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1 minute ago, Leqesai said:
I completely disagree. 6 years is a very long time to never heard about roar and eclipse... Unless you live in a cave, talking to no one and not interacting with the forums (which could very well be the case considering the person has 5 posts...).

I can assume that he was referring to the fact that he knew that such abilities existed, but did not know where or on what frames, because he did not need these abilities. Therefore, a person could simply forget about the existence of such a thing. 

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Just now, selig_fay said:

I can assume that he was referring to the fact that he knew that such abilities existed, but did not know where or on what frames, because he did not need these abilities. Therefore, a person could simply forget about the existence of such a thing. 

He said he did not know they gave damage buffs. Which is ridiculous if you are someone who is experienced enough to think steel path is not difficult. For steel path to not be difficult requires a fair amount of knowledge and experience.

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I reworked the entire list! I hope you enjoy, or at least enjoy telling me how wrong I am! LOL! I just wanted to post my suggestions using the same table. I'm making these suggestions based on my opinion, not build ideas.


"Subject to change before launch" so maybe Team Warframe will consider some of the community's ideas.


DE's Suggestion

MY Suggestion

Mixed Emotions



Smoke Screen

Lore: Every warframe is supposed to be a ninja professing to follow the Tenno Ways, so why not? Even with the augment the duration is short compared to other invisibilities.




Allows for more movement around the battlefield, allows players to bring different stat stick weapons. I think turning enemies into stone is more signature than "rock fists".




Players who do not use Enemy Radar mods may like this. I'm a PC controller player and I find it difficult to aim perfectly, if someone has the skill the trigger/proc the augment I think they should be rewarded.



Lull Unchanged

I want Desolate Hands, but I also want a different way to make it easier to scan feral kavats in the Derelict Tileset. The kavats won out.


Elemental Ward

E.Ward Unchanged

Every player will benefit from Chroma's passive ability regarding emission color? LOL! I can imagine Hildryn with shield buff. I think Spectral Scream would have been a good choice as boring Crowd Control.


Fire Blast


I want Fireball, if every player had the elemental 1 with augment with max ability strength, we would get +1200% additional damage lol. I chose Immolation because damage reduction that is hard to maintain is either rewarding or needing a rework in general. Probably rework.


Rest & Rage

Rest/Rage Unchanged

Should be able to use both abilities with Tap/Hold option, maybe with 5 second forced Cooldown time similar to switching Day/Night forms on real Equinox. Should be able to use both because players get Chroma Passive, Gauss Thermal Sunder and Ivara Quiver.


Radial Blind

Radial Javelin

I want Slash Dash, but it is a signature move. Javelin can be powerful but hard to spam, seems like a good choice to me.


Ice Wave


I want Freeze for augmented damage buff. But I also like Ice Wave for crowd control.



Splinter Storm

Lots of reasons I like Splinter Storm, I like protecting allies and pets. I don't like Spectrorage because the only enemies can quickly break any mirror are often immune to this ability, go figure!


Blood Altar


Bloodletting easily synergizes with nearly every frame kit, excluding Hildryn.


Thermal Sunder

Mach Rush

Allows for more movement around the battlefield and some crowd control effects. I want Kinetic Plating, but it is built into Gauss' skin/armor.




Feast is not Grendel's signature, really Pulverize (meatball mode) is. I love the idea of Nourish, but Grendel needs to eat an enemy to use it and every other frame can use it for free? LOL! Feast is hard to sustain and thus is a good choice.



Penance Penance is a risky strategy, even with the new Shield Gating effects. I think healing team mates is ideal. Condemn is Harrow's signature and the augment is rendered useless without the rest of the kit on Harrow.




Haven would be great on energy frames like Trinity and Harrow. It is hard to sustain without having a huge energy pool and thus would be a good choice. Pillage is "a little" more signature than Haven.


Tempest Barrage

Tidal Surge

Crowd control and the augment protects allies. I'm big on team work.



