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Let's share some lessar known facts/tips to help in missions



Holding 2 Thermia/Disruption Keys (and Data-masses in theory)

This likely won't help you if you're playing Mobile Defense or Ceres Sabotage as only one Data-mass exists unless that is changed in the future.

This method should also apply to anything else that uses the same logic as these items.

How? Pick it with your Warframe > Switch to Operator > Pick up secondary item

The Warframe will continue to hold onto it while in Operator mode. (Note, switching back to your Warframe will make your Operator drop it where they last were.)

This can have a few uses but the biggest usages I've found has been in Exploiter Orb fights and Disruption Missions.

In Exploiter Orb fights it is recommended to bring Thermia up to the surface for early work on Exploiter's defenses, this can be further increased using Operators. This allows you to take two Thermia canisters to the surface (Note, the transition loading will switch you to your Warframe, dropping your Operator's canister. But wait till it's over and you can pick it up again where the Operator last was) despite the apperance, Operators can throw these canisters just as effectively as any Warframe. Giving you a more effective early advantage.

In Disruption this works similarly. Say you get two Disruption keys but the Conduits are in the alternate tile. You can use this method to carry both to the other tile instead of one at a time.

An alternative tactic in Disruption is if you get two duplicate keys for the same conduit, keys left on the floor will disappear once its respective conduit is activated. If a player holds onto the key while its conduit is activated it won't disappear. This can be used even without Operator if you're in a squad for an early start on the conduits once a new round starts or in Solo for the same purpose.

Recommendation: Use Naramon's Mind Sprint (Waybound) to make your Operator faster so you take less time leaving your warframe idle.

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You don't actually need to escort the rescue target to extraction - you can even leave them bleeding out as long as you reach extraction in time, the mission will still count as a win.

(This one really wasn't obvious to me when I started. I used to wait for them to get in lifts with me and everything. 😬)

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6 hours ago, Anaktoria said:

If you enter the Nightwave panel and exit it again at the beginning of a Deimos bounty, you can skip the dialogue and have the mission objective marker appear immediately. This definitely works solo (as of an hour ago) and should also work in a squad. Most likely works for bounties in other open worlds too, haven't checked.

I tested this in a squad last night on Deimos and yes it does skip the dribble.

As UUDDLRLRBA_START mentioned in their post below mine, I was the Host thought I'd add that bit of info.


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Some tips from another thread about things not to do:

On 2020-09-02 at 5:08 AM, SHArK-FiN said:

"sooooo hated?" Maybe for some, but not hate on limbo, it's the player controlling limbo.

What could happen when limbo is badly used:
1) making enemies immortal or you dealing no damage
2) open rift portal at populated areas, other players enter rift accidentally and need to roll out frequently
3) visual troll with blindingly bright energy color
4) slow down / cease all objectives that require killing enemies or consoles interaction (i.e. mobile defence/spy)

Actually this troll hate spreads to other frames too, but they are in generally have less troll-ability. Example like :
- Loki teleporting you around
- Vauban visual and audio bombardment
- Equinox making enemies one-shotting you
- Coin pusher with Atlas rock wall
- Volt's short duration speed buff making you feels like lagging
- Nova teleporting you to miles away, the abyss or infinite fall
- Slowva slowing down enemies in defence/farm.
- Frost's snowglobe being casted randomly to block friendly gunfire
- Khora/Inaro/Zephyr lifting dozens of enemies up in the sky without killing them
- converted enemies in defence mission
- Banshee/rhino/mirage/saryn/volt/nezha/oberon/mag, etc with max range + min damage keeping enemies at bay 70m away


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If you enter the Nightwave panel and exit it again at the beginning of a Deimos bounty, you can skip the dialogue and have the mission objective marker appear immediately. This definitely works solo (as of an hour ago) and should also work in a squad. Most likely works for bounties in other open worlds too, haven't checked. EDIT: the host must be the one doing this to work (thanks for those who pointed this out below!).

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5 hours ago, Anaktoria said:

If you enter the Nightwave panel and exit it again at the beginning of a Deimos bounty, you can skip the dialogue and have the mission objective marker appear immediately. This definitely works solo (as of an hour ago) and should also work in a squad. Most likely works for bounties in other open worlds too, haven't checked.

The match host has to do this.

PC master race uses L or Z to show the player list. Player 1 is the host.


As for Limbo and the Rift (as opposed to the open world Drift), Warframe abilities will affect enemies and allies regardless of Rift status (hence the reviving works). This means Exalted Weapons and other quasi-melee abilities (i.e., Khora's Whipclaw) will work ignoring the Rift. Only your regularlyl equipped weapons will discriminate Rift status.

Friendship doors are also Rift-ignorant.

Exodia Epidemic is Rift-ignorant.

Using an Operator to fetch things for Limbo while the Warframe is in Rift is risk-free, since children are expendable assets. Slotting a max Magus Glitch will negate Transference Static.

Warframes in the Rift will regain energy, which stacks with Energy Siphon and the Zenurik energy bubble (from the void dash). Consequently, a Limbo with Rejuvenate can sit in the Rift and recover fully.

A rifted Limbo can still aggro enemies. Use this to attract enemies to your Limbo in Rift, and teammates can kill them without suffering too much damage.


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1. There's at least one ( 2 if the map is large ) path through a spy vault, which bypasses the alarms/guards.

2. Buy or build an ignis or ampex, as soon as possible. These weapons will make easy work of most missions - roast mobs, break containers, and to kill that one mob who got stuck in the wall.

