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Raging Over The 'zerker 'frame


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My main opinion is:

She has NO upper body strength. NONE. She looks more akin to a wet noodle than the powerhouse she's supposed to be. And don't even try to say that rage is what matters most to a berserker, because no matter how hard you're raging if you have the strength of a limp noodle then not much is going to happen.

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I understand what you're saying. Really, I do. But I want you to look at the pictures of the women you just posted for a moment.


Now, I want you to look at the female Warframe we just got. In fact, look at all of our female Warframes.


The women in those photos you posted all had somewhat similar traits, but still had differences in their muscle mass / thickness-- albeit it looks like most of them had strong shoulders, and didn't have midsections that looked like they were secretly all wearing corsets and crushing their stomachs inward. Meanwhile, every single one of our female Warframes? They do. The female Warframes have low, weak shoulders-- you can tell, even though most of them are wearing armor around the shoulder area-- and they all have a definite hourglass "curve" around their sides that looks like they're wearing corsets under their armor and squeezing their stomachs inward. And those women you posted don't have that ) ( curve. They have more of a | | flat body.


Now, some people have gone so far as to point out that body build doesn't even matter-- that the suits do all the work anyway, so just because she's supposed to be "powerful" doesn't mean she needs any amount of thickness or muscle to her. But the fact that their body mass doesn't affect their powers is what makes this even more disgusting: We COULD have a thicker, stronger female Warframe, we COULD have all sorts of different female bodytypes in the game. We have many different male types: Look at, and compare, Rhino, or Vauban, or Nekros. But instead, we get the same pandering, sexist double-standard female bodytype for every single female Warframe. That's disappointing, and the only reason for it is "marketability".


And that reason is awful.


And I expect better.

I see what you are saying, but I suppose my criticism is based on "she should have like beefed up shoulders and be like just slightly smaller than Rhino", which is just not true.  I do think that a bit of a stronger core should be implemented, since a high movement activity that requires a lot of athleticism requires a fairly powerful core.  There is one area which I think there should be a bit more muscle mass I condede that.  But I really hate this idea that since she is a berserker she has to be this roided up she-male who barely looks female at all.  Berserkers weren't well known for their strength, although they were all very strong, they were known for their straight up insanity in battle.  They were the ones who would have their arm cut off and proceed to beat someone to death with it.  They weren't just strong warriors.  They were literal psychopaths who would kill, and kill, and kill, until they themselves were killed.  In fact, many berserkers ended up being killed by their own allies because the berserkers would start killing them after they ran out of enemies.


My point is this.  I don't want this "oh she's just a strong warframe who is female".  The entire point of a berserker is mindless insanity in combat.  No self preservation, no mercy, only killing.  I like the aspect of the shackles still on her, as it kind of illustrates this point of insanity and being "unhinged" in more ways than one.



Maybe I'm wrong but you know, you build up muscles for what you do and for some reason I guess a sword is little haevier than a tennis racket.

The difference in weight lifters and stamina type athletes is quite obvious too.

Whatever, berserkers are people with a screw lose. The adrenalin would boost their strength anyways. Ironically, Volt's speed would represent that quite perfectly.

I think, Rhino dimensions are out of question, but a bit more than Ember or Nova would be nice.

I'm not quite sure what point you're trying to make between weight lifters and stamina athletes, as every warframe would be more likely to fall into the latter camp over the former.  Regardless, as I said above, the only change I would see it perhaps a stronger core.  Thats about it.

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Whatever, berserkers are people with a screw lose. The adrenalin would boost their strength anyways. Ironically, Volt's speed would represent that quite perfectly.

there is only so much you can do with adrenaline or drugs before you injure yourself. It's not like atheletes don't get injured by doping.

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I'm also not sure why people say that a berserker is somebody who's crazy and fights past pain as opposed to being someone with muscle-- one does not necessarily oppose the other. We could have easily had a berserker, by it's very definition, who also just happened to be thicker / more muscular.

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I'm also not sure why people say that a berserker is somebody who's crazy and fights past pain as opposed to being someone with muscle-- one does not necessarily oppose the other. We could have easily had a berserker, by it's very definition, who also just happened to be thicker / more muscular.


Because people will fight until they're blue in the face to get what they want. Some of these people want her to keep the "sexy naked female" bodytype instead of something that might not be as visually attractive or "stimulating" for them personally which would be the slightly stronger bodytype and less hourglass figure others are requesting.


Which is quite sad. 

Edited by DavidSPD
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I'm actually really happy they made a zerker frame, I've been waiting for it.


In all honesty, not to be sexist or anything; I think it would be easier to make this frame male to capture the whole image of a berserker.

I pictured a more aggressive frame than what DE has currently created, something armoured but at the same time showing vulnerability, a bit like a half armoured/aggressive Rhino. This picture is something along the lines of a traditional Berserker armoured, but also showing clear weak points and skin.  http://maxcdn.thedesigninspiration.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Berserker-l.jpg


If they could make the female version capture something more of a berserker that would be awesome too, I personally think it would just be easier done as a male. Regardless great job DE.

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Idk, I really like the appearance.
I understand the corpus collar is a bit off to have on there permanently, but I think that'll be removed with alt helms. (Possibly even an alt skin if they finally give us some.)

I'm a bit iffy on her powers, but they're in progress and completely subject to change anyhow.


Looking forward to this frame, regardless.

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I'm actually really happy they made a zerker frame, I've been waiting for it.


In all honesty, not to be sexist or anything; I think it would be easier to make this frame male to capture the whole image of a berserker.

