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I just hate riven rolling....


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16 hours ago, (PS4)Sentiel said:

I don't believe Rivens are completely optional. For some weapons, they can be mandatory.

Recent example I had is Astilla. 

I really like the weapon but it's recoil is too strong for me and my head starts to hurt. The real problem is that DE forgot to put Recoil dampening mods for shotguns in the game, so my only choices were to stop using the gun or get a Riven with -Weapon Recoil.


That said! Rolling Rivens is exercise at futility. I had a Battacor Riven with 300 rolls and all were S#&$e. Imagine the wasted Kuva and effort...

The problem solved itself when I bought the Riven I wanted, and that's what I do since then. Sell stuff I don't need and instead of wasting my time and effort on RNG, pay for someone else's good luck.

I highly recommend doing the same.

I can relate regarding shotguns and the problem with recoil, I have 2 very good hek rivens, wonder I would consider a top role on paper (CC, CD, dmg and a negative). Unfortunately the already bad recoil is multiplied further with the negative being + recoil. So if I use that riven I have to hip fire only, no point trying to aim.

I wish DE would add a recoil mod for shotguns..

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Wait, are you telling me that slot machines aren't a fun progression system? Who woulda thunk...


Also the amount of "don't like it, don't do it" in this thread is depressing. Rivens are a part of the game, in fact they are the only avenue we have further invest into our favorite weapons. I would hope such a system would have as wide of an appeal as possible. If someone isn't please with the system they have every right to complain about it and wish for it to be better.

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3 hours ago, Acersecomic said:

I know what you're saying mate but... most rolls I roll are not worth keeping. I mean like really idiotic rolls that have no place or worth on almost any weapon or are just wrong for that weapon...

I have some utility rivens that are just such joy. I'm not looking for god rolls, just improvement. Like... having CC on my riven. But that doesn't happen unless the riven also has -150% damage or nonsense like that you know... it's just... Or when I rolled a perfect roll for a weapon with three perfect stats for that weapon and.... -130% something damage.

Getting mixed results is still fine but... complete and utter trash rolling for hours of work is just... so... deflating... If we could turn rivens into kuva, there would be a booming market for people who have like a 100+ rolls on their rivens. I have a clanmate with meh rolls on HIS 150+ ROLLS, MULTIPLE RIVENS! Tell me how you roll over 300-400 times on rivens and get nothing?

Dont want to say man, it sounds like ur incredibly unlucky 😄

though I can relate recently, been re-rolling a sybaris riven with pretty bad results. I only reroll a riven a few times and if I get very poor results I look to trade for something else.


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only reason they suck is because there's no auction house.... every time i wanna buy one with relevant stats people want over 500 plat which is why i've never bought a riv from tc with the exception of a rip-off boltor riv for 200 near their inception... (never again neh?)


rivs free up slots so you can do more varied builds. they're not a band-aid to anything. if they took rivs out and didn't expand the open slots on frames and weapons i'd quit playing since with only 8-10 freaking slots everyone would have the same exact builds and that'd be laaaaaaame

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4 hours ago, (XB1)x ARTaco x said:

only reason they suck is because there's no auction house.... every time i wanna buy one with relevant stats people want over 500 plat which is why i've never bought a riv from tc with the exception of a rip-off boltor riv for 200 near their inception... (never again neh?)


rivs free up slots so you can do more varied builds. they're not a band-aid to anything. if they took rivs out and didn't expand the open slots on frames and weapons i'd quit playing since with only 8-10 freaking slots everyone would have the same exact builds and that'd be laaaaaaame

Almost all the builds are already the same because there's like 6+ slots that are locked into things like serration and split chamber and the flex slots are choosing what elements you want on your weapon.  Most of the mods are garbage in this game so you have no reason to use them unless you just don't have all the mods.  

