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3 minutes ago, selig_fay said:

This looks interesting on Hildryn, but not on Nova. Also, it doesn't make sense for me to use it on those frames that are designed so as not to take a lot of damage, which means that the only useful bonus is the speed of reloading and changing weapons, which I don't need.

A nova, a glass cannon, without the glass. You get to open a whole new variety of builds. Just because you arent going to use it doesnt make it not powerful and thats the whole point. Theres a huge disparity between all the abilities.


A great example is banish. Great on limbo because of his kit. Cast stasis, banish nuisances. Out of his kit this ability doesnt hold up.


And as you mentioned decoy vs molt. Pretty sure most would pick decoy.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Keiji_Haku said:

Theres a huge disparity between all the abilities.

And in the end, you understand what I'm trying to say.

1 minute ago, (PS4)Keiji_Haku said:
And as you mentioned decoy vs molt. Pretty sure most would pick decoy.

I am almost sure that most will choose Molt, because they do the same thing with only one difference, Molt will be invulnerable for 3 seconds, when It absorbs all the damage and converts it to its HP, while Decoy just has a remote set. Decoy is very specific and many people will not like it.

14 minutes ago, Anaktoria said:

God, I know right? 😕 At least those filthy heathens still can't touch our sweet, sweet immortality and rageclaws.

I wanted to get a Rip Line to put this on Titania with augment and get Itzal gameplay. But, Warcry so Warcry, I don't mind this xD.

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1 minute ago, selig_fay said:

And in the end, you understand what I'm trying to say.

I am almost sure that most will choose Molt, because they do the same thing with only one difference, Molt will be invulnerable for 3 seconds, when It absorbs all the damage and converts it to its HP, while Decoy just has a remote set. Decoy is very specific and many people will not like it.

I wanted to get a Rip Line to put this on Titania with augment and get Itzal gameplay. But, Warcry so Warcry, I don't mind this xD.

I mean thats what i said tho. This whole thing is great idea but the ability selection is too varying in power level. Honest to god tho i dont even care. Would have loved me some vex armor but you know op as crap.


I hate radial javelin. Fix it de

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2 hours ago, UNG_God said:

as someone who sold the normal version, i am screwed if i want to complete it .
i wanted we could use primes , but instead of sacrificing it , the helmith would study it, taking 3 days to so , giving it back and taking another day to create the ability , it is super slow but not so screwy as having to farm and build everything again .

Well I have farmed pretty much all the frames again, but I like this study idea.

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4 hours ago, Cpl_Facehugger said:

I did. It doesn't really change anything about my argument. You benefit more from this system by having a large number of warframes to give new powers to. You're still asking to participate in a system where the entire point is to grind up warframes to enhance other warframes, with warframes giving mastery. Someone who can actually take advantage of this system really can't be low MR, since the entire system is rooted in dissolving things that give MR in order to add more power to other things that give MR. Just by participating in it you would naturally raise your MR. We aren't talking something arbitrary like locking a powerful gun behind mastery or something, we're talking about a system that's much more deeply entwined with mastery - the way the system works, you're encouraged to build a large stable of warframes to both feed to helminth, and to add new powers to. The whole system is about collecting warframes and hence collecting mastery, so complaining about the system being MR locked such that people who only have a couple warframes can't participate is silly.

Especially because going forward DE intends to add new frames into this system. We already have Xata, an unreleased frame with powers we don't know much about, getting added concurrently with the system. You might only want 2-3 abilities now, but what if a new frame comes out in a couple months with a new power that synergizes great with your playstyle that you simply have to have?  What if DE reworks a frame's abilities as they sometimes do and suddenly an old power takes on new life in your playstyle? Suddenly you're farming up another frame and earning mastery.

Sorry bro, but this system at its core design doesn't really play nice with people who don't want to acquire MR. In a real sense it's all about acquiring MR. Hence "why can't ammo mutation work on my swords???"

Your arguments are boring. At the end of the day I want 2-3 abilities max but I gotta grind as if I wanted all of them.

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2 minutes ago, Hardenum said:
Your arguments are boring. At the end of the day I want 2-3 abilities max but I gotta grind as if I wanted all of them.

Now forget that wiki and youtube exist. You just don't know what you want because you don't farm these frames. Does this argument suit you?

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On 2020-08-12 at 2:27 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:


What exactly is going on here with the Warframe Subsuming?

