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Mission Types - Survey


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Hiho everybody!

I'm interested in your opinion regarding the different mission types that shape our Warframe experience.

Link to the survey

What mission types are covered in the survey?

I chose to include the mission types represented on the star chart, excluding Archwing, Railjack and the open worlds.
I would have liked the survey to cover all of them but didn't want it to be too time consuming.

How long does the survey take?

The survey consists of seven questions about 17 mission types. It shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes.

What happens to the results?

I'll wait a bit for results to come in and post them in a few days time.


As a little thanks for your time, I'll randomly choose 50 participants (PC only) and gift them weapon slots. Be sure to include your IGN at the end if you are interested!

Past surveys

Tilesets #1 - Characters - Watching Warframe Content? - Tilesets #2


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Excavation feels like it's in a weird spot. Either you protect it with abilities and it becomes impossible to kill or it just drops dead.
Maybe it would feel better if it had a small defensive bubble like nullifiers; if the bubble gets shot, it reduces in size until it disappears and power cells restore the bubble.

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I liked spy and survival as my go to, next disruption (Disruption is a rather fun game mode). Then comes the other non endless modes (I'm neutral to them, including defection.).

My least favourite one is defence missions. I just don't like them. They are monotonous like heck. At least mobile defence has be moving to different tilesets...


While I am a solo player, whether or not a content is solo-able to me is not important. In fact, I'd rather have be not solo-able.

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Assault is okay, but I don't really have a reason to play it outside of Sorties. So I'm indifferent.

The majority of Endless Missions in Warframe I dislike. I know players need an objective but I don't like having to handle another economy like life support so that I don't fail it. Defense it too slow and Interception isn't very solo friendly unless you're something like a High Duration Nova.

Infested Salvage god I don't even like thinking about it. Take Survival and Interception then put on a modifier to weaken your armor if you're not within the Interception zones. I stopped farming Nidus after my wrist began getting constant pain from the melee spam and luckily got it gifted later.

SO and ESO are ok but unfortunately, playing with a squad I can't trust my teammates not to drop out before Rotation C and Solo is too difficult to compete with the timer.

Disruption is the only Endless mission that I really enjoy as a sort of "Stop That Tank!" gamemode but the rewards don't feel good enough. Maybe if a certain set of medallions worked on Conclave like originally intended...hint hint...My only real complaint with Disruption is the Demolysts are too reliant on sounds instead of visual indicators. I mostly play with Music which means I kinda dislike playing Disruption because I can't listen to music or other stuff while playing it.

I find myself enjoying most of Warframes non-endless missions. My favourites are probably Sabotage for its caches and Spy missions. When I need to level some gear I typically try to find a Mobile Defense fissure to level in, instead of endless missions.

Speaking of MD, I wish it worked like the Spy Vault's ABC rewards and that losing one console isn't the end of a mission (unless it's a sortie ofc)

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I feel like there should’ve been a ‘no opinion’ option for the “fun/not fun” section. Cuz’ for stuff like Assault, I don’t lean one way or the other.

There also should’ve been a “major rework” kind of thing for the improvement section, but I guess you could strenuously tie it to the “can’t be saved” option. Maybe also a “I try not to” in the “How often” section.

But, essentially - 

1. I hate endless missions with every fiber of my being, if only just for ruining any semblance of balanced gameplay NOT dictated by infinite scaling

2. Capture, Exterminate, Hijack, basically one-and-done objective missions are....fine, I guess. They could do with more variety, I’m bored to death whenever I do one of these.

3. Sabotage and Spy are the pinnacle of Warframe gameplay and Lua Spy is the best star chart mission in the entire game. Nothing will change my mind about that, so don’t even try.

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I don't think it's as simple as fun or not fun, because the tileset can factor in big time for some missions with the exception of ones locked to specific planets like Assault. An "indifferent" option would have been nice to have as well. 

tl;dr scope of the survey is too limited imo

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Your survey will be random if you don't include neutral options. I don't play some modes. I don't even remember them. However I have to pick "not fun" because I have to.
On the other hand numbers like 1 to 5 betters show "how much" you do or like something. For example 1-> I don't play 5 -> I play it all the time.
Picking between variety and bugs is random as well.