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1 hour ago, (XB1)COA Altair said:

Almost all the builds are already the same because there's like 6+ slots that are locked into things like serration and split chamber and the flex slots are choosing what elements you want on your weapon.  Most of the mods are garbage in this game so you have no reason to use them unless you just don't have all the mods.  

i know this

1 hour ago, (XB1)COA Altair said:

rivs free up slots so you can do more varied builds


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I kinda feel that if Warframe wants to claim itself as a looter game it actually implements features  of looter games, such as spending extra resources to have guaranteed rolls on stats at a more competitive level.

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i tend to farm my kuva in arbitrations, i find it more enjoyable than kuva missions; probably not the best place but if you get a good arbitration it can certainly be pretty quick. it also trains you to play better over all (at least imo) the challenge of going a couple hours into a mission where no one can die without penalty is fun; at least with one other person in your group sometimes its pretty frustrating in a full on pub game. 

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The best advice what I can give you is just roll once if that roll not your likes then just skip it. I do not investing into the rivens actively and nor farming them. Less stress and more remaining kuva is your reward.

Edited by Serafinia
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11 hours ago, Serafinia said:

The best advice what I can give you is just roll once if that roll not your likes then just skip it. I do not investing into the rivens actively and nor farming them. Less stress and more remaining kuva is your reward.

I only roll the rivens I want to use but the issue is if I wanted to keep low roll I'd have to keep getting the rivens for that specific weapon, and buying that is not cheap and not what I want to do in the first place.

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Technically rolling a riven isn't a mission....(ya, I'm that guy)

I have no issue rolling them to get a decent/useable roll, I feel like trying for the perfect roll is a waste of time and Kuva though.  Just get something usable and be done with it. My biggest issue is the anxiety and uncertainty I get when I get a roll I like and is usable, and then start rolling it again and see a "potentially" and "slightly" better roll pop up....indecision takes hold at that point, I hate that.  

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if like a riven has still crap stats for 10-20+ rolls i just sell it as trash riven for plat or reroll it,if i get a riven for a wep im not going to build or not interested in ill just straight out sell it even if its meta if i get a riven for a wep that i used on but no longer intrested in(my tonkor riven is -puncture,cc and cd ill soon sell it cuase im getting bored out of kuva tonkor honestly)

I sold an unrolled plague kripath okay riven for 50P,kinda rolled my tib riv but i decide to not use tib prime since i have kuva hind already but i dunno nobody wants to buy it,i think it has okay good stats? ill check later then edit this.

Trying too hard to roll a riven sell a groll is just too much of work and hoping for something that comes once in 999999999 rolls,just roll whenever u feel like it or dont and sell it as it is.

I dont really get the guys who roll their riven 50-100+ times lol

Edited by (PS4)grayhyh
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I get why someone would roll 50-100 times.
Me personally I would re-roll only rivens of the weapons that I like/use.
My favorite weapons (my zaw nikana) I rolled a lot as well as my kuva karak riven.
Still not happy with them.
But every once in a while I will do a few more roles.
So the trick is not to re roll it 50 times in a row.
Lets say do 3 rolls in a week.
That way the kuva expense is spread out at a pace that is easily kept up.

As for the roll it self its completely random.
I got a almost godly redeemer riven after 2 rolls.
Same with the aksomati after 4 rolls.
So yeah RNG plays a big factor.
But rivens can realy make your favorite weapon more fun, or more powerfull or finaly usable/viable at lvl 50+

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14 hours ago, Acersecomic said:

I only roll the rivens I want to use but the issue is if I wanted to keep low roll I'd have to keep getting the rivens for that specific weapon, and buying that is not cheap and not what I want to do in the first place.

Almost the same but I just do once with these rivens. I have a strict policy on rivens if once the stats not positive then just keep the old stats then never roll that riven again. I know if you like some riven and want to use a specific riven for your liked gear is different a bit than a riven with not used gear but still the rivens in my opinion just additions so I don't waste kuva on it. Despite this I know this is a rng problem and would be solved if they limit the randomity a bit. 

Buying riven is not always cheap but you can get rivens cheaper with closer to your aimed stats. As I don't want to buy rivens I just use the ones what I am getting then passing the not needed ones to friends or randoms.

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