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Nidus needs a health buff


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12 minutes ago, TeaHawk said:

Shield gating is a very powerful feature. Combined with recent buffs to armor/shields, this invention compromise the unwritten standards of tankiness, especially for Nidus who has not seen none of them. That's slightly unfair.

Nidus has his immortality passive.



2 hours ago, zhellon said:

It would be great if Nezha stayed that way) 

If you like Nezha, hope he doesnt. This severely limits his EHP, and you'll find yourself fighting lvl 300 enemies as if they were lvl 9999.

Edited by T-Shark69
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23 minutes ago, T-Shark69 said:
If you like Nezha, hope he doesnt. This severely limits his EHP, and you'll find yourself fighting lvl 300 enemies as if they were lvl 9999.

Well I'm still waiting for the halo to affect objects to figure out if it will be an OP, given the invulnerability when the DP ends, or not.

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1 hour ago, T-Shark69 said:

Nidus has his immortality passive.

Except it works mostly like shield-gating, except that you need to build up stacks, which is not the case with shield gating. And don't you forget, it is his main feature. Now every S#&$ty frame has that. That's stupid.

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16 minutes ago, TeaHawk said:

Except it works mostly like shield-gating, except that you need to build up stacks, which is not the case with shield gating. And don't you forget, it is his main feature. Now every S#&$ty frame has that. That's stupid.

Well, shieldgating only protects for 1 second if you charged the shields 100% before triggering, and less if you didn't have time to charge it. Shieldgating will not protect against toxin. And shields don't have as much EHP as health and armor. Nidus has both the healthgating advantage in full almost always and all the health benefits with armor and DR. I think that gaining 15 stacks for such a big advantage is not such a bad price, especially since if you do in umbra build, you will actually almost never use healthgate in actual content, because your HP just can't run out.

If anything, it's much easier than the healthgate Garuda.

Edited by zhellon
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3 hours ago, zhellon said:
3 hours ago, T-Shark69 said:
Nezha can outtank anyone right now. Some bug in the mainline made it so he has 100% dmg resistance with Halo.

That said a naked Excalibur could tank an Orb Mother explosion and Inaros couldn't. I'm ok with turning this thread into Inaros shaming, maybe the devs will notice and make him useful with the prime.

It would be great if Nezha stayed that way) 

Fixed.  Thankfully.

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6 minutes ago, zhellon said:

Well, shieldgating only protects for 1 second if you charged the shields 100% before triggering, and less if you didn't have time to charge it. Shieldgating will not protect against toxin. And shields don't have as much EHP as health and armor. Nidus has both the healthgating advantage in full almost always and all the health benefits with armor and DR. I think that gaining 15 stacks for such a big advantage is not such a bad price, especially since if you do in umbra build, you will actually almost never use healthgate in actual content, because your HP just can't run out.

If anything, it's much easier than the healthgate Garuda.

Let's speak honestly now. Nidus was the same before this update. No one was complaining about its tankiness. This update everyone (counting other powerfull tanks) except Nidus. That's quite an unfair treatment. Don you think?

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On 2020-05-10 at 11:24 PM, (PS4)DidelphisV said:

Honestly yeah. I’m tired of infested just one-shotting his *@##$ ass. Yeah he can tether to targets for damage reduction but that has a limited range so it restricts his mobility. Without shield gating, he’s way too frail. He’s only tanky if he’s tethered and sitting in his infested patch, and that is an incredibly dull playstyle. Imho

though I personally think he needs a  rework anyway, his damage does not scale at all and stacks take way too long to build up. I mostly just use him for his 1st’s augment these days 

Just because you don´t know how to play whith him, it doesn't mean jhe needs a rework.
There are videos of him fighting against +1000 level...
His damage is pretty good ( is 1 kills levl 300 in 1/2 shots).
In a survvival i only need 5 min to get + 50 stacks =( 3 lifes), after 10 min i have all 100 stacks.
His 3 has a very good default range.
Sorry, but we are not playing the same game....


