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The Helminth: Dev Workshop


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59 minutes ago, Aralicia said:

If you have all warframe (except Grendel & Wisp), and are still MR 10, that means that you have at most 18 weapons. And that's supposing you did 0 mission; 0 junctions; unlocked 0 intrisics; mastered no sentinel or companion, no archwing or archweapon, not even a mote amp.
If we suppose you did every junctions and about 100 nodes (less that half the star chart); mastered exactly one companion, one archwing, one archgun, one archemelee, and one amp; and leveled your starting weapons; Then you end up with at most two other weapons mastered

It's not that you have only played part of the game that does not reward with mastery, it's that you purposefully ignored everything except the frames. Play the game a bit, won't you ?


Why should I get crappy weapons? that's my point, pointless grind just to be higher mastery. It's not like they blocked people from playing liches, you can get high mr weapons from them like bramma without having the required mastery. Why block this event from low mr players then?

The problem here is DE trying to force people to buy slots through naive, underhanded tactics.

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11 minutes ago, Sahansral said:

Also some of the content creators have some good connections to the Devs and could get more details about the thought process behind choosing certain skills or perhaps get further info how DE plans to balance things out a bit more to prevent somehting like the Catchmoon issue.

Ummm. Catchmoon received a weak nerf in the form of shooting distance. The content creators said that this is a strong nerf. People have stopped using Catchmoon. You mean that?

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5 minutes ago, Hardenum said:

Dunno, you tell me.


5 minutes ago, Hardenum said:

never got any of the non-primes except starter volt and those that don't have primes

This is your problem. I don't know how you intend to use helminth when Prime can't be used for feeding. 

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15 minutes ago, Hardenum said:

The problem here is DE trying to force people to buy slots through naive, underhanded tactics.

buy a slot, get the weapon, levle it, trash it. there you go, slot problem solved.

kids *@##$ing about not being given stuff without putting in the effort, i swear. you need at MAX a week to get MR 15, from your point. the less time you spend here *@##$ing about something that won't change, the faster you'll get MR 15. it's MR 15, gonna stya MR 15 cause it's a really reasonable rank to get to in warframe, and if you don't wanna reach it cause you're just too LAZY for it, too bad.

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vor 48 Minuten schrieb selig_fay:

Ummm. Catchmoon received a weak nerf in the form of shooting distance. The content creators said that this is a strong nerf. People have stopped using Catchmoon. You mean that?

I mean the statistics from a dev stream that showed that 51 % usage of Catchmoon among the huge pool of secondaries.

Chances are pretty good, that we see the same with Roar. 


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1 hour ago, Hardenum said:

I farmed platinum and bought primes with it, never got any of the non-primes except starter volt and those that don't have primes. My RJ is maxed, my amp is 277. Weapons I have ignis, redeemer prime, kuva bramma, kuva nukor, rattleguts-lovetap-splat and a plague keewar, all of these are maxed, at least 5 forma each, some 8. Why aren't I MR15? Dunno, you tell me.

I see your problem and I'm sorry to state that MR has always been an acceptable lock for DE. Getting this system early won't help you or the server. You have 10 days from this post before the update drops. Go level up! You need mastery for standing cap increases anyway. And if you didn't note. Starting chrysalis requires progress in the new syndicate 

But if you think the solution is to cater to "i didn't feel like doing it" mentally by lowering the MR required. Then this system may not be for you! I personally would like to see it be a MR 18 -20 requirement.  Or at least 16 to match the highest mr costs in the game (rivens)

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1 minute ago, Sahansral said:

I mean the statistics from a dev stream that showed that 51 % usage of Catchmoon among the huge pool of secondaries.

Chances are pretty good, that we see the same with Roar.

Hmm. Then Volt should already be a long time nerf, because I think it participates as 70% of the popularity on Eidolon hunting. You know. Again, I can't imagine why you need to roar against level 50 content. You know, relic farm is the most up-to-date content yet.

