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Raging Over The 'zerker 'frame


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4th Skill would just buff attack speed, reload rate, fire rate, damage, resist/immune to kd/kb for a set duration.


About this frame base stats I hope would be high health, fast running, and moderately high armor (100)

Edited by Hueminator
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Perhaps this version could be in the mission that you farm for her, but I think having an altered version where she doesn't look like you could restrain her by pulling her by the collar on her neck would be more appropriate for a warframe. I get the lore but it doesn't make sense for her to keep on some clunky, useless fragments of restrains on her. It's not streamline, does not make her look particularly awesome, rather, it makes sense for the Lotus to remove them and replace her "skin" with some kind of battle covering befitting her frame type instead of leaving her fully exposed post-dissection. Pardon, my awkward grammar.


For powers

1) Add bleed, cripple, and armor shred to her melee attacks. Maybe starts with an initial cone blast like in the original intended power.

2) Adrenaline - 50 - 30-60 sec duration. Her health slowly drops like in vampire mode, but she gains health from killing enemies. Taking damage restores a little bit of energy and increases her speed and attack power for a couple seconds plus immunity to all types of cc.

3)Ferocity - 50 - Marks all nearby enemies fearing them. She and her allies gain increased movement speed and charge speed. Berserker can leap to any enemy within 30 meters by aiming a short ranged charge attack(not glaive or kestrel) at them - she critically hits with bonus damage.

4)Rage Incarnate - Releases a powerful aura of pure wrath. Reflects all damage by a percentage and does not allow her health to reach zero for the duration. +100% weapon fire rate, +100% stun on all weapons except Ignis, +50% bonus damage. When hit by a cc, she reflects that cc to all nearby enemies regardless of which enemy actually uses the cc on her.

Edited by Stygi
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That's not my point.


Everyone is talking about a berserker and comparing it to a bruiser like the berserker is supposed to be a giant hulk.


The key of a berserker is rage, not strength.


Everyone makes it seem like her being muscular is a mandate when it is not.


He brought up facts about berserkers in real life, I know a tiny bit about it and asked him to present information of them needing to be buff.


 As far as I know no such fact exists that mandates them being muscular like Rhino.


So why should it exist?


It should not.


Please understand the argument before you enter it.

Yes but keep in mind, even though it is a false equivalency, Rage = Strength.

In a way it does too, considering the effects of adrenaline.

But even if this is to be a nimble, jumpty, claw attack berserker, upper body strength still applies. As much as Rhino? No. But she still needs to be able to swing a punch.

Take a look at Torchlight 2's berserkers.

They use claws and dodging but they still have the ability to rip and tear.

Rage is just a multiplier to strength. And if that value is zero, it doesn't matter HOW angry you get.

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Looks alright to me except I think she could have a more distinguished silhouette like Saryn or Trinity.


As for the suggestion to make her upper body more 'rip'...no!....Just...no....I don't want to have nightmares. I have nothing against shemales in real life but this is a video game, no need to be super realistic, especially in a space ninja game where you destroy cyborgs and aliens...


About her abilities, Intimidate could be quite cool if it's not too weak (or too strong), Shield Bash seems like it would work nicely with Intimidate's Armor buff and Last Stand is like pre-nerfed Iron Skin with a twist. I'll wait for more solid information before I decide how I feel about her.

Edited by Vardog
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Yes but keep in mind, even though it is a false equivalency, Rage = Strength.

In a way it does too, considering the effects of adrenaline.

But even if this is to be a nimble, jumpty, claw attack berserker, upper body strength still applies. As much as Rhino? No. But she still needs to be able to swing a punch.

Take a look at Torchlight 2's berserkers.

They use claws and dodging but they still have the ability to rip and tear.

Rage is just a multiplier to strength. And if that value is zero, it doesn't matter HOW angry you get.

Suit does the work. Let's not forget that.

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Yeh. I'm pretty close to agree with what Yg-Dosst says.

