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10 minutes ago, (XB1)Omwolfpack said:

Quick clarification please... Can I put, for example, mags pull ( her first ability ) on Oberon's 3rd ability (renewal) or am I forced to only put mags 1st ability on Oberon 1st ability (smite)


Thank you

Any slot, as far as I know. You can put mag's pull on any number, from 1 to 4

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2 minutes ago, AlphaTheFinalBalance said:

Legitimate question.

Will Chroma be able to equip roar


Low key want the dragon stomp of doom ngl

Nope.  Any Warframe with a direct damage buffing ability cannot equip a second.  They have this info towards the bottom of the original post. Too me a min to double check and find it. Chroma was given as an exact example. 

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1 minute ago, MyTagforHalo said:

Nope.  Any Warframe with a direct damage buffing ability cannot equip a second.  They have this info towards the bottom of the original post. Too me a min to double check and find it. Chroma was given as an exact example. 

RIP my beautiful dragon stomps of doom I'll have to settle with something else then

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1 hour ago, cpl_loki said:

but i can also see that with this new content being MR15, there won't be a huge saturation of people having mixed frames so they can test pool the group to see what needs nerfed or buffed, etc.  they could either raise it or lower the requirement if need be later on as desired.

Maybe MR15 is just so less people have to spend time making new builds that trivialize content leading to the kneejerk nerf response. We are all waiting for the nerfs right?

But your post was amazing...really liked it...

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9 minutes ago, AlphaTheFinalBalance said:

RIP my beautiful dragon stomps of doom I'll have to settle with something else then

You can try one of the elemental augments if it will works. Like Shock Trooper. I don't know why you need so much damage, but it might help. To be honest, I think it won't be a nerf for the simple reason that Sarin already has 2 damage boost, one of which is in augment.

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On 2020-08-12 at 1:27 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:


What Abilities are earned on Subsuming a Warframe?

The following table outlines the current Ability a given Warframe will provide on the Subsume action. This is subject to change before launch. 







Seeking Shuriken




Ore Gaze

We will not create Rubble.



Savage Silence




Endless Lullaby



Elemental Ward

Everlasting Ward



Fire Blast

Healing Flame



Rest & Rage

Calm & Frenzy

We will use Rest or Rage depending on your Energy Colour. 


Radial Blind

Radiant Finish



Ice Wave

Ice Wave Impede







Blood Altar




Thermal Sunder






Keeps the heal and give Nourish Strike only. 







Blazing Pillage

Drains 50 Energy instead of 50 Shield. 


Tempest Barrage

Corroding Barrage




Desiccation’s Curse




Empowered Quiver

Tap Cloak, Hold Noise. Augment only affects Cloak and Dashwire. 







Rift Haven

Base Ability Change: Add ‘Cancel ability on Hold’ to let enemies out of Rift. 



Savior Decoy




Greedy Pull



Shooting Gallery

Muzzle Flash




Total Eclipse




Creeping Terrify



Fire Walker

Pyroclastic Flow




Larva Burst



Null Star

Neutron Star



Mind Control

Mind Freak




Smite Infusion












Blinding Reave




Piercing Roar




Regen Molt




Spellbound Harvest



Well Of Life

Pool of Life

Base Ability Buffed - Now does small amount of heal over time over a large range. If you hit the enemy, a % of the damage dealt gets converted into AoE heal. 



Eternal War



Tesla Nervos

Tesla Bank




Shock Trooper



Breach Surge








Xata’s Whisper 






Base Ability Buffed - now has a HOLD or TAP functionality. HOLD to receive original functionality. TAP to suck enemies in a wind Vortex. 


I'm surprised I thought you would rather go for utility abilities or less used abilities to allow maybe to make them useful else where...

I expected Nova3 rather then her 1, it seams so OP put that on tankframe to make them even more crazy... her 3 would have allowed crazy parkour build frame. Same for wisp with her 2 instead of her 3, was hoping to put that on titania.

and Valkyr1 rather then her 2... that was more fun thing specially with her augment to make spiderman with any other frame, or scorpion-style ash cameo build...  her 2 seams to be just well ok efficient now we aren't force to rely on a Rhino/Mirage/Chroma/Valkyr for group buff for damage.... wow seriously is that the mindset!?