Scarab Swarm

Scarab Swarm is ideal because it is time consuming for most frames to get up and sustain (yeah yeah, no ultimate abilities). I want Devour so I can proc an enemy and let another ally feed off of it. But I think opening up groups of enemies to finishers with 25% Lifesteal is faster and more effective anyway. To say nothing of Sand Shadow Specters, Inaros' signature lol.




Sure Navigator is powerful. Players like me may struggle to actually hit anything smaller than a Grineer Galleon. My reaction speed is too slow and it is a "gas guzzling" ability. Any player with the skill to use this ability to it's full deserved to be rewarded. Quiver is Ivara's signature.



Ensnare Unchanged

This seems fine to me. I'm a Khora main and I know how valuable "controlled" crowd control is.




Yeah yeah no ultimate abilities. Banish makes sense, that's why Grendel should donate his Feast ability. Otherwise if Grendel can have Nourish, Limbo should get Stasis or Rift Surge! LOL!



Radial Disarm

Yeah yeah no ultimate abilities. Loki's Disarm is practical. Decoy is Loki's signature, lol.



Passive Bullet Jump Vacuum

Mixed emotions about Mag's kit. All her abilities are great and yet also signature to her. I guess Pull is okay. But if I could choose to replace a passive ability, I would definitely take Mag's Passive.


Shooting Gallery

Ballistic Battery

I only suggest Ballistic Battery because I plan to abuse Shooting Gallery as soon as possible, lol. Using Mesa's BB gun ability is restrictive and only rewarding to those who actually aim at their targets. Players that use this ability effectively deserve to be rewarded.




Yeah yeah no ultimate abilities. Prism was already nerfed in the past and is costly to maintain, it is thus ideal.



Soul Punch

Soul Punch augment can help revive fallen allies. I am big on team work. I have always disliked Terrify because it is directly contradictive to Nekros' Passive.


Fire Walker

Fire Walker Unchanged

I enjoy Nezha, but I'm a noob using him. So I don't have input here. I wish the description for the Fire Walker augment was more transparent, I still don't understand its full capabilities.



Parasitic Link Lore: since all warframes are made of infested biology, it stands to reason that every frame could use this ability. It is also good for team work, I'm big on helping allies.


Null Star

Worm Hole

Allows for more movement around the battle field. Helps allies travel faster. I'm big on team work. Nova's other three abilities require Antimatter and are therefore signature.


Mind Control


Yeah yeah no ultimate abilities. Absorb spam strategy is not ideal for everyone's play style and is hard to maintain, it is thus ideal. Mind Control is Nyx's signature.




Allows for healing allies, I'm big on team work.




Yeah yeah no ultimate abilities. Amp is expensive, requires a "decibel level of sound" and is hard to reach max power without actual music. It is thus ideal. Octavia's other three abilities require Mandachord Music to function and are therefore signature.



Grenade Fan

Grenade Fan can help allies and deal damage, I'm big on team work. Dispensary is okay too.




Enthrall can indirectly support the team, I'm big on team work. Revenant's other three abilities require Sentient Energy and are therefore signature.



Rhino Stomp

Yeah yeah no ultimate abilities (I'm getting tired of repeating myself). Rhino Stomp helps allies be more effective in battle, I'm all about team work. Do real rhinos roar? The community has decided that Roar is Rhino's signature, lol.




No ultimate abilities, yes yes I understand. Miasma isn't as effective without Spores and Toxic Lash. It is expensive with a short duration and not easy to clear rooms without the rest of Saryn's kit, it is thus ideal. Molt is a nice alternative, but almost feels like Saryn's signature.



Spellbind Unchanged

I don't use Titania enough to offer a meaningful suggestion. The augment appears useless unless I have high efficiency.


Well Of Life

Passive Revival Speed/Range

If I could take a passive, it would be Trinity's ability to heal faster and from farther away. Although it should be buffed to 50% faster and 3m range. I think Energy Vampire or Link are good ability choices. Well Of Life is Trinity's signature.