Warframes that are Subsumed join the Helminth in an eternal bond. They will live on in a Lotus flower that matches the colours of the Subsumed Warframe, as a permanent honor. See below for an example of the Helminth garden after 5 Subsumes:


  Reveal hidden contents



I don't like flowers. Can we have an option for Skulls in spikes? FLAMING skulls in spikes.


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hace 2 horas, Anaktoria dijo:

God, I know right? 😕 At least those filthy heathens still can't touch our sweet, sweet immortality and rageclaws.

i mean i love valkyr, the first prime i get, but at least she gives something useful, i was almost crying because i was almost sure that the useless hook was going to be the ability, you as a valkyr main dont lose anything and others win good abilities i don't se the problem, i am a mirage main myself and my only complain was about eclipse with vex armor/roar but they already took that in account, i am not gonna stop using mirage just because i can use eclipse on other warframe, even i could change the only one of his kit that never worked for my playstyle.

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Can I just say to all the tenno freaking out here (and being as hyperbolic as possible) that your stuff is not just going to miraculously become "useless" as I've seen so many parot. Like, if your builds work now, they'll work next update, it is that simple. You are not required to shift all of your builds around one ability okay? You can completely ignore the system and still reap benefits from it when you have team members using the system as intended. Its going to be okay, I can grantee you aren't going to have to throw all your builds in the trash. This is not the end of the game as so many always speculate before a new update, just a new chapter.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Keiji_Haku said:

A nova, a glass cannon, without the glass.

You can already make Nova a really good tank while having almost no negative impact on what she's supposed to be able to do. All you have to do is like. Stack max duration (which already benefits her anyway) with one of two augments and Adaptation. 

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Im gonna ignore all the "thiz gaem broken pls fix shuut" drama involving roar and whatever.

No No I dont care about how other people play warframe.

No what I ask is Fire Walker on Gauss. Spam his 3 all over the place. Run all over the place. Is the flo0r lava?

Or how about warcry on Gauss that will make it easy to charge his meter?



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25 minutes ago, Gurpgork said:

You can already make Nova a really good tank while having almost no negative impact on what she's supposed to be able to do. All you have to do is like. Stack max duration (which already benefits her anyway) with one of two augments and Adaptation. 

Or just ward with ice. You will most likely stack some power strength for her 4 so ward will get a buff. Thats two mod slots free. No adaptation or augmnt. Part of that post was about opening up room for more build "variety"

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While wondering why people weren't as into nourished strike as roar since it's description in the wiki indicates that it buffs both weapon AND ability damage, someone mentioned that it was discovered that nourished strike actually does NOT buff most abilities. 

"Nourished Strike provides additional Toxin b Toxin damage for the buffed player's weapons and abilities" is the description in the wiki currently, which DE doesn't control, however the in-game tip for nourished strike when you tab through tips on the ability page states: "Cast Nourish with the Nourished Strike buff selected to add Toxin Damage to buffed squad members' attacks." By listing "attacks" without anything more specific, it's not really clear in-game what it's supposed to work on, which is an issue probably with ability descriptions and tips throughout the game. Many are vague and don't specify if they're weapon specific, while some like Vex Armor actually do specify that they are weapon-only buffs. 

I think the ability either needs to be fixed to work on abilities as well as weapons as the tip suggests, or the description of this and other vague buffs should be re-written to be more specific. 


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On 2020-08-12 at 10:59 AM, Nash said:

Eclipse and roar? Breaking the game here

I really don't understand why people care so hard about balance in an already unbalanced PvE game.
I doubt they will be use-able in Conclave, and if yes,
they can just disable it for that and let people who want to play a certain way, play that certain way.

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This might be slightly off topic but I'm concerned about Hildryn. Will she use these abilities with her shields? If so, why use Pillage if we can use Rebuild Shields (especially if it's usable during her 4)? There are many things, mainly quality of life changes that should be brought to her in my opinion.

Here is what I propose :

- Her 2 should be castable while her 4 is active
- Her 3 should gain some benefits from being used with her 4, the drain is just insane otherwise
- Her 2 is a bit unreliable. Maybe I don't know the mechanics behind it well enough but sometimes I get almost no shields from it. I heard it's based on line of sight? If that's the case, I think this line of sight constraint should be removed or, at least, improved. Also, if the enemies have no armor or shields (infested or stripped enemies), the ability is pointless.
- Give more synergy between her 4 and her 1. She gets 2 chargers so I think this visual buff should be reflected functionally and it would give more incentive to use her 4.