While this topic appear i was writing my vision of what Berserker should be and will be happy to anyone who toss a look here:



Or look here:

Concept: i like the idea for more battle female warframe - something like Rhino. Not spamming  ultimates on every corner and second, but using long time buffs and dmg effects. I will permit myself to quote [DE] Megan from other close-related topic:


A brutal skull bashing Warframe doesn't sound too bad to me!

Pretty nice for my taste, should say so! :) :D


I imagine warframe which can be deadly not from one-hit-cast-abilities, but more from proper synergy of abilities and players skills. SO... here it is:







Health: 150

Shield: 75

Armor: 10

Power: 100

Sprint: 1.0




1 - Battle Rage (25) - Berserk roar like Rhino, but this affect only her. Cast a buff on the warframe that is affected by duration and area mods.

Effect = depends on how much enemies she kills it will apply buff on dmg. Duration depends on how much enemies she kills and die around her (killed by team mates). Also Berserker gain bonus dmg based from how much lower her Health is.

Leveling and effects:


Dmg bonus /Health reduced   0.1/0.25/0.3/0.5 per 1% Health lost (only when under Battle rage)

Dmg bonus per killed enemy [%]  1/ 1.5/ 1.5/ 2.5

Max Affected Enemies              5 / 7/ 10/ 10

Duration  [initial]                       7/ 7/ 9/ 10

Duration bonus [kill by Berserker] +1/ 1/ 1.5/ 2.5

Duration bonus [kill by team]  +0.5/ 0.7/ 1/ 2


Visual: red glowing aura (not affected by your energy color);



2 - Provoke - (50) - Berserk shout [animation is similar to Banshee's Scream] and affect near allies and enemies. It gives allies bonus dmg, to enemies  stun for 2 sec [not affected by duration mods] and provoke them to attack her. If Battle rage is active on the Berserker she will get a buff to Armor for the duration of the skill.  Can't be cast again until the previous cast duration is not finished. Dmg bonus not stack with other Provoke, but stack with Roar [Rhino]. New Provoke [] will refocus the attention of the enemies.

Leveling and effects:


dmg bonus             [%]  10/15/20/30

Armor bonus               +10/ 15/ 25/ 50

Armor bonus per enemy +1/ 2/ 3/ 5

Duration                      7 / 10 / 12 / 15

AOE                        12 / 14 / 17 / 20


Visual = berserker glow in energy color, pulsing with red aura color if Battle Rage is active, every 2 sec.  Team and affected enemies glow in energy color.


3 - Leap - (75) - Berserker leap forward  15 m and hit the first enemy [this stops her leap] on her path dealing dmg and knocking down the target. When hit the ground she unleash shokwave that knockdown enemies around her. If she hit a target, after she unleash the shockwave he take penalty to armor, because of  his damaged and deformed suit. Enemy can be affected by this penalty only once and the penalty cannot stack from cast of other Berserkers.

Leveling and effects:


Dmg                      150 / 250 / 450 / 650

AOE  [m]                7/ 10 / 13 / 15

Armor penalty [%] 10/ 15/ 25/ 50


Visual = the enemy who takes the penalty has smoke effect or something different - is good to be easy to spot and recognize for players.


4 - Carnage - (100) - Berserker fall in frenzy and can use only her melee weapon. She take dmg as normal, but just can't fall in dieing state until the duration end. She can be healed but only on 50% rate. While the ability is working she will gain fire rate, sprint speed,  minor vampire regeneration and major regen to health and stamina on every killed by her hand enemy.

Leveling and effects:


Fire rate                10% / 15% / 25% / 35%

Sprint bonus            5% / 10% / 15% / 25%

Vampire regen  [%]      0.5/ 1 / 3 / 5

Health/Stamina gain  10/ 20/ 25/ 50

Duration                     5 / 5 / 7 / 10


Visual = maybe a red filter is activated when the ability is cast - to represent the frenzy state of the warframe. For this i'm not very sure, but my suggestion for activation is a 1second red filter that appear to any player when this is cast. Otherwise - no visual specific (well - sound and animation of course, but no energy aura). By this way - anyone will know that the Berserker cast his Ulti and goes on rampage! xD




My though of playing with the Berserker is to be constantly under Battle rage (or when possible) - it is long duration skill so is no need to be recast often. Main goal is to change your gamestyle a bit (not much really) and to want kill anytime is possible - but also - not not be far away from battle and your group. Going on solo is not restricted - you can kill few enemies - but lose the bonus duration goth from the big battle in which your team fall and Mag crush around 20 enemies at once... xD  So is still your choice.