As for modes:
Capture: you cannot stealth-capture it. It's all the same enemies (stronger but same)
Defense:give it more variety, like every N waves something happens, not like stronger/weaker enemies but might be just "different", sortie defense is bad -> you cannot even tell this moving guy to "stop", you cannot even put snowglobe because he just have to walk... sigh
Disruption: finding the suicide bomber is little random if you don't hear any sounds you don't know where s/he is so you run around
Excavation: sometimes it doesn't spawn enough enemies with "fuel" or even enemies at all
Exterminate: the best mission because it doesn't have any weird stuff, good for testing stuffs
Hijack: little monotonous, you cannot escort another one, you protect stuffs... little boring
Interception: Bad for solo players. If map is huge it's just annoying to runn around map. Not sure if it was implemented but during Protea quest they fixed it by making interception protecting 2 points.
Mobile Defense: Nice, but sometimes we need to run many meters between MD
Rathuum/Index: For solo if you are not somehow nice, bots would screw you. And picking every freaking thing is so freaking annoying.
Rescue: Less engaging than spy but shorter, because you don't have to rescue it "completely" -just hack console and go to extraction point.
Sabotage: Intersting, but sometimes you just feel like "take this, put here". Some elements are very close to each other so you cannot just spam X to pick "it"
Sanctuary Onslaught: constant kill more or you lose is not for me, I wish it was more like "endless exterminate"
Spy: the most interesting one. Unless you have to do it ten times to upgrade your pet because you have boosters...
Survival: It's nice where you have nice place, and enemies spawn a lot. Old Wahiba/Mars was nice with many enemies (with low level enemies). Now it's a ghost town. Kuva version is nice too... however map is very bad so I don't play it.

I'm solo player. I understand that something might be "little harder" but not completely different game. Interception is the game I hate as solo player. Imho it's important to have "solo way".

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Assault: I rarely play Assault because I rarely ever go to the Kuva Fortress. But, when I have played it it's been fine. Maybe I've simply not played it enough to notice the flaws that other people see in it. *shrug*

Capture: I see nothing wrong with capture other than the target is almost entirely immune to abilities. It's rather annoying to have the game tell you you're straight not allowed to use some of your core functions. I ran a high-level capture once and forgot this fact: I was leveling some MR fodder and figured I would (like usual) just use Titania and Razorwing to blitz the mission and get done. Nope: target ignores Dex Pixia altogether, so I have to beat him down with a  rank 5 melee weapon. That was fun. #sarcasm

Defection is annoying simply because of how dumb and slow the Kavor AI is. When I play this mode (still farming that last Harrow part) I run Trinity to keep the idiots alive, but each wave takes forever becasue they're just so slow. Often one of the group decides to take a different path which makes it harder to escort them and keep them within range of my heals. And occasionally one will get stuck on the geometry altogether and there's just nothing you can do at that point. Defection could be the poster-child for DE's habit of "launch it, leave it and never fix it." When I finally get that last part I will not play Defection again unless it's to help someone else with their own Harrow farm or for Sortie/Nightwave.

Defense is pretty okay as the map is relatively small and you get periodic opportunities to leave. Of course you have the Saryns that love to nuke the whole map, but that's the risk you take in pubs. *shrug* Sortie defense is aggravating because you cant tell the idiot defense target to stop moving.

Disruption is probably my least-liked mission type even though I've recently found a way to play it comfortably. When it first launched it was far harder than I thought it had any right being, and I still think the demolishers are a bit too tough, but I've come up with a build that lets me play the mode without being entirely infuriated. Minor changes needed (to suit me) but otherwise okay, I guess. Gauss drop rate needs adjusted for sure. Once I have Gauss I wont bother with this mode anymore unless helping others or required to for Sortie/Nightwave. I do not do Lua disruption at all unless I have to: Hate it.

Excavation isn't hard or anything, it just sucks because of the way rewards work. Cryotic should scale in one of two ways: either it should scale in quantity based on the node level (higher nodes drop more per excavator) or the excavators should drop more cryotic the longer you're in the mission. Or, ideally, both. Some of the items in this game require a crapton of cryotic (looking at you Sibear, with your 30k) and it's just a tedious, boring slog to get there. I've never been more thankful I got so much cryotic from the old alert rewards before Nightwave was introduced. That cut my farming time by quite a bit, but I still had a lot to go.

Exterminate: I like this because it's simple: run in and kill stuff. It's literally the first node on Earth and more or less sets the tone for the game. Quintessential horde shooting. I like it.

Hijack's a bit annoying but just requires you to take an appropriate frame: not hard, just needs forethought on the player's part.

Index: personally, I am ambivalent on Index. It's just boring. I'm usually the designated Limbo when my group plays and it was nice for a while because it actually taught me how to use the frame. Beforehand I didn't really understand him or how he worked. But now it's just brainless, and while I dont mind brainless activities (exterminate) it's not my kind of brainless.