- Give more synergy between her 4 and her 3. It would be nice to see enemies affected more heavily by her 3 while they are being lifted by her 4 like reduced shields and armor for example. Maybe an augment could solve that but I would prefer this to be an innate synergy.
- Reduce the drain per enemy on her 3 : the damage is honestly useless and it feel like a punishment going near enemies because of the insane drain.
- Her 1 feels kind of not worth charging : no explosion radius increase, long charge time and a pretty big shield cost.
- Her 2 should have some way to work versus the infested and other units with no shields or armor.
- Her 2 should give you the shields as the wave hits the enemies, It's awkward standing there being shot by a group just because you have to wait for that wave to come back before killing them. I know you can reactivate but you have to wait for the wave to hit the furthest enemies before killing the closest.

- Her 1 augment should give you back smaller amount of shields on uncharged shots (better than nothing) and on splash damage. For example, uncharged shots give 50% of the shields compared to a charged shot and a splash damage hit gives 50% of a direct hit.
- Her 3 should have a mechanic like Protea's satellite shield where it gives a sort of "battery" to the player once they hit max shield values so that the effect lingers for a certain duration (affected by power duration). It's complicated to be near all 3 of your teammates at all time to maintain the buff, the support you are supposed to bring. Also, you can make so that this battery breaks/disappears when the buffed ally loses all shields.

Otherwise, I really like the concept of this frame but the 4 is an odd design choice to me since it synergizes oddly with the other abilities and seems a bit random in relation the the Hildryn"s theme. Don't get me wrong though, her 4 is fun to use. To me, Hildryn mainly needs quality of life changes, not a buff per se as I think she fills a nice role of protector. She has fallen behind quite a bit though since the introduction of generalized shield gating and Protea's shield satellites.

Sorry for this slightly off topic rant but I think the introduction of this system will make many Warframes even more powerful and I don't want my dear Hildryn to fall behind even more in terms of usefulness, even though I find her great to play with.

In any case, I think it was a wonderful idea to introduce the Helminth system in Warframe as it opens so many opportunities for creativity. It sounds great and I can't wait to get my hands on that! Thank you for your hard work DE!

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Good morning Valkyr's mains (yes, you 3 out there). In less than a month, warframes from here will join others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest battle in this history of mankind.

Mankind -- that word should have new meaning for all of us today.

We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore.

We will be united in our common interests.

Perhaps its fate that today is 4 days and a month after Tennocon, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom, not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution -- but from annihilation.

We're fighting for our right to live, to exist. Our right to not be the only one to have our signature move sold off! We too want to rip off Chroma of his Vex Armor!

And should we win the day, this day will be known as the day when the Valkyr's mains declared in one voice:

"We will not go quietly into the night!

We will not vanish without a fight!

We're going to live on!

We're going to survive!"

Today, we celebrate our Independence Day!

So please DE, a table for 4 peoples to eat ice creams in this time of global pandemic. Thanks. :3



Tl;dr: Nothing really serious, just a joke about something that bug me a little: what's left of Valkyr uniqueness. Take it easy guys. 😉

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2 hours ago, selig_fay said:

Now forget that wiki and youtube exist. You just don't know what you want because you don't farm these frames. Does this argument suit you?

No, I already had all the frames except grendel and wisp. I even forma'd most of the useful ones up to 5 times. I know exactly what I want to try. 

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DE likes to look at the data around frame usage. It may be that if their post-launch data shows certain frames being Helminthed for their 1 good ability and then usage of that frame drops off a cliff, perhaps it'll prompt DE to rework them into being more than simply a one trick pony. Already it has prompted them to revisit a couple of lacklustre abilities (Airburst, Well of Life) and add some QoL in for Banish.

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On 2020-08-13 at 6:11 AM, SweetAnubis said:

rdy to be more sad? it looks like they removed two of the arrows from quiver in the helminth system soooo the utility u spoke of is gone. they kept the stealth arrow which ur ash wont need so you litterally get 1 arrow that will be usefull..... and its not dash line....

-Wha- *Groan* Well, can still see if I can find some ability to replace teleport with (I rarely use it)... Maybe a Flashbang or Pocket Sand.

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