I was up until 5:30am EDT last night until I finally killed Protea. Reminded me of some the 'invincible' type bosses from Borderands 1 and 2, only, as a mercy, some of the 'invincibles' had little places where you could survive while trying to kill them. Deadlock has no mercy of any kind.
Consider this a 'How I did it' from a Mastery Rank 8 player. I'm not saying this is the best way to do it. This is A way, at this Mastery Rank.
The warframes I have now are: Excaliber (Orokin Reactor, but recently forma'ed), Excaliber Umbra (Orokin Reactor), Gara (Orokin Reactor), Inaros (up to level 28), Limbo (Orokin Reactor), Mirage, an Oberon (Orokin Reactoer).
I decided on Umbra. He's got Umbra mods, which deliver some hurt to Sentients, so I figured he would be badass enough for Protea. And radial blind is always good. (Except that she seemed immune to radial blind.) By 3 am I decided I'd made a mistake and Oberon would have been a better choice for being able regenerate his health.
This was the second time I attemped the Triton, Neptune ending for Protea. The first time I had a brand new, unleveled Xoris. And it showed. Couldn't get past Protea's first health bar. But I did learn the peculiarities of the Xoris. I found that if I had had my Secondary Weapon equipped, when I hit the melee key to bring up the Xoris and then used the heavy attack button to throw it, it wouldn't throw. But if I had my Primary equipped, I could hit the melee button to bring up the Xoris and then the Heavy Attack button to throw it. I also learned to use the time for the wind up to throw to move the aim around at moving targets. So my first time through I was getting the muscle memory for using the Xoris into my fingers.
On my first attempt I was also trying to get the tileset into my muscle memory. Nasty, uneven terrain, with lots of fall traps. Protea would hug the terrain like a good soldier, and pop up to spray me with her high fire automatic weapon and other attacks. I'd get killed doing melee with her, so that was out of the question. And Protea would hunt me if I got weak, hugging the terrain, but definitely moving in for the kill. And then there were the flying Errant Specters and their lasers. This is a tileset to keep moving in. If Protea didn't track you down, then the flying Errant Specters would cluster together into an unheavenly choir and collectively laser beam away your shields and health. So you need muscle memory for where you can run and jump to and where you can't. And I really really really began to hate those Errant Specters (honestly, it felt like a choir of angels pissing on my head).
So I decided I needed to seriously level up the Xoris. I got it to max rank 30 on a lot of other missions. It can be a champion stealth weapon. I discovered there were neat mods for it that made things much easier: Rebound (if you hit the first target, it will bounce off and hit another target like Captain America. I'd ranked this one up for four bounces). Life Strike (life steal on heavy attack, which a Xoris throw is.), Power Throw (punch through for thrown melee), Virulent Scourge (Toxin and Status chance buff). I added Fever Strike to get through shields. I could kill squad of four with one throw. The MOA's were a little harder, being robots.
So, now I was ready for my attempt with a fully leveled and modded Xoris. As primary, I used a catalyzed Soma mg and set it for toxin damage. The Errant Specters are weak to that, and it gets around shields. For Secondary, I used a catalyzed Cestra pistol, set for magnetic and impact damage for the Corpus.
The first thing is dealing with the fight through the Triton, Neptune Corpus ship. On one run through, that alone seriously ran me out of ammo. That's was when I realized the the real purpose of the Triton, Neptune fight is for you to get used to using the Xoris. I was flinging it a lot and saving ammo taking out multiple Corpus at a time. The Soma toxin Primary did for Errant Specters right away, but I also practiced the Xoris on them. That got me to the Treasurer. I did him with the Soma toxin Primary and some Xoris melee swipes. He drops the Granum Coin and its off to the Hand, and I am in the Grunum Void.
In the Granum Void, the first thing is freeing the Solaris 'volunteers.' You do that by throwing a 'charged' Xoris at the entrapped volunteer. You charge the Xoris by killing a Errant Specter with it, and then killing the Specter Particles that are left behind (its Like killing vomvalysts for their Sentient Cores). When your Xoris is fully charged, you will see a row of orange markers next to you aiming reticule when you equipe the Xoris. To free a volunteer, you throw the charged Xoris at him/her and when it is close enough, you hit the heavy attack button a second time and it will explode. freeing the volunteer. You do this three times. Practice will eventually teach you how soon you should explode the Xoris.
With Volunteers gone, the fight with Protea starts.
Protea has four health bars. Whenever one of them is gone, she'll do a Temporal Reset to bring ALL of them back. The only way you can make progress is to hit her with a charged Xoris after you shoot away one of her health bars. The exploding Xoris stops her Temporal Reset. But there is a problem. The Errant Specters will come to her rescue while this is going on. When you stop, the Errant Specters will start collecting and forming a unheavenly choir of laser beamers that will kill your shields and start killing you health. There's another nastiness in that Protea will hug the terrain and make it difficult to get a clear Xoris hit in.
