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I'm starting to hate the toxicity of trading


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One simple screw in trading and this happens. 

Me: I can give Axi Relics

Me: *Gives Axi Relics* 

???: I meant something something amount.. 

???: Learn to read, you want waste my time again. 

Like seriously? Just one mistake and this guy goes full on toxic mode. Give me a break man. I'm just trying to trade for some platinum, not have a World War 3 with some greedy dude. Trading is already a mess for how flooded the god forsaken trade chat is and how much rivens are getting magneticly attraced to. 

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Can agree, sucks when someone is toxic at first. But if you're in trade chat talking and offering you'll naturally learn to grow thicker skin. Toxic people will stay toxic, there's no surefire way of avoiding them.


Take it lightly, close tab, forget.

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10 minutes ago, --RV--Faras said:

Can agree, sucks when someone is toxic at first. But if you're in trade chat talking and offering you'll naturally learn to grow thicker skin. Toxic people will stay toxic, there's no surefire way of avoiding them.


Take it lightly, close tab, forget.

It's been around 22/24 something days of me playing on Warframe and I've been in the underground when it comes to trading a lot, probably the only item I was successful at getting with platinum trading was Valkyr's Bastet Helmet without having to do Nightwave and some few slots along the way. Yet I've been still trying to pursue the Lotus colorset, but it's just so flooded in the chat man.. rarely a chance you'd find someone that's not toxic and can trade with you without being greedy and such. I hope newer players after me won't have to go through the same.  But yeah, I respect your point. 

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As a rich Tenno it’s less toxic when you buy things from people cus everyone .wants the ton of plat I have and act all nice but when I try selling parts people hella low ball and don’t even buy the sets and just buy like one part for 10p while I’ve been buying sets for 100 -600p. The supply is so high but the demand is really low on warframe trading.

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6 hours ago, (NSW)JJA209 said:

As a rich Tenno it’s less toxic when you buy things from people cus everyone .wants the ton of plat I have and act all nice but when I try selling parts people hella low ball and don’t even buy the sets and just buy like one part for 10p while I’ve been buying sets for 100 -600p. The supply is so high but the demand is really low on warframe trading.

That reminds me that I probably should've used my starter platinum for some better use - I don't even know what I used all of it on 

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OP, have you tried using Warframe.market instead? In my experience it's pretty rare to come up against toxic types because they already want to buy what you've posted for sale (you can post what you want to buy too). The only thing is if you have something popular (veiled rifle rivens and vaulted rares for sought-after primes spring to mind), you might get inundated with pms to buy it all at once!

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On 2020-08-19 at 12:19 AM, GAleX-2712 said:

That reminds me that I probably should've used my starter platinum for some better use - I don't even know what I used all of it on 

It happens to us all and the starting plat isn’t going to buy you much anyways. I would spend like 20 to 40 bucks  on plat and buy your self frames from the market or trade for prime frames or you could farm play buy doing relics and trading parts but that will take some time.

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4 hours ago, Cyba_Zero said:

OP, have you tried using Warframe.market instead? In my experience it's pretty rare to come up against toxic types because they already want to buy what you've posted for sale (you can post what you want to buy too). The only thing is if you have something popular (veiled rifle rivens and vaulted rares for sought-after primes spring to mind), you might get inundated with pms to buy it all at once!

Very rarely would I use the market with platinum unless I have some stuff I want urgently with a short amount of platinum. In fact - as we speak I have quite the wishlist on the market. 

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