Paralysis can indirectly benefit allies, I'm big on team work. Warcry is Valkyr's signature. Rip Line... if it would auto-target the enemy instead of hitting terrain I think it would be better. I don't see Grineer Scorpions using their Rip Line to move across the battlefield, LOL!


Tesla Nervos

Photon Strike

Lore: since warframes often start missions with lots of extra equipment in their pockets, it is reasonable to assume any frame could call in a laser artillery strike from an outside source. Vauban's other three abilities involve Trap Tools that he "invented" and are therefore signature.




Volt Speed can benefit allies, I'm all about team work. Electric Shield is a good option too, more team work! All Volt's abilities involve electricity, so it's hard to say what is "signature".


Breach Surge


Allows for more movement around the battlefield. I want Reservoirs but that would be over powered, lol. Breach Surge and Sol Gate both involve opening a dimentional breach/portal to Earth's Sun and are therefore signature.



Defy Unchanged I want Celestial Twin or Cloud Walker LOL! Defy is great at it's job, that's good enough.


Xata’s Whisper 

The Lost

Lore: the description of the three effects of The Lost sound like abilities the Tenno should already be able to use with Transference Energy. Xata's Whisper would only fit this category if it worked on Eidolons, go figure!



Tail Wind

I want Turbulence, lol. Tail Wind would allow for more movement around the battlefield. Zephyr's other three abilities require Generating/Creating Wind out of nothing and are therefore signature.


I hope you enjoy considering my research.


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Just now, Leqesai said:

He said he did not know they gave damage buffs. Which is ridiculous if you are someone who is experienced enough to think steel path is not difficult. For steel path to not be difficult requires a fair amount of knowledge and experience.

Requires Kuva nucor and arcane accuracy. Or just melee with combo mods. This is all that is required for steel path. I don't know what kind of experience you're talking about. I only met one intercept problem where a powerful CC is needed, but that's it.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)thegarada said:

3. . How about if I put Roar on Protea, align with passive, hit empower, then roar, and then a x10 damage for the entire squad? Will see how it works. It looks highly broken.

Unless I'm badly misreading the rules, you can only Infuse one power per Config. So you'd be able to take Empower *or* Roar, but not both at the same time.  And if you mean across two players... that's called "team synergy," I think.  And congratulations on finding a team capable of that kind of coordination!

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2 hours ago, Do_High_Go said:

That only makes sense if it is something that can be perpetually crafted/done. Formas can be crafted indefinetely as lon as you have the blueprints to do so, making it a daily thing.

Subsuming warframes is not exactly like that, there is a limited number of them. The system is not exactly designed for you to unlock it and chain dump every basic frame each day.

I understand your unending desire to have all the subsumed abilities in less than 2 months, I really do, but the thing is not designed to be like crafting forma. If there was a benefit of subsuming the same frame over and over, then YES that makes sense, but so far it seems perfectly reasonable to sacrifice 1 of each. The Flowers are cool, but you really going to go for flower garden from the start? Rather than the most useful abilities that make sense?

Do not worry, in a week you will still be able to have the spiciest of the spiciest abilities unlocked, and another week or two for the less exciting but good utility ones. if you waste a day in that process will you even care?

Well yeah on forma it is much more needed, but it would still be a QoL thing for most repeatable 24 hour things. Mostly to have it as a way to get back to your normal routine instead of having to skip full days of subsuming since it wont be ready during the time you have time to play. That is the main problem with 24 hour crafting, some people are forced to postpone the next craft a full day further since it just doesnt match their RL time window, either due to work or the need to sleep etc.

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39 minutes ago, selig_fay said:

Well, we're discussing it. Rhino is not only a damage boost, but also a good CC and survival rate. You might as well ask why people play Inaros, because it doesn't have any good abilities.

A lot of frames have CC, and Rhino's CC is not good outside open areas unlike a frame like Frost. A lot of frames can also survive, and that alone isn't enough. The damage boost is definitely the most significant contribution to the team from his kit. 

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46 minutes ago, Ben_Pls_ said:

Why would you play Rhino if another support frame can take his Piercing Roar along with the rest of the utility in their kit. For me, it will be incredibly frustrating to play Rhino knowing that every time I squad up, another frame will already cover my main contribution to the team.