She can use Provoke or Leap to control the battle field, but the abilities duration and mechanics make them not suit for often recast. Of course there is possible use of constantly spamming Provoke, to buff team and your armor and Leap to stun-lock group of enemies, but i think due to their cost, they deplete her energy (even with Flow/ Energy Syphone and  Steamline) quite fast.


Carnage can be very good synergy with Provoke and the last is good for stopping group of enemies from dmg cryopods  or lure them away from dying team mate. Also with Battle Rage and Carnage she can apply tremendous dmg (roughly +50% dmg for 0 Health + 25% dmg bonus for 10 affected enemies = 75% and this can stack with Rhino's Roar!!!) with her melee weapon (Shindo, Galatine or why not Pangolin/Dark sword?) and increase fire rate.   She will be bloody whirlwind on the battlefield...


Leap is great for boss fights, because of the Armor reduction and until the Armor 2.0 change some, at 50% state - i think is useful even on higher levels (60+). Also can be (particularly) used as escape tool. 


Provoke is key tactical ability which gives survivability [here  ii'm positive that is point for argue, because berserkers are wild and throw their armor in battle - yes, i know that], because we all know what happen when lvl 90 enemies gang you. Pretty nasty bang! So roughly +100 armor is not very much [well, on theory is 50% reduction] and if she has base armor = 10 is quite balanced. Poison from our beloved Toxic Ancients ignore this attribute, so is not too OP. Well... that is roughly my idea. I get tired from writting [as you can see, english is not my native language and i'm not very good at it] and i'm sure i bored you enough. So, thanks for reading! ;)




I agree with the explanation of her visual appearance (the shackles, no armor, skinless (by the story, not by logic) , but i can't agree with the visual style. She is looking ugly and grotesque buy the cheapest and tasteless way is possible. Her legs are awful and make me to facepalm with my desk.  I hope DE come up with new design.


The abilities presented by Scott are pretty bland and not much 'berserker' at all. Yeh - 'shield bash' make damage and left you vulnarable, but how much dmg it will do? and few knockdown enemies on the ground are rarely equal to part of your lost shield. It sounds 'berserker' at explanation but rise too much questions as gameplay balance. and can be created in deadly spam ability with already pretty damn good Shield Polarize. Well - did i will kill with my sword, or will be support dmg-caster frame?


And Intimidate is partly 'berserk' - because they are fearsome warriors and when enraged - they instill fear in his enemies - but this more looks like cowardly tactics as is suggested. Why you will make your enemy run around as 'chiken without head'... i hate personally this ability  of Necro - it maybe saved my warframe once or twice, but most of the time is just making headshots more difficult! lol What i think she need is something that stuns or distract/focus on her the enemies. And this armor buff to team mates looks too.... care. Like she care for them in the mid of the battle, which not sounds like blood-frenzy-berserker.

I also agree, that the logic of fear is more close to Necro or Nyx than Berserk.


Last stand is maybe the most Berserk skll of all, but with the lack of indication how much dmg you take and simple healer in the group - it can be really annoying. Just imagine when all the battle is finished - everyone goes for the exit and your berserker suddenly  fall to the ground, because Last stands duration finish. Waiting for someone from your random group to be so kind and return to give you a hand... well... ain't sounds fun.


Clearly, Scott left us to invent the 'healing/defence' ability. Because this is clearly what she lacks for survivability. 

Edited by Ianrama
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I would give her high health, even higher than ash, but low shields, and average energy. Armor should be below average or average. 4 skills, 1 V, and 1 D slot should be good. Put Rage on and synergy at it's finest.

