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On 2020-08-12 at 4:30 PM, Pizzarugi said:

Why not? Nuke mains seem to think so, what with turning the game into a walking simulator for everyone else just by mashing one button.

Try playing survival or excavation on solo. I have, the spawns are terrible.

If DE does something to fix the bad solo spawns, I'd agree with your point.

Again, press-4-to-win frames seem to think otherwise.

Also, it's pretty presumptive to say I want other players to play like me. Not at all, I just don't want people to nuke all of the fun out of the game by pushing 1 button and walking straight to extraction.

I agree, plus I like having enough enemies spawn so I can reliably play survival or excavation.

Once again you have picked out only portions of my reply to you. I have just completed Steel Path. I soloed every excavation and survival and there were PLENTY of spawns. I have soloed survival missions for three plus years and there are always plenty of spawns. The problem would appear to be that your loadout is too weak to kill the spawns at a high enough rate to get the life support drops. If the spawns are not getting to you in one spot, try a different location. Sounds like you struggle doing solo excavations too. Whatever the case may be, the part of my reply you totally skipped over is that there are Friends Only and Invite Only. Not just Public or Solo. Get some friends from your clan to run with you if you cannot run solo. Lacking friends, set to Invite Only and go to the Recruit Chat and recruit a squad. Be sure in your recruitment message that you tell them how you expect them to run their frames. Whatever you do, stop running public matches and expecting people not to run their chosen frames as efficiently as possible. You will only make yourself more miserable. If you choose to ignore the fact that there are more modes of play than just Solo and Public, please refrain from further lamentations in the forums about how much you dislike having someone outperform you, it will only serve to make us more miserable.

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9 minutes ago, (XB1)Th3BelovedSaint said:

Once again you have picked out only portions of my reply to you. I have just completed Steel Path.

I don't see why you're using Steel Path as a basis for soloing. Nobody cares about it unless you're running it for MR, cosmetics, or are farming Kuva. There's little to no incentive to run this mode when you get the same rewards in normal difficulty.

And again, nobody is going to run regular missions, Steel Path or otherwise, in recruit chat. Unless you're farming relics, opening relics, hunting eidolon, index farming, looking for a mission taxi, farming warframe parts, or farming murmurs, nobody is going to respond to your posts wanting to complete some ordinary missions. This is a HUGE amount of effort just to avoid having my fun in the game ruined by someone who can't stop mashing one button to blitz a mission. The time I waste trying is time I could be using by running the mission.

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2 minutes ago, Pizzarugi said:

I don't see why you're using Steel Path as a basis for soloing. Nobody cares about it unless you're running it for MR, cosmetics, or are farming Kuva. There's little to no incentive to run this mode when you get the same rewards in normal difficulty.

The point is, the game itself and the game mode are not your problem. Your problem is, that you are doing something or not doing something that results in you limiting your resources. I see that you must not have run Steel Path yet. The point is, I run it because it is a more challenging mode of play and, like the rest of the game, fun to play. 

sorry Friends only does not seem to be an option for you. clearly you hate to run in any mode in which you cannot be the shining star. I feel a bit sorry for you. I feel eve3n more sorry for the people in public matches that get squadded with you. glad DE is delivering this system. Only you can choose to be happy or frustrated. Nobody else can ever make you happy. Everyone gets to make that choice. Choose happy. 🙂

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15 minutes ago, (XB1)Th3BelovedSaint said:

sorry Friends only does not seem to be an option for you. clearly you hate to run in any mode in which you cannot be the shining star. I feel a bit sorry for you. I feel eve3n more sorry for the people in public matches that get squadded with you.

That is awfully presumptive of you to make such baseless accusations merely because I don't like having my game trivialized by other people who can't be bothered to do anything more than mashing 4 until its time to extract. It says far more about your character than it does me that you would choose to lie like this when my criticism has been consistent throughout this argument.

It has never been about who kills more than who. This game is a horde shooter, not a walking simulator. When someone enters a mission and just erases the existence of a horde, they take away the core experience of the game for everyone in their team. If anyone should be playing solo, it is them, because its clear that they have no need for teammates.

