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When would you say this game peaked?


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At what update/point in time do you believe this game took a face-heel turn for the worse (or better, if you truly feel that way)?

To me, I feel like Warframe peaked with the release of its first open world. It was a highly ambitious concept that changed how Warframe would work for a good amount of time. Unfortunately, even with a revamp, the once great "open world" is now just a 2 by 2 kilometer sandbox that still manages to be cut off from the rest of the game. 

I remember someone made a good point about how Warframe, story-wise, peaked during the Second Dream, and that every cinematic quest in the main storyline following that was trying to match up with the absolute magic that TSD contained as an expansion to Warframe's universe.

I'm just curious as to what other people think.

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I would say it peaked with Second Dream. Though it really hasn't gone downhill all that much since, they still haven't reached and bested those heights either. Plus, I also feel that Second Dream was the last time Digital Extremes was allowed to be the company everyone praised so much for their respect towards their players and fans. With War Within, they became much more AAA and antagonistic, and while they could be way, way worse, they could also be way better, as they've already shown.

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the sacrifice was peak for me. I'm still nostalgic about this song on the intro, I was having a terrible nightmarish time starting to living on a very rural area and warframe was the only thing I could play (on solo) at that time due a S#&$ tier internet connection. My opinion it's very biased tho, but fiding answers to long time questions (how frames are made) and the explanation for the tenno - warframe link was very good for me, TSD was a blast but on TWW and TS I found the deep lore I wanted so bad (and gave me access to my fav thing on warframe: Operators)


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Hmm... I think in terms of story, they peaked at The Second Dream,but I wouldn't say the game itself has peaked gameplay wise yet and they could still top themselves again story-wise. Although, it will be hard to ever capture that same magic again.  

The main issue is the new player experience, in my opinion, not the veteran player experience.

The game has great stuff for veterans, but is becoming less and less accessible to new players. 

And, in my opinion, the release of the quills and all the new operator stuff and how hard it was to get  was when that problem started to peak, but railjack is the cherry on the peaked sundae.

The new player experience needs to be top priority. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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37 минут назад, (PS4)LeBlingKing сказал:

Unfortunately, even with a revamp, the once great "open world" is now just a 2 by 2 kilometer sandbox that still manages to be cut off from the rest of the game. 

what do you mean?

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4 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Whatever the update was called that killed the void. Spectres of the rail?

RIP void. I still remember the days.

I miss the way the void used to work, keys and all, even with its flaws. 

At the very least, I wish they hadn't killed it so hard. 

Apart from the occasional need for argon, I'm not sure anyone really goes there anymore. 

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Personally, since i'm not much of a lore nerd when it comes to Warframe, i rather rate and appreciate this game with a focus on how it's played.

I would wait for Hard mode and the New War, with their own mechanics and power relations to decide on this, as i imagine them, they sound more promising to me than the other great updates with their various content behind them, but i don't want to be disappointed so i don't get my hopes up.

Open Worlds could be still great, i would like one on the surface of Eris and maybe one in the Void too, the latter could be an Archwing oriented open world. (though i know everyone would hate that)

With less rep grind and more optional 'endgame' activities to do.

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Definitely Second Dream.

Things as a whole also felt more optimistic, though it was still soon after the failure that was the original Archwing release as even then it was nowhere near what was initially advertised. Archwings now are closer to how they were originally shown... only took quite a few years. The open worlds though just seem to be repeating history, so I can't really see much good with any future ones as they continue to just be bubbles that are separate from the rest of the game (side note: Cetus is a trading HUB, we should be able to at least find resources from there in other non-PoE nodes; would at least be something in tying the areas together).


DE also just seemed to be better towards the community and there was more of a dialogue when it came to feedback instead of some people seeming to actively avoid it.


Though will say the Environmental and Audio Team(s) have been killing it lately. Just those two areas alone are so much ahead of what things were even just a couple years ago.

Edited by Sean
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I'll say right now has been the best time for me. All the things I enjoyed still exist and the things I didnt care about or were less keen on either still exist just fine or got reworked to be more entertaining. Some of the content may be less than stellar but its not retroactively made the good things about warframe worse. 

Probably a weird way to look at things, but Im still enjoying myself all the same but now with way more options.

For reference I have played fairly consistently since 2013. Took a year or so break like 2-3 years ago but thats it. Ive seen a looot.

Edited by Annnoth
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Second dream was the peak story wise. Maybe an argument for sacrifice could be made.

Peak gameplay wise would probably be fortuna, it was the first update I played that actually felt pretty polished on release, at least by DE standards.

I think I started playing the game in early 2016 but I only really dove into in 2017 with the Poe release.