Would had rather liked to see a Protea with fireball, is that considered her signature !? but not blastwave!? or a Nezha running with Chroma1 , Ok I guess you define that firebreathing is the signature ability of Chroma the dragonframe, but why is 2 but not his 3 when you gave wukong defy?

wukong1 seams to me the less OP to give anyframe... just a little more fun thing, personnaly I hate the Wukong archetype that is on every game now-a-day, and really think that wukong1 would make so much sense on Loki and Mirage.

Valkyr,  Rhino and Mirage are pretty much given there group buff ability! and then put a bandais to prevent someone stacking 2 buff abilities!!!

Mirage Legerdemain always seamed strange ability and would make sense to be given rather than another group buff...

and why giving Nyx1!! isn't her signature ability to mind control? Chaos is her most useful ability but we can argue the same for Chroma2.

Why give Nyx1 but not Wukong1, there is plenty of frame that would make sense of that,... loki and mirage... but MC on any other frame then Nyx!?

why not give then Revenant1 instead,... it's weaker but more versatile, I would rather see Nekros with revenant1 than with Nyx1.



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6 hours ago, LillyRaccune said:

I reworked the entire list! I hope you enjoy, or at least enjoy telling me how wrong I am! LOL! I just wanted to post my suggestions using the same table. I'm making these suggestions based on my opinion, not build ideas.


"Subject to change before launch" so maybe Team Warframe will consider some of the community's ideas.


DE's Suggestion

MY Suggestion

Mixed Emotions



Smoke Screen

Lore: Every warframe is supposed to be a ninja professing to follow the Tenno Ways, so why not? Even with the augment the duration is short compared to other invisibilities.




Allows for more movement around the battlefield, allows players to bring different stat stick weapons. I think turning enemies into stone is more signature than "rock fists".




Players who do not use Enemy Radar mods may like this. I'm a PC controller player and I find it difficult to aim perfectly, if someone has the skill the trigger/proc the augment I think they should be rewarded.



Lull Unchanged

I want Desolate Hands, but I also want a different way to make it easier to scan feral kavats in the Derelict Tileset. The kavats won out.


Elemental Ward

E.Ward Unchanged

Every player will benefit from Chroma's passive ability regarding emission color? LOL! I can imagine Hildryn with shield buff. I think Spectral Scream would have been a good choice as boring Crowd Control.


Fire Blast


I want Fireball, if every player had the elemental 1 with augment with max ability strength, we would get +1200% additional damage lol. I chose Immolation because damage reduction that is hard to maintain is either rewarding or needing a rework in general. Probably rework.


Rest & Rage

Rest/Rage Unchanged

Should be able to use both abilities with Tap/Hold option, maybe with 5 second forced Cooldown time similar to switching Day/Night forms on real Equinox. Should be able to use both because players get Chroma Passive, Gauss Thermal Sunder and Ivara Quiver.


Radial Blind

Radial Javelin

I want Slash Dash, but it is a signature move. Javelin can be powerful but hard to spam, seems like a good choice to me.


Ice Wave


I want Freeze for augmented damage buff. But I also like Ice Wave for crowd control.



Splinter Storm

Lots of reasons I like Splinter Storm, I like protecting allies and pets. I don't like Spectrorage because the only enemies can quickly break any mirror are often immune to this ability, go figure!


Blood Altar


Bloodletting easily synergizes with nearly every frame kit, excluding Hildryn.


Thermal Sunder

Mach Rush

Allows for more movement around the battlefield and some crowd control effects. I want Kinetic Plating, but it is built into Gauss' skin/armor.




Feast is not Grendel's signature, really Pulverize (meatball mode) is. I love the idea of Nourish, but Grendel needs to eat an enemy to use it and every other frame can use it for free? LOL! Feast is hard to sustain and thus is a good choice.



Penance Penance is a risky strategy, even with the new Shield Gating effects. I think healing team mates is ideal. Condemn is Harrow's signature and the augment is rendered useless without the rest of the kit on Harrow.




Haven would be great on energy frames like Trinity and Harrow. It is hard to sustain without having a huge energy pool and thus would be a good choice. Pillage is "a little" more signature than Haven.