I don't play this game to have someone else play it for me. I am not a leech, but the perpetuation of press-4-to-win frames encourages this behavior by forcing it upon everyone.

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DE Please consider dashline over noise arrow for helminth quiver! no one uses noise arrow for a reason. and giving us an ability that allows us some jump and vertical mobility for heavier frames would actually encourage some of us to use something other then the 4 broken buff abilities that everyone will be using. It also gives us some reason to use the quiver augment on other frames as it only affects stealth and dashline arrows anyways. Dashline won't be gamebreaking but will be usefull for players looking for a way to get arround and look more like a ninja in game.

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1 hour ago, Pizzarugi said:

That is awfully presumptive of you to make such baseless accusations merely because I don't like having my game trivialized by other people who can't be bothered to do anything more than mashing 4 until its time to extract. It says far more about your character than it does me that you would choose to lie like this when my criticism has been consistent throughout this argument.

It has never been about who kills more than who. This game is a horde shooter, not a walking simulator. When someone enters a mission and just erases the existence of a horde, they take away the core experience of the game for everyone in their team. If anyone should be playing solo, it is them, because its clear that they have no need for teammates.

I don't play this game to have someone else play it for me. I am not a leech, but the perpetuation of press-4-to-win frames encourages this behavior by forcing it upon everyone.

I love how you cherry pick the parts of someones reply for your quotes. At least you finally included the part of my reply that asked why you do not choose to play Friends Only or Invite only. You still have not answered that question, by the way. Instead of complaining about people who, apparently, do a great job of running their dps frame of choice, lets see if we can analyze your situation and help make it better. shoot me a screenshot of your Main and your favorite loadouts. I would gladly help with any tips from my experience. If you are on Xbox One, I will team with you. I try to help in any way I can. I have run with random groups running Ivara wherein I got plenty of kills and even more kills than someone running Saryn Prime. That was not my goal, my goal was to melee as many enemies as I could to spread Saryns spores. Do I adapt my playstyle? Yes. In any way I have to to help the squad. If the squad wins, I win. If the squad fails, I fail. Seriously. Not trying to cast you in a bad light at all. Just get tired of seeing complaints about how randoms run their frames in public groups. When I, personally, want to have any certain mission run just my way, I solo it. Yes, Excavations and survivals included. Normal mode, Syndicate missions, Arbitrations, Sortie and now Steel Path. Spawns are never the problem. It is what you or I, the player, do with them. Now, I sincerely would like to help you. If you want to have a better overall experience, I can help. The offer is there. You may choose to take it or leave it. Good Hunting, Tenno.

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The lack of freedom is a big crapper in this system that externally appears to exist specifically to add more freedom of customization.

First off I'd not require consumption of frames. Many, I think most, have already sold many of their base frames to make room for primes. It was perfectly acceptable then and it shouldn't suddenly be a retroactive punishment. It's definitely most unpleasant if I needed to re-farm a bunch of frames again, just to get rid of them again. Instead of that, award a "100% analysis" kind of item when each base frame is brought to rank 30. That's a key item given to Helminth instead of the frame itself. Optionally allow for consumption of each frame one time, which awards large amounts of Helminth's resources.

Then the abilities selection, they're manually curated? Are you actually serious? How about don't do that. Instead, let any ability be transferred at full effect, manually balance that with a stat exactly like riven disposition. Frames that use a copied ability get all-around stat penalties depending on how strong that ability is deemed to be for that frame.

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A system which offers many suboptimal options and some overpowered ones, doesn't really give much choice. Anyone remember Catchmoon usage numbers?
In the end, it's mostly "Roar, roar, everywhere!" by a large margin.
Let's wait what the content creaters are saying. Brozime already made a good video.

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This system may seem a good idea but it will further narrow the meta if any "hard" content is supposed to appear again. We already are thinking about overkill team that can play long steelpath survival even more easily than now.

