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Raging Over The 'zerker 'frame


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I disagree almost entirely with the OP as far as the concept art goes, I think she looks awesome and I'm looking forward to adding her to my arsenal. As far as her powers go, they don't look bad but I would tweak them personally. This has probably already been suggested but I'm gonna say it anyways.


1.) Shield Bash: Leave this how it is. Why? Because while you're using Last Stand your shields aren't taking any damage which means you can use this ability quite easily, maybe even spam it if you have a fast enough shield regen. While the damage wouldn't be much for spamming it, the knockdown would make it worthwhile.


2.) Intimidate: As suggested, remove the "fear" effect from it and made it a radial taunt that draws enemy attention to you. This used in conjunction with Last Stand would make her a bullet sponge forcing everything to attack her for the duration while buffing your party members. The ultimate tank ability.


3.) Frenzy: For a set amount of time X% of damage dealt by you is converted into Health. This ability would supplement Shield Bash, ensuring that she could use that while not leaving herself totally screwed because of her lack of shields. Considering her design seems geared towards melee it could even be made to only work with damage done in melee though I think it should be just left to any damage you deal.


4.) Last Stand: Leave this how it is.

Last stand is a suicide button why keep it.

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Last stand is a suicide button why keep it.


1. you don't take the damage if you clear the enemies that were in the area when it was activated.

2. we don't yet know what the melee boost is going to be

3. we don't yet know how the "area" is defined

4. there is nothing else quite like the mechanics of this power

5. It's pretty goddamn thematic and a really cool concept


so there ya go not just one but 5 reasons to keep it and see how it works when implemented.. 

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1. you don't take the damage if you clear the enemies that were in the area when it was activated.

2. we don't yet know what the melee boost is going to be

3. we don't yet know how the "area" is defined

4. there is nothing else quite like the mechanics of this power

5. It's pretty goddamn thematic and a really cool concept


so there ya go not just one but 5 reasons to keep it and see how it works when implemented.. 

I have a few choice words: Hitscan Aimbot AI.

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1. you don't take the damage if you clear the enemies that were in the area when it was activated.

2. we don't yet know what the melee boost is going to be

3. we don't yet know how the "area" is defined

4. there is nothing else quite like the mechanics of this power

5. It's pretty goddamn thematic and a really cool concept


so there ya go not just one but 5 reasons to keep it and see how it works when implemented.. 


Being compelled or forced into killing takes away the fun behind killing and just replaces it with stress.

Not to mention there are enemies in this game that are brutally difficult to kill through melee, namely Osprey's and rollers who are over/under the height in which melee can hit.


Just imagine being forced to kill a Level 120 Fusion Osprey with nothing but melee.

Where it either hovers above you at roof level, firing at you.

Or runs from you chasing a team-mate across the map.

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Being compelled or forced into killing takes away the fun behind killing and just replaces it with stress.

Not to mention there are enemies in this game that are brutally difficult to kill through melee, namely Osprey's and rollers who are over/under the height in which melee can hit.


Just imagine being forced to kill a Level 120 Fusion Osprey with nothing but melee.

Where it either hovers above you at roof level, firing at you.

Or runs from you chasing a team-mate across the map.

Or that time you use it to stay alive and we have bosses like Raptor who just fly above everything.

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So what? Use it intelligently then, don't use it when fighting Raptor, and be careful about using it when none of your team mates are around to kill things out of your reach. The way the ability is written does not state that YOU need to kill everything, just that everything needs to be dead. With my suggestions it would be the first Warframe really that had true synergy with all its abilities, such as using Frenzy in conjunction with Last Stand when you're at the brink of death to regain health by killing everything in sight, or using Shield Bash + Frenzy together to keep yourself from dying while you stunlock everything. Intimidation + Last Stand would make you into a true tank, pulling threat off your allies, buffing their armor and yours, and then making yourself invulnerable as you turn into a living blender and rip everything apart.


The abilities work, they fit the theme of the frame, why change them just because they may require under specific circumstances you have people to help you kill things out of reach of your attacks?

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You guys do realise that last stand just absorbs the damage you take, I go into big fights melee swinging all the time and don't get killed, this would only be easier with a berserker, I mean it doesn't even have taunt! Also, can't reach that osprey? Shield bash or your sentinel should take care of it.