Tempest Barrage

Tidal Surge

Crowd control and the augment protects allies. I'm big on team work.



Scarab Swarm

Scarab Swarm is ideal because it is time consuming for most frames to get up and sustain (yeah yeah, no ultimate abilities). I want Devour so I can proc an enemy and let another ally feed off of it. But I think opening up groups of enemies to finishers with 25% Lifesteal is faster and more effective anyway. To say nothing of Sand Shadow Specters, Inaros' signature lol.




Sure Navigator is powerful. Players like me may struggle to actually hit anything smaller than a Grineer Galleon. My reaction speed is too slow and it is a "gas guzzling" ability. Any player with the skill to use this ability to it's full deserved to be rewarded. Quiver is Ivara's signature.



Ensnare Unchanged

This seems fine to me. I'm a Khora main and I know how valuable "controlled" crowd control is.




Yeah yeah no ultimate abilities. Banish makes sense, that's why Grendel should donate his Feast ability. Otherwise if Grendel can have Nourish, Limbo should get Stasis or Rift Surge! LOL!



Radial Disarm

Yeah yeah no ultimate abilities. Loki's Disarm is practical. Decoy is Loki's signature, lol.



Passive Bullet Jump Vacuum

Mixed emotions about Mag's kit. All her abilities are great and yet also signature to her. I guess Pull is okay. But if I could choose to replace a passive ability, I would definitely take Mag's Passive.


Shooting Gallery

Ballistic Battery

I only suggest Ballistic Battery because I plan to abuse Shooting Gallery as soon as possible, lol. Using Mesa's BB gun ability is restrictive and only rewarding to those who actually aim at their targets. Players that use this ability effectively deserve to be rewarded.




Yeah yeah no ultimate abilities. Prism was already nerfed in the past and is costly to maintain, it is thus ideal.



Soul Punch

Soul Punch augment can help revive fallen allies. I am big on team work. I have always disliked Terrify because it is directly contradictive to Nekros' Passive.


Fire Walker

Fire Walker Unchanged

I enjoy Nezha, but I'm a noob using him. So I don't have input here. I wish the description for the Fire Walker augment was more transparent, I still don't understand its full capabilities.



Parasitic Link Lore: since all warframes are made of infested biology, it stands to reason that every frame could use this ability. It is also good for team work, I'm big on helping allies.


Null Star

Worm Hole

Allows for more movement around the battle field. Helps allies travel faster. I'm big on team work. Nova's other three abilities require Antimatter and are therefore signature.


Mind Control


Yeah yeah no ultimate abilities. Absorb spam strategy is not ideal for everyone's play style and is hard to maintain, it is thus ideal. Mind Control is Nyx's signature.




Allows for healing allies, I'm big on team work.




Yeah yeah no ultimate abilities. Amp is expensive, requires a "decibel level of sound" and is hard to reach max power without actual music. It is thus ideal. Octavia's other three abilities require Mandachord Music to function and are therefore signature.



Grenade Fan

Grenade Fan can help allies and deal damage, I'm big on team work. Dispensary is okay too.




Enthrall can indirectly support the team, I'm big on team work. Revenant's other three abilities require Sentient Energy and are therefore signature.



Rhino Stomp

Yeah yeah no ultimate abilities (I'm getting tired of repeating myself). Rhino Stomp helps allies be more effective in battle, I'm all about team work. Do real rhinos roar? The community has decided that Roar is Rhino's signature, lol.




No ultimate abilities, yes yes I understand. Miasma isn't as effective without Spores and Toxic Lash. It is expensive with a short duration and not easy to clear rooms without the rest of Saryn's kit, it is thus ideal. Molt is a nice alternative, but almost feels like Saryn's signature.



Spellbind Unchanged

I don't use Titania enough to offer a meaningful suggestion. The augment appears useless unless I have high efficiency.


Well Of Life

Passive Revival Speed/Range

If I could take a passive, it would be Trinity's ability to heal faster and from farther away. Although it should be buffed to 50% faster and 3m range. I think Energy Vampire or Link are good ability choices. Well Of Life is Trinity's signature.




