Mag is just fine and does just fine in terms of fun and efficiency 🙂 At least for me.

Her 1 I mostly use to either clear fodder or pull enemies into her 3 faster.
Her 2 is an excellent barrier and a hell of a dps bubble.
Her 4 has an excellent support effect but in terms of damage is... mediocre.

As I said shes not useless, I had some good runs with her too^^. But saying that other frames can do the job better is probably the wrong choice of words. Other frames can do the same but easier, is more fitting I guess. Crowd control and killing is much easier with a Saryn, Mesa, an Equinox or even Octavia.

And while I agree on ur point with the abilitys, nothing of this would get lost, only improved (except 2). And even more, her abbilitys could work together much better.

1. U can still kill fodder with it and kill everything else with ur melee. And u dont have tull them into ur 3rd since it moves faster.
2. She gets more surviveabbility with the shield drain and if want to keep the bubble u can use the Augment I imagine for her 3rd.
4. Stays basicly the same but with more dmg so its finally worth the 100 energy

Edited by V_a_IN_Q_u_i_S
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My only real issue with her is her 3rd. It used to be magnificent, and while I understand the nerf, it still feels like they hit it way too hard. It’s barely worth using right now. If you want shields and armour stripping, crush does both of those better. 

The bubble buff makes me moist tbh, she’s back to being my most used frame because of it. It’s easily one of my favourite abilities, I love how well it synergises with so many weapons. Bubble is also hands down one of the best ways to deal with Disruption targets, they usually die before they can nullify it (though I do personally feel like ALL enemies in the bubble should take more damage, just because it would make her so broken haha.)

Edited by (PS4)DidelphisV
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36 minutes ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_ said:

The only thing I want for Mag though is damage reduction.  shields dont stop crap later on so it doesnt matter how many u got or how strong they are.  The only reason my mag survives now is because im insta killing everything around me with melee.   Shield Gating has helped and is nice on all frames.  

Are you not using Adaptation? That usually keeps me alive well into the 150+ levels. Between adaptation, shield gating and crush, I find her very tanky these days

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vor 36 Minuten schrieb (PS4)AbBaNdOn_:

I have been using mag alot lately.   I do NOT build around magnetize.   I focus on pulse.  I hate that pulse and crush do NOT work off the same loadout.   Crush needs RANGE/STR.   Pulse needs DUR/STR.  You can not have all 3 of those so you have to choose.  

Duration needs to kick rocks.   Mag should be all about range/str which would benefit ALL of her kit.  

I agree crush is kind of weak for an ultimate.  

The only thing I want for Mag though is damage reduction.  shields dont stop crap later on so it doesnt matter how many u got or how strong they are.  The only reason my mag survives now is because im insta killing everything around me with melee.   Shield Gating has helped and is nice on all frames.  

I recently decided to finally try sorties.  I have almost 4k hours in game and never ran a complete one.  I used mag and blew right through one.  I have done the sorties each day after using mag lol.  Havent even died.  Im never first in stats, im not using my best gear,  but im usually second in damage and kills.   

I tried to change the fact that can't build for all in the overhaul, I forgot to write it but the 3rd should not be affected by duration because it would make the wave slow again.

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vor einer Stunde schrieb (PS4)DidelphisV:

My only real issue with her is her 3rd. It used to be magnificent, and while I understand the nerf, it still feels like they hit it way too hard. It’s barely worth using right now. If you want shields and armour stripping, crush does both of those better. 

The bubble buff makes me moist tbh, she’s back to being my most used frame because of it. It’s easily one of my favourite abilities, I love how well it synergises with so many weapons. Bubble is also hands down one of the best ways to deal with Disruption targets, they usually die before they can nullify it (though I do personally feel like ALL enemies in the bubble should take more damage, just because it would make her so broken haha.)

I tried to fix the weak 3rd with the shield scaling. And while I like the high dmg of her 2nd I dislike it even more for the stated reason. But I tried to make a compromise with the Augment for the 3rd. Just give it a decent amount of range for the pull in effect and u should be good. I also would remove her 2nd because I think it would be broke to have 3 dmg dealing abbilitys.

Edited by V_a_IN_Q_u_i_S
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54 minutes ago, V_a_IN_Q_u_i_S said:

I tried to fix the weak 3rd with the shield scaling. And while I like the high dmg of her 2nd I dislike it even more for the stated reason. But I tried to make a compromise with the Augment for the 3rd. Just give it a decent amount of range for the pull in effect and u should be good. I also would remove her 3nd beacause I think it would be broke to have 3 dmg dealing abbilitys.

Yeah I 100% agree with making her 3rd scale, although that’s basically what it did back in the old day’s and they had to remove that since it could clear an entire corpus tile set in a single cast hahaha.Hell even tripling it’s base damage would be a decent start though, so the flat damage it does could actually achieve something past level 40 ;-; 

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Mag is interesting, versatile and much more.