Anyway it's a 4th skill with a need for player skill, that's something people have been begging for for months!

Now get back to the real issues like the blatant pandering to the catframe group, don't get me wrong I love cats but it's just ridiculous. Yes there are the big wildcats like lions and tigers, but have you seen one of those recently, they are huge, sometimes chubby and always very muscle bound, relatively speaking a wildcat frame would be stacked!

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So what? Use it intelligently then, don't use it when fighting Raptor, and be careful about using it when none of your team mates are around to kill things out of your reach. The way the ability is written does not state that YOU need to kill everything, just that everything needs to be dead. With my suggestions it would be the first Warframe really that had true synergy with all its abilities, such as using Frenzy in conjunction with Last Stand when you're at the brink of death to regain health by killing everything in sight, or using Shield Bash + Frenzy together to keep yourself from dying while you stunlock everything. Intimidation + Last Stand would make you into a true tank, pulling threat off your allies, buffing their armor and yours, and then making yourself invulnerable as you turn into a living blender and rip everything apart.


The abilities work, they fit the theme of the frame, why change them just because they may require under specific circumstances you have people to help you kill things out of reach of your attacks?


Because End-game it's a waste of an Ult.

If you need a team of Nukers to back you up and wipe everything in the room... they can do it without you.

And If the only thing you're doing is absorbing the bullets while they wipe the room, do you know what that's called?


I'm pretty sure this wasn't supposed to be a tank.

With Vaubaun, Rhino, and Frost, as our main tanks, I'd honestly like a different role.

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Are you serious? A warframe that has invulnerability, stuns, and an armor buff is not meant to be a tank? Riiiight, you must be new to MMOs, or a troll.

Berserkers are supposed to rely on agility to avoid damage. This frame looks agile and fast too.


And if it's supposed to be a tank, then it's a total failure as Rhino is so much better than this that it hurts, and his BPs drop from the Pushover King called Jackal. (while this is going to drop from god knows where after an outrageously long fight like for Nekros)


With Vaubaun, Rhino, and Frost, as our main tanks, I'd honestly like a different role.


Yes, yes I agree... no wait... VAUBAN? A Tank? He is a trapper and a troll, but cannot resist facepunching at the level that Frost or even a Rhino can.

Edited by bobafetthotmail
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Yes, yes I agree... no wait... VAUBAN? A Tank? He is a trapper and a troll, but cannot resist facepunching at the level that Frost or even a Rhino can.


Alright I MAY have confused "So much Endless CC That no one will ever die under any circumstance." with "Tank" But you can see probably see how I got that mixed up. Vauban is pretty bulky too model-wise.



Are you serious? A warframe that has invulnerability, stuns, and an armor buff is not meant to be a tank? Riiiight, you must be new to MMOs, or a troll.


That's my point, at least 90% of people looking forwards to this aren't looking for a new tank. Just someone who can cover their own &#! while they blend up people in Melee Combat.

Think Ash and Loki, Not Rhino.

DE has SPECIFICALLY stated that they do not want this to be anywhere close to rhino.

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To be honest... 

I could care less how she looks.

Pretty much all the warframes has some sick shape or form which I simply can't make sense of, not to mention that they all look horribly uncomfortable to wear. It's definitely a unique design, but I don't necessarily think the name needs to directly associate to the shape or form of a frame. It could be a Japanese Berserker, as in Japan manga/anime/art everyone is skinny but can still hit a wall and somehow turn it into a crater, or it can be an American Hulk, or a Norse Viking(which I interpret as having a normal shape but a bloodthirsty attitude). 




She has a Wolverine look to her,  I don't dislike it.


Now I see it as well. I don't dislike. 

Edited by TwiceDead
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To be honest... 

I could care less how she looks.

Pretty much all the warframes has some sick shape or form which I simply can't make sense of, not to mention that they all look horribly uncomfortable to wear. It's definitely a unique design, but I don't necessarily think the name needs to directly associate to the shape or form of a frame. It could be a Japanese Berserker, as in Japan manga/anime/art everyone is skinny but can still hit a wall and somehow turn it into a crater, or it can be an American Hulk, or a Norse Viking(which I interpret as having a normal shape but a bloodthirsty attitude). 