The game have counter to this powercreep : infested with parasitic eximus spam + various sources of "1HKO" (ancient / cloud gas / tar puddle), corpus with nullifier spam  + bursa grenades, but tbh if we have the choice we'll play against grineer because their feature is just "armor" and that can be stripped easily.

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1 minute ago, Sahansral said:

A system which offers many suboptimal options and some overpowered ones, doesn't really give much choice. Anyone remember Catchmoon usage numbers?
In the end, it's mostly "Roar, roar, everywhere!" by a large margin.
Let's wait what the content creaters are saying. Brozime already made a good video.

whats sad is how true that is... they could have curbed that a bit with some utility abilities such as dashline, snow globe, ripline and jet stream.... not overly powful abilities but certainly useful in niche situations such as mobility or defensive situations. but as it stands its basically uber buff abilities or sub obtimal basic damage attacks.... not a hard choice there, honestly not a choice at all tbh

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Yeah, I've set aside my Oberon specifically to put Smite Infusion on Mesa in place of her 1 to give her a legit damage buff in place of her existing rubbish one. Or to do so once I get to unlimited subsumption slots, I should say, as I've got 11 frames cooking and 4 frames that were already in my inventory set aside for nomming. Less universally practical than the Roar I'm giving Wisp, and it requires that mod slot, but it'll have situational advantages. 

(Neither of which I'm looking forward to as much as Molt on Protea's 4 for that speed boost on a frame with enough Duration to use it, so it's still certainly not all damage buffs.)

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10 hours ago, Hardenum said:
No, I already had all the frames except grendel and wisp. I even forma'd most of the useful ones up to 5 times. I know exactly what I want to try.

Then why are you still not MR15? So you ignored the weapons while listening to the same youtube and wiki. Or are you ignoring archwing. Or you didn't pass the map, including reiljeck, where you also get MR. Companions. The operator of the weapon. k-drive. Did you ignore all this? If not, how are you still below rank 15?

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3 hours ago, SweetAnubis said:

whats sad is how true that is... they could have curbed that a bit with some utility abilities such as dashline, snow globe, ripline and jet stream.... not overly powful abilities but certainly useful in niche situations such as mobility or defensive situations. but as it stands its basically uber buff abilities or sub obtimal basic damage attacks.... not a hard choice there, honestly not a choice at all tbh

Its hilarious when people think a 34% roar is mefiocre.

Then they realize its applied to total damage and not base, and it becomes stupid amazing.

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4 minutes ago, selig_fay said:

Then why are you still not MR15? So you ignored the weapons while listening to the same youtube and wiki. Or are you ignoring archwing. Or you didn't pass the map, including reiljeck, where you also get MR. Companions. The operator of the weapon. k-drive. Did you ignore all this? If not, how are you still below rank 15?

Im glad. Weve always been wanting MR to matter more. Wish eidolons was 15. I dont know how any would manage for so long without being least 16. We need some MR 20 items/missions

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Am 12.8.2020 um 19:58 schrieb [DE]Rebecca:

What about Damage buffing Abilities?

As you can see, we have two Abilities that increase damage: Mirage’s Eclipse, and Rhino’s Roar. We are creating a special case for these Abilities when infused on Warframes with similar Abilities (i.e Chroma, Mirage, Rhino, Octavia). When you infuse these, you will receive a prompt that you can only have 1 Damage Buffing ability at a time, and thus you are limited to replacing said ability type. Which is to say - Damage Buffing abilities can only be swapped with Damage Buffing Abilities on Warframes that already have them. However, that limitation does not apply to the other 30+ Warframes. 

Heart of deimos is ok ...the third open world will be nice to explore. Bu the ability switch ...we dont need that. what is with modular archwings, Commander school on railjack, raids, PvP.... do we get back solarrails like you promise us in the past ... huge clans and alliances was the reason to have for solarrails...now it is pointless...did you notice that ...or is all now about skins...and tennogen ...that will bring nothing to the game honestly. only that i feel like in a puppet house or a catwalk. i hope you take that as honest critic...i cannot give some creative...i ask for what you guys promise us.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Keiji_Haku said:
Im glad. Weve always been wanting MR to matter more. Wish eidolons was 15.