Now with those stats in mind onto the power to fit the frame.


Some random ideas for power since I don't have DC access.


One power should allow her to regain health via kills, over time, whatever to take advantage of her high health. (Buff?) (Utility) (Power 2 or 3)


Another power I suppose would be a damage reduction power but as she takes damage to health her damage goes up. (lower health, higher damage boost) (Buff?) (berserk mode?) (Power 4) The damage boost would only apply when her shields are down.


Shield bash seems fine as a power 1. (Common damage one power) (Would allow shield to go away and combo with the power above with health damage)


Random potential last skill

Small AoE damage skill, maybe use her claws to swiftly attack all enemies around here, like a quicker bladestorm but much weaker and smaller radius  (Power 2 or 3)


A power that is similar to iron skill but allows her health to reach 1 and stay at 1 for a set amount of damage, again combo with her 4th skill that increase here damage? (Might be too OP combined with the health regain and power 4) (Power 2 or 3)

Edited by FateZero
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I would give her high health, even higher than ash, but low shields, and average energy. Armor should be below average or average.

Now with those stats in mind onto the power to fit the frame.


Some random ideas for power since I don't have DC access.

One power should allow her to regain health via kills, over time, whatever to take advantage of her high health. (Buff?) (Utility)

Another power I suppose would be a damage reduction power but as she takes damage to health her damage goes up. (Buff?) (berserk mode?)

Shield bash seems fine as a power 1. (Common damage one power) (Would allow shield to go away and combo with the power above with health damage)

A third power TBD

Please let's not turn this into a power suggestion thread. That's part of the season why the Design Council thread became 32 pages of confusing and unreadable info thrown in at random.

I didn't suggest the 3rd ability myself because I want to stick with fixing what's already there.

Don't get me wrong, I like the ideas and a LOT of people are asking for things like that, but I've seen the horrors when the thread goes in that direction.

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Please let's not turn this into a power suggestion thread. That's part of the season why the Design Council thread became 32 pages of confusing and unreadable info thrown in at random.

I didn't suggest the 3rd ability myself because I want to stick with fixing what's already there.

Don't get me wrong, I like the ideas and a LOT of people are asking for things like that, but I've seen the horrors when the thread goes in that direction.

Well you did start a topic to discuss the frame or "rage" over it, might as well put suggestion out here since I don't have DC access, or is this just a blind rant with no goal to as how the frame can be improved?

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Well you did start a topic to discuss the frame or "rage" over it, might as well put suggestion out here since I don't have DC access, or is this just a blind rant with no goal to as how the frame can be improved?

I do want a discussion, but on the design of the character and the 3 current abilities as they stand.

It goes without saying that she needs some kind of sustain. And trust me you are saying EXACTLY what at least two dozen people already suggested.

Which is why I'm mostly afraid that this'll break down into another 30+ pages of power suggestions and turn DE away from this.

Say what you like, it's important that every player gets a word in, but it'd suck if the thread got derailed to nothing but everyone trying to suggest abilities.

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Please give me a link of real life berserkers being overly buff people that went into battle.


Show me where it said that they were buff. 


If you can do that, then you prove that you are not putting your personal preference into your reasoning.

Easy, breezy, beautiful.

'all together there were twelve of them in the party, all the hardest of men, with a touch of the uncanny about a number of them…they [were] built and shaped more like trolls than human beings,'

'There be men here outside newly come, twelve together, if men one may call them, for they are liker to giants in stature and semblance than to mortal men.'


Men saw that a great bear went before King Hrolf's men, keeping always near the king. He slew more men with his forepaws than any five of the king's champions. Blades and weapons glanced off him, and he brought down both men and horses in King Hjorvard's forces, and everything which came in his path he crushed to death with his teeth, so that panic and terror swept through King Hjorvard's army..." (Eirik the Red and Other Icelandic Sagas) -That's not an actual bear they are describing, but a metaphor for the Berserker Bjarki.