She is currently in one of the best states any Warframe could possibly ever be and people ask more, she is literally one of the last frames that need changes at the moment. Now, with all of this said, the only small complaint or issue I know people and me in a slight sense is that Crush should certainly deal more damage, not exorbitant or tremendous scaling, unless they made ALL Damage based WF abilities always scale with enemy level.

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7 hours ago, V_a_IN_Q_u_i_S said:

4. "Mag grabes enemys around her and crushes them with her power while magnetising them so they attract sharp metal parts, bullets and debries." The abbility has multiple dmg types: Slash, Impact, puncture and Magnetic with guaranteed status. It also restores some shield like it is currently. I imagine the abbility as something like this (Battlefront 2 player will get flashbacks from this):

Of course, I saw the video of something suggesting something else from another game and I just skipped most of what was written.
This is the one suggestion that I believe should be 100% in her kit, thinking on it Polarize shards just being pulled only onto magnetize bubbles is... not the best to try to grab all the shards lying about, Crush having this so it can also have more nuke value would easily solve of these problems.
Regarding the Status however, I believe it's completely unnecessary.

I believe Polarize wave is fine in speed, it could be increased slightly, to 1.2x or so, doesn't need to be that fast really, sluggish but covers a giant area.

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7 hours ago, V_a_IN_Q_u_i_S said:

1. Keep it as it is but make Enemies land in front of her insted of flying around and give them a short stun maybe.

I don't care about  the rest, but this one by itself would make me play Mag a lot more.

(Double Extra Super Bonus Points for adding a  press and hold option where you could drag victims around with the cursor. :devil: )

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12 hours ago, V_a_IN_Q_u_i_S said:

4. "Mag grabes enemys around her and crushes them with her power while magnetising them so they attract sharp metal parts, bullets and debries." The abbility has multiple dmg types: Slash, Impact, puncture and Magnetic with guaranteed status. It also restores some shield like it is currently. I imagine the abbility as something like this (Battlefront 2 player will get flashbacks from this):

Her 4th ability was state after the new intro trailer to one day be the same as she collects enemy bullets  in a bubble and then shoots it the enemies. Not sure why its taking them so long to do so.

As of now her 4th ability doesn't really blend into the rest of her kit. I believe a better use of any kit would be to have all the abilities work with one another the way they reworked the latest frames instead of solo abilities that don't depend on each other, Nehza, Wukong, Titania and Ember and Gauss. Therefore if they keep her kit similar to how it is, the 4th ability should have a 10 second count down to half the energy cost of all abilities. Within this count down allow her either precasted or cast ability 3 and 2 to be spammed. Then before the count down runs out press her 1st ability to pull enemies in but most importantly her bubbles that have been buffed with 3rd ability and explodes targeting enemies within range. Ability 2 now collects enemy bullets and her own. Thus this 2nd ability could be a self killing ability on enemies.

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12 hours ago, V_a_IN_Q_u_i_S said:

As I said shes not useless, I had some good runs with her too^^. But saying that other frames can do the job better is probably the wrong choice of words. Other frames can do the same but easier, is more fitting I guess. Crowd control and killing is much easier with a Saryn, Mesa, an Equinox or even Octavia.

And while I agree on ur point with the abilitys, nothing of this would get lost, only improved (except 2). And even more, her abbilitys could work together much better.

1. U can still kill fodder with it and kill everything else with ur melee. And u dont have tull them into ur 3rd since it moves faster.
2. She gets more surviveabbility with the shield drain and if want to keep the bubble u can use the Augment I imagine for her 3rd.
4. Stays basicly the same but with more dmg so its finally worth the 100 energy

Don't forget her ability to strip enemy armor with her 3 as well and overcharging allied shields which gets an extra hell yeah with the shieldgating 🙂

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Changing her 2 to do what her 3 & 4 does, as in replenishing shields? No thank you. It's a stupid idea to change the single best ability Mag has just to make it an unnecessary "shieldheal".

Her 3rd scaling with her shield amount is a nice idea. Her 4 just need to pick enemies up and drag them in the air where you point the cursor, and it will be a great ability that would synergize with the rest of the kit by grouping enemies for better Magnetize utilization and harder crowd explosions with her Polarize.

Otherwise, please don't change Mag. Your suggestion changes the main ability in her kit, makes her less interesting and less versatile.

Edited by Bristoling
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11 hours ago, ScytodiDaedalus said:

Mag is interesting, versatile and much more.

She is currently in one of the best states any Warframe could possibly ever be and people ask more, she is literally one of the last frames that need changes at the moment. Now, with all of this said, the only small complaint or issue I know people and me in a slight sense is that Crush should certainly deal more damage, not exorbitant or tremendous scaling, unless they made ALL Damage based WF abilities always scale with enemy level.

Yes and no. She is good, but also has issues. Passive is obsolete and needs to be changed. Skill 1 is not working as intended and not worth using. And QOL make skill 2 not require a target.

When these things are addressed, she could be in "one of the best states any Warframe could possibly ever be." 

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12 minutes ago, (PS4)thegarada said:

. And QOL make skill 2 not require a target.