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10 minutes ago, TeaHawk said:

Let's speak honestly now. Nidus was the same before this update. No one was complaining about its tankiness. This update everyone (counting other powerfull tanks) except Nidus. That's quite an unfair treatment. Don you think?

I think the shields are not needed by Nidus. And I think hp doesn't need Nidus either, because it's much more resilient than Inaros. In any case, you can always use shields on nidus using shield ospray. But why, when you can use an ancient healer and have protection in range of 1.6-16kk EHP? Although, you can use both anyway.


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2 minutes ago, T-Shark69 said:

How so? With shield gate other frames are still not as tanky.

And should they? Nidus is tanky. It is one of its features. What about Rhini then? Why the hell he got buffed? Explain me plz

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On 2020-05-11 at 2:27 AM, T-Shark69 said:

From the guy that brought you Rhino needs more armor : Nidus needs more health!

I can't wait for Mesa needs more damage!

Really..Rhino more armor? now i understand why this thread from OP.
He only can play Inaros.
Some people don't know how this game works, or how to play well..damn....


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4 minutes ago, Alexcavalera said:

Really..Rhino more armor? now i understand why this thread from OP.

He only can play Inaros.

Some people don't know how this game works, or how to play well..damn....

If it can really play like Inaros. Inaros is a frame that relies more on equipment than abilities. Nidus is rather the literal opposite. A similar comparison can be made with Hildryn and Revenant.

My point is that Inaros is also not a good frame for those who have not learned the power of weapons.

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1 hour ago, TeaHawk said:

Explain me plz

No, you explain. Why are you so bothered by unpopular frames not getting one shot while still miles away from the EHP of the true tanks of the game. Why are you even brining Rhino in the mix, a base frame people sell anw? What is the point of the whining over 25 armor?

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9 hours ago, Alexcavalera said:

Really..Rhino more armor? now i understand why this thread from OP.
He only can play Inaros.
Some people don't know how this game works, or how to play well..damn....


I have played almost every warframe. Inaros bored me he was too easy. Nidus requires stacks. Limbo doesn't suck. Ember a nuke. Trinity for healer. Wisp bored me so I delete her.  Nova was fun. Nyx was a blast. Mag was fun to destroy my enemies. Mesa was ok. Nekros boring. Hydroid was strange. Rhino just too boring. Loki was fun until Ivara. Mirage Prime is  beautiful. Nezha was fun.  I use to main as Frost Prime. Then main saryn prime. Now maining Atlas Prime. Soon Inaros prime. Would I main a Nidus prime? Nope add him to my collection of primes. Nezha prime I might. Wukong prime was fun. I have 27 primes I lack the founders primes. Excalibur Unbra is on my shelf collecting dusk. 

I feel bad for nidus. Using Nidus is a handicap. More health helps with that handicap.

Edited by (PS4)Captain_Bonecold
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2 hours ago, (PS4)Captain_Bonecold said:

Using Nidus is a handicap.

Using any frame for it's intended use can be a handicap. You can't expect a frame like Nidus to be played like a glass cannon like Mirage. If you are using Nidus to survive less than lvl 150 enemies, you better do a double take on your play-style. He simply shines best during long survival runs. If you try using him for hunting Eidolons and then cry about him having less health, than the fault lies on you as a player. 

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First of all, you don't seem to understand why Nidus needs a slight buff. I'm not discussing on how good/bad he currently is. Nidus is definetly one of the tankiest frames in the game who can easily go past lvl300+ and this even before enemies nerf. He is good. However there's the list of warframes which were slightly or significantly buffed during Warframe Revised:

Ash: 65 to 100
Ash Prime: 150 to 175
Banshee: 15 to 100
Banshee Prime: 65 to 125
Baruuk: 150 to 175
Ember: 100 to 125
Ember Prime: 125 to 150
Equinox: 100 to 125
Equinox Prime: 120 to 150
Gara: 125 to 150
Gauss: 150 to 175
Harrow: 150 to 175
Hydroid: 200 to 225
Hydroid Prime: 250 to 275
Inaros: 200 to 225
Ivara: 65 to 100
Ivara Prime: 65 to 125
Limbo: 65 to 100
Limbo Prime: 85 to 125
Loki: 65 to 100
Loki Prime: 65 to 125
Mag: 65 to 100
Mag Prime: 65 to 125
Mesa: 65 to 100
Mesa Prime: 85 to 125
Mirage: 65 to 100
Mirage Prime: 150 to 175
Nekros: 65 to 100
Nekros Prime: 65 to 125
Nezha: 175 to 190
Nova: 65 to 100
Nova Prime: 65 to 125
Nyx: 15 to 100
Nyx Prime: 50 to 125
Oberon: 150 to 175 
Octavia: 125 to 150
Revenant: 105 to 125
Rhino: 190 to 225
Titania: 65 to 100
Trinity: 15 to 100
Trinity Prime: 15 to 125
Vauban: 50 to 150
Vauban Prime: 100 to 200
Volt: 15 to 100
Volt Prime: 100 to 125
Wisp: 150 to 175
Zephyr: 15 to 100
Zephyr Prime: 75 to 125


Some of those needed a buff, but some clearly did not: Whisp, Nezha, Oberon and Harrow already were good for example. Along with above-mentioned buffs all these frames got a shield-gating which is a very powerful mechanic when it comes to survival.

Nidus has not got neither of that. It seems that Nidus was deliberately left behind, meanwhile every frame had become tankier. If you use some logic for instance, that would help you to deduce, that Nidus has become less tanky compared to all frames, when before. I'm trying to understand why the #*!% should I sit here and pretend to listen that stupid pile of crap coming out of your mouth, meanwhile my main frame is not getting a slight insignificant joke-buff along the others?

In the other words, Nidus's strength is not put into question — the consistency of this update is.

That's the point.

Edited by LascarCapable
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I don't play Nidus more than once a month with luck. you know why?

because he's braindead-levels of tanky if you even BOTHER modding and using him to 50% of his potential.

you ignore every argument proving this fact, or divert into tangents. You're talking about Nidus, so quit bringing Inaros into the equation - Nidus and Inaros are completely different tank types.

for the record, Wisp and to an extent Oberon are closer to Nidus's way of tanking things, in which they both combine extremely high health regeneration with damage mitigation and energy refunds. But that's besides the point.

You're obsessed. you have what, six? threads? about Nidus going Umbra and getting buffed, about Nidus getting more HP, or more abilities... what the hell is your issue with Nidus? is powercreep not powerfull enough for you??? what would you even use Nidus for?

the reason I barely touch him is because, after playing for 6 years and mastering 90% of warframes, Nidus is not the most optimal choice for any of the content I do. he's a great tank. but I've gotten to a point where I -don't- need tanks to do well. I prefer mobility, sustainability, and directness. Nidus needing his own mini-game of collecting stacks means I really can't feel like I'm using him well for a few minutes, and most of my missions are over before that happens. damage? I main Banshee and Nova. if it's tankyness I need, I just bring Gara, she's pleeeeeeeeeeeeenty tanky for literally all content I can think of, or be bothered to reach level whatever-the-hell because rewards don't scale and my time is precious.

I don't use Nidus because he feels too strong for 90% of the content I do. and I do what is, according to the game's design, "end-game". now this *might* change with the inclusin of Hard/Ultrahard mode, but... to be fair, I doubt it will, since I don't even get winded soloing Lich5 missions with most of my options. I don't use him for the same reason I don't really bother using Inaros: by the time enemies become a menace that justifies the sheer amount of tanking these choices have, I'd have completed the mission ten times over. If you're going into endless missions, that's your choice; but the core game was NOT balanced with that in mind, and everyone knows it, so using that as an argument just isn't a valid proposition.

Asking to buff him is the same as "you know nuclear bombs? the superweapons that delete half a province from the map? yeah they suck, THEY NEED MORE DAMAGE".

So no.

if your Nidus somehow is failing you survival-wise, maybe you should remove that stick you have up your ass, stop sounding like you know how to use him, and actually mod and understand his abilities properly. your condescending and dismissive tone despite repeated proof your arguments are unfounded is not conductive to a proper discussion.

