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interception is not that fun


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no one wants to play it, just sitting for like 30 minutes with my queue paused and not seeing another single person wanting to join because it isn't a fun mode! the difficulty level can be too much without enough players to hold all 4 points.

suggestion to improve? scale the capture points by the amount of players

1-2 players = 2 capture points

3-4 players = 4 capture points

how to scale it with players leaving and joining ? just toggle point c and d on/off scale it accordingly

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6 minutes ago, _Anise_ said:

just sitting for like 30 minutes with my queue paused and not seeing another single person wanting to join

I prefer solo. You capture a Tower 4 times faster which is huge compared to all the randumbs running around trying to get kills instead of focusing on the "goal"

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I like Interception, but yeah...having to hold 4 points solo is a pain in the butt. You can mitigate some of that with extreme cc capability and specters, but that only goes so far in some scenarios. 

They could use your idea combined with that one Grineer reactor defense map that rotates locations (on Uranus I think). So you have to capture only certain amount of locations at a time depending on team size, but the locations rotate between the possible locations when not on full team

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12 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

I prefer solo. You capture a Tower 4 times faster which is huge compared to all the randumbs running around trying to get kills instead of focusing on the "goal"

outside of some cheese a few frames can do (still?) it seems nigh impossible solo at a high level say 100+ range, I have seen warframe scale stuff based on players I just thought why not capture points? it seem unrealistic to expect a player to hold and defend all 4 bases against that range of enemy.


maybe 3 capture points could work in solo, if you only needed to hold 2 to win, because ideally in this mode you join with 4 people, each person sits on a point and kills stuff, it is something else when you are missing a person, something else entirely when you are missing 2 or wackamole if you are missing 3

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4 minutes ago, _Anise_ said:

outside of some cheese a few frames can do (still?)

We were having a similiar discussion in the german section just some hours ago. Sure some frames are preferred but you wouldn't eat soup with a knife or a fork, would you?

You'll just need any CC which works for you. I.e. Nova: The 75% slow also works while they are hacking - they hack 75% slower which means 75% more time to kill them. Or hard CC them with Vauban, Mag, Khora...heck even Exodia Hunt works.

Secondly your positioning is key. Don't jump around. Find a spot from where you can reach every point in a second and just interupt hacking instead of preventing it

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49 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

Sure some frames are preferred but you would eat soup with a knife or a fork, would you?

nope, I arrived at this restaurant fully expecting to dine at the buffet with a group of random people, but the waiter is telling me "you can't dine until 3 more people show up" but the place is dead! he adds... "unless I happen to have brought your own spoon!"

I am just suggesting relax the rules just a tiny bit and just maybe more people might start showing up to the bar?

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