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New Bezerker Warframe W/ Whip


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They're chained blades, not whips.


blades  or whips works the same way :O , mechanically.

because if whips actually worked like irl whips you wouldn't do much  damage... not consistently... while walking or running.



how is that comment relevant?

and FYI: in its heyday me3 had more players than WF ever has had. 


as relevant as comparing any other whips from other games to these.

and FYI - mass effect is not a free 2 play online only title.

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Instead of being completely negative, how about you actually be helpful and give DE your own suggestions, since you actually have the power to?

Sadly at the Council we have no power.


3 of the abilities were already decided.

This look was already decided.


The only "Say" we got was that we wanted a beserker.

That's it.


We got to vote on a Poll with "Beserker" as one of the options.

That's what we spent $100 bucks for.


And we aren't even getting a berserker.


Not to mention that trying to get your opinion heard in a single thread with over 32 pages, and DE was only responding for 3 of the pages.

Often negatively about the Player's suggestions.


At the Coucil board we can't make our own threads to voice our opinions either.

We literally have no power.


Don't upgrade if you're thinking about it.

It's not worth it.

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Are we really complaining about a frame that didn't come out yet? Really?


This abomination should be voiced on so that it hopefully still has the potential to be changed.


Sitting back and letting the theme, mechanics, and art direction for the game get raped by someone's Braniac BDSM fetish is never a good idea.

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This abomination should be voiced on so that it hopefully still has the potential to be changed.


Sitting back and letting the theme, mechanics, and art direction for the game get raped by someone's Braniac BDSM fetish is never a good idea.


Watch the livestream and pay attention to when they mention her, they didn't make her appearance to appease some weird fantasy, they made her to supplement the next big patch theme, and also if you'd paid attention to the Counsel thread, it clearly stats that the powers were merely suggestions and that non of them were even designed yet, they were just ideas to see what we thought of their power design direction, the only thing they said that they wanted to do was make her powers play with the game mechanics.

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Sadly at the Council we have no power.


3 of the abilities were already decided.

This look was already decided.


The only "Say" we got was that we wanted a beserker.

That's it.


We got to vote on a Poll with "Beserker" as one of the options.

That's what we spent $100 bucks for.


And we aren't even getting a berserker.


Not to mention that trying to get your opinion heard in a single thread with over 32 pages, and DE was only responding for 3 of the pages.

Often negatively about the Player's suggestions.


At the Coucil board we can't make our own threads to voice our opinions either.

We literally have no power.


Don't upgrade if you're thinking about it.

It's not worth it.


You spent 100 bucks not only for the design council. You also got an absorbent amount of plat, and exclusive items. You also get sneak peaks at things before anyone else does (and don't point out things get leaked. That's not DE's fault - that's asshats being asshats.) And, as you just stated, you DO end up having a pretty big voice on what goes into Warframe next - the Berserker being only one example.




This abomination should be voiced on so that it hopefully still has the potential to be changed.


Sitting back and letting the theme, mechanics, and art direction for the game get raped by someone's Braniac BDSM fetish is never a good idea.


BDSM fetish? Really? Because whips are being added to the game? Or is it because she looks like she escaped from the Corpus?


A: Whips. People have been asking for whips for months now, since even within closed beta.


B: I'll just copy/paste what I said on page 5, and bold the part you're currently angry about.



This guy nailed it on page 2.


The people crying about how this frame doesn't have armor or isn't your "typical thickheaded brute" needs to keep in mind that berserkers are not "typical thickheaded brutes".


A: Berserkers rely on speed and consistent damage. NOT high defense and damage. Want that? Rhino.


B: Berserkers tend to not wear high defense armor. Usually, in MMO's or single player games with classes, they were leather or chainmail.


C: As stated in A - If you want an actual tank, use Rhino. One thing DE has been pretty good on, is making every warframe different in most regards. Rhino = tank, in every form of that word. Our new Berserker warframe is not going to be a copy of him. I'm quite happy with that.


D: "Why doesn't she have any armor on her/She looks so weak/etc" People who are saying this didn't watch the livestream. They stated specifically why she looks like her armor plating has been removed. The corpus had experimented on her (particularly Alad V.) and peeled off her outer skin. Supposedly, she was saved before they could totally dissect her (Or escaped. This is really assumption here. All we know is that Alad V himself seemed to have been trying to experiment on her). This means that the story itself is influencing how this warframe looks. I absolutely love that sort of integration.