I feel this on so many levels. I main Rhino and this is one of my main frustrations. I'm just gonna be the laughing stock of the squad. "Why are you even playing Rhino when all of us have your ability, you are useless" ☹️

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16 minutes ago, Ben_Pls_ said:

There is nothing to understand. It's a matter of opinion. Many people feel that this update in its current state will make the game worse overall. In my opinion, the system overall is not a terrible idea, but many of the abilities available for transfer are the best abilities of a given warframe. Why would you play Rhino if another support frame can take his Piercing Roar along with the rest of the utility in their kit. For me, it will be incredibly frustrating to play Rhino knowing that every time I squad up, another frame will already cover my main contribution to the team.

Yeah, I always felt that "signature powers" was supposed to mean "the reason you play this warframe or want it in your group" and I feel picking Roar for Rhino kinda go against that. But that was my take on it; I guess DE sees that differently.

There's one thing though: you also have to consider how the remaining abilities of a frame need to be modded to be effective.

Trinity, arguably the poster girl of support, is usually modded for Energy Vampire - with the lowest duration possible - or at max duration for Blessing. Roar would in theory work well on most Blessing build since power and duration is preferred, but not with EV. And I think EV Trin sees a little more use than Blessing, but don't quote me on that. 😛 

However, Rhino might still be a better choice to bring Roar to the team by giving him another team support ability instead of say, his Rhino's Rush. Looking at the list, since Valkyr's Warcry seems to be excluded from the "Damage buffing abilities" limitations, you could have a Rhino with damage AND attack speed buff and an extra long CC with Stomp. Also, the extra armor from Warcry would buff Iron Skin. Elemental Ward could also be a good choice, and it would be better than replacing Vex Armor with Roar on Chroma (since you can't have both on him).

So, while I agree that some of the powers listed seem like a bad pick balance wise (Roar, Warcry or Null Star because of DR to name a few), until we see where the new "meta" actually settles it will be difficult to say if the availability of these abilities will really make our favorite frames "obsolete".

But, I'm sure people much better than me at theory crafting builds are already crunching the numbers and we will see a flood of videos on Youtube from them soon. I just hope there will be a test cluster period of some sort so we can see if those theories hold before the actual release.

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Im feeling  Atlas, Gara, Nidus, Rhino

Nekros + gara's augmented spectrorage.  I guess you would just be flipping one augment for another... guess this isnt even worth messing with since he has no offense to spam...  Nekros is far more interesting with Nidus.   A new set up could be use a little less range for more strength..... Use larva to suck people in, hit them with augmented terror to debuff them, and then cut them all down.  Larva still needs tons of range but terror/desocrate would not.   Even if you dont augment gara's 3 it still draws enemies in.  Wonder what would happen if you Terror enemies affected by spectro.  Would they get debuffed and hurt themselves even more or would they run out of the mirror ring ? lol.  

Nekros + atlas would also be great.  Petrify makes you do extra damage and freezes guys in place, then if you hit them with terror to debuff??? 

Replace Valkyr's zip with garuda's blood atlar??  

Whats the best offensie ability in the list I cant tell.  Oberon's Smite ?? 


Can I subsume an Ember and give her butt to Valkyr??  I instantly get bummed out playing as Valkyr with her flat butt.

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1 minute ago, Herr_Metzger said:

No Ember's Fireball, sadly. I've wanted it for my Chroma so he can be like Guts from "Berserk" manga.