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So much overly dramatic posts in this thread 😞

For those complaining that, with roar and warcry being accessible to other frames, rhino and valkyr will become useless, have you even taken a minute to think about what other frame’s skill you could add to your arsenal to enhance it? The Helminth system goes both way…
Also, roar is not really useful on most frames. The 40% power strength, max range, max duration focus farming Equinox for instance will have little use of that skill. Roar will typically be good on frames with max strength and max duration that will probably not have enough efficiency to cast it together with their own skills without doing some sacrifices. I am taking roar as an example but it’s true for some other abilities that can be subsumed.
I think that this new system is a great addition to the game. Of course there are going to be meta/popular builds but being popular is sometimes far from being good. I mean, most players think Inaros is OP and Banshee is trash, so I am not too optimistic about the popular builds but I am sure some creative builds will also emerge and I am very excited by the Helminth system 🙂

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7 minutes ago, Sahansral said:

I mean the statistics from a dev stream that showed that 51 % usage of Catchmoon among the huge pool of secondaries.

Chances are pretty good, that we see the same with Roar. 


Iv made lists of the frames and how powers will affect them in my notebook. Roar may be overused but if found some work better than others. Roar isn't as good as players think it is 

But moreover.  You're right! Let's just not add roar and then I can keep forcing people to play a buff frame that they don't like with a build they can't stand just so i can have my buff!

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37 minutes ago, Hardenum said:


Why should I get crappy weapons? that's my point, pointless grind just to be higher mastery. It's not like they blocked people from playing liches, you can get high mr weapons from them like bramma without having the required mastery. Why block this event from low mr players then?

The problem here is DE trying to force people to buy slots through naive, underhanded tactics.

DE is not "trying to force" anything. This, like Steel Path and even Liches, is an entirely opt-in (i.e. voluntary) system. In the manner of Arbitrations, this content comes with a requirement. A very reasonable requirement. To play it, one must be MR15 or above. Should not be that difficult. It is not like this is the only content that has prerequisits to access. Shoot, for a lot of us, this will be the third time we have had to acquire access to Arbitrations but you do not see any complaints about that. Point is, like so much of the content of this game, it is a choice. The choice of MR 15 was, in my opinion, a well reasoned one, for many of the same reasons our fellow Tenno have already given you. As to Kuva weapons and Liches, There has always been the contention that DE should have set a higher gate for access than they did. I must say that I sided with the view that if the player could kill their lich, a higher MR gate should not be necessary. Regretably, lack of more stringent gating to this content has presented problems. The MR15 gate is there. If you wish to remain at MR10, that is fine. You just will not have access to the Helminth system. Personally, I am looking forward to it. 

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)IrOrphanCrippler said:
Iv made lists of the frames and how powers will affect them in my notebook. Roar may be overused but if found some work better than others. Roar isn't as good as players think it is

Can you put it on google docs? I'm interested.

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il y a une heure, Hardenum a dit :

I farmed platinum and bought primes with it, never got any of the non-primes except starter volt and those that don't have primes. My RJ is maxed, my amp is 277. Weapons I have ignis, redeemer prime, kuva bramma, kuva nukor, rattleguts-lovetap-splat and a plague keewar, all of these are maxed, at least 5 forma each, some 8. Why aren't I MR15? Dunno, you tell me.

According to you :
Volt + All primes (29) + Frames without prime except grendel & wisp (11) : 41 frames. 246000 mastery points
1 amp + 6 weapons. 21000 points

Because you have a "maxed Railjack" :
7 intrisic ranks (minimum to get access to Veil Proxima): 10500
1 archwing, archgun, archmelee : 12000

Because you have registered since far after the junction system :
13 junctions (because you need to get to Eris for Nidus) : 13000

Total : 302500 points.
Mastery Points required for MR 11 : 302500.
Without factoring anything else, such as starter weapons, companions and starchart nodes, that's already enough to get to MR 11.

Please stop. There's a limit to how much [self-censored] I can accept. If you are unexperienced enough to believe that your 6 weapons are the only worth anthing, Helminth is clearly not for you yet.