E: The main artist (I believe his name is Mynki?) stated in the art livestream that the reason why certain warframes have certain "quirks" to their armor - like Ember's thighs, Frost's coat, Trinity's "lobster" skirt - is because it adds a certain uniqueness to them all. Instead of just making them into the typical trope appearance-wise, he adds a quirk here and there to give them more personality. He keeps the basic "trope" going - Ember = fire - but he accentuates the trope in certain ways to give those characters true definition. The Berserker frame is one such deal: She's a berserker: the trope - and she seems to literally have no armor appearance wise: the extreme. And it's all story driven. That's freakin' awesome.


Long story short: Most of you have a huge misconception going on. A Berserker is -not- a heavily armored lumbering brute. A Berserker is -not- a tank. This Berserker warframe will -not- be a female Rhino. She will be her own character with her own niche: The Berserker.


TL;DR - her current look is story driven. And frankly, she doesn't look bad nor "BDSM" like. Maybe you have a few skulls in your closet friend, because that sort of thing was far, -far-, from my mind when I first saw her. My first thought was - she looks a mix of vulnerable and enraged at such vulnerability. Beautiful, yet grotesque due to seemingly having no "skin". I truly applaud the art team on this one, because they made her incredibly unique. She doesn't look like your typical "Berserker" nor your typical "Warframe" yet at the same time she accentuates both. That is an insane accomplishment.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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B: Berserkers tend to not wear high defense armor. Usually, in MMO's or single player games with classes, they were leather or chainmail.


actually, typically in MMOs, they wear plate. they also tend to branch off the same base class as the full tank class.

on the rare occasion they're downgraded to chain, they're given ridiculous amounts of HP instead.


this frame - while it does look really cool - doesn't look like it should be able to take much of a beating. kind of like nova.


...but honestly, i suspect most of the backlash is born out of the whole "maybe we'll finally get a tanky-looking girlframe!" which, we didn't.


oh well. better luck next time?

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blades  or whips works the same way :O , mechanically.

because if whips actually worked like irl whips you wouldn't do much  damage... not consistently... while walking or running.




as relevant as comparing any other whips from other games to these.

and FYI - mass effect is not a free 2 play online only title.

the multiplayer IS online only and 10 bucks is hardly a difference, especially because that cost covers the single player so yes you are getting the multiplayer for free

please educate yourself on subjects before talking about them online, thanks. 

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actually, typically in MMOs, they wear plate. they also tend to branch off the same base class as the full tank class.

on the rare occasion they're downgraded to chain, they're given ridiculous amounts of HP instead.


this frame - while it does look really cool - doesn't look like it should be able to take much of a beating. kind of like nova.


...but honestly, i suspect most of the backlash is born out of the whole "maybe we'll finally get a tanky-looking girlframe!" which, we didn't.


oh well. better luck next time?


DE never, ever, ever stated they were going to make a female tank. That was people assuming such, which to me makes no damned sense. People raised their own hopes up over their own imaginations, and not from anything given by DE other than "This will be a non-caster female frame".


And as for Berserkers using armor, that's more of a new thing going around newer MMO's. Tera is one of them that gives Berserkers high armor values. But other games like Torchlight 2 gives Berserkers much lower base vit...which means much lower hp and unable to wear certain high vit equipment unless augmented to do so. But one thing that definitely pulls Berserkers and Tankers apart, is that Berserkers' main abilities focus on some sort of rage - nullifying damage on themselves in order to bring the pain to everyone else. The more damage they're given, the more damage they give. Tanks aren't like that - they tend to be alot less risk v. reward when it comes to their abilities.

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the multiplayer IS online only and 10 bucks is hardly a difference, especially because that cost covers the single player so yes you are getting the multiplayer for free

please educate yourself on subjects before talking about them online, thanks. 


How bout you get off that escalating horse of yours?


there's a BIG efin difference between an AAA  single player title with online components that was an end of a trilogy to a free 2 play game.