He had black hair, a thick tuft of it hanging down over his face where the forelock should have been, and nothing could be seen of his face except the teeth and eyes.... for size and ugliness they were more like monsters than like men

(Örvar-Odd's Saga) - this is specifically mentioning his facial features, but does point out how big and ugly he is.

On these giants fell sometimes such a fury that they could not control themselves.

(Hrólf's Saga)

In the original translations for Beowulf, Grendel isn't a monster, but a rogue Berserker.

As for the popular conception, just type "Berserker" into google and look at the images. 9 out of 10 are huge beefy dudes splattered in blood and wearing outfits from Metal album covers.


Whoops, Everything would be so easy if they didn't give her the berserker title, just the next female frame. Problem arise when labels are put on frame/people. (True story bro)

This guy speaks the truth. If they called her "Ripper", "Test subject" or something I wouldn't have gotten my hopes up and I wouldn't be cheesed off right now. Edited by ValhaHazred
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I do want a discussion, but on the design of the character and the 3 current abilities as they stand.

It goes without saying that she needs some kind of sustain. And trust me you are saying EXACTLY what at least two dozen people already suggested.

Which is why I'm mostly afraid that this'll break down into another 30+ pages of power suggestions and turn DE away from this.

Say what you like, it's important that every player gets a word in, but it'd suck if the thread got derailed to nothing but everyone trying to suggest abilities.

If this gets to 30 pages, consider it lucky, not many topic even reach 10 pages :P.

Also good know those suggestion have been made. The power I really want the frame to have is regaining health via any means. No it won't cause trinity to be useless as I hope it to be a self buff only. I guess only if it combines with my 4th power suggestion.

Edited by FateZero
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I agree with more or less the entire post.


I just want to add that I DO take umbrage with the "PMS joke" thing. There's a lot of problems with female characters(in most all media) being strong.  There's almost always conditions attached.  One of the big ones is that female characters can't be strong unless they are sexy.  Another is they can't be strong unless they were broken.


This character trips both of them.  Hysterical woman trope.  I mean that IS the origin of the word.  Hysterical.


"For at least two thousand years of European history until the late nineteenth century hysteria referred to a medical condition thought to be particular to women and caused by disturbances of the uterus (from the Greek ὑστέρα "hystera" = uterus), such as when a neonate emerges from the female birth canal."  --Wikipedia quote



She's not a strong furious warrior.  She's not a berserker, veteran of a thousand battles.  She's not imposing or strong looking.


She's a thin weak little thing, wearing the collar of her captor.  An angry little pussy cat.  She's a beaten dog biting back at her master.


It wouldn't take much to stop this, honestly.  Redesign her a bit so her design gives a glaring and obvious explanation for her strength.  Such as an exaggerated musculature.  Perhaps a larger frame(er, in the common sense).  Just... something.







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Please let's not turn this into a power suggestion thread. That's part of the season why the Design Council thread became 32 pages of confusing and unreadable info thrown in at random.

I didn't suggest the 3rd ability myself because I want to stick with fixing what's already there.

Don't get me wrong, I like the ideas and a LOT of people are asking for things like that, but I've seen the horrors when the thread goes in that direction.

I can respect that!

I share my point of view about this stuff and because i can't stand to not suggest better build - i linked to the [i think] proper topic for that:




Will be nice if someone want to share his ideas to do it there. I'm almost sure, the author will have nothing against that. At least the name of the topic is open for suggestions. ;)

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I can respect that!

I share my point of view about this stuff and because i can't stand to not suggest better build - i linked to the [i think] proper topic for that:




Will be nice if someone want to share his ideas to do it there. I'm almost sure, the author will have nothing against that. At least the name of the topic is open for suggestions. ;)

Send a PM to Scott with the stuff you posted. He does look at PMs and it's the best thing beside DC, hell if there's 30 pages of suggestions, PM might be the best thing.

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For the lack of ability what I think she should get a passive aura just for her. A regenerative aura that heals her gradually over time and can be buffed with rejuvinate. Or better yet give her a vampire ability to make up for the fact that she will be taking the most damage.


