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DE, the valkyr augment is almost perfect! Just remove the energy drain :)


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title says all, if u feel it's unbalanced, just tweak the timer.


I'm actually very happy with the new build i can run with, umbral to tank anything and go enraged to regain health or burst heavy targets.


Energy drain feels wrong tho 


Sarun augmetn is meh, Atlas is also meh cuz it requires spamming 4, Nidus requires spamming 1 so it's the same problem.

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I also don't like the idea of duration, since my playstyle is using hysteria + hunter adranaline. 

Problem ist, the mod is so strong by default that it needs a draw back, it just can't be infinite duration + cd, that would be too op


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This augment is... useless.

First, the CD is increased by duration mods. That automatically makes it a no use in most context.

Second, it still has increasing drain. Why would you have both CD and increased energy drain?

Third, theoretically, the augment makes sense considering what how and when hysteria is used, typically small parses, to deal high damage to a single target. However, losing access to it for a prolonged period makes it a no go. 

And of course, this needs a slot, for a skill that is niche to begin with. They have to work on the CD. At least have it not effected by duration increase mods. Otherwise, it will be like other Valkyr augments, beside Warcry. Obsolete. 

Overall, DE has been on crappy augments streak...

Edited by (PS4)thegarada
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I suppose I can see people liking this augment if they don't actually make a proper build around hysteria.  Since it kind of midigates the need for a good build with unconditional damage boosts.  But really she doesn't struggle to kill things without the mod.  So this minor extra damage isn't really worth it when you're forced into a cooldown that's tied to duration.  The energy still draining is most likely a bug.  But hilarious bug or not.

I don't like the mod.  The idea could have been executed much better.

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5 minutes ago, NoLazyShadow said:

Augment to make useless ability less useless. The only fix here is a complete frame rework

we've gone over this Shadow.

Only ripline is useless.

I can make Hysteria kill high level heavy units easily with plenty of range to work on.

two of Valkyr's powers are amazing with their augments while hysteria can be crazy strong if Valkyr is both built for it alongside building her talons right.

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3 hours ago, (XB1)Orcus Imperium said:

we've gone over this Shadow.

Only ripline is useless.

I can make Hysteria kill high level heavy units easily with plenty of range to work on.

two of Valkyr's powers are amazing with their augments while hysteria can be crazy strong if Valkyr is both built for it alongside building her talons right.

Not sure I agree. 1st abilities are almost universally useless, but at least Valk can use it as a movement tool, given her... not very feline run and bullet jump speed. Its marginally useful.

Warcry is great. Not a fan of the casting speed though...

Not sure if there is some hidden meta for Paralysis I don't know of, or you forgot about it. As I often do.

Hysteria is overshadowed by melee too much. Drains energy, takes away range, and if you're already built for melee its just an "oh sh!t I need a heal" button (something operators can also manage). The invul is mostly just a gimmick unless facing extreme circumstances.

Edited by Lers
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52 minutes ago, Lers said:
Hysteria is overshadowed by melee too much. Drains energy, takes away range, and if you're already built for melee its just an "oh sh!t I need a heal" button (something operators can also manage). The invul is mostly just a gimmick unless facing extreme circumstances.

This is the most exalted weapon now. As in Hildryn, this useless Blaster that could be replaced with any secondary one-handed weapon, just with the mechanics of absorbing shields instead of bullets and it would be a useful ability. But now we have it. I have nothing against exalted weapon as a standard weapon for an ability, but the fact that it can't be exchanged for something more powerful or fun makes such abilities very lackluster.

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First ability useless?


every time you are falling on jupiter tileset cuz you missed a jump

every time you are lazy and don't want to press W

every time you question "why go to the enemy, when you can make the enemy go to you?"


Ripline is amazing for me.

You can buff the damage or add some features if you want, i'd be happy as well, but valkyr having such an usefull mobility ability is one of the reason i like using her ... although the screaming i don't like so much after 4 rounds of defense

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3 hours ago, Doraz_ said:

every time you question "why go to the enemy, when you can make the enemy go to you?"

While it would be nice in theory, given the wonky pixel precise hitbox and animation speed, jumping up to an enemy or shooting them is way faster.