Paralysis can indirectly benefit allies, I'm big on team work. Warcry is Valkyr's signature. Rip Line... if it would auto-target the enemy instead of hitting terrain I think it would be better. I don't see Grineer Scorpions using their Rip Line to move across the battlefield, LOL!


Tesla Nervos

Photon Strike

Lore: since warframes often start missions with lots of extra equipment in their pockets, it is reasonable to assume any frame could call in a laser artillery strike from an outside source. Vauban's other three abilities involve Trap Tools that he "invented" and are therefore signature.




Volt Speed can benefit allies, I'm all about team work. Electric Shield is a good option too, more team work! All Volt's abilities involve electricity, so it's hard to say what is "signature".


Breach Surge


Allows for more movement around the battlefield. I want Reservoirs but that would be over powered, lol. Breach Surge and Sol Gate both involve opening a dimentional breach/portal to Earth's Sun and are therefore signature.



Defy Unchanged I want Celestial Twin or Cloud Walker LOL! Defy is great at it's job, that's good enough.


Xata’s Whisper 

The Lost

Lore: the description of the three effects of The Lost sound like abilities the Tenno should already be able to use with Transference Energy. Xata's Whisper would only fit this category if it worked on Eidolons, go figure!



Tail Wind

I want Turbulence, lol. Tail Wind would allow for more movement around the battlefield. Zephyr's other three abilities require Generating/Creating Wind out of nothing and are therefore signature.


I hope you enjoy considering my research.


ash... disagree... invisibility to anyframe... shuriken is ninja stuff.

Atlas... disagree... would give tectonic, landslide is signature and petrification with augment is now jsut giving loot boost to all frame... so Nekros with petrify... whatever.

Banshee... disagree... would had given her 1 too, with aument it pretty much as Ash 1.

Baruuk... agree.

Chroma... disagree... would rather take his 1 too to try to make it useful on other frame... Volt or Nezha speed running while blowing fire or electricity in front of them would be nice.

Embers... disagree... would rather take her 1 again, it got an inbuild buff on 3rd use and would hat liked to put that on protea 3.

Equinox... agree.

Excalibro... agree... just to put that on nezha along his ult.

Gara... dunno

Garuda... Agree

Gauss...  disagree

Grendel... disagree

Harrow.. Agree

Hildryn... Agree

Hydroid... disagree that's one of the most usefull ability to destroy Nullifier bubble, good for limbo, frost and khora.

Inaros ... just happy it's not his 1,... no ult.

Ivara... Agree

Khora... Agree

Limbo... disagree, now people can pull rift mobs out of it.

Loki... disagree

Mag... disagree... come on a passive... mag1 with augment do even better then her passive.

Mesa... Agree... again an ability almost useless on mesa but which might become useful on another... like ivara with her navigator, or Harrow.

Mirage...disagree... would rather take legerdemain.

Nekros... Agree

Nezha... Agree

Nidus... Agree

Nova... Agree

Nyx... Agree, even if it's a Ult... this ability don't make sense with Nyx set... all her abilities debuff enemies and make them attack others!!!

Oberon... Disagree... OP

Octavia...ult again no

Protea... Disagree, that support ability might be interesting in other build...

Revenant... Agree

Rhino... disagree... I would just give his rhino charge... how is that a signature move!!! it's pretty much the same as Excalibro1 !!!

Saryn......ult again no

Titania... agree

Trinity... I would had rather gave Energy Vampire.

Valkyr... disagree... would be OP on Hyldryn... would rather take ripline.

Vauban...agree... all frame got the orbiter to launch orbital attack so orbital strike would make sense.

Volt... disagree

Wisp... Agree

Wukong... disagree... I want his 1 on loki and mirage.

