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Who's you favorite warframe ? Come shae your opinion here!


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Mag: Didnt see its huge potential in the beggining, now i know her tiny body hides an inmense power, and the recent addition of shield gating its helphing a lot lately.

Gauss: being the fastest is always a good advantage, if you know how to benefit from it.

Valkyr: Because i like valkyries theme and she looks awesome, my first fav.  

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Still a Hildryn main, she's good for days when i just want to chill and be lazy. Damn near unkillable and excellent for passively shredding mid level enemies with her 3 I still haven't gotten tired of her glade animation when you hit the roll button in mid air.

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Rhino Prime. I like to kill stuff primarily with my weapons, a playstyle which he lends himself towards, while also being the mosts stylish of all the Warframes with the right customization.

I mean, just look at this shiny metal goodness:


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I don't know that I have a favorite anymore. I use specific frames for specific mission, probably like most here. I guess if I had an overall favorite it would be Inaros. There's something to be said for being immortal and not caring about energy, powers, nullifiers, or anything else that cancels your powers, strips your shields or leeches your energy. I also tend to play with people who need to be revived a lot, so once again, Inaros and his insane health combined with Primed Surefooted, Arcane Grace and Arcane Guardian is the way I roll. Nothing like simply ignoring a room full of level 100+ enemies while you stroll through them to revive someone. It's boring, sure. But sometimes you just want to get the job done with the least amount of effort and drama.

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Excalibur (vanilla not umbra)

Slash dash: nice mobility and fast with natural talent, also invulnerable throughout its duration (laughing at you nova and gauss players)

Blind: Can blind and run, being the ultimate crowd control and evasion frame. Or have the ultimate dps, by killing with finishers.

Exalted blade: With chromatic blade and the status changes... i mean, nothing lives with this melee in action.

Passive: 10% attack speed and damage to swords, the true endgame of warframe... Cause we all know that minmaxing is true endagme.

Also... deep down, every frame is excalibur, on the inside. Which is why his outline shows whenever relays are loading up players.

Forgot i had this lying around



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Volt- My starter frame and old-school speedster with electricity shocking any enemy that stand in his way. Also can make a shield out of electricity that can reflect or absorb anything and make weapons more lethal when shooting through his shields. Also can speed up his own squad through missions including when doing relic runs.

Ash - A ninja assassin with stealth abilities, with lethal and deadly arsenal. Enemies will never know what hit them.

Titania - My favorite Warframe. A deadly pixie with dual-pistols and a sword tears any enemy to shreds in pixie form. Also can fly fast, well I mean fairy fast, even faster than an archwing with razorwing blitz. Also she can make a lantern by casting on one enemy and attracts other enemies causing them to be unaware of any danger.

Octavia - The warframe that makes the music. She can invite her allies and enemies to the music party, the allies would like it but the enemies won't because they don't like music so they decide to attack what's causing the beats and then die. She can also grant buffs with her own music includes invisibility, multishot, melee damage, and movement speed. I used her in spy and survival missions.           

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Baruuk or Ash

Former is incredibly tanky, capable of achieving absurd levels of EHP if you play right - the balancing of restraint and damage output is a fun little minigame.

Latter because his toolkit is all around fun to play with, Arcane Trickery synergises amazingly with Blade Storm, and the armour strip on the shuriken is a blessing.

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Still Nyx for her theme - even though I'd be happy to see a more interesting 2nd and more active 4th ability.


But Protea is already close to being my second favourite, due to feeling like a kit with expanded gear (grenades, turrets, dispenser) and a single "power" (TA) - which is funny because usually in other games I'm more of a caster/mage/ability type player, however for some reason abilities in warframe in general don't satisfy me (whether general visuals of the game causing abilities to appear kind of "thin", general "press one button to affect everything in massive aoe', among other things). Instead it's the weapons and mobility/movement that are the main draw - so small things like different dodge animation, or excellent sound effects on blaze artillery firing - these end up being the things that provide the satisfaction.

In fact the only significant complaint I have about Protea right now is the excessive screen desaturation in Temporal Anchor - which occasionally discourage from making the most efficient plays (energy saving, survival, building up nuke burst...), simply to be able to enjoy the game in normal colour.

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Nobody seems to have said it so far, so I'll say it: Nova Prime.

If you get a bunch of enemies in a small cluster, drop 4, and then your 2, you can blow away a horde without breaking a sweat. I used this exact technique to beat a Lv. 60+ Phorid with under-levelled equipment, Solo. Plus, a 4 makes enemies so slow that it's really not that hard to avoid taking damage.

I'll also say Excal Umbra is another favourite of mine, simply for the fact that he moves around and fights even while in Operator mode instead of standing around like a statue like every other frame.

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Back when I first started 5 years ago, I picked Mag, MK1 Paris, Lato & MK1 Bo. Hated it, no mods, no survivability, no damage. Had a group of friends to help taxi me to planets, found out about Valkyr, and I fell in love. Her innate tankiness & ability to heal was so amazing to a player that had no idea how to do anything. Eventually, as I got better at the game, started understanding mechanics, I gave Nova Prime a try & instant favourite. While Valkyr may have been my first love and played her for 2 years straight, Nova is a clear favourite, with 3 years of play.

Nova is easily one of the most polarizing frames in the game. Her 4th alone can be customized to your preferred strength for missions. Speedva and Slowva are quite well know for their extreme slow and speed, however the real hidden strat is that you don't always need max slow/speed. Her 4 still applies a x2 damage modifier to all incoming damage. You can easily just go neutral with 70% strength (only requires Power Donation). Neutral Nova is pretty slept on, or even a Nova with only a tiny bit of a slow or speed. There just isn't really a situation where she could never be useful

My ship is decorated with Nova articulas and glyphs all over. I own 3 Nova Primes, about a dozen(?) different fashions for her.

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Overall:   Nezha.  33% usage, and still a ton of fun.

Lately:  Banshee.  Lots of Banshee.  I've played her far more than anybody else over the last couple of months.

Conceptually:  Harrow. Tremendous solo, and the best co-op experiences I've had in this game have been playing him.  Would be #1, but he can be pretty frustrating with the wrong squad make-up.  And there's lots of potentially bad squad make-ups for him.

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