If anything, I'm annoyed every time I hit an enemy or ally by accident... unless I was trying to drop an ally into the void mid jump...

Same for short range travel, the momentum of the pull and the inertia after just makes it... janky for short range traversal.

Great on open maps with verticality though!

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On 2020-05-21 at 7:47 AM, Doraz_ said:

title says all, if u feel it's unbalanced, just tweak the timer.


I'm actually very happy with the new build i can run with, umbral to tank anything and go enraged to regain health or burst heavy targets.


Energy drain feels wrong tho 


Sarun augmetn is meh, Atlas is also meh cuz it requires spamming 4, Nidus requires spamming 1 so it's the same problem.




agree, disagree, disagree.



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7 hours ago, Lers said:

Hysteria is overshadowed by melee too much. Drains energy, takes away range, and if you're already built for melee its just an "oh sh!t I need a heal" button (something operators can also manage). The invul is mostly just a gimmick unless facing extreme circumstances.

My build seems to work well for my talons, and my hysterical assault aug gives me a free 50m teleport. so range has never been an issue.

dmg wise, i do pretty well as i am. I also build for both being in and out of hysteria instead of warcry(not a huge fan of warcry.) It's not an "Oh Sh!t" button for me but more a "I'm just gonna be reckless and be a whirlwind of claws and death." button.


fun fact, two 60/60 mods for viral and drifting contact gives it nearly 30% status, which with berserker and primed fury means the sheer attack speed makes up the difference(even without that, 30% status is still respectable on a melee weapon.)

but then again, my build is outside the norm, forgive me if I disagree on your assessment.

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7 hours ago, Lers said:

Not sure if there is some hidden meta for Paralysis I don't know of, or you forgot about it. As I often do.

forgot to mention this in previous reply:


Paralysis isn't amazing by any standards, obviously. but its aug and building valkyr for pure range can give you a massive range of "everybody do the flop."

they'll be stuck on the ground and open for ground finishers.

it's a build thats heavily overshadowed by eternal war builds, but its works well for what it can do. the enemies aren't a threat if it takes them 10 seconds to stand up, though any sniper is your worst nightmare.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Orcus Imperium said:

My build seems to work well for my talons, and my hysterical assault aug gives me a free 50m teleport. so range has never been an issue.

dmg wise, i do pretty well as i am. I also build for both being in and out of hysteria instead of warcry(not a huge fan of warcry.) It's not an "Oh Sh!t" button for me but more a "I'm just gonna be reckless and be a whirlwind of claws and death." button.


fun fact, two 60/60 mods for viral and drifting contact gives it nearly 30% status, which with berserker and primed fury means the sheer attack speed makes up the difference(even without that, 30% status is still respectable on a melee weapon.)

but then again, my build is outside the norm, forgive me if I disagree on your assessment.

I'm not saying its unusable. I'm saying a properly built melee weapon is better in almost any situation, given optimal amounts of forma and mods.

Hysterias gimmick is the invuln and the hp leech... one of which is unneeded 98% of times, while the other is covered from a plethora of other sources.

When you bring Valk to a mission, chances are you are building either for melee or Hysteria exclusively. There is no reason to mix it up unless you somehow don't have an alternate hp source in your pocket. Healing with operator is almost always faster and more practical than popping Hysteria. The separate combo counter also discourages switching too much.

Which brings us to the augment... not sure who it was made for. Clearly its meant for quickly popping it, killing something, then dropping out of it... but with the animation time I doubt its better then just pummeling the target to death with regular melee, even if we assume that the augment boosts dps above a combo stacked melee weapon.

Maybe its meant for ridiculously high level stuff for finisher fishing on heavy units?

Not seeing what it brings to the table for the opportunity cost of a mod slot.

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On 2020-05-22 at 4:06 PM, Lers said:

When you bring Valk to a mission, chances are you are building either for melee or Hysteria exclusively. There is no reason to mix it up unless you somehow don't have an alternate hp source in your pocket. Healing with operator is almost always faster and more practical than popping Hysteria. The separate combo counter also discourages switching too much.

my Valkyr's build allows me to bounce in and out of hysteria with more than enough survivability to spare. granted i need hysteria to survive against enemies that will eventually one shot me(which could be mid 300s or higher, but that's a worthless bar to set for myself.) so I'm more than able to mix it up by using my guns alongside hysteria.

funny thing: rage/adrenaline will work while hysteria is active as long as you don't have the claws out, and arcane energize makes the energy drain moot(which anyone should know by now anyways.)