I pictured a more aggressive frame than what DE has currently created, something armoured but at the same time showing vulnerability, a bit like a half armoured/aggressive Rhino. This picture is something along the lines of a traditional Berserker armoured, but also showing clear weak points and skin.  http://maxcdn.thedesigninspiration.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Berserker-l.jpg


If they could make the female version capture something more of a berserker that would be awesome too, I personally think it would just be easier done as a male. Regardless great job DE.


You see, this is part of the problem.  You say the word "berserker" and that is the image that pops into your mind.  No one questions it.  You then say "female" and their minds go in a different direction, mostly involving fur bikinis.


If the beserker frame was male and was as small as the current female version, people would have lost their S#&$ and be questioning why he looked so scrawny.

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You see, this is part of the problem.  You say the word "berserker" and that is the image that pops into your mind.  No one questions it.  You then say "female" and their minds go in a different direction, mostly involving fur bikinis.


If the beserker frame was male and was as small as the current female version, people would have lost their S#&$ and be questioning why he looked so scrawny.

To be fair, this thread exists because people are questioning why she's so scrawny.
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To be fair, this thread exists because people are questioning why she's so scrawny.


And I'm so thankful for that you have no idea.


Edit/elaboration: For as many people who are bothered by her size there are others who are trying to defend why she's so tiny, and I find that a bit ridiculous because of how reactions would have been if the gender was changed to male.

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For as many people who are bothered by her size there are others who are trying to defend why she's so tiny, and I find that a bit ridiculous because of how reactions would have been if the gender was changed to male.

I'm not bothered by her size. I just want her body to look proportional. Right now her shoulders and upper arms look a little lacking. If you look at other frames' arms compared with the rest of their body they fit (at least to me).

Edited by Hogfather
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The "beefiness" of frames ( such as Rhino and Saryn ), or at least their amount of armor-plating, seems to have a direct synthesis with the amount of a beating they can take-- those particular frames have more shields, health, etc than others. So, given the Berserker's absolute lack of any plating at all, one has to wonder if she'll have equally-flimsy shields ( and absolutely no armor value ). And, if so, how useful will shield bash actually be?


This is on top of my forum-consistent complaint that DE keeps handing us slender, skinny female Warframes, who all share the same bodytype ( not including legs, usually knee-downward )-- while the male Warframes get various different bodtypes, such as Rhino, Vauban, Nekros, etc. It's a very sexist, pandering double-standard.


I agree, it is a sexist double standard, and one I was hoping they would break away from with this frame (well, the next frame which happened to be this frame).She's supposed to be a damager, she needs more muscle, especially in the upper body to support that. They want her quick? Fine, explains the beefy legs.


But as the concept is now? I sincerely hope it's >only< a concept, because it doesn't fit the Berserker title at all (figure wise).

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But as the concept is now? I sincerely hope it's >only< a concept, because it doesn't fit the Berserker title at all (figure wise).

A berserker doesn't have to be a hulking muscly macho thing.



Out of control with anger or excitement; wild or frenzied.
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jack snip


Not exactly a good example for this situation.  I was wondering when someone would make a comparison to Jack.


Jack is probably a really scrappy fighter, and could probably tear people's asses up in a bar.  But the reason she's especially dangerous is because of her Biotics.  She doesn't need to be physically fit, and was probably rather atrophied when she was released by Shepard.  The berserker frame is billed as being a non-caster, and in fact has an emphasis on melee use, and obviously does not have the same exception.

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and if "someone" told Jack that she was weak.

that "someone" would become a bloody twisted heap of flesh.


I'm ok with how the looks of the "Berserker" are.

because, in the end.  It wont matter how she looks.

because she is going to kill them all anyway.

painfully and slowly.

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But the reason she's especially dangerous is because of her Biotics.  She doesn't need to be physically fit



But the reason Berserker is especially dangerous is because of her Warframe. She doesn't need to be physically fit just like Nekros doesn't need to look like he's healthy in order to sprint across a map.

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But the reason Berserker is especially dangerous is because of her Warframe. She doesn't need to be physically fit just like Nekros doesn't need to look like he's healthy in order to sprint across a map.


Okay.  So why are not all male frames the size of Nekros?

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But the reason Berserker is especially dangerous is because of her Warframe. She doesn't need to be physically fit just like Nekros doesn't need to look like he's healthy in order to sprint across a map.

This is true. But, unless I am mistaken, it was said that she was captured and experimented on. The corpus cut her armor (correct me if I am wrong, this is my understanding so far) meaning she doesn't have her full frame (if any still) to help enhance her physical prowess.

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But the reason Berserker is especially dangerous is because of her Warframe. She doesn't need to be physically fit just like Nekros doesn't need to look like he's healthy in order to sprint across a map.


Jack's not a Berserker, no matter how much you want to attach the label to her; she's a caster. Nekros is a caster. Your argument was invalid the moment you wanted to use casters as an example. Berserkers are power and speed. They dish it out to keep from taking it, and her current figure doesn't look like she can dish out what she should.


We're not asking Rhino beefy, we're asking for beefier that the copy/paste female frames we already have.

Edited by Spriggs
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Okay.  So why are not all male frames the size of Nekros?


Begging the question? Art-style.


This is true. But, unless I am mistaken, it was said that she was captured and experimented on. The corpus cut her armor (correct me if I am wrong, this is my understanding so far) meaning she doesn't have her full frame (if any still) to help enhance her physical prowess.


We don't know her lore yet.


Berserkers are power and speed. They dish it out to keep from taking it, and her current figure doesn't look like she can dish out what she should.


We're not asking Rhino beefy, we're asking for beefier that the copy/paste female frames we already have.


You're getting too wrapped up in labels. You have a predisposed idea of what a Berserker can and cannot be and anything that doesn't fit your mold is "wrong."


This is science fiction: We can do anything we want. Mag and Rhino both swing their Galatine just as fast.

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