Mr know it all smarty pants , at the height of ME3 life it got a bunch of players... ok great lets say 4-5 mil players.


of those 5 mil statistically speaking only about 50-60% would even care about that multiplayer further more of those maybe 10% at best would be concurrent players. Warframe while not boasting 5 mil players total , had hundreds of thousands of players playing it for many hundreds of hours and its just the freaking Beta  phase of that. once warframe is deemed complete at some level and is out as a launch title it will already have an installed base.

and since its a free 2 play game there will always be more content , more players to grab.


so yeah , mass effect 3 has nothing over this.

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No no, it all makes sense.  The skinny waif of a barbarian.


See, all the frames have their body-type designed to match their roles.


Rhino is thick and buff to show off how strong and tough he is.  Like a Rhino!


Nekros is is built ultra-rail-thin, emaciated and maybe even sickly looking. Implying pestilence, wasting away, skeletons and death!


Volt is thin as well more healthy looking, implying a fit and light character.  Speedy! Like lightning!


Excal is the sorta in between.  He's built tough but not too bulky.


As to the female frames.


They're all designed to show off their most important assets as well.


Like Saryn's butt enhancing heels and boob carapace! And Trinity's two piece armor bikini!


There's a clear theme here!  And the new Frame clearly fits into that theme.  The male frame designs are all focused on the various areas of what a human body can look like.  Thin, thick, strong, fast.  As long as the design fits with their team role and power design and what not.  Females do that too.  But their biggest and most important aspect is to look "hot."


Relatively thin looking, emphasis on either boobs, butt, crotch, or thighs.  Ideally high heels, not required.  But above all, they have to fall into one of the socially acceptable body types that males, age 18-32, are suppose to be attracted to.  You can't have gross looking girls.  Ew.


I mean, who would want to play as a hyper thin skeletal super-ugly supermodel girl frame.  Or a thick, fat, ugly girl frame(lol harpoons!).  And NO ONE would want to play as a hulking, lumpy, muscly, MANISH girl frame.  Eeeww.  I mean, look what happened when they gave Ember shoulder pads.  Suddenly all the fan-art of her implies she's male or hermaphroditic.  lol gross.


I mean, you can sorta do that.  Look at Nova or Saryn.  Nova looks a bit like lumpy mashed potatos.  AND she's super powerful.  So her design, to counter act that, gives us the armor equivalent of a nipslip AND highlights her Orokin Derelict with strategically placed cracks.  That way you know she's a lady-folk.  Saryn on the other hand is so tall she falls outside standard deviation(lol amazon) AND she's got wide shoulders?!  AND she's one of the only Frames designed around melee fighting?!  Oh man, man man man. Look how MANNY she is.  The only answer for this?  PINK ARMOR!  And boob-plates!  AND heels!  Whew. That was close.


We can't have people deviating too far outside prescribed gender roles, not even in escapist fantasy games where you play ancient cyborg space-ninja in the future.  The male frames can be strong, slow, fast, skinny, ugly, pretty.  The girl frames can be hawt.  Sometimes a little weird, but you have to counter it with MORE hawt.




...Look, I'm not saying the frames are bad.  Really, I'm not.  I like the frames, their design isn't horrible... in isolation.  If you want to make a feminine frame?  Cool! I'm all for it.  But when it's the only option?  When it's pervasive, across the board, systemic, the only choice.  Then you're saying "This is all you can be."  That is where it gets me.




The Berzerker, heavy hitting, melee warframe... with claws and broken chains on her wrists and ankles... has heels... *sigh*

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They said in the Livestream that her design has a lot to do with the lore, and that she ties in with the Corpus, if you look at her suit, you'll notice it doesn't look like any of the other frames, and if you look at her neck, you can see she has what looks like restraints attached.  The Corpus are known hunters of Orikin tech and they've already captured warframes, I think the Berseker is an escaped warframe, she looks like they peeled her skin off, she has exposed muscle fibers and has very little metal on her, the normal warframes are damaged/incomplete versions of Primes and she looks to be the most incomplete of all the frames.

anybody else think her lags kind look like the legs of a MOA

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From a glance, it does look like she has heels actually.


Only if you don't realize that her leg's are back bent, and she's walking on pads like most digitigrade creatures. I think this is a problem of preconceived viewpoints, people only see them as heels because they expect to see them.