Go with Ash's Shruiken. Gutsu always throws knives at enemies before cleaving them open with his blade

Then for your loadout, primary tigris, secondary attica, and melee galatine prime, paracesis, or gram prime with a big tennogen skin and lots of attack speed

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1 minute ago, (XB1)MetalxPhoenix said:

I feel this on so many levels. I main Rhino and this is one of my main frustrations. I'm just gonna be the laughing stock of the squad. "Why are you even playing Rhino when all of us have your ability, you are useless" 

So take warcry and laugh at valkyr mainers who can't use non-melee in their invulnerability. Or you can take better control of Khora or Nidus and it will be much more useful for the group than just Roar. And thanks to your abilities, you are still better equipped for Roar, because you don't worry about your survival, which means you can do a lot of strength that not all frames can afford. Think of it in a positive way. To be honest, I don't even know what exactly Rhino can change, because all of its abilities are useful. Of course for Rhino. Rhino 1 for another frame? Well, maybe frost or gara could benefit from that.

9 minutes ago, Ben_Pls_ said:
A lot of frames have CC, and Rhino's CC is not good outside open areas unlike a frame like Frost. A lot of frames can also survive, and that alone isn't enough. The damage boost is definitely the most significant contribution to the team from his kit.

Not all frames have 100% DR due to abilities. Right now it's just Rhino, Revenant, and Gauss (Yes, valkyr, but she won't be able to use anything but her claws). What I'm getting at is you can put a lot of strength and be still tenacious for these frames. You don't worry about increasing health or shields or DR and other things. What happens if you put Roar on Inaros? You will be either the owner of a weak Roar, or the owner of a weak HP Inaros. The same goes for the other frames.

You say that many frames have a good CC, but this is very subjective. If you go through all the frames, you will see that Rhino has a good CC because it is quite simple and has a large radius with a good duration. And most importantly - the enemies are stationary, you can easily hit the head. If you doubt this benefit, then I advise you to try spellbind, where the enemies are not stationary, which makes it more difficult to kill them.

And I can say that Rhino is one of the few frames that has a CC capable of short-term influence on bosses. 

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Man, the warframe community is so messed up. DE adds a truly amazing custumization option on top of an already amazing mod system, and there's still people throwing a fit because our WARframes are going to be broken and too powerful. Get over yourselves already. How can the game actually grow if people want limitations on everything? Does anyone play skyrim and stop using certain spells because your destruction magic is too powerful??? No, the whole point of a game like this is for every player to customize as much as possible giving every player more FREEDOM to play their own style. You can get all pissy about seeing this option, but nobody says you have to partake in any of it. One thing you are forgetting is that some of us (like myself) do virtually everything solo and this will be a game changer to not have to squad up to get other's buffs/ usefulness. I know we all complain about things in this or any game really, but this will be able to push players to go even further and push their limitations. The best you can do is adapt. Not gonna lie I've been pissed at warframe several times over the years, but its never stopped me from playing. Hated the cursor change (sucked it up and adapted) hated the xoris change (started using naramon more) hated ember's rework (still slightly salty) but overall other games don't even compare to this one. I think we all as player's should appreciate the hard work DE does for us and if you just want to complain about every little change before you even get to test it out, than this probally isn't the game for you. 

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On 2020-08-12 at 7:27 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

Who is this for?
We consider this a customization system for very experienced Warframe players (Mastery Rank 15 Prerequisite). We do not intend to let newer players unlock this system. We intentionally placed the Segment deep into progression to ensure only experienced players could access the Segment and begin their journey with Helminth.

Excuse me, is this Mastery discrimination necessary? Mastery Rank is a weak measure of experience. I've been playing warframe since 2016 and I am proud of the fact that I have a low Mastery(MR10), I just don't support mindlessly grinding mastery fodders for some stupid points. Now I can't enjoy this awesome content? Is that what you're telling me?

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4 minutes ago, selig_fay said:

So take warcry and laugh at valkyr mainers who can't use non-melee in their invulnerability. Or you can take better control of Khora or Nidus and it will be much more useful for the group than just Roar. And thanks to your abilities, you are still better equipped for Roar, because you don't worry about your survival, which means you can do a lot of strength that not all frames can afford. Think of it in a positive way. To be honest, I don't even know what exactly Rhino can change, because all of its abilities are useful. Of course for Rhino. Rhino 1 for another frame? Well, maybe frost or gara could benefit from that.

