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Does anyone else miss real random drops during missions? To "win the lottery" once in a while?


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OK I know Warframe is not a "Diablo Game", it´s not Path of Exile, it´s not a random-loot-game.

But what I honestly miss is the CHANCE, the very tiny chance, of "finding" something special from time to time.

In PoE (Path of Exile, not Plains of Eidolon) there was always the CHANCE of getting a Mirror of Kalandra (once in a lifetime maybe) or at least an Exalted Orb once every few hours or days.

In Diablo2, there was always the tiny chance of getting one of the super rare runes, or a Stone of Jordan etc. Or a close to perfect weapon.


This is what makes Warframe a little "stale" for me. In other games, like the mentioned ones, I often motivated myself by saying "Maybe I am lucky today!" and kept playing and farming even old content.

But why should we re-visit most of Warframe´s missions, except for random relic missions or for lich hunting? Sure, we all need that damn Cryotic or those Argon Crystals, but other than that... I miss the feeling of being "lucky". Or having the chance to finding something super rare, super special.

So far I can remember maybe 4 or 5 occasions where I actually felt "lucky" in Warframe.

Getting a legendary Core from a Sortie once. Finding that Acceltra Blueprint after rougly 85 C Disruption rotations. Getting that rare prime part from my very last axi relic. Getting a Bramma riven on the same day as my Bramma. Maybe getting a tombfinger riven before the nerfs.

For me, the game would already feel completely different if there was always a SMALL  chance to get something out of a container (for example), that contains a random item from ALL loot tables in the game, including sortie rewards, the arbitration & syndicate shops, relic loot, arcanes from Eidolons.... possibly weighted, so "rare" remains "rare".

What do you guys think?

Edited by IamLoco
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Feeling lucky gives me nothing at all, it's literally no achievement to have a dice roll in your favor. Feeling like having overcome a challenge and actually deserved an insanely good reward is something I feel Warframes lacks a lot more.

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Maybe Warframe wasn't intended to let you feel like you won a lottery. Maybe it was intended to make you feel accomplished, you worked hard for something. Luck wasn't on your side. Just your determination and grit.

Just maybe.

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It's a nice addition, with 2 problems:

  1. Your asking for more grind for obtainable stuff, that not everyone is a fan of, for a single topic like this to exist, numerous other would exist claiming that the odds are to small, the flame step ephemera and some other items are examples of that, afterall we do have casuals playing the game and asking them to repeat the missions numerous times won't please them. Unlike the legendary core, certain mods or even lich ephemeras that you can trade for, you're asking for items that can't be traded for, so the only option is to grind.
  2. It is a common trend (a bad one mind you) to have newer players requesting something like a bramma nerf, an ember nerf, (for whatever reasons, including their own poor gameplay)....and then having said player leave, so the game ends up with these changes that are then used by other newer players or veterans, to be honest i'm not really a fan of having to accept sugestions by players that don't play the game or from "veterans" that took a 5 year hiatus.

Everyone has an opinion and DE sometimes listens to the wrong ones, for them all opinions have the same weight, i recall for example, someone claiming that ember needed changes (huge topic) because it kept "stealing" kills from him, not only was this a sign of poor gameplay because the ability killed each enemy 1 by 1 and not all of them, but it came from an afk player, someone who will not kill even when NO ember was even around.

Ember has been changed, do you know where that player is right now? Not in warframe, but we end up enduring these pointless changes (that sidetracks DE from content).

I don't mind additions, i just hope players take a bit more responsibility, if 100 topics arise complaining about %, you must be there to explain why it's great, instead of disapearing into the void.

I'm not saying you will disapear, it's just a trend, a meme if you wish.


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1 minute ago, Traumtulpe said:

For me Warframe isn't about randomly getting awesome things (or not), but about working towards things you want.

Sure, and I wouldn´t want to miss that part, too.

It´s not "either / or", it could be both at the same time.

I get you guys. Maybe it´s just me then. Thanks!

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OP, I know where you're coming from and I wouldn't mind it more of it in the game, on the other hand I think the majority of the community would be against it based on how much dislike there is of random drop nature of cosmetic items that have zero effect on gameplay.  