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1 hour ago, mikakor said:

buy a slot, get the weapon, levle it, trash it. there you go, slot problem solved.

kids *@##$ing about not being given stuff without putting in the effort, i swear. you need at MAX a week to get MR 15, from your point. the less time you spend here *@##$ing about something that won't change, the faster you'll get MR 15. it's MR 15, gonna stya MR 15 cause it's a really reasonable rank to get to in warframe, and if you don't wanna reach it cause you're just too LAZY for it, too bad.

Yeah! What he said! 🙂 Seriously, with the free weapon slots you get each anniversary of Warframe (primary, secodary, melee) how do you not have extra slots already? It is a choice, not a requirement. Life is full of choices and choices have consequences. 

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)IrOrphanCrippler said:

I can send you as much information as you ask for in message. But rarely post these kinds of things publicly 

Then I'd better refrain. I'm just already seeing a wave of content creators saying put roar everywhere regardless of the fact that you can do a lot of damage with arcanes and other things.

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2 minutes ago, selig_fay said:

Then I'd better refrain. I'm just already seeing a wave of content creators saying put roar everywhere regardless of the fact that you can do a lot of damage with arcanes and other things.

Roar isn't all that. Pay attention to augment and buffs. And most importantly how the buff applies, Factoring in Dps in some cases

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Well, the best utility/defensive powers aren't here, but Roar is just one of the best (if not THE best) damage booster (I'll put it above Vex Armor personaly, in term of damage alone), so of course, people would suggest to put that everywhere, as there is almost no other "as efficient" counterpart who doesn't even need to change most builds.

Sure there are other things, but it's really niche for most of them...

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1 minute ago, (PS4)IrOrphanCrippler said:
Roar isn't all that. Pay attention to augment and buffs. And most importantly how the buff applies, Factoring in Dps in some cases

Yes I also look at arcanes. And I think it's no secret that Protea + larva is a lot of damage. And I see at least 4 reasons why Roar is one of the worst choices for Titania.

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Am 14.8.2020 um 08:44 schrieb SweetAnubis:

ummm no gadgeteer aparently we are only allowed the stealth arrow and noise arrow.... soooo basically stealth arrow since no one ever uses noise arrow.... shame cause dashline arrow was my last reason to use this system.

Mh, well, atleast the Stealth Arrow would do.

There is not a single Ability in that list that i would use...

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Am 14.8.2020 um 08:44 schrieb SweetAnubis:

ummm no gadgeteer aparently we are only allowed the stealth arrow and noise arrow.... soooo basically stealth arrow since no one ever uses noise arrow.... shame cause dashline arrow was my last reason to use this system.

Mh, well, atleast the Stealth Arrow would do.

There is not a single Ability in that list that i would use...

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15 hours ago, (NSW)VileKitten28 said:

So if your under MR 15 you don't get it? That's jipped. I've played happily at Mr 12 for three years. Sucks I was looking so forward to this 

DE is afraid of another Bramma- they let everyone and their grandma have the most powerful primary at inception; get in the hands of even MR5's and were shocked to see her used by every single player to cheese content. MR15 lock on Helminth is an attempt to mitigate a repeat incident though far more are MR15+ than DE realise due to needing it for Rivens and having complete reign on loadouts.

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15 hours ago, General_Durandal said:

I really don't understand why people care so hard about balance in an already unbalanced PvE game.
I doubt they will be use-able in Conclave, and if yes,
they can just disable it for that and let people who want to play a certain way, play that certain way.

Bramma... the bow that caused headaches was 'balanced' as surprise of only DE she was too easy to get for even MR5 scrubs. Catchmoon before her, also saw enmasse usage and similarly was 'balanced'. Whilst players complain WF is too easy, they also get complaints about power creep or not adhering to power fantasy. DE can't humanly get all three covered. As result 'balancing' is put in place to try finding some middle-ground

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Th3BlackHammer7_ said:

I am sad boi why not take ripline from Valkyr also maybe we can have a similar system for kubrows and Kavats so I could put charm,stealth and proboscis on my kubrow snoop dawwg 

since they say at the end of the post , or rather ask, if we've tried giving the Helmith a pet, we don't know yet if it's a pet, like petting him, or... an actual pet. so who knows about that one.

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