Not all frames have 100% DR due to abilities. Right now it's just Rhino, Revenant, and Gauss (Yes, valkyr, but she won't be able to use anything but her claws). What I'm getting at is you can put a lot of strength and be still tenacious for these frames. You don't worry about increasing health or shields or DR and other things. What happens if you put Roar on Inaros? You will be either the owner of a weak Roar, or the owner of a weak HP Inaros. The same goes for the other frames.

You say that many frames have a good CC, but this is very subjective. If you go through all the frames, you will see that Rhino has a good CC because it is quite simple and has a large radius with a good duration. And most importantly - the enemies are stationary, you can easily hit the head. If you doubt this benefit, then I advise you to try spellbind, where the enemies are not stationary, which makes it more difficult to kill them.

And I can say that Rhino is one of the few frames that has a CC capable of short-term influence on bosses. 

Pretty sure there's plenty of room for like atleast a 100% roar and atleast 7k HP on inaros

I agree stomp is better than spellbind bit if you want cc you can just play a nuke(which can also have high strength and range for roar) or I guess Vauban since vortex is dumb.(though you'd have an ok roar at best with that build I guess but you wouldn't need roar onnhim anyway), though roar is a highly unnecessary ability as it stands only really useful for the big sentient enemies(condrix ,eidolons) though I'd say roar is probably the best reason to play rhino since iron skin is about as effective as like adaptation+vitality on most frames.

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2 minutes ago, selig_fay said:

So take warcry and laugh at valkyr mainers who can't use non-melee in their invulnerability. Or you can take better control of Khora or Nidus and it will be much more useful for the group than just Roar. And thanks to your abilities, you are still better equipped for Roar, because you don't worry about your survival, which means you can do a lot of strength that not all frames can afford. Think of it in a positive way. To be honest, I don't even know what exactly Rhino can change, because all of its abilities are useful. Of course for Rhino. Rhino 1 for another frame? Well, maybe frost or gara could benefit from that.

You won't change anything on his kit other than if you go for an Iron Skin build then you can replace Stomp with Defy or Cold Elemental Ward.

Rhino 1 could benefit Nezha. Increase armor to supercharge his wards. While I agree not all frames build for strength or duration. Base buff is still 50% which is a lot. Imagine that putting that on Wisp who puts focus on Strength and Duration? Now she has haste, CC, HP and Regen and now Roar to buff everything. Nezha is another prime example of this.

Stronger frames get even stronger and fodder frames become more fodder. I'm biased and my frustrations on this cloud my thoughts so I apologize for that.

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4 minutes ago, Hardenum said:

Excuse me, is this Mastery discrimination necessary? Mastery Rank is a weak measure of experience. I've been playing warframe since 2016 and I am proud of the fact that I have a low Mastery(MR10), I just don't support mindlessly grinding mastery fodders for some stupid points. Now I can't enjoy this awesome content? Is that what you're telling me?

Warframe needs better profession than mastery could be an easier mastery with a bunch other prereqs I guess

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)MetalxPhoenix said:

Base buff is still 50% which is a lot.

I don't think it's a lot to spend on this slot ability. As I said, the larva is a higher priority for me, because the ability to deal damage to 10 enemies at once is much better than +100% damage to 1 enemy.

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23 hours ago, --Q--FSK41 said:

Imagine being an inaros main coz u die all the time to the *PVE* enemies if you use something else

Imagine being so mad at someone online that you take time out of your day to look up their in-game profile stats in order to try and shame them (unsuccessfully BTW) for the characters they use. 

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1 minute ago, selig_fay said:

I don't think it's a lot to spend on this slot ability. As I said, the larva is a higher priority for me, because the ability to deal damage to 10 enemies at once is much better than +100% damage to 1 enemy.

Shoot a Nukor or bramma at them 🙂

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Gerade eben schrieb -A-N-T-:

Imagine being so mad at someone online that you take time out of your day to look up their in-game profile stats in order to try and shame them (unsuccessfully BTW) for the characters they use. 

by the upvotes I got I can tell it wasn't too unsuccessful furthermore I had a good chuckle 

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