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1 hour ago, IamLoco said:

For me, the game would already feel completely different if there was always a SMALL  chance to get something out of a container (for example), that contains a random item from ALL loot tables in the game, including sortie rewards, the arbitration & syndicate shops, relic loot, arcanes from Eidolons.... possibly weighted, so "rare" remains "rare".

They're literally called Rare Crates and they already exist

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6 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

They're literally called Rare Crates and they already exist

That´s not what I meant. Even those super rare reinforced containers only have their own, small, pretty lackluster loot-tables.

I was talking about a tiny chance for each container to contain something that they usually don´t contain, like a mod, prime part, etc. But that was just an example. That could include enemy drops, especially from boss fights.


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Yep, miss it alot. Was very happy when it was introduced with RJ with an actual high and low range roll. I was immensly disappointed and heartbroken when all reactors got turned into automatic 90%+ rolls and more so when fusion was added. 

WF could use random items. Weapons that can only drop from a new type of content etc. something we dont need to invest forma, potatos or weapon slots in, but also something we can only ever have one of. So when we find a better one we discard the old and level up the new one (once to level 30) to unlock the full potential (universal polarities in all slots). These should be untradable. Damage stats, crit chance, status etc. should be randomly generated on them with a min and max roll range, status and crit would always be in relation to eachother so you can chase a status, crit or hybrid as you prefer, like the modular parts that are heavy on one or the other or balanced in both.

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But getting "real" drops was a thing for everyone who hasn't gotten most/all mods and components there are to get. The name of the game is rng but when you can run a mission where every enemy has mods drops you're missing, component drops for things you don't have yet (Oberon from Eximus, Gorgon from H.Gunners, etc), or rewards from the mission itself and you still need them all then everything does feel rewarding to run.

But since the game doesn't use procedural items nor does it have resource sinks inevitably you run out of real rewards to receive. Even for OPs suggestion eventually everyone has a point where all those rewards no longer have value. As well because of rng being the game's nature and older players will exhaust content over time and tend to only returns for the few new rewards the only thing that can be rewarding is the new rare drops.

Ultimately I don't see this as something that can ever be really improved since the longer anyone players the less rewarding the game can ever be. Even entirely new content will lose the bulk of its reward almost immediately for these players. While the types of systems other games use to fix this would completely turn Warframe on its head into a game that isn't the one people are here to play.

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July 1st: [DE] creates a universal loot table that every enemy has. There's a 00.0000023% chance of a aesthetic item dropping.

July 2nd: The forum is filled with outraged threads from people who've done nothing but farm for the item and haven't gotten it yet. The grind is too hard, and this shows [DE] is lazy, hates its players, and loves only money.

July 5th: The first player death is reported after man locks himself in this room and farms for four days straight.

July 10th: Outraged at [DE] forcing them to grind for this item, a group of players launch a class-action lawsuit against the company, demanding compensation for the physical, financial, and emotional hardships they've had to endure.

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hmm, maybe have enemies get a random mod drop chance, for example, let's say a lancer drop 4 commons, 3 uncommons, and 2 rares, why not add another mod drop chance that only revealed at the end of the match, and that mod could be something you get from other enemies and factions in the game, so, if a lancer drop it, it will randomly generate a mod that is not in that lancer pool but everyone else pool, with the exclusion of alcolytes or arbitration drones or stalker.

so that way, enemies still have thier loot pools, but will sometime drop another completely random mod on death, i would picture it to work out decently.

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WR has fostered too many entitles players that would complain if they didnt get every random drop in the first week. 

We werent always like this. There was a time when the players accepted a random stalker dropping rare Bps. This would NEVER be accepted today.

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5 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

WR has fostered too many entitles players that would complain if they didnt get every random drop in the first week. 

We werent always like this. There was a time when the players accepted a random stalker dropping rare Bps. This would NEVER be accepted today.

Internet culture at its finest. Imagine how many downvotes this thread would have on Reddit just for having an opinion about enjoying random chances. It's sad.