Infested Salvage: Honestly I don't play this anymore. I did the grind for Nidus, I helped a few friends with their grind for Nidus... there's no reason to go back now. When I did play it it wasn't terrible though. The guy above's comment about it being a hybrid of Survival/Interception is pretty spot on.

Interception: I don't enjoy this mode. I dont hate it, but it's not particularly fun for me. Its not solo-friendly unless you take one of a few very specific builds (that you may not enjoy playing) and at higher levels like Steel Path it's pretty easy to get overwhelmed even with a party of 4. Since Interception does not have any mode-specific or node-specific drops, I have no need to play this mode and simply avoid it.

Mobile Defense is okay as is. Be nice if it had a quirk like the Orb Vallis bounty where you kill a certain guy who drops something to make the hack go faster. But still fine as-is.

Rathuum: Rathuum by itself isn't a problem. My only problem with Rathuum is that I have to play it if I want to fight Kela. The game mode itself is fine, especially now that I have a build for it.

Rescue: at low levels, it's meh. Take it or leave it. Not hard to rescue, not hard to get to extract before the hostage is downed. Higher levels is annoying because the rescue target is so squishy.

Sabotage: another take it or leave it. It's fine.

Sanctuary Onslaught/ESO: I farmed Korra rather than buy her and still occasionally play for Lato Vandal and Braton Vandal parts. It's nice for leveling gear quickly while also working toward one of those rewards.

Spy: I hate spy missions. Spying/stealthing is simply not how I like to play games. I'm fully capable of doing them after the hell that is the Ivara farm, but I dont enjoy them. When they come up I usually let my squadmates handle them. Absolutely loathe Lua Spy.

Survival is okay: I've never stayed long enough that health tower management became a problem.

While not on your list, I'll add these thoughts:
I actually like Archwing and Railjack. Yes, Archwing melee needs some tuning and Archwing Rush isnt very fun, but the overall idea of the modes is fun. They're mainly the same as we already have (Exterminate, Sabotage, Mobile Defense, Intercept) just with archwings and archguns instead of our normal stuff. If you think of the archwings as just another warframe that really takes all the difference out.

I've been enjoying railjack because I enjoy spaceflight games. Railjack lets me fly my ship and shoot down bad guys while also getting to use my frame and abilities when necessary. My only gripe with it, really, is that it's a content island instead of more interwoven into the core game. But, so are Plains and OV, so it's not a new thing.

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Hiho everybody!

Earier this week, I posted a survey about the different mission types.

Today I want to show you the results!

But first up: If you haven't scrolled through the discussion or results yet (nor participated in the first survey), then why don't you do so now?

More data is always more good. I'll start updating things as soon as I got some more responses.

What mission types were covered in the survey?

I chose to include the mission types represented on the star chart, excluding Archwing, Railjack and the open worlds. I would have liked the survey to cover all of them but didn't want it to be too time consuming.

So what's the survey about?

I asked r/warframe, forum and discord users to answer 7 questions about their opinion on the different mission types in the game

  1. Is mission type XY fun?
  2. How can mission type XY be improved? (can't be saved, QoL, more variation, better loot, good as is)
  3. Do you prefer to play solo or in a group/public?
  4. Is being able to complete content solo important to you?
  5. How often do you play XY?
  6. If you could delete one mission type, which one would it be?
  7. What mission type represents Warframe the best?


Fun & Popularity



Playing Solo vs Group/Public



Improving Missions



Delete pls & Poster Child



Gallery | Bonus | Google Sheet


The "Fun/Not Fun" question does not have a neutral option.

The "How often" question should not be directly linked to quality of the missions as some mission types have more nodes and appear with sorties & void fissures.

Past surveys

Tilesets #1 - Characters - Watching Warframe Content? - Tilesets #2


Who am I?

I'm just some veteran that has been playing Warframe for about 4 years now. I'm not affiliated with DE.

PS: I'm mostly doing this for fun and to learn new stuff, so feel free to let me know of anything that could be improved!

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2 minutes ago, DrivaMain said:

This shows that full solo or semi solo players have a huge voice in this community. So asking any forced CO-OP gamemodes like raids to return is hopeless, they will shoot it down the moment it’s in their viewpoint.

For me, the only real thing keeping me back from playing Raids was the way the matchmaking was set up, having to invite people. I'd rather just jump into a Pub like any other mission. In the end as they were closing I joined the Raid Bus Discord for a time just so I could get each of the emblems. They were ok with it of course.

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vor 8 Minuten schrieb DrivaMain:

This shows that full solo or semi solo players have a huge voice in this community.