On 2020-05-22 at 4:06 PM, Lers said:

Which brings us to the augment... not sure who it was made for. Clearly its meant for quickly popping it, killing something, then dropping out of it... but with the animation time I doubt its better then just pummeling the target to death with regular melee, even if we assume that the augment boosts dps above a combo stacked melee weapon.

Maybe its meant for ridiculously high level stuff for finisher fishing on heavy units?

Not seeing what it brings to the table for the opportunity cost of a mod slot.

I can only agree on the single target burst damage statement. I mean, it'll definitely kill faster than most(if i'v read the mod right, than it basically triples the bas crit chance of the talons, meaning slapping on the sacrificial mods will have a massive boost to it beyond that.) other weapons will due to that huge crit chance and damage bonus, but i can't imagine the cool down being worth it since hysteria(on an eternal war build) becomes your burst heal, which becomes a problem if it's on cool down or something(that feedback damage is still there and if you take more than your EHP can handle....well, it won't matter how much dmg resistance you have)


I'd go so far as to say hysterical assault is the better aug since if you'v built for hysteria(like me, for example.) then it becomes a free, 50 meter teleport, which is more than what even Nova can do at default stats(and Nova is better built for duration anyways.) at that point, only a duration built zephyr or nova will out pace me in travel distance.

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6 hours ago, (XB1)Orcus Imperium said:

funny thing: rage/adrenaline will work while hysteria is active as long as you don't have the claws out, and arcane energize makes the energy drain moot(which anyone should know by now anyways.)

It's a fun fact that I often go without energy if I don't have maximum energy efficiency and a large energy pool. So no, it doesn't work as easily as you described. Maybe against level 40, but when you go against 150, the energy leeches and RNG will just make you sad.


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6 hours ago, zhellon said:

It's a fun fact that I often go without energy if I don't have maximum energy efficiency and a large energy pool. So no, it doesn't work as easily as you described. Maybe against level 40, but when you go against 150, the energy leeches and RNG will just make you sad.


well then its a good thing i run both primed flow and max efficiency isnt it?

so yes, it does work that easily if you build for it.

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On 2020-05-22 at 5:06 PM, Lers said:

I'm not saying its unusable. I'm saying a properly built melee weapon is better in almost any situation, given optimal amounts of forma and mods.

Hysterias gimmick is the invuln and the hp leech... one of which is unneeded 98% of times, while the other is covered from a plethora of other sources.

When you bring Valk to a mission, chances are you are building either for melee or Hysteria exclusively. There is no reason to mix it up unless you somehow don't have an alternate hp source in your pocket. Healing with operator is almost always faster and more practical than popping Hysteria. The separate combo counter also discourages switching too much.

Which brings us to the augment... not sure who it was made for. Clearly its meant for quickly popping it, killing something, then dropping out of it... but with the animation time I doubt its better then just pummeling the target to death with regular melee, even if we assume that the augment boosts dps above a combo stacked melee weapon.

Maybe its meant for ridiculously high level stuff for finisher fishing on heavy units?

Not seeing what it brings to the table for the opportunity cost of a mod slot.

Theoretically, it would be for things like high level assassinations and kuva liches (to safely melee without risking the scripted one shot). However, as it stands, it is not going to work for either. Even locked 15 sec CD is too long. With it being possibly much longer, it wont work at all. I normally run 200% duration. That is 30 sec CD. This is beyond unusable. 

And claws (4 forma in them on my end) are decent. The other day was a Phroid sortie assassination and I 1 shot him, at level 100 with claws slide attack. Sure, it is not the best damage against  level 200 bombards. Melee weapons already have the covered, and this level is near non-existent, unless you stay in mission 2 hours to see this stuff (good for you. No one does). I much rather have something that allows me to open the claws for longer, not increase the damage.

Anyway, I think whoever makes these augments (not just this one, DE has been on a streak of useless augments now) never plays the frame(s) they make the augments for. This is why you get non-nonsensical augments, like this..

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