I don't care about MR. I just don't understand these complaints. Either these people are newcomers who do not understand that the system will devour their resources, because of which they will still have to sit for a long time on survival as Nekros, or I do not understand something. To get to MR 15 you need 562,500. All frames give 438,000. All companions and their weapons give 198,000, which already exceeds the rank of 15. That is, it does not even take into account the main aspects, such as weapons, missions and archwing. Just frames and Pets. So I have a very big question why people can't achieve this.

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On 2020-08-12 at 10:59 AM, Nash said:

Eclipse and roar? Breaking the game here

This guy doesn't read huh? They already said you can't have roar and Eclipse both on the same Warframe. And what does it harm? Both Eclipse and Roar already can apply to other Warframes on cast, so what's the difference if I can cast it on myself?

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3 hours ago, Sahansral said:

A system which offers many suboptimal options and some overpowered ones, doesn't really give much choice. Anyone remember Catchmoon usage numbers?
In the end, it's mostly "Roar, roar, everywhere!" by a large margin.
Let's wait what the content creaters are saying. Brozime already made a good video.

Don't rely on the content creators to base your opinions like some drone. Your builds, your opinions and choices, that is for YOU to shape.

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Le 13/08/2020 à 22:33, Hardenum a dit :

Excuse me, is this Mastery discrimination necessary? Mastery Rank is a weak measure of experience. I've been playing warframe since 2016 and I am proud of the fact that I have a low Mastery(MR10), I just don't support mindlessly grinding mastery fodders for some stupid points. Now I can't enjoy this awesome content? Is that what you're telling me?

Il y a 11 heures, Hardenum a dit :

No, I already had all the frames except grendel and wisp. I even forma'd most of the useful ones up to 5 times. I know exactly what I want to try. 

If you have all warframe (except Grendel & Wisp), and are still MR 10, that means that you have at most 18 weapons. And that's supposing you did 0 mission; 0 junctions; unlocked 0 intrisics; mastered no sentinel or companion, no archwing or archweapon, not even a mote amp.
If we suppose you did every junctions and about 100 nodes (less that half the star chart); mastered exactly one companion, one archwing, one archgun, one archemelee, and one amp; and leveled your starting weapons; Then you end up with at most two other weapons mastered

It's not that you have only played part of the game that does not reward with mastery, it's that you purposefully ignored everything except the frames. Play the game a bit, won't you ?


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7 minutes ago, Aralicia said:

It's not that you have only played part of the game that does not reward with mastery, it's that you purposefully ignored everything except the frames. Play the game a bit, won't you ?

i would say it takes some special skill to be able to avoid the entirety of the progression system like that.

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vor 57 Minuten schrieb (PS4)CorruptAegis:

Don't rely on the content creators to base your opinions like some drone. Your builds, your opinions and choices, that is for YOU to shape.

A bit much assuming?
It's a about giving feedback to the devs.
We all already traded arguments for/against abilties like Roar here in this thread. DE reads them and do as they please.
If the content creators lean heavily to one side of the discussion this may be another factor for DE to consider.
Also some of the content creators have some good connections to the Devs and could get more details about the thought process behind choosing certain skills or perhaps get further info how DE plans to balance things out a bit more to prevent somehting like the Catchmoon issue. 

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1 hour ago, selig_fay said:

Then why are you still not MR15? So you ignored the weapons while listening to the same youtube and wiki. Or are you ignoring archwing. Or you didn't pass the map, including reiljeck, where you also get MR. Companions. The operator of the weapon. k-drive. Did you ignore all this? If not, how are you still below rank 15?

I farmed platinum and bought primes with it, never got any of the non-primes except starter volt and those that don't have primes. My RJ is maxed, my amp is 277. Weapons I have ignis, redeemer prime, kuva bramma, kuva nukor, rattleguts-lovetap-splat and a plague keewar, all of these are maxed, at least 5 forma each, some 8. Why aren't I MR15? Dunno, you tell me.

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