Power 1: Sheild Bash: I do enjoy the sheild bash idea. Im ok with that. And agree with OP that it shouldn't cost energy (losing sheilds is a high price to pay).


Power 2: Predator Reflexes (?): Passive that increases her dodge chance every health point she loses To a max of 75%(?) dogde. To help make her more viable in melee. The more she is damage the more frenzied she becomes allowing her to dodge knockdowns and bullets?


Power 3: Frenzy:  I feel she needs some preditorial ability to increase movement speed. But I don't know what it should be. Another passive maybe? Scoring successive melee hits increase attack speed by 10% and movement speed by 5% (Stacks 5? times?)


Power 4: Last Stand (<- not the best name, but oh well) 125 energy: Keep with the whole Melee only. I like the switch to claws (and I would like to see those whips used? Give her some distance attacks for the charge?) This would also have to buff her dodge chance, give a significant speed boost and grant life drain.



There that's my two cents. But going by those abilities the only one that would cost energy would be her ult. I think that makes sense though. It would have to be a hefty price but if that's the only energy costing ability I'm OK with that.

Edited by Hogfather
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I agree with more or less the entire post.


I just want to add that I DO take umbrage with the "PMS joke" thing. There's a lot of problems with female characters(in most all media) being strong.  There's almost always conditions attached.  One of the big ones is that female characters can't be strong unless they are sexy.  Another is they can't be strong unless they were broken.


This character trips both of them.  Hysterical woman trope.  I mean that IS the origin of the word.  Hysterical.


"For at least two thousand years of European history until the late nineteenth century hysteria referred to a medical condition thought to be particular to women and caused by disturbances of the uterus (from the Greek ὑστέρα "hystera" = uterus), such as when a neonate emerges from the female birth canal."  --Wikipedia quote



She's not a strong furious warrior.  She's not a berserker, veteran of a thousand battles.  She's not imposing or strong looking.


She's a thin weak little thing, wearing the collar of her captor.  An angry little pussy cat.  She's a beaten dog biting back at her master.


It wouldn't take much to stop this, honestly.  Redesign her a bit so her design gives a glaring and obvious explanation for her strength.  Such as an exaggerated musculature.  Perhaps a larger frame(er, in the common sense).  Just... something.

You hit the nail on the head so hard it turned into plasma and blew up the point. This is a brutal and entirely deserved critique of the concept.

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I agree with more or less the entire post.


I just want to add that I DO take umbrage with the "PMS joke" thing. There's a lot of problems with female characters(in most all media) being strong.  There's almost always conditions attached.  One of the big ones is that female characters can't be strong unless they are sexy.  Another is they can't be strong unless they were broken.


This character trips both of them.  Hysterical woman trope.  I mean that IS the origin of the word.  Hysterical.


"For at least two thousand years of European history until the late nineteenth century hysteria referred to a medical condition thought to be particular to women and caused by disturbances of the uterus (from the Greek ὑστέρα "hystera" = uterus), such as when a neonate emerges from the female birth canal."  --Wikipedia quote



She's not a strong furious warrior.  She's not a berserker, veteran of a thousand battles.  She's not imposing or strong looking.


She's a thin weak little thing, wearing the collar of her captor.  An angry little pussy cat.  She's a beaten dog biting back at her master.


It wouldn't take much to stop this, honestly.  Redesign her a bit so her design gives a glaring and obvious explanation for her strength.  Such as an exaggerated musculature.  Perhaps a larger frame(er, in the common sense).  Just... something.

Holy crap.

That was glorious.

I'm at a loss for words...

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Last Stand sounds good... On paper. I mean, it's an ability that emphasizes melee even more than Invisibility/Smoke Screen do. A true melee frame...


But then you realize: it has no late game scaling whatsoever. Apart from select few weapons, melee sucks in this game. The damage buff percentage would have to be in the thousands to even give a chance to kill everything before the buff wears off cause otherwise it's just a suicide skill.

There's also the fact that you can't melee ospreys (except with Glaive)

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I agree with more or less the entire post.