Now I see it as well. I don't dislike. 




The main issue is that the abilities are themed for "Hulk" While the design is themed for "Japanese Beserker" without any kind of Japanese flair behind it. It causes a lot of dissonance. It would look Strange if someone of Rhino's body type was casting lighting all over the place. Or if Someone with very thin gear like Mag's yet still had a base unranked health of 200.


There's still a few things off about the character model, in the fact that it's appearance conflicts itself in a few regards. And I think it needs to look more like Muscle and less like skin if they're actually going to sticking with what they said about skinlessness being her quirk.

Not saying it needs a lot of phsyical mass, It would help though if the current musculature was outlined to "fake" an appearance of strength while still leaving it as slender and agile looking.


While the abilities are pretty meh, and many of the suggestions in the DC thread are even worse.

So the abilities are probably likely to change, but giving her 4 self-buff stat steriods are a bad idea.

ANY stat steroids that don't change game mechanics are a bad idea. Look at ember, Overheat is unnecessary to her kit when they can just add armor to her. Now look at Rhino, It gives him an additional Health bar of sorts that poison hits first, and makes him immune to knockdown while it's up, that's an acceptable self-buff. Roar is pretty meh, but it's a team-buff for a stat that's not on the frame itself, so that's okay.

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I don't really see why people compare the powers Scott suggested for the berserker to Nekros.


Shield Bash isn't Soul Punch; Soul Punch is basically a single-target ranged attack that ragdolls enemies. Shield Bash is a short-range conic knockdown that deals damage to both the berserker and her enemies. If anything, Shield Bash is more like a masochist's Sonic Boom on steroids.

Personally, I think it could be very interesting if the berserker gets some kind of self-heal to match, and could pair very well with most Support frames.


Intimidate isn't Terrify; Terrify is a radial debuff that CCs a limited number of nearby enemies, forcing them to run in fear. Intimidate is a ranged single-target debuff that roots the target. Maybe you mean the armor de/buffs on each? But Terrify's reduction is pretty pathetic at best (6% damage boost capped, 15% with corrupted mods/Focus) while Intimidate's pretty dependent on the frame (how useful do you expect it to be on a caster frame?).

Personally, I think Intimidate tries to do too much with the radial armor buff and stamina self-buff and enemy lockdown; sure, Molecular Prime causes enemies to slow down, take more damage and blow up upon death, but those are all dependent on a single debuff, not 3 iterations of de/buff.

Perhaps instead of 3 separate effects, it's whittled down to one: Intimidate forces all enemies to focus on the berserker but makes them hesitant, slowing them and giving them an increased chance that they'll cower or be stunned when struck.

Perhaps for the second/third skill she could get some kind of adrenaline rush or bloodlust that increases her stamina regen and lets her heal based on damage dealt/taken? Like an inverse-Well of Life deal, or something more along the lines of classical vampirism.


I definitely see the concerns about her ultimate being dependent on enemies not being killed- after all, how precisely would this be determined anyway? Would range mods just increase the radius of enemies she needs to kill? Are they marked to start with, or does she just need to escape a certain circle range? Can she even cast it without enemies nearby to kill? How will you know when the effect is about to end, so you have time to finish wiping the map?

Personally though, I think I have more of an issue with the damage interaction; after all, Nyx's, Trinity's and Frost's ultimates flat-out make them immune to damage until the effect ends; she just staggers the damage a bit, which I suppose could make sense for a berserker if you squint, but isn't quite befitting of the archetype- a last stand is befitting of a seasoned warrior perhaps, but I've yet to see this berserker actually go berserk. By telling the berserker that she'll still take ALL of that damage, just later, you're discouraging her from being reckless like she should be; she should encourage enemies to wail on her because damage received just makes her angrier.

Instead of damage immunity, I'd change the ultimate effect: The berserker cannot go below 1 health for the duration of the effect, and damage (or just hits) received while it's active will further increase the amount of damage she deals for the rest of the effect (think Rage, but without the energy middleman).

Edited by Archwizard
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The only way we will get good frames is if they function differently than the frames we have now.


Like, the frames we have now are the 1st Gen of Warframes. Now we need to move onto 2nd Gen... because 2nd Gen frames will function differently but still be compatible side by side with the old ones.

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