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An unpopular opinion about the next update


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I’m not hyped about the update due to let downs for being overly excited.

Helminth system

When it comes to the helminth system I’m not excited for it for the fact that, I can see what`s going to happen, ppl will find a meta and they won`t shut up about it and spread it around, DE sees it then they will nerf the ability like Limbo in scarlet spear and Trinity in ESO.

Secondly I have a feeling that DE might not be able to keep up with the management of this system when new warframes come out and when warframes eventually get reworks, (Nyx) revisits (Ash), or QOL changes (Limbo), As for the players the amount of grind we will have to do to obtain every frame (if that’s what you want) the worst farms I can think of at the top of my head are all of protea`s parts and Harrow system (I think) just to think of having to do that all over again is a pain in the backside plus they are going to put a heavy price on rare resources like tellurium, me personally I would rather have the ability to swap warframe passives, who knows maybe it could be a thing in the future.

One thing I would at least like to happen in this system is if you have invested forma or a orokin reactor in a warframe when giving it to the helminth, you can extract them out of the warframe not wasting it and maybe if you decide to not do so the ability you get from it will be better in some sort of way.

Another thing is that when you give a warframe up to the helminth instead of flowers it shows the helmets of the frame you gave to it and can be used as a decoration/trophy.

When I get my hands on this, I’m not going to take this seriously I’m just going to use it for fun`s sake.


Open world

This is something else I’m not hyped for, when they showed POE and Fortuna at tennocon I probably was the only one that wasn`t exited for it which am glad I wasn’t because bot updates were not a big deal.

If you going to make an open world their has to be fun things to do it in and not be empty and boring plus them has to be a fun way to travel in the environment.

Some ideas;

·       Add fast travel at certain locations.

·       If you mark an area to get to, make a mini game out of it similar to k-drive races that could give standing for ALL syndicates or depending on how quick you get to the location will determine how much resources you could receive or it could be a random buff.

·       Add some side mission on them with interesting NPC.

·       For the hart of demos make the maconan people from nidus` quest be the npcs.

·       Maybe add a new mission type for each open world.

·       Have random wild like roaming around like horizon zero dawn.

·       Make k-drives how more of a use in the open worlds.

·       The mechs that operator pilots, give us the ability to customise the parts and their colour (atm they are ugly looking).


If anyone has some ideas that the open world could have feel free to add them here.

Like I said before, I don`t care about the open world I’m more interested in what comes with it like operator amps, arcanes, weapons, new weapons etc.



I`ll admit I was one of those ppl that disliked the broken frame. Here is a quote of what I said about him on the community warframe post.

My Predictions;

Because the frame is broken it will visually be un-symmetrical and ugly.

 It`s not going to have an aoe damage ability.

 If the broken ability is too good it`s going to get nerfed.

 It`s going to have many bugs. (might be like khora on release)

Despite all of this I really hope I`m wrong and like I said before, the only way I will be satisfied with this frame is if either It visually looks sick, this contest is a yearly thing and the abilities are unique (Harrow level of uniqueness) if not then frig this frame. 

I want you guys to remember this when this frame is released to either say "I`m so glad this guy was wrong" or "this guy called it".


·       I was correct that it would be un-symmetrical and ugly.

·       I was also right that DE was not going to pick a aoe damaging ability for him.

·       For the last two points we won`t know this until it`s in the game.

I said that I want the abilities to be on the level of uniqueness as harrow unfortunately, from what I`ve seen it looks like that’s not the case.

I hope DE making us come up with warframe ideas is a yearly thing, I hope to see some warframes like meck, ghost, gene, kunoichi, samuri (un) lucky frame.

Here was my submission for the contest, I tried to make it as unique as possible tell me what you think.

Ability nerfs


Rhino - Roar
Diminished Damage increase

Mirage - Eclipse
Diminished Damage increase and cap Damage Reduction 

Valkyr - Warcry
Attack speed increase reduced

Protea - Dispenser
Duration reduced

Nidus - Larva
Radius reduced

Wukong - Defy
Armor capped


You see? This, this right her is one of the reasons why I’m not hyped for this system. Instead of nerfing the abilities ppl like and will use why don`t you improve the other abilities to bring it at the same level as roar or to make it to where ppl want to use them.

For example, I`m going to improve Ash and Loki`s 1st abilities.




·       If an enemy is killed in one hit it is considered as a stealth kill.