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3 hours ago, TeaHawk said:

Nidus's strength is not put into question — the consistency of this update is.

I'd say what's being put into question is the ungodly amount of buthurt you and op are having over 25 extra armor.  No one is putting Nidus' tankiness into question. All replies are just berrating your logic. Justly so as anyone butthurt over single digit DR increase that asks for double the amount of EHP in return, deserves.

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I also don`t play Nidus that much but not for the reason you think. It`s coz he was not what I was expecting, I was expecting his to be similar to the monsters in resident evil.

I like the 1st ability but I don`t like the fact that you have to spam the ability, the 2nd ability is ok, I don`t like the 3rd coz it keeps you in one place as for putting it on allies they won`t stay near you for it to be useful and I don`t like defensive abilities that are the 4th ability on a warframe, most of the content is you running from point A to B.

I imagined Nidus` 4th ability would be for him to use his claws in combat with its own stance and the more he kills the more damage he does and the faster he moves overtime adapting making him less likely to be knocked down, resistant to status procs and get a damage reduction increase.

If his 4th was like that, I would use him a lot and would make me want to get the prime version of him.

Edited by (PS4)Vexx757
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5 hours ago, (PS4)Vexx757 said:

I don`t like the 3rd coz it keeps you in one place as for putting it on allies they won`t stay near you for it to be useful and I don`t like defensive abilities that are the 4th ability on a warframe, most of the content is you running from point A to B.

This is something that I hope will change in the future, because this is just a race, not a slasher. 

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On 2020-05-12 at 1:44 AM, (PS4)Captain_Bonecold said:

Not a single youtube video has nidus fighting sentinents solo.

I want to see an ungeared nidus run. 

i don't understand how that's relevant for anything. you can Kill Sentients with any Warframe. what is your point.

i want to see you 'run' anything 'ungeared' whatever that means. logically that should mean unmodded, so go ahead and play stuff unmodded, i guess? 

On 2020-05-12 at 9:55 AM, TeaHawk said:

Shield gating is a very powerful feature. Combined with recent buffs to armor/shields, this invention compromise the unwritten standards of tankiness, especially for Nidus who has not seen none of them. That's slightly unfair.

it's not unfair at all. Nidus has tons of DR to stack, something Warframes generally do not have. Nidus is one of the few Warframes that both has a DR Ability and has high Armor. and the two forms of Regen.
not having Shieldgate is not a big deal whence considering that.


6 hours ago, (PS4)Vexx757 said:

I don`t like defensive abilities that are the 4th ability on a warframe

I imagined Nidus` 4th ability would be for him to use his claws in combat with its own stance and the more he kills the more damage he does and the faster he moves overtime adapting making him less likely to be knocked down, resistant to status procs and get a damage reduction increase.

If his 4th was like that, I would use him a lot and would make me want to get the prime version of him.

stop living in League of Lame-os. the Ability Slots are just 4 Ability Slots.
and why does every Warframe have to have the least imagiintive Ability possible - a reskin of one of the hundreds of Weapons we already have. how is that better in any way than a Mechanical Abiilty. congrats, you throw away Abilities that give you unique tools for a generic Weapon.

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20 hours ago, Nehra96 said:

Using any frame for it's intended use can be a handicap. You can't expect a frame like Nidus to be played like a glass cannon like Mirage. If you are using Nidus to survive less than lvl 150 enemies, you better do a double take on your play-style. He simply shines best during long survival runs. If you try using him for hunting Eidolons and then cry about him having less health, than the fault lies on you as a player. 

I prefer to use my Immortal atlas prime build. 

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8 hours ago, T-Shark69 said:

I'd say what's being put into question is the ungodly amount of buthurt you and op are having over 25 extra armor.  No one is putting Nidus' tankiness into question. All replies are just berrating your logic. Justly so as anyone butthurt over single digit DR increase that asks for double the amount of EHP in return, deserves.

What logic? Would you be able at least to reformulate my point?

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