Xatu... can't tell

Zephyr... disagree... Airburst is again the less used ability and would make sense to allow to see how it could be used elsewhere


Now the only things that bother me is the retriction of only 1 ability that can be given to a frame at the same time, because there is frame that I don't like and would had made an elementalist build with Zephyr1, Atlas2, Ember1 and Hydroid1

and a stormcaster build with  Frost2, Volt1, Banshee1 and Hydroid1 

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7 hours ago, (XB1)MetalxPhoenix said:

I understand I'm jumping into conclusions about everyone using Roar. However, let people experiment for like the first month and eventually everyone will just turn to the same 5 or so universally good abilities like Roar, Warcry, Larva, Dispenser everything else is going to left behind except for the niche use. It's pretty obvious those are prime outliers and most will pick the best from the system.

it's actually kinda depressing how right you are. what makes it even worse is how those select abilities often match with what they said their parameters were for determining signature abilities. and often there were fun utility abilities they could have picked instead that also deserved the promised helmynth system buffs..... could have added more varietal gameplay but instead we will get the same 5 abilities on every frame.


while i would have loved a travel mobility power lik ripcord or quivers dashline, i'm now stuck with using warcry for everything on my melee frame.... cause anything else would be absolutely pointless and serve no purpose for my frame.

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After reading some of these comments and looking back at stuff we've had and lost because DE don't think a little more before grabbing a hatchet and axing the effect for small niche reason, then in some cases dealing with it later aka Khora. So what am getting at is, why can't we not put two damage buffing abilities on a single warframe yet be picky at what is consider damage buffing and being two faced with other abilities that grant armor stripping, CC, shields, armor, damage multiplier, elemental damage and damage reduction! There are a couple ways to get around this without just taking it away from us at the start. A solution could just be giving restrictions to them.
Lets take Eclipse and Roar for an example (Even though Eclipse requires environment lighting to work for damage or defense, never both and are also bug in some tile sets, making it extremely situational i.e Plains eidolon fights can only happen at night). If you try to put Eclipse on Rhino, the Helminth well first prompt you that this power seems similar to a power that Rhino already has. It would state:

  1. It well be quite costly (2 to 4 times the normal resources) to Infusion this ability to Rhino and would be slightly less efficient (From 10% to 30% increased mana cost, reduces power and or reduced duration with each part being nerf accordingly) based how similar they are. (Eclipse on Rhino would be 20% because he has 1 abilities that grant damage and 1 that grants defense, on Chroma 30% since he has 1 abilities that grant damage and 2 that can grant defense and Octavia 10% since she and Eclipse has conditions for there power and putting something on her would break part of her kits synergy. Roar on Mirage would be 15% since she has 1 ability that grants damage under a condition, on Chroma 15% since he has 1 ability that grants damage and Octavia 15%)
  2. You can skip that and replace the power that is similar with have normal efficiency applied.
  3. Would like to choose another ability to infuse?

This well also allow players to choose if they want to try it out and would explan the exception for abilities that grant a damage buff via an augment outside of this scope, because they aren't the same without it. But then again, that's just my opinion and it probably wouldn't matter.

But what about warframe that have special passives that buff abilities like Ember, Gauss and Nidus. Will abilities Infusion to these 3 get buffed when used at overheat, max battery or 0-100 stacks? Will using Roar or Warcry on Ember or Gauss at Overheat/max battery make the ability stronger? Or if I put Ember's Fire Blast on Gauss, will it interact with battery and would it strip 100% armor at max battery?

Then there's Protea's Dispensary, Nyx's Mind Control and Valkyr WarCRY. I would have rather have Grenade Fan, so I could put it on Vauban and make him the TRUE king of balls with survivability as a bonus, but I kind of dislike the always jump on cast she does for the casting of her 1 while standing, while Vauban only shows he's inner gymnast if you cast his 3 (and 4 to lesser extent) in the air, which if he has the energy, can be used to defy gravity. Then again, he's the only one I'd jump to put her 1 on. Dispensary on the other hand well make a lot of energy hurgey, multi cast warframes builds overjoyed. I though Mind Control was Nyx's thing and Revenant's Enthrall was the only thing that came close. You couldn't give Psychic Bolts which is another armor/shield strip and slows infested ability (damn) that make ash's Shuriken that requires it's augment to strip armor, look bad and Nyx's Chaos would try to take Nekros's Terrify spot in comparison to other mass enemy CC. Valkyr most be really crying now that she lost her one really "unique" ability. But then again, you gave her 1 to a archwing and a couple of other warframe does effects like her Paralysis easier and even though it cost some shields to cast, probably Hildryn would have been the only taker as a test.