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Warframe has stayed mostly the same for too long - its grindy, game modes/new content waste your time (invul frames, time gate, intentionally bad drop rates on railjack then buffing it after everyone got bored already and so on) and nothing is really innovative

New players dont want to jump through hoops to try a new game out. Jackal is one of the early bosses and the only thing i get from Jackal is being flung to the ground a lot. The fight is piss easy but the experience is hella annoying

Same thing with grannum void, I’ve been playing warframe for many years and the RNG is disgusting. I had to grind the void over 50 times to get everything from the Protea collection. The worst part was that I did 20 runs with other people  then decided to try out solo and it was actually faster. its faster because the mobs start spawning all around you and in fixed locations - so you just need to sweep right and left with Mesa; and theres also no one picking up the time drops to punish you with forced afk.


DE has a really bad practice of introducing new content with abyssmal rates to prolong gameplay then buffing the drop rates afterwards 

I’ve seen them do this for every large content update, POE had that, Fortuna had that, Railjack, And so on

Its happened too often to be a coincidence.

People feel like warframe is dying because we’re all sick of all the time wasting; if the grind is fun then thats ok. I enjoyed scarlet spear after the currency and armor was re-adjusted - because i felt rewarded for the time i spent grinding



DE needs to be more generous and be more considerate/have respect for people’s time/gameplay experience



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Usually warframe gain it’s peak when cinematic quests, open worlds, and Tennocon hightlight updates are released. Unfortunately Railjack’s launch did not meet that peak but because of people doing the “Let them fix it before we jump in” because it was a huge bug fest.

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definitely around Second Dream: the quest was incredible, with an excellent story, breathtaking soundtrack and the reveal at the end was something nobody saw coming (for better or worse). Plains of Eidolon came close as well, but the Saya's Vigil quest was kinda dull IMO. I liked The Sacrifice too, that was a really good quest, but Umbra was never goign to live up to the insane amount of hype there was pre-release.


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1 hour ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing said:

At what update/point in time do you believe this game took a face-heel turn for the worse

I think the game peaked at Plains of Eidolons. Prior to this most of the updates were not as negatively received as far as I could tell. Following this, we have The Sacrifice, sadly a meh update after all the hype. A one-off frame and a little sprinkle of lore / plot was not enough imo.

Then we had Fortuna aka Plains 2.0 but it lacked character or repeat play mechanics. Eidolons still served more purpose than the profit taker, still do to this day really. Essentially Orb Vallis was another place to max rep and forget.

Following this we had the Jovian update, actually a good update! Disruption is still a good fun mode.

Update 26 had potential to be okay imo, but poorly received due to not well thought out RNG systems. Liches were good in concept but the RNG on launch was ridiculous (after tweaks a few months later they were a lot better as the layers of RNG is what made this update feel bad to play repeatedly).

Do we even talk about update 27 in a good way? Probably worst launch of any update. Railjack is an interesting mode but it lacks continuity with the rest of the game to date, a content island in space is still a content island. Also a lot of RNG here (wreckage random stats) and bugs really made this launch a failure imo. At least we had a buggy event in March to feel better about our Railjack grind ey!

2020 so far has felt like the year of nerfs, Limbo was changed for one event, Vazarin and healing targets were also changed. A recent bow-weapon nerf (probs gonna get another one tbh) for a wep which almost any player in the game can obtain. It feels like no testing is done on this sort of stuff before release, updates lack polish and that is a big deal when you only get 2-3 per year.

Rivens are still a terrible system, the recent decisions made for dispositions do nothing to solve it's inherent issues (RIP big trades).

Damage types are still not a balanced / fair choice despite having a whole overhaul in 2020 - 'would you like some viral with that slash sir?'

Not to mention a battle-pass like system which lasted half a year where you could get the unique rewards after a few weeks of it being out :/

In summary, it seems as time has gone on, the RNG in the updates increased, or they lack polish, or both. This is probably why they are not as well received as they used to be. Instead of having interesting game mechanics, for the most part the player is just tasked with doing mundane repeat events for either standing, or silly RNG chances of getting something inconsequential. For some, once that is obtained, they can drop the mode as their inner completionist is satiated. For others, the grief of doing something 1 too many times for a part is enough to get them to drop the game for another few months again.


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Deadlock Protocol, the game is better than it ever has been.


The rose tinted glasses of this community are incredibly opaque. The "peak" for most people is the update that coincides with them turning from an intermediate to end game player. When they were ignorant to what the game is but knowledgeable enough to see its strengths. It is this time that hooks people into the game and is the core of "Warframe can be the best game ever if ____", it is a combination of reality and false perception that is impossible to recreate.

The flaws people complain about today are the same flaws people complained about on the Forums in 2013 (albeit people were a bit more constructive back then), the majority of "bad" things that DE have done are things that they have been doing since day 1.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing said:

To me, I feel like Warframe peaked with the release of its first open world. It was a highly ambitious concept that changed how Warframe would work for a good amount of time.