The problem with that is that it immediately loses a massive part of its functionality; Currently The target you cast it on takes massively increased damage from all sources.

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I definately agree the @thegarada.   I think her 2 should work like Nidus 2 (larva).  You cast larva at surfaces.  The great thing is they made it so larva moves 1-2 meters off a surfacec and THEN pulls.  

Mag and her magnetize should work exactly the same.  You just aim at surfaces to cast.  And then the bubble does not appear until its a little bit away from that surface.

The damage multiplier prob applies to everything in the bubble, not just the target you cast it on.  Besides you can also hit stuff with 3 to multiply the damage they take.  I tried that stuff in simulator and it seems like it works but they have very short durations.   Dont know if they stack.  Dont know the meta order your suppose to cast all her stuff.  


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4 hours ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_ said:

I definately agree the @thegarada.   I think her 2 should work like Nidus 2 (larva).  You cast larva at surfaces.  The great thing is they made it so larva moves 1-2 meters off a surfacec and THEN pulls.  

Mag and her magnetize should work exactly the same.  You just aim at surfaces to cast.  And then the bubble does not appear until its a little bit away from that surface.

The damage multiplier prob applies to everything in the bubble, not just the target you cast it on.  Besides you can also hit stuff with 3 to multiply the damage they take.  I tried that stuff in simulator and it seems like it works but they have very short durations.   Dont know if they stack.  Dont know the meta order your suppose to cast all her stuff.  


3 doesn’t multiply the damage they take, it just does more damage against whatever you cast Bubble on. Casting her 2nd on an enemy and then using her 3rd will do a lot more damage to the initial target (and strip more armour/shields in the process)

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You're changes are quite significant.  She really doesn't need much changes.

Pull is pretty fine as is.  If I were to make any change to it at all it would be if she targets an enemy inside a magnetize bubble it turns the bubble into an "AoE" pull of it's own.  To pull more enemies in.  It ragdolling enemies is one of the few instances where ragdoll is 100% fine.  It's a quick AoE cheap cc to get enemies off of you.  Not really for grouping enemies.  Magnetize is meant to group enemies.

Magnetize itself can receive some QoL in how it interacts with things like innate multishot, crits, etc.  Should also do a better job at keeping enemies inside it without throwing them around or anything.  Would also be nice to be able to manually detonate the bubble without use of an augment.  Someone else could probably do a better job detailing it's inconsistencies.  Having polarize scale better would be nice.  But we have to keep in mind DE changed it in part to how it used to nuke enemies.

Crush is underwhelming yes.  IIRC it's only current niche use aside from low level nuking is to combine with her augment and a slova to force enemies to never get up.  Not sure what i'd do to it to be honest.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

You're changes are quite significant.  She really doesn't need much changes.

Pull is pretty fine as is.  If I were to make any change to it at all it would be if she targets an enemy inside a magnetize bubble it turns the bubble into an "AoE" pull of it's own.  To pull more enemies in.  It ragdolling enemies is one of the few instances where ragdoll is 100% fine.  It's a quick AoE cheap cc to get enemies off of you.  Not really for grouping enemies.  Magnetize is meant to group enemies.

Magnetize itself can receive some QoL in how it interacts with things like innate multishot, crits, etc.  Should also do a better job at keeping enemies inside it without throwing them around or anything.  Would also be nice to be able to manually detonate the bubble without use of an augment.  Someone else could probably do a better job detailing it's inconsistencies.  Having polarize scale better would be nice.  But we have to keep in mind DE changed it in part to how it used to nuke enemies.

Crush is underwhelming yes.  IIRC it's only current niche use aside from low level nuking is to combine with her augment and a slova to force enemies to never get up.  Not sure what i'd do to it to be honest.

I actually think PC just got a hotfix that stopped enemies sliding around in the bubble as much. Crush also generates overshields for mag and nearby allies, which makes her significantly harder to kill (especially paired with Natural Talent ❤️ )

It would be nice for crit to apply to the bubble DoT, but i think they don’t allow it because it would simply be too much damage. A good rubico can do over a million damage per shot on a crit, so having 25% of that in the bubble would be obscenely powerful. I mean, I’m totally all for it but I do see their reasoning behind it

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If Crush was any stronger, I'd be killing everything before I can make use of overcharging everyone with Overshields. Though if I wanted them dead, I suppose I can just use Polarize first.

Also I feel Mag should get a buff to her sprint speed, at least to 1.1.

Asking for Counter-pulse augment to be built in...probably too much? Imma still ask for it.


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Mag is my favourite and most used frame in the game. What i would like to see is her 1 and 2 to synergize more, enemies pulled inside the bubble stay there, and float helplessly (like singularity from Mass Effect). Make it also be castable  in any surface, and press again to detonate (by aiming at the already existing bubble). Her 1 should bring opponents to her, not past her. Her 3 is fine i guess, nothing comes to mind for that ability. And her 4 should at least do a bit more damage, other than that, its pretty neat (giving overshields and CCing enemies )

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