Please stop cry this system going to be broken. Railjack was broken on release. Lets hope this doesn't come out in a similar state and the only thing that breaks are the doors to the room. looking foward to Fire Walker Gauss and to see if they well bother make it work with his battery system and Redline or they say something later like "Oh Gauss can't use Fire Walker because he has Mach Rush".



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10 hours ago, kusanagikyo said:

Her 3 give more damage than roar but it really inconsistent so roar still better option.

Her 3 also doesn't work for Eidolons because it is always in the "dark" so you only get damage reduction.

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I agree with previous posters about that this shouldn't be gate locked on MR 15.

I mean, this game is not casual friendly already and i believe most of the casual players can only play on the weekend, like myself. My account is 3 to 4 years old with  1k+ hours spent and i only reach MR 11, because like one of the posters said that there was no incentive to grind those MR and because any casual player would hate to spend their time precious weekend on grinding the game with almost no reward at all. Sure, i can grind my account to MR 15 within this month or the next, but is it good experience for any players, Casual or Not?

Heck, i was so hyped by this that i bought 1k+ plats just to reward DE for their new content. But what did i got? a slapped in the face just because i'm not MR 15?

I understand that DE wants to make this feature for experienced player. But first, what constitute an experience player? Is it only their MR? What about hours that any players spend in this game?

My suggestion is for DE to lower the MR 15 requirement or make it more recourse expensive as new players will not have that many recourse on theirs anyway. 

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Some questions about the base helminth abilities:

1) Are they affected by other mods on your warframe? Ie will having a powerestrength heavy build "double dip in empower"? (This may definitely make Hildryn very fun!)

On 2020-08-12 at 1:27 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:


"Increase the power strength of your next ability."

2) What is the range on this ability? What kind of damage does it spread; True damage or weapon damage? Does it spread Status Effects? 

On 2020-08-12 at 1:27 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:


“Stun an enemy, next damage you deal to it, will be dealt to all enemies around it."

3) Does the Rebuild Shields effect have a cool down? Instantly rebuilding shields is a VERY potent ability given shield gating and rolling guard. 

On 2020-08-12 at 1:27 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:


"Instantly restore shields."

4) Will there be limitations to using these helminth abilities with certain warframes? For example Rebuild Shields is not so great for Nidus or Inaros but potentially game breaking for Hildryn or Harrow.

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1 hour ago, LazerusKI said:

No Stealth ability in the List? That would have been the one and only reason for me to use it 😕


Well...i guess i replace my Teslas with Quiver then and turn my Vauban into a total Gadgeteer.

ummm no gadgeteer aparently we are only allowed the stealth arrow and noise arrow.... soooo basically stealth arrow since no one ever uses noise arrow.... shame cause dashline arrow was my last reason to use this system.

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1 hour ago, zanzibar9 said:

I agree with previous posters about that this shouldn't be gate locked on MR 15.

I mean, this game is not casual friendly already and i believe most of the casual players can only play on the weekend, like myself. My account is 3 to 4 years old with  1k+ hours spent and i only reach MR 11, because like one of the posters said that there was no incentive to grind those MR and because any casual player would hate to spend their time precious weekend on grinding the game with almost no reward at all. Sure, i can grind my account to MR 15 within this month or the next, but is it good experience for any players, Casual or Not?

Heck, i was so hyped by this that i bought 1k+ plats just to reward DE for their new content. But what did i got? a slapped in the face just because i'm not MR 15?

I understand that DE wants to make this feature for experienced player. But first, what constitute an experience player? Is it only their MR? What about hours that any players spend in this game?

My suggestion is for DE to lower the MR 15 requirement or make it more recourse expensive as new players will not have that many recourse on theirs anyway. 

First point Helmith system is not a quest content so a higher MR can be justified as an advanced feature(Like champion system in Elder scrolls online).

Second point Warframe Isn't a pay to win game so you can buy direct progress with money(But you can speed it up, but you cant bypass MR tests).

Third point you mentioned MR is useless, this system will motivate those casuals to progress if they want to use it, but the system itself is completely optional for the casuals your describing(They willnt lose something by not interacting).

Forth point MR is proven ability through a standardise practical test, passing them proves to the program that you are experience or knowledgeable. Having a million hours means little if you only stick to limited/low lv content. Some players boost being a low mr player but better than mr28, but how can they prove it to the program and others. 