I just want to add that I DO take umbrage with the "PMS joke" thing. There's a lot of problems with female characters(in most all media) being strong.  There's almost always conditions attached.  One of the big ones is that female characters can't be strong unless they are sexy.  Another is they can't be strong unless they were broken.


This character trips both of them.  Hysterical woman trope.  I mean that IS the origin of the word.  Hysterical.


"For at least two thousand years of European history until the late nineteenth century hysteria referred to a medical condition thought to be particular to women and caused by disturbances of the uterus (from the Greek ὑστέρα "hystera" = uterus), such as when a neonate emerges from the female birth canal."  --Wikipedia quote



She's not a strong furious warrior.  She's not a berserker, veteran of a thousand battles.  She's not imposing or strong looking.


She's a thin weak little thing, wearing the collar of her captor.  An angry little pussy cat.  She's a beaten dog biting back at her master.


It wouldn't take much to stop this, honestly.  Redesign her a bit so her design gives a glaring and obvious explanation for her strength.  Such as an exaggerated musculature.  Perhaps a larger frame(er, in the common sense).  Just... something.



Sorry, what?


If we are going to speculate about non-existent lore - she was Tenno, powerful warrior probably centuries before she was captured and partially dissected. Does she looks like "cowering, broken person to you"? Or "sexy"? We have no lore about here, nothing. Just some hints coming from last livestream.


I'm fine with her design, it's something different and most original since Vauban. Or even Saryn. And I don't think her lack of muscles is an issue. Her (and other Tenno's) Warframe is amplifying her skills, agility, strenght, whatever.


Regarding her skills, we will see what we will get when she will be implemented.

Edited by SabreUr
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My ideas regarding her current ability set thus far:


Shield bash: Gain x% of your maximum shield. Do cone damage equal to x% of the % gained. (Example: we'll just say at max rank you could gain 30% of your max shield and do 600% of that (30x6) as damage) Affected foes in the cone are knocked down.


In this scenario, Shield Bash's total shield gained scales with max shield (redirection, vigor), while its damage scales with ability power (focus, blind rage), meaning you have to invest in both if you want a gain in both, without requiring such modification for it to still be highly effective from a base level perspective. Adding interesting functions like sacrificing your shields simply turns into an unnecessary balance-fest, so while I applaud DE for trying to stretch what their mechanics can achieve, this is a rather pointless way of doing so and really just makes the frame harder to design than it should be.


Intimidate: Foes within x meters of Berserker do x% less damage to your allies. Affected foes have x% chance to be critically struck by Berserker and her allies (some of it is completely measurable, with a hint of RNG for some nice damage amplifying potential without adding another flat damage boost like Roar/Molecular Prime)


In this scenario, Intimidate increases Shield Bash's efficiency because you will be taking less damage to your shields. Intimidate also scales up with enemy power level because it is a % decrease to incoming damage. This makes it both useful to high shield and high health frames, while adding a nice passive defense to poison damage. Both the damage reduction and crit chance can scale up with ability power (focus, blind rage) and the duration can be increased as well. Because of the strength of this power, I will be relegating it to tier 3 status. Also, I am not involving this power with Stamina because I refuse to encourage ruining the Stamina system anymore.


Last Stand: Berserker goes on a rampage, gaining x% charge and melee attack speed, x% melee range, x% increase to charge and melee damage, and x% of the melee damage bonus to all other damage. Melee damage dealt ignores armor for Last Stand's duration. Berserker takes x% decreased shield/health damage and is immune to disabling effects (knockdown, drain, etc) for the duration of Last Stand. Each enemy killed by melee damage while under the effects of Last Stand grant Berserker x% of her maximum shield/health as she is inspired by the death of her foes.


In this scenario, Berserker takes less damage, but must deal more damage to recover from the damage she takes. The focus on melee damage is kept while keeping the ability from being completely useless with anything else. She is not invulnerable, but is properly rewarded for going on the rampage her skill set should encourage. The health vamp I feel people will crave on her has been relegated to her ultimate ability. I went ahead and kept immunity to CC to facilitate everything detailed above.

Edited by Leuca
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