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Is there any enemies you'd love to have as a deployable Specter?


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Specters don't always see major usage, but that can be pinned on only a select few being worth using along with not that many being added, and the last few that were aren't reusable BPs (I'm looking at you, Baro.) If you could choose any enemy, unit or etc from the game to deploy in a mission. What would it be, and why? And would you alter them or pre-existing Specters to better fit their usage as a deployable?

Not to bash because I feel it's going to be mentioned, but I wouldn't recommend Arbitration Drones given they essentially give anything tethered to immortality, but it could work as a mix between an Ancient Healer and a Shield Osprey if instead of immortality they granted damage resistance.

Syndicate Operatives (Spawns two Operatives of that syndicate as if running a Syndicate mission, similar to Warframe specters, summoning the same, or any other syndicate operatives kills the previous two. This is mostly to prevent players from spawning opposing syndicates together)

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I want Derim Zahn, from the Index, just because of the name similarity with my IGN.

Edited by Zahnny
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Infested Threshers. Corpus Bursas. Grineer Baliffs.

As it stands, a lot of specters are just too squishy and have limited functionality in combat besides a temporary distraction. Give us some units that are disruptive and can take a beating, to help take the aggro off you and punish the foes who don't deal with your specter.

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I'd like one of the Nightwave rewards to be a deployable Cephilite. Even if it was just a regular Elite Lancer with the glass cosmetic, that would be nice.

An Arctic Eximus with their slowing bubble/aura would be useful for defense missions.

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5 minutes ago, BRZZAFK said:

Specters already strong enough to solo arbitration. I seen many using them to afk.

I'm gonna need a citation there. Warframe specters don't apply mods. They just scale up the damage. What weapons are they using exactly? As far as I'm aware, only Wukong, Umbra and Equinox use mods and are probably strong enough to "solo" them.

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Eidolon Lure, Tusk Seeker Drone, Void Death Orb... Eidolon Lures so you can just have lures immediately and also use it as a meat(machine) shield, Tusk Seeker Drone to call in a squad of Grineer reinforcements, Void Death Orb for a consumable press-4-to-win.

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1 minute ago, nslay said:

Eidolon Lure, Tusk Seeker Drone, Void Death Orb... Eidolon Lures so you can just have lures immediately and also use it as a meat(machine) shield, Tusk Seeker Drone to call in a squad of Grineer reinforcements, Void Death Orb for a consumable press-4-to-win.

Huh. Eidolon lures. I could see widespread usage of them. Though I can imagine they might not be as effective unless you've got 2-3 players all using them. Might be worth having two of them spawn.

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1分钟前 , Zahnny 说:

I'm gonna need a citation there. Warframe specters don't apply mods. They just scale up the damage. What weapons are they using exactly? As far as I'm aware, only Wukong, Umbra and Equinox use mods and are probably strong enough to "solo" them.

Build a Specter with Exergis and command it to stay put. Cant find video for you at work.

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1 minute ago, BRZZAFK said:

Build a Specter with Exergis and command it to stay put. Cant find video for you at work.

Huh. I've never actually thought of pairing that with the Exergis. I normally use the Arca Plasmor for wider crowd control on my specters.


I don't mean to tell you what to do, but unless you're on break maybe being on the warframe forums isn't the best thing to do while at work.


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6 minutes ago, Zahnny said:

Huh. Eidolon lures. I could see widespread usage of them. Though I can imagine they might not be as effective unless you've got 2-3 players all using them. Might be worth having two of them spawn.

Hmm... I think DE should also give us Battalyst sentient specter BPs that drop from sentients in RJ. We have specters for all other factions, but none for sentients!

Also... I'm ranking Synoid Heliocor. Can you make a 30 second Stalker Specter by heavy attacking Stalker with it? How hilarious would that be?

Edited by nslay
Poor wording...
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4 minutes ago, nslay said:

Hmm... I think DE should also give us Battalyst sentient specter BPs that drop from sentients in RJ. We have specters for all other factions, but none for sentients!

Also... I'm ranking Synoid Heliocor. Can you make a 30 second Stalker Specter by heavy attacking Stalker with it? How hilarious would that be?

That's the funny thing, weapons like Ballistica Prime and Synoid Heliocor prove that we can have these enemies as Specters. Honestly I wish instead of having a timer associated with them, they are permanent but you could only have one of them per weapon.

e.g. Ballistica P specter and a Synoid Heliocor specter. I doubt it's going to make me insanely overpowered, and if anything I'll probably be gimping myself as I don't want to use those weapons incase I reset it.

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2 minutes ago, Zahnny said:

That's the funny thing, weapons like Ballistica Prime and Synoid Heliocor prove that we can have these enemies as Specters. Honestly I wish instead of having a timer associated with them, they are permanent but you could only have one of them per weapon.

e.g. Ballistica P specter and a Synoid Heliocor specter. I doubt it's going to make me insanely overpowered, and if anything I'll probably be gimping myself as I don't want to use those weapons incase I reset it.

You know what? I think universal specters are doable without being absolutely crazy...

Have requirements like:

  1. Must finish all Simaris research.
  2. Target enemy specter must have complete scans.
  3. Use anti-hoarding Argon Crystals as a crafting ingredient (say 10 a piece).
  4. Have only one universal specter BP (purchasable from Simaris) so that only one enemy specter can be manufactured at a time (so if you're building a Battalyst specter, you can't make an Eidolon Lure specter).
  5. If DE is so worried about mass producing OP specters... make players also grind for "essence" crafting materials that rarely drop from the target enemy type. Risk of doing this is that players could largely continue to ignore specters. Codex Scans could serve as this "essence" material. It would give Helios' Investigator precept a bit more use for experienced players who spend Codex Scans to craft powerful specters.

I think universal specters should be able to be almost any scanable object or enemy. I know I would love to make some Tomb Guardian specters! Though it would be impossible to make Tomb Guardians if requirement (5) is in place.

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Tenno Specters would be better (IMO) if they actively used their secondary by which has longer range. Give 'em a little more variety. I mean, if you have a pistol that shoots out to (insert range), shelving if for a shotgun that drops well short of that makes no sense.

On the topic, tho, Nullifier and Hyena Specters? Also, a Lawn Moa for the grass.

Edited by (PS4)Raven-Ghosthawk
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