So what happens is a dance back and forth all over the tileset. When you have taken hits and are weak, Protea will hug the terrain and start hunting you. If you stop, the unheavenly choir will form and laser you to death. So the dance is: when you have to charge your Xoris, or are weak, you dance way from Protea, and stop only when you are ahead of a choir. As the choir members start coming towards you, you hit them with the Xoris. The first hits will only damage them. (if you have Rebound, you can hit more of them with one throw). When they get to where their combined lasers can do you damage, you jump and run to a new spot that is also away from Protea. Eventually you'll kill an Errant Spector. It will turn into a Specter Particle. You prioritize hitting Specter Particles. Then you Xoris is charged.
With a Xoris charged, you start dancing towards Protea, hugging the terrain as you close, and shoot her to damage her remaining health bar. My weapon was the Soma toxin Primary. As soon as the unheavenly choir starts gathering again, break off and dance away again. Protea only does a Temporal Reset when the damaged health bar is completely gone. Run a circle round to her the other side to keep the Errant Specters behind you for your next attack. If the choir collects again, run around the other way and attack again. You want to get to the point where Protea's current heath bar is low, and the choir hasn't caught up with you. Then you can kill her damaged health bar and immediately thrown the charge Xoris at her and detonate it. That gets her down a health bar. And remember, if she is able to do a Temporal Reset, she'll bring all her health bars back. Devil's work, that.
Then you dance away from her and begin the dance with the Errant Specters again to recharge your Xoris. Rinse and repeat until you've killed all her health bars. I believe that anybody who plays a piano could do this. It all about doing a lot of things at once, automatically, without having to stop and think.
Two more notes.
You're going to take damage, so you need some way of regenerating your health that doesn't involve staying in one place for too long. Life Strike turned out to be the mission saver for my second attempt, as killing Errant Specters with the Xoris restored the health they and Protea took away.
Ammo. You'll use it up. The small ammo restore might take too much time loading you up. The way you get more ammo is by killing Errant Specters. They drop ammo. So you might want to use an Ammo Mutation mod on your weapon to convert the ammo that drops into the ammo you want. I didn't load it in my weapon and that probably made the mission longer than it needed to be.
I was up until 5:30am EDT last night until I finally killed Protea. Reminded me of some the 'invincible' type bosses from Borderands 1 and 2, only, as a mercy, some of the 'invincibles' had little places where you could survive while trying to kill them. Deadlock has no mercy of any kind.
Consider this a 'How I did it' from a Mastery Rank 8 player. I'm not saying this is the best way to do it. This is A way, at this Mastery Rank.
The warframes I have now are: Excaliber (Orokin Reactor, but recently forma'ed), Excaliber Umbra (Orokin Reactor), Gara (Orokin Reactor), Inaros (up to level 28), Limbo (Orokin Reactor), Mirage, an Oberon (Orokin Reactoer).
I decided on Umbra. He's got Umbra mods, which deliver some hurt to Sentients, so I figured he would be badass enough for Protea. And radial blind is always good. (Except that she seemed immune to radial blind.) By 3 am I decided I'd made a mistake and Oberon would have been a better choice for being able regenerate his health.
This was the second time I attemped the Triton, Neptune ending for Protea. The first time I had a brand new, unleveled Xoris. And it showed. Couldn't get past Protea's first health bar. But I did learn the peculiarities of the Xoris. I found that if I had had my Secondary Weapon equipped, when I hit the melee key to bring up the Xoris and then used the heavy attack button to throw it, it wouldn't throw. But if I had my Primary equipped, I could hit the melee button to bring up the Xoris and then the Heavy Attack button to throw it. I also learned to use the time for the wind up to throw to move the aim around at moving targets. So my first time through I was getting the muscle memory for using the Xoris into my fingers.
On my first attempt I was also trying to get the tileset into my muscle memory. Nasty, uneven terrain, with lots of fall traps. Protea would hug the terrain like a good soldier, and pop up to spray me with her high fire automatic weapon and other attacks. I'd get killed doing melee with her, so that was out of the question. And Protea would hunt me if I got weak, hugging the terrain, but definitely moving in for the kill. And then there were the flying Errant Specters and their lasers. This is a tileset to keep moving in. If Protea didn't track you down, then the flying Errant Specters would cluster together into an unheavenly choir and collectively laser beam away your shields and health. So you need muscle memory for where you can run and jump to and where you can't. And I really really really began to hate those Errant Specters (honestly, it felt like a choir of angels pissing on my head).