Last point system not designed for new players who dont have spare resources or haven't mastered any warframes. If they do hear about the system it will help motivate the to involve themselves in the the MR system.

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On 2020-08-12 at 10:27 AM, [DE]Rebecca said:

Who is this for?

Hey Reb, I still have base Chroma, if I sell him for credits right now is DE going to run a script to put it back so I can get rid of it a second time?

Thinking. You gotta think. Whoever came up with suddenly bringing a new use to things people get rid of to save slots (because it's the most reasonable course of action, especially in a F2P game), they didn't think while doing that.

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47 minutes ago, zanzibar9 said:

I agree with previous posters about that this shouldn't be gate locked on MR 15.

I mean, this game is not casual friendly already and i believe most of the casual players can only play on the weekend, like myself. My account is 3 to 4 years old with  1k+ hours spent and i only reach MR 11, because like one of the posters said that there was no incentive to grind those MR and because any casual player would hate to spend their time precious weekend on grinding the game with almost no reward at all. Sure, i can grind my account to MR 15 within this month or the next, but is it good experience for any players, Casual or Not?

I understand that DE wants to make this feature for experienced player. But first, what constitute an experience player? Is it their MR?

My suggestion is for DE to lower the MR 15 requirement or make it more recourse expensive as new players will not have that many recourse on theirs anyway. 

I mean.. if "incentive" is all some of you need to bother "grinding" out mastery to get to 15, then i don't understand why you can't take this as incentive to do so. 


I mean, i think it goes without saying that the ideally they would like you to have mastered each basic warframe before using the system.  Assuming that you have completed the star chart, and only mastered the basic warframes, you would only need to level your choice of 278,500 mastery points.. which is 23% of the weapons in the game.   Not counting archwing items, companions, primed warframes, ect.  Master all of the available prime frames and you pretty much cut that in half.  It realistically is not a tall order.  I would actually be surprised if you have played this game that long and don't have a backlog of mastery tests to take.  Hell, i have a friend that plays on average an hour a week and has managed MR18 in 800 hours by just being a casual tag-a-long and trying out new things that interest him. 


I mean, i understand that for many players, it's not ideal to have new content be restricted. But at mastery rank 11, you're already being restricted. There are weapons that you cannot even build still and rivens that you cannot use. the "required" mastery rank to access everything in the game at this very moment is 15.  Honestly, with how much mastery is available, i think 15 is a pretty solid mastery rank to expect out of players if they want to target a group that likely has experienced what the warframes have to offer.  

Particularly when they're introducing a system that barrows abilities. It kind of makes sense to expect players to know what those abilities do and have an idea of what they would replace.  If they have people tossing resources down the drain and replacing abilities without knowing what those abilities do, what are the odds that that's not going to have a negative impact on the player experience?  This game is overwhelming enough for newer players.  I really dont think they need people constantly complaining about resource costs to feed it either.   


Unfortunately you're in an odd position, being low MR despite all the time you have in the game. They have to have a way to restrict the content that they feel needs to be limited to those with abundant resources to spare, and MR is really the only way they can restrict things outside of quest completion..which are usually hidden behind other restrictions including mastery ranks.  So it's kind of a mute point I'm afraid.      You need warframes to sacrifice, i can only suggest leveling what you dont already own and holding onto them in the meantime.  It's either that, or rebuild them all after you get to 15, just like most of us that have already far exceeded the requirement. Honestly, some of us with we had that choice still. 


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1 hour ago, Nasair said:

Her 3 also doesn't work for Eidolons because it is always in the "dark" so you only get damage reduction.

I mean in general gameplay not just for eidolon.

9 hours ago, Claric said:

Roar doesn't stack with other instances of roar. So 3/4 people in a group full of subsumed roars are gonna be -1 useful ability. How does this warrant a nerf?

Most damage buff dont work on ability that skill do. Imagine it on saryn or mesa. And the best part of roar is it double dip on status proc. Mean just with 200 str you can do 4 times the damage your normal slash proc. That on garuda 4 gonna be juicy.

But i not say this because it broken but it because i dont want DE to nerf or change it. 

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