Interestingly "Solo"-people were more likely to say "No" on the question about the importance of being able to solo content. Might include it in an update if I some more people participate in the survey.

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Cool survey!

2 hours ago, Purzzle said:

I'm mostly doing this for fun and to learn new stuff, so feel free to let me know of anything that could be improved!

You would probably get more results if the survey was less than 9 pages and maybe was structured a little differently.  Particularly when the first two pages are quite long and the survey as a whole requires input on every question before one gets to the next page.  I would imagine that you lose some people when they notice how many pages it will be, and lose more before they get to the pages that are short and sweet.

"No opinion" or "Neutral" options would probably help in some cases.

(It's possible that someone who is willing to tolerate all of that may not be as representative of Warframe's playerbase as they could be. 😉 )

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1 hour ago, Zahnny said:

For me, the only real thing keeping me back from playing Raids was the way the matchmaking was set up, having to invite people. I'd rather just jump into a Pub like any other mission. In the end as they were closing I joined the Raid Bus Discord for a time just so I could get each of the emblems. They were ok with it of course.

Now they're removing the Derelict and moving it to Deimos to enable pub matchmaking. If this happened to Raids, I would be 10/10 hoping they would return,

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2 hours ago, DrivaMain said:

This shows that full solo or semi solo players have a huge voice in this community. So asking any forced CO-OP gamemodes like raids to return is hopeless, they will shoot it down the moment it’s in their viewpoint.

i just play solo because the game literally start to break every time i play multiplayer like how can you play a game were everything is teleport or turning invisible or freezing by the amount of explosion on the screen 

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I was unaware of the survey so I didn't take it, but I'm a little surprised at some of the results.

I know people hate Defection, but I honestly only have 2 issues with it.  Rotations are slow as hell, even with a meta loadout for it.  And you're dependent on the AI for mission success.  Other than having a Switch Loki, there is nothing you can do about the amateur hour AI screwing you out of a full shipment of defectors.

Also...  Infested Salvage really isn't that bad.  The rewards are crap because DE needs to learn to stop putting rewards you only need once or twice into RNG drop tables, and the node is totally dead so you can't get a squad up.  But if it had decent rewards (and Nidus was moved to a vendor.) it really wouldn't be a bad mission type imo.

Honestly, I think the worst mission type in the game is probably Mobile Defense.  You cannot speed run it, the drops from it are trash, and it's redundant with the much better paced regular defense.  Unless we can include "open world bounties" as a mission type because that is my least favorite thing in the game, hands down.

The thing in the game with the most potential, imo, is ESO.  It's so close to Diablo 3's Greater Rift system, but is all the meh parts of it and none of the good parts.

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11 hours ago, DrivaMain said:

This shows that full solo or semi solo players have a huge voice in this community. So asking any forced CO-OP gamemodes like raids to return is hopeless, they will shoot it down the moment it’s in their viewpoint.

Not really, this just shows the opinions of a pretty specific, and small, group of people. It's just as flawed when it comes to judging the player base as when DE thinks Twitter can be used for the same.

9 hours ago, (PS4)yokai1235 said:

i just play solo because the game literally start to break every time i play multiplayer like how can you play a game were everything is teleport or turning invisible or freezing by the amount of explosion on the screen 

The experience just varies based on platform and how well the host is.

I've never experienced those issues, as I'll never run into performance issues as a client other than the guaranteed stuttering from places like ESO. When it comes to connecting to hosts, the only problems I ever ran into were doors only opening if the host was near me, or Operator not being usable when there's high ping. I've even managed to do multiple 2-4 hour pug (no pre-mades) survival runs as a client without running into a single problem.

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It would be great if DE put such metrics directly into the game as to not have a sampling bias. They could easily track which missions get played the most and least. Sadly the opinion parts can't be immune to selection bias.

For me, all the game modes I stated as being fun excluding defection since they are infinite escort missions. They could possibly be saved by having more methods of speeding the grineer up, such as allowing Volt or Nova to speed them up. I think Assault does not make sense to be considered a unique mission type, it is basically a sabotage mission on the Kuva Fortress.

And with regards to infested salvage I don't see it much different to survival: You have to kill enemies to get tokens that allow further progress. I'm not exactly sure about how the timing for IS works and can't seem to find it on the wiki, but I believe when you have all 3 consoles active it takes 5 mins per round. If this was changed to 5 min for a single console 2.5 for 2 and 1.6 for 3, that would greatly improve the enjoyment of the gamemode. If Nidus parts were moved to make C rotations less useless, perhaps replaced with relics, that would also help.

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