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What Operator cosmetics would you like to see?


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Some people like Operators and some do not. Regardless they are meant to represent your "true" self.

Maybe it's just me, but currently I feel that there still isn't that great of a selection for operator cosmetics, at least in regards to the facial accessories. Additionally, many cosmetics have a habit of hiding the Operator's face rather than complimenting it. I'm of the opinion that not every slot needs to be filled and having something a bit more minimalistic can be better, on that note. I do enjoy Operators and I like having my own space potato, so I don't like trying to hide them away as I know other players do.

I'm saying this because I wish we had more cosmetics that didn't rely so much on obscuring large chunks of the face. I thought that the recent glassmaker stuff would fix this, unfortunately they are too opaque (most notably the glass jaw) for my tastes and after having obtained them I later removed them a week later as I'd prefer (whenever) the next cinematic drops that my Operator's face isn't hidden. I look for the more subtle or minimal that add to the Operator, rather than pave over it.

With that in mind, my favourite Operator cosmetic that never made it in was a Tennogen hat that resembled a futuristic Poker Hat. And I would've spent money as soon as that dropped if it got in game, which it sadly didn't. If you're familiar with Mass Effect it reminded me of the Pilot of the Normandy, Joker. And I really hope somewhere in the future either that or a similar hat is added (provided it doesn't take up the hood/mask slot)


With that all being said, what do you guys wish we had as Operator cosmetics? Maybe you disagree entirely with what I've said? Feel free to talk about it.

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9 minutes ago, Zahnny said:

I'm saying this because I wish we had more cosmetics that didn't rely so much on obscuring large chunks of the face.

I soooo agree with this. I spent so much time with the facial features that I restricted myself from using the umbra scarf even though it looks very cool.

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Some Tenno or Dax-made armour sets?

I mean the Fortuna and Quill Operator armour is pretty sweet, but it doesn't feel very Tenno. And all the stuff made BY the Tenno are plugsuits, which is nice if you like it, but doesn't really get across the idea of armour. I'd love to see what the Tenno would look like donning something more from their era.


I'd also be down for 'Casual' attire, whatever that looks like for the Operator. 

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I want the glass ventilator prime from i think  valkyrs original access to come back. 

Aside from that, more full on face masks or helmets.  I would be thrilled if the lich facial accessories made it into the game for use with operators. 

Edited by PookieNumnums
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I liked the fortuna sets a lot but imo its a shame that most arms are asymetrical. (mix and match it is)
Something even more cyberpunk or emo-ish inspired by corpus and sentient themes would be nice.


What I would really like to see are more masks that don't cover the ears when closed (like grineer or old excal)
Maybe base some of them on conservation animals? (the werevirmink is thirsting for blood and treasure)
We got a g.d norg mask, is a pobber headdeco too much to ask?

Would also be nice to have more "ears" like the ki'teer atmos but with different themes. (gimme more fluff, DE!)

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Something that changes the running animation, so it looks less like "oh skritt! Where the hell is the nearest toilet!?" followed by the sound of bowel movement and a loud "aaw crap!".

I'd also like a true bald option and not just the current "I dont own a razor or cream, I only own worn out electric trimmer" style.

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19 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Something that changes the running animation, so it looks less like "oh skritt! Where the hell is the nearest toilet!?" followed by the sound of bowel movement and a loud "aaw crap!".

That's more a problem with the amp animations. Without a amp they walk fine.

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A revisit on all Operator movement and idle animations with amps as the animation sets do nothing to the Operator when an amp is in play.

Simply just more Operator cosmetics. From sleek to bulky, to futuristic to old school medieval stuff. I want more cosmetics. The more the merrier.

A better face system. My lord the current one sucks. It just is awful.

Proper gender choices. Age up the Operator. I'd like to be an adult please. At least a young adult. Give us more body definition and choices as well. Let us be big chunky lads or lasses, or maybe one that really needs a sandvich.

Rework some of the current cosmetics. Some of them weirdly block face masks and some of them don't. For example, the Umbra Scarf does not block wearing the Baro face mask, and it looks weird whereas the haztech helmet blocks the mask despite it not clipping. Solution would be let us just let things clip. People can decide if they are ugly and not worth it.

And give us some proper abilities and more mobility as an Operator. I know Void Dash can be godly in its distance covered, but that doesn't matter if the Operator is stiff as a board.

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Tenno needs different body types. They need to be taller and stronger. The face needs better animation and of course the ability to shout certain sarcastic lines. The tenno looks like plastic lifeless dolls that runs like lemmings. 

If this game is going to add more customization options, it would be a good idea for the frames and the tenno. This will help distinguish more players. More details in cloth selection, availability of prime accessories for purchase and more customization for the interior of the orbiter for the tenno like seats, chairs, etc..


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2 hours ago, Zahnny said:

Is it bad you reminded me of Saints Row's "Sex Appeal" slider?

Absolutely not. I hope DE has the same thought too. I'd be very happy if we could control the level of hot we could have. We already have sexy Warframes. Dummy thicc Wisp and Atlas would like to say hello. Let us have Sexy Operators to match. It's a mature game. We slice folks in half on the regular, what's a little bit of thicc butt in tight spacesuit?

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I think I could go without sexualizing what is physically pre-teens. That said, if the adult tenno idea from Duviri stays around as an option for players; go for it. Personally, I would go for some syndicate cosmetic armor, stolen enemy faction suits for ease of infiltration; and I don't know, some amps for Void blast, Shadow, and Dash acting something akin visually to a gauntlet or chain glove for the blast, greaves or other leggings for the dash, and a small chest ornament for Shadow. I think it would add a lot more functionality and customization visually for the Tenno form.

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Main thing I would like is more "regular"/"standard" hairstyles. A majority of current hairstyles feel a bit too wacky for my tastes. I like having straight/slightly wavy long or short hair.

Adult operators would also be nice. I'd also want to see more suits like the emmisary suit that are organic in nature. Perhaps also some sentient themed outfits that let us give our operators sentient characteristics.

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1 hour ago, CaptainMinty said:

Absolutely not. I hope DE has the same thought too. I'd be very happy if we could control the level of hot we could have. We already have sexy Warframes. Dummy thicc Wisp and Atlas would like to say hello. Let us have Sexy Operators to match. It's a mature game. We slice folks in half on the regular, what's a little bit of thicc butt in tight spacesuit?

Only if our Operators can permanently become adults. I don't like the idea of sexualizing minors.

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More hairstyles and casual clothing would be nice, maybe in a event along with those "legacy" weapon skins they talked about LOOOOOOOOOOOONG ago ?

Also, better animations and movemment, I kinda have some ideas for that, but this is not the post for it

And maybe some "longer" clothes ? Like trench coats or something classy similar to Limbo, by the Void, I would love that

The thing about "aging the operator" tho', I'm fine with the idea of a "maturity slider" that sets the appearance for someone that would like the operator older, but nothing forced into the player, I like my operator's appearance right now and wouldn't really want to change, but if ya' want, go for it then.

In general, just more cosmetic options in general would be nice

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