Edited by JerryMouse13
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For me at least, Body language, and actions speak for strength far more than sheer muscle mass ever will. I suppose that's a matter of personal opinion, but meh...



For me the 'strength' of a true berserker is almost never physical, but mental. A berserker can be physically strong yes, but their true power is the ability to fight heedless of injuries and exhaustion. In a scenario where any other solider would have fallen over dead a berserker will stand tall and fight on.


There's nothing quite so terrifying as an enemy that's missing an arm, has more of their blood on the ground than in them, who's body has been beaten beyond all recognition, and comes at you laughing with the sheer thrill of it. 


That should be the quintessential essence of a berserker. Not a muscle bound yahoo who has anger management issues, but a warrior who has absolute purpose on a battle field, one who is unburdened by fear, pity, pain, or remorse. I look at that picture and I see such a warrior, I look at that picture and I see true strength, the likes of which to shame even Rhino, carved into her like etching into steel. I look at that picture... and I see a Berserker.



Reminds me of Lucy from Elfen Lied or whatever. Some weird &#! anime. 

Edited by lolRebel
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You spent 100 bucks not only for the design council. You also got an absorbent amount of plat, and exclusive items. You also get sneak peaks at things before anyone else does (and don't point out things get leaked. That's not DE's fault - that's asshats being asshats.) And, as you just stated, you DO end up having a pretty big voice on what goes into Warframe next - the Berserker being only one example.




BDSM fetish? Really? Because whips are being added to the game? Or is it because she looks like she escaped from the Corpus?


A: Whips. People have been asking for whips for months now, since even within closed beta.


B: I'll just copy/paste what I said on page 5, and bold the part you're currently angry about.




TL;DR - her current look is story driven. And frankly, she doesn't look bad nor "BDSM" like. Maybe you have a few skulls in your closet friend, because that sort of thing was far, -far-, from my mind when I first saw her. My first thought was - she looks a mix of vulnerable and enraged at such vulnerability. Beautiful, yet grotesque due to seemingly having no "skin". I truly applaud the art team on this one, because they made her incredibly unique. She doesn't look like your typical "Berserker" nor your typical "Warframe" yet at the same time she accentuates both. That is an insane accomplishment.

Are you saying they may change the skills she has now?


Because right now her skills are of the worst I've ever seen.

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How bout you get off that escalating horse of yours?


there's a BIG efin difference between an AAA  single player title with online components that was an end of a trilogy to a free 2 play game.

Mr know it all smarty pants , at the height of ME3 life it got a bunch of players... ok great lets say 4-5 mil players.


of those 5 mil statistically speaking only about 50-60% would even care about that multiplayer further more of those maybe 10% at best would be concurrent players. Warframe while not boasting 5 mil players total , had hundreds of thousands of players playing it for many hundreds of hours and its just the freaking Beta  phase of that. once warframe is deemed complete at some level and is out as a launch title it will already have an installed base.

and since its a free 2 play game there will always be more content , more players to grab.


so yeah , mass effect 3 has nothing over this.


You do know that ME3 had enough players playing to release 3 major DLCs for free long after it's release, which featured new maps, weapons and classes and that the multiplayer had better combat gameplay/design than the actual base game, it also had weekly balance updates that went on for months and even hosted seasonal events and random developer made community events.  They even changed the added a matchmaking system that wasn't built into the game and revised it two times based on player feedback, a new website was also made as a hubspace for players to see all their in-game achievements and keep track of their friends and in-game progress.  


I like Warframe, I like where it's going, but it is nowhere near as good as ME3's multiplayer right now, which was made by a small team with limited resources that had to reuse assets from another dev team to make a side project that turned out to be more creative than the actual game, Warframe has a long way to go before it can say it's better.

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Uh shes a non caster frame right?

They've already leaked her abilities.


1: Turns shield into an attack.


2: Undecided.


3: Paralyzes an enemy(assuming only one) and buffs nearby Tenno.


4: Soaks all damage and ignores it all but takes all of the damage if she fails to kill all nearby enemies.


This is their best idea at a Berserker?


It makes me sad, I had such high hopes for this frame.

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