·       Holding the ability will make both shurikens target the enemy you`re aiming at dealing double slash damage and adds critical damage based on what crit damage mods you have equipped on your melee weapon, also headshots will do more damage.

·       The held version works like the way Nezha`s 2nd ability does. Quick cast, straight path and more damage.

·       The held version will have increased flight speed.

·       The more health the enemy loses, the slower the enemy moves when bleeding out.

·       When the enemy stops bleeding, it will go back to its normal movement speed.

·       If you hit the same enemy that was affected before, it will go back to the same slow speed and will keep getting slower until it`s lifeless.

·       It has a 1 second combo window. The more you use the ability, the more damage it does, the less energy it takes.

·       The built-up damage multi from spamming it can affect the held version of shuriken.

·       The held version can pause the 1 sec combo duration drain indicator so that you have time to get the full damage out of it but the decreased energy won`t carry over to it.

·       Depending on the damage built up from the combo multiplayer will determine the increase of critical damage from the held version, if high enough it can reach red crits.




·       After cast, it`s immune to damage for five seconds while absorbing damage however, the five seconds of immunity doesn’t start until it gets attacked. Depending on the damage stored it will be converted into health for more survivability.

·       Holding the ability will make the decoy mobile within a 10m radius which can be increased by range mods.

·       When shooting, enemies will be affected by an impact proc making them stagger.

·       While using mobile decoy mode, there is a 50% chance of it to proc blast damage knocking enemies down, if this happens, enemies within a 30m radius will prioritise the decoy as a dangerous threat increasing threat levels for seven seconds. (threat levels higher than interception and defence targets)

·       It will use whatever primary or secondary weapon Loki is currently using.


As you can see not only this improves the abilities but it`s an improvement to the warframes overall, ppl will even have a hard choice on what to pick because most if not all are good options to choose from.

If you want to see how I improve warframe abilities overall here are two posts you can go to.



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This isn't unpopular at all. You sound like all the other people that wont be satisfied with anything the game puts out. 

If you don't want to subsume a frame with forma in it: make a new one.

Try to learn how to trade and actually make some plat to buy harrow if you need. Do you never make plat or something? 

If you cant use something just because it doesn't look how you want, that's your fault. I played with volts normal skin for months and months until I was able to buy a better skin. 

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Unpopular oppinion?

M8, if you had said something positive it would have been unpopular.

You're saying what a good measure of the forum population is saying.

Not because they've tested it, not because they've seen it in full, not even because its anything they find specifically bad.

It's cause y'all got to complain about every little thing. In game and out.

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About the only thing I'm concerned about is how this will change reworks of Subsumable abilities. 

DE has said that it won't change how they balance/rework the abilities but one would have to be pretty heccin dense if you believe for a second that it won't and if DE seriously believes that it won't then they are lying to themselves. 

Outside of that concern I'm expecting the standard fair for any content release.

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All this seems to come down to is personal taste.

I, personally, quite like the Open World they've shown us. It's visually interesting and, provided that they actually use it properly, looks like it has a lot more variation in terrian that'll mean something in encounters. The main issue with Fortuna especially was the over-reliance on wide, open, flat areas. PoE wasn't much better, but had more dips and hills at the very least. Not to mention I'm a lore nerd, so the lore - which seems a lot more connected to the wider Warframe universe this time around - is extremely interesting to me. Also, the necramechs have been confirmed to be modular, so we're most likely going to be able to visually customise them as well.


As for the Helminth system, I don't think balancing issues will be as bad as people say, primarily because you can only change one power. That prevents total meta overhauls and allows most of the frame's identity to be intact whilst still allowing that further level of customisation. It's a compromise. And the heavy resource cost is also important, because worthless resources aren't good for the game. This gives all the resources at least some degree of use. And if it happens to resource sink and improve the loot economy in the process? So much the better. Whilst my own interest has waned, that's primarily due to the abilities picked. Almost all of them are 'good' - by which I mean simple, fire-and-forget, non-interactive abilities or buffs. None of them are fun to play around in and of themselves with in my opinion, nor do they really change how you go about using a Warframe. Especially since I primarily Limbo where every player has to choose between "Do you want to play all cool, like dipping in and out of the rift and being a badass rift magician, or do you want to be effective, but also so uninteresting that wet paint uses you as the boring metaphor?" I was really hoping to get abilities that make the former more fun.

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19 hours ago, Ver1dian said:

Unpopular oppinion?

M8, if you had said something positive it would have been unpopular.