So I decided I needed to seriously level up the Xoris. I got it to max rank 30 on a lot of other missions. It can be a champion stealth weapon. I discovered there were neat mods for it that made things much easier: Rebound (if you hit the first target, it will bounce off and hit another target like Captain America. I'd ranked this one up for four bounces). Life Strike (life steal on heavy attack, which a Xoris throw is.), Power Throw (punch through for thrown melee), Virulent Scourge (Toxin and Status chance buff). I added Fever Strike to get through shields. I could kill squad of four with one throw. The MOA's were a little harder, being robots.
So, now I was ready for my attempt with a fully leveled and modded Xoris. As primary, I used a catalyzed Soma mg and set it for toxin damage. The Errant Specters are weak to that, and it gets around shields. For Secondary, I used a catalyzed Cestra pistol, set for magnetic and impact damage for the Corpus.
The first thing is dealing with the fight through the Triton, Neptune Corpus ship. On one run through, that alone seriously ran me out of ammo. That's was when I realized the the real purpose of the Triton, Neptune fight is for you to get used to using the Xoris. I was flinging it a lot and saving ammo taking out multiple Corpus at a time. The Soma toxin Primary did for Errant Specters right away, but I also practiced the Xoris on them. That got me to the Treasurer. I did him with the Soma toxin Primary and some Xoris melee swipes. He drops the Granum Coin and its off to the Hand, and I am in the Grunum Void.
In the Granum Void, the first thing is freeing the Solaris 'volunteers.' You do that by throwing a 'charged' Xoris at the entrapped volunteer. You charge the Xoris by killing a Errant Specter with it, and then killing the Specter Particles that are left behind (its Like killing vomvalysts for their Sentient Cores). When your Xoris is fully charged, you will see a row of orange markers next to you aiming reticule when you equipe the Xoris. To free a volunteer, you throw the charged Xoris at him/her and when it is close enough, you hit the heavy attack button a second time and it will explode. freeing the volunteer. You do this three times. Practice will eventually teach you how soon you should explode the Xoris.
With Volunteers gone, the fight with Protea starts.
Protea has four health bars. Whenever one of them is gone, she'll do a Temporal Reset to bring ALL of them back. The only way you can make progress is to hit her with a charged Xoris after you shoot away one of her health bars. The exploding Xoris stops her Temporal Reset. But there is a problem. The Errant Specters will come to her rescue while this is going on. When you stop, the Errant Specters will start collecting and forming a unheavenly choir of laser beamers that will kill your shields and start killing you health. There's another nastiness in that Protea will hug the terrain and make it difficult to get a clear Xoris hit in.
So what happens is a dance back and forth all over the tileset. When you have taken hits and are weak, Protea will hug the terrain and start hunting you. If you stop, the unheavenly choir will form and laser you to death. So the dance is: when you have to charge your Xoris, or are weak, you dance way from Protea, and stop only when you are ahead of a choir. As the choir members start coming towards you, you hit them with the Xoris. The first hits will only damage them. (if you have Rebound, you can hit more of them with one throw). When they get to where their combined lasers can do you damage, you jump and run to a new spot that is also away from Protea. Eventually you'll kill an Errant Spector. It will turn into a Specter Particle. You prioritize hitting Specter Particles. Then you Xoris is charged.
With a Xoris charged, you start dancing towards Protea, hugging the terrain as you close, and shoot her to damage her remaining health bar. My weapon was the Soma toxin Primary. As soon as the unheavenly choir starts gathering again, break off and dance away again. Protea only does a Temporal Reset when the damaged health bar is completely gone. Run a circle round to her the other side to keep the Errant Specters behind you for your next attack. If the choir collects again, run around the other way and attack again. You want to get to the point where Protea's current heath bar is low, and the choir hasn't caught up with you. Then you can kill her damaged health bar and immediately thrown the charge Xoris at her and detonate it. That gets her down a health bar. And remember, if she is able to do a Temporal Reset, she'll bring all her health bars back. Devil's work, that.
Then you dance away from her and begin the dance with the Errant Specters again to recharge your Xoris. Rinse and repeat until you've killed all her health bars. I believe that anybody who plays a piano could do this. It all about doing a lot of things at once, automatically, without having to stop and think.
Two more notes.
You're going to take damage, so you need some way of regenerating your health that doesn't involve staying in one place for too long. Life Strike turned out to be the mission saver for my second attempt, as killing Errant Specters with the Xoris restored the health they and Protea took away.
Ammo. You'll use it up. The small ammo restore might take too much time loading you up. The way you get more ammo is by killing Errant Specters. They drop ammo. So you might want to use an Ammo Mutation mod on your weapon to convert the ammo that drops into the ammo you want. I didn't load it in my weapon and that probably made the mission longer than it needed to be.
And that's it. Boss down.
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