To be honest, I just miss the depth of replaying a given addition to the game to get something. The game has always had a repetitive nature, but things like Scarlet Spear feel way more shallow and hollow compared to Trials to me personally. I too would like some randomized things. I wouldn't have minded Tenebrous if they left it alone, but I know DE well and knew if I had farmed it, it would be released as a joke later, which is what happens to anything rare in the game these days. It's going to hit the Riven system eventually, it's just a matter of time.

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6 minutes ago, Voltage said:

Internet culture at its finest. Imagine how many downvotes this thread would have on Reddit just for having an opinion about enjoying random chances. It's sad.

To be honest, I just miss the depth of replaying a given addition to the game to get something. The game has always had a repetitive nature, but things like Scarlet Spear feel way more shallow and hollow compared to Trials to me personally. I too would like some randomized things. I wouldn't have minded Tenebrous if they left it alone, but I know DE well and knew if I had farmed it, it would be released as a joke later, which is what happens to anything rare in the game these days. It's going to hit the Riven system eventually, it's just a matter of time.

i wonder how long DE will hold out before they allow some kind of stat locking and practically gifting everyone a "god roll" riven for the exact weapon they want, because we know if they do that, then it has to become OP or there will be even more complaints. 

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5 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Yep, miss it alot. Was very happy when it was introduced with RJ with an actual high and low range roll. I was immensly disappointed and heartbroken when all reactors got turned into automatic 90%+ rolls and more so when fusion was added. 

WF could use random items. Weapons that can only drop from a new type of content etc. something we dont need to invest forma, potatos or weapon slots in, but also something we can only ever have one of. So when we find a better one we discard the old and level up the new one (once to level 30) to unlock the full potential (universal polarities in all slots). These should be untradable. Damage stats, crit chance, status etc. should be randomly generated on them with a min and max roll range, status and crit would always be in relation to eachother so you can chase a status, crit or hybrid as you prefer, like the modular parts that are heavy on one or the other or balanced in both.

There's already games with randomized stats on equipment, with randomized values on top of the randomized stats. It just doesn't work on Warframe because we don't get hundreds of drops within an hour. Other games with obscene RNG generally don't have random stats/values associated with gear, all the RNG is tied to getting it to drop in the first place, and upgrading it.

Either way, there's already Rivens, which are randomized stats with randomized values on top of that, and they're even for a random weapon type that are then rolled for a random weapon within that category.

21 minutes ago, Voltage said:

Internet culture at its finest. Imagine how many downvotes this thread would have on Reddit just for having an opinion about enjoying random chances. It's sad.

To be honest, I just miss the depth of replaying a given addition to the game to get something. The game has always had a repetitive nature, but things like Scarlet Spear feel way more shallow and hollow compared to Trials to me personally. I too would like some randomized things. I wouldn't have minded Tenebrous if they left it alone, but I know DE well and knew if I had farmed it, it would be released as a joke later, which is what happens to anything rare in the game these days. It's going to hit the Riven system eventually, it's just a matter of time.

Not wanting an excess of RNG=/=Entitled. If anyone is entitled, it's game devs who are constantly allowed to be lazy and hide rewards behind a random chance, rather than coming up with an actual proper and enjoyable time sink.  Game devs got so lazy that they relied on rng to monetize games, and this isn't any different to Warframe; their strategy is hoping people are frustrated enough with RNG that they outright buy it, rather than it being about saving their time. The game even lacks consistent cosmetic monetization for a reason.

There is no depth in whether you're rewarded or not entirely based on luck. It makes zero sense to even consider that getting lucky is somehow a display of skill or accomplishment as DE was suggesting, or even this thread.

I personally prefer lengthy time sinks, even with daily limitations (intrinsic, focus, reputation) or bad luck compensation in the form of a token system, or upgrading random gear until it's capped like Lich/RJ. This means someone still gets to enjoy their nonsense gambling, while others who don't want to have the option of dedicating their time to achieve real results.

I'm not bothered by long grinds, what I don't like is lazily developed grind that varies widely between people. Many aspects of the game is already left to RNG, it isn't unreasonable to want things to be different.

Edited by Yamazuki
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