You're saying what a good measure of the forum population is saying.

Not because they've tested it, not because they've seen it in full, not even because its anything they find specifically bad.

It's cause y'all got to complain about every little thing. In game and out.


But ye tc, yer opinions the popular one. Majority of the topics thats popped up over the last couple of days has been criticizing the update whether it be "oh they took my frames signature ability making it redundant" or "its going to be too broken because of 1-2 abilities that im gonna slap on every frame regardless if it makes sense or not"

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Rework nyx? why tho? sure her 1st ability is meh and could use some tweaks, bu the rest of her kit is solid, unlike inaros, chroma, mirage who only have like 2 useful abilities and still haven't been reworked. I would rather have nyx stay as is than ruin the rest of her kit in the name of rework.

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2 minutes ago, --Q--EXHALER_Wolf said:

Rework nyx? why tho? sure her 1st ability is meh and could use some tweaks, bu the rest of her kit is solid, unlike inaros, chroma, mirage who only have like 2 useful abilities and still haven't been reworked. I would rather have nyx stay as is than ruin the rest of her kit in the name of rework.

Id argue mirage is fine as is other than eclipse and her prism honestly. 

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Tbh I`m not downing the update, I hope that I will be wrong and I`ll end up enjoying the update but based on what I have seen i`m not hyped for it besides it`s best to keep your expectations low then you won`t be disappointed and if it`s good then that would be great for you. Like I said before i`m most interested in what comes with the open world like (I know most likely it`s not coming yet) operator melee weapons. That`s why I say it`s in unpopular opinion because what i`m looking forward to is not what most ppl are exited for it`s that simple.

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As you guys know DE nerfed the abilities ppl were looking forward to using. You see? This, this right her is one of the reasons why I’m not hyped for this system. Instead of nerfing the abilities ppl like and will use why don`t you improve the other abilities to bring it at the same level as roar or to make it to where ppl want to use them.

For example, I`m going to improve Ash and Loki`s 1st abilities.

If you want to know more, go back to the post and read to see how.

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Buffing everything up to the potential of something else that is over-performing is a recipe for extreme game imbalance.  When abilities become too powerful because everything is constantly being buffed, the only way to balance new content is to make enemies bullet sponges or have them ignore or negate abilities. 

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13 minutes ago, (NSW)draugath said:

Buffing everything up to the potential of something else that is over-performing is a recipe for extreme game imbalance.  When abilities become too powerful because everything is constantly being buffed, the only way to balance new content is to make enemies bullet sponges or have them ignore or negate abilities. 

If you buff everything, it's essentially just nerfing enemies... Which DE did already. 

Also, there will always be tiers. If there was no roar, then mind control would be an awesome ability. 

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How is this "unpopular opinion"? The forums have been flooded with negative rants farming for upvotes. 

An unpopular opinion would be "I am excited for new content, especially a new open world, a new city and all kinds of neat kaiju's to fight and stuff. Even if the Helminth system is garbage, I will be happy to enjoy a new open world and all the associated content."

I make a thread like that and if the haha reactions were still a thing I would probably get more of those to mock me than I would upvotes. The negativity is honestly incredibly disheartening to see. People should be excitedly speculating about all the new open world content and everything that goes with it and all the teased stuff about it, and instead the community are eating each other over nerfs and buffs for a system that hasn't even been released. 

No wonder I have noticed some of the more helpful and nicer forum users go back to lurking recently. They probably don't feel like fending off the excessive negativity. 

Btw: This should not be interpreted as anything against people giving valid, constructive feedback about the new system. However, this hyper focus on the new system as well as this intense desire by some to portray the developers as villains who hate the players, when they are letting people in on the development process pre-release, is just sad to see. 

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On 2020-08-22 at 7:01 PM, Hypernaut1 said:

If you buff everything, it's essentially just nerfing enemies... Which DE did already. 

Also, there will always be tiers. If there was no roar, then mind control would be an awesome ability. 

why even put the decoy in there , also why no more utility abilites like larva ? is it so overpowered that they need to nerf it ? personally i wouldnt say no to the nova's teleport on some frames , since i dont need more obscure damage .. just saying 

Or even hydroid's first ability being so bad to share , its RNG based on top of no damage and even with augment not stripping enemies armor effectively or rather fast enough to make it work and the impact type that makes enemies go ragdoll or get blown in all areas and accomplishing nothing but being an rng based bad cc compared to most cc'ing abilites. 

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