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All Hail The Wolves Of The Void!


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The Wolves of the Void clan welcomes you!

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The clan was created as an amalgamation of 2 previous small groups but grew fast and reached half a hundred members in the blink of an eye. We never really strived for thousand but sadly many people left Warframe since then so our numbers have dwindled quite a bit - thus we are looking for new recruits.


There is no rules section carved into stone, we are not looking for one specially selected kind of player either. If you like the game, you have a place among us, in our dojo, on our side in the fight. From the get go, all our members get full access to the dojo while you are not forced to pay any tribute or revenue into building it - it's done (for now) anyways. Doesn't matter if you are new to the game or a seasoned veteran, we might be able to offer something to both - at least some boring green text in the corner of your screen. We won't force anyone into playing certain missions or helping others, though that means if You ask for help, you shall be patient yourself.


On that matter, we never force anything particular onto our members apart from the base social necessities, like manner of communication. Of course we ask you to log in once in a while, like once in 60 days but even then, if you tell us by posting here (or PM-ing me etc.) that you are going on hiatus, we won't kick you even if you go over that given limit. Things can happen to anyone after all.


If you want to join us, post here or you can just catch our warlords/recruitment officers in-game! Please do check if you are already in a clan or not before applying - since I can't invite you if you are in a clan or already have an active invitation.


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Clan name:

Wolves of the Void.



This is a 31-100 members, Storm clan.



Feel free to apply, either here or find us in-game. Here would be neat.


Dojo completion:

Every utility building present, as far as I know, researches are completed too.


Main rules:

Minimum activity restriction - online at least once in two months.






Alliance name:

Eternal Shogunate

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Our dojo looks like this right now (2014.04.27. - yea, it's there, but with the background changed to white it really is a challenge to see):









Members on temporary leave:

Mercury6448. No known return date.

K_shiro. Dunno, DE really annoy me - they basically double everything I protest against on the forums. Maybe one day...

Herexiana. No known exact return date - expected to be away for a few month period.

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I'm already in a clan, but nice invite page! 


And...I know this is off topic, but from sheer curiosity, do you play/ know anyone who plays Hawken? There's a guy on the forums who makes fanart of the game, and one of his logo designs looks eerily similar to your clan logo! 




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I'm already in a clan, but nice invite page! 


And...I know this is off topic, but from sheer curiosity, do you play/ know anyone who plays Hawken? There's a guy on the forums who makes fanart of the game, and one of his logo designs looks eerily similar to your clan logo! 





I'm not that guy (my logo is nothing that good, even the spirals and stuff are off a bit) - tried hawken but didn't like that you can't buy robots without real cash. At least that how it was back then.

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It says you are already in a guild - you gotta quit that first to be able to get an invite from another. Guys, do check before asking :D

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Two things I'm curious about: first, how active members are at a variety of times (I can get on most times 2 or 3 days a week, but I usually work till late) as my current clan isn't very active. Even just social activity would be nice. Second is how far along are the weapon researches? I'm happy to farm and contribute to getting them up and can get most of the weapon BPs for myself from my current clan, but I'd like to know if I need to or not.

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Wow so many people posted right when I wasn't looking... I should come to the forums less so more might appear:D

Anyways, invites sent to those that weren't already in a guild. In latter case I have to wait till you write on me in-game or whatnot that you quit and still want my invitation.
About WolfgangHype's questions:
- Most of the time it's 2-8 members online (that's one of the reasons we want new members, things cannot go on like this!).
- As for research we are gathering mutagen for Synapse and the new consumables (ammo restore etc.), all the others are finished.

PS.: Sorry for the late response but I forgot to check the forums during the event - I was too fired up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Invites sent, notice sent via Personal Message. Just in case someone is wondering (no, noone, I know, but it feels more like a real topic if people write here from time to time :P ), we usually send PM-s about the state of invites (kinda like the very deep message: "Invite sent." and the like), so even if you don't see an answer here, check it if you have a red notice bubble at the top of page, by your name.


Also true that it might take some time (1-2 days) for us to actually notice your message but don't worry, we will! Hell, we better do!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Honestly I can't open the new contacts interface yet so please do bear with us. My guess is that they will fix this soon.


As for teamspeak, we had no need for thet till now. Mostly because our people are shy. And not even remotely because we are lazy, no! :)

Okay, we are lazy.

I guess I will have to do that myself too... hrrr. :)

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My thoughts on teamspeak (according to my experiences) are the following:

- If it's used by clan properly, it's chaos, too many people trying to communicate at the same time and all...

- If it's only used for missions it's unnecessary since only teams of 4 are allowed so no real need for fast coordination that need speech.


In my eyes it's unnecessary but that means nothing, really - if you want to make a teamspeak server I'm alright with that (honestly good to know there are people that committed actually), if you want me to post it's pass and ip on daily message for clan, I will gladly. By "you" I mean you and those you convince for the cause. I can post this in daily message too so if someone is interested, they can contact you - if it helps. Sry for not being able to help more, but I already have a different TS going most of the time - tried being on 2 different Teamspeaks for a while, wasn't too enjoyable...

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