I'm just curious as to what other people think.

This game peaked the day I started playing it...cuz...me playing...and has been on a downward slope ever since I stopped really caring to play after the RJ mess and has continued into pandemic world...

In fact, I have a list of rules about Warframe now...

  1. Bullet jump everywhere
  2. Double Tap all enemy
  3. Beware of elevators
  4. Never wear a syandana
  5. No attachment to weapons you have rivens for...ever
  6. The "Grind" is real
  7. Travel light
  8. Get a kick ass Clan
  9. Use your melee weapon to save ammo
  10. Don't jump out of the world
  11. Sprint everywhere
  12. Bring plenty of energy pies
  13. Stand up after being stun locked to the ground
  14. Always carry extra health pies
  15. Learn to rolls
  16. Opportunity knocks (i.e. when you get a 75% coupon use it)
  17. Don't carry your squad
  18. Practice parkour...a lot
  19. Break reinforced glass whenever you can
  20. It's a marathon, not a sprint, unless it is a capture mission then it is a sprint
  21. Avoid strip clubs (oops sorry wrong list)
  22. When in doubt, kill everything
  23. Bring ciphers...lots of ciphers
  24. Use your abilities
  25. Shoot anything that moves...even your squadmates
  26. Avoid fashion frame unless it is so blindingly ugly it will blind your enemies and/or your squadmates
  27. Take your time getting to extraction
  28. Double tap the enemies (again...in case the first double tap didn't finish them off)
  29. Use the buddy system...meaning let others kill things for you (related to never carry a squad)
  30. Pack your pain stick (melee weapon) that one shots anything
  31. Check if you have a dragon key loaded before doing a mission that isn't a vault run
  32. Enjoy the little amount of content DE gives you every few months...it is all you gonna get
  33. Be a Swiss army knife squadmate...you know...no dps, no cc, no loot boost...but have lots of fancy looking attachments on your frame to look cool.

There are more but this is all I have time to list...



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2 hours ago, DrBorris said:

Deadlock Protocol, the game is better than it ever has been.


The rose tinted glasses of this community are incredibly opaque. The "peak" for most people is the update that coincides with them turning from an intermediate to end game player. When they were ignorant to what the game is but knowledgeable enough to see its strengths. It is this time that hooks people into the game and is the core of "Warframe can be the best game ever if ____", it is a combination of reality and false perception that is impossible to recreate.

The flaws people complain about today are the same flaws people complained about on the Forums in 2013 (albeit people were a bit more constructive back then), the majority of "bad" things that DE have done are things that they have been doing since day 1.

I agree with this post 1000%. To me the game as it is today is the exact same game it was when I started playing in 2013, with a TON of more things to do and tons of incremental improvements over time. 

The only thing I can say that I miss from years ago was when the game had a somewhat darker more mysterious ninja atmosphere. Frames looked more bio-organic and things were just strange. 

Other than that.. Game is better than its ever been. Railjack and liches wouldve blown my mind back then when all we had to do after logging in were run syndicates and t4 defense. Literally. That was the gameplay loop at one time. Void keys, Syndicates rep, trade chat. Back then, 3 weapons was "content" and a new frame was a "major" update.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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1 hour ago, DrBorris said:

The flaws people complain about today are the same flaws people complained about on the Forums in 2013 (albeit people were a bit more constructive back then), the majority of "bad" things that DE have done are things that they have been doing since day 1.

So you’re saying de has not fixed or

learned from mistakes since then?

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

So you’re saying de has not fixed or

learned from mistakes since then?

Yes, DE is an imperfect company and while they have learned and evolved in many ways, many of their habits are the same.

And just because something DE does isn't perfect it does not mean that they haven't made an improvement. The amount of complaints about grind and RNG where the OP says "this is the worst" or "DE is killing the game" or my personal most hated "this all started when DE was bought by China" when modern grinds are miles better than old grinds is tiring. Quick history, originally Frost Prime parts had a sub 1% drop chance and the Gradivus Dilemma event was "do this alert 100 times". DE has moved forward but that doesn't mean they have perfected everything. As I said in my post, Warframe is the best it ever has been.

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4 hours ago, vanaukas said:

the sacrifice was peak for me. I'm still nostalgic about this song on the intro, I was having a terrible nightmarish time starting to living on a very rural area and warframe was the only thing I could play (on solo) at that time due a S#&$ tier internet connection. My opinion it's very biased tho, but fiding answers to long time questions (how frames are made) and the explanation for the tenno - warframe link was very good for me, TSD was a blast but on TWW and TS I found the deep lore I wanted so bad (and gave me access to my fav thing on warframe: Operators)


Same. Sacrifice is the game's peak. 

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