3. You don't always need Primed and/or Umbral mods, to make a build work.

4. Use your hand-held scanner to locate medals, statues, and other collectibles easier.

5. You may come across long-dead npcs during your mission. If you do, get close to gain ammo and resources. 

6. During the alarm in a Corpus mission, you can hack the moa cabinets to get a buddy. Kit-built moas have a mod that hacks, too. (Moas on parade!) 

7. You can cheese the multi-level MR tests with either Titania, Limbo, or the operator's dash.

8. You can use Wisp's health mote to keep mission objectives alive. Hacked coils and drones on OV, for an example.

9. You can clear the star chart, plus the main story missions, with the warframe and weapons you picked in the tutorial. Basic builds are all that you need.

10. Dark Sectors, Invasions, and void fissures, will level your warframe and gear, far quicker than Hydron's defense mission.


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My tips are for aoe warfare:

- Combining high stat aoe weapons with the aerial mod set provides an excellent cover fire + cc for the ground squad while also adding a layer of survivability with the sleep effect.

- Use the high calibur mod with multishot to separate aoe projectiles. This increases the splash damage range while also spreading status effects to more enemies.

- Bullet jumping mods are guaranteed to proc. Take advantage of this with vertical bullet jumps, followed by a downward aoe shot and ending with a slam attack. 

- Try running two syndicate weapons or mods from seperate factions. The team benefits from the two aoe procs as well as the two buffs while you benefit from the increased affinity build-up from your squad's attacks, increasing the frequency of the aoe bursts.

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My tips are for aoe warfare:

- Combining high stat aoe weapons with the aerial mod set provides an excellent cover fire + cc for the ground squad while also adding a layer of survivability with the sleep effect.

- Use the high calibur mod with multishot to separate aoe projectiles. This increases the splash damage range while also spreading status effects to more enemies.

- Bullet jumping mods are guaranteed to proc. Take advantage of this with vertical bullet jumps, followed by a downward aoe shot and ending with a slam attack. 

- Try running two syndicate weapons or mods from seperate factions. The team benefits from the two aoe procs as well as the two buffs while you benefit from the increased affinity build-up from your squad's attacks, increasing the frequency of the aoe bursts.

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Trinity is good in cheesing hijack, mobile defence, and defence as her 4th ability (with proper strength mod) can instant full heal the ally within a certain range.
Equip any Augur mods from Cetus bounty to cheese hijack missions even furthur as used energy are converted to over shield.
When running out of energy, simply cast energy vampire on a enemy and kill it which may fill up ur energy pool (with enough strength mod).


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  • When Octavia's going invisible (in open worlds and railjack), her invisibility carries over into archwing mode, making for an easy/safe start out of the gates, esp. when doing things solo (fast safe flight over to the next crew ship e.g.).  This doesn't work for Ivara's invisibility btw, since that one is an active channeled one.
  • Defection goes really well with Octavia's 2 (resonator); it just shuts down the foe's AI and the rescue targets can run along uninterrupted.  The roller ball will somewhat keep up with the speed fine if you're running in front.
  • One tip I recently read regarding soloing Steel Path interceptions: a maxed Vauban's vortex = ragdolled enemies at the interception points = no need to kill and run around as much to keep all 4 points.  Works well for (mobile) defense too.  I coupled it with a Huras for the stealth-when-enemies-nearby, dropping the vortex at the start of the round while invis, and popping out to kill 'em off safely when they're all ragdolled (my Vauban can't really take a Steel Path beating on the higher nodes).
  • Despite Octavia having low shields, taking her for a hijack mission works out quite good.  Resonator will stop enemies firing at you and the vehicle, so you only have to sit on top of it and go for the ride.  It's only when shields run out that you have to move away a bit again to recharge 'em (my carrier has the mod to recharge shields once when ran out, which helps here).  And since the whole circus is constantly moving, all enemies line up following the roller ball, giving even nullifiers no chance to reach it properly undoing the thing.
  • This might not be the most effective way farming murmurs, but I find it fun to do: when your lich appears but you just wiped out the local enemies, Octavia's roller ball is an easy way to transport a bunch of them back to the lich, ready for converting.

Is it clear already I'm more of a stealth solo player? :)

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When you play an interception mission for a syndicate on a tile set where you know there are some syndicate items*, wait the second round to gather these items.  As long as you are on the first round someone can join you and not see the displayed syndicate items on his screen if you already picked them up.  Once the second round starts no one will be able to join your team.

* exchange those for new relics when a new prime frame is coming so no need to waste time in farming those new relics. The new prime parts (or set) can be sold for plats.

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Amesha's Benevolent Decoy stacks with itself up to 3 times so you can have 3xduration. This makes the archwing mobile defence mission(s) so much easier.

Benevolent Decoy also helps with Thermia Fissures in Orb Vallis (I found this works best solo to avoid AoE from other players). Deposit canister, apply Benevolent Decoy three times, fly straight up out of missile range. 

Rush mission on Phobos is made much easier at the final stage (kill drones to expose fleeing ships) with Larkspur as it chains between enemies.

Not Archwing:

To level amps I do spy - get to final hack and switch to [spoiler mode]. Gives 12,000 exp if no alarms.

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Here's some tips if you like playing Mag

In survival find a nice choke point and use her Magnetize and have weapon of your choice with high punch through. Prioritize targets like nullifiers with a good secondary that burst their bubbles.

Crush ability to replenish overshields when you suddenly are surrounded by enemies that want to put things in your rear from all sides

Mag pairs well with Hildryn and other frames that can produces energy orbs without the energy pizzas. 

The Counterpulse augment is a very effective CC when defending targets.

Pull is more effective killing lower level enemies, but still useful on higher when going to extraction point ragdolling foes out the way, off a rescue target/defense

When doing spy with any frame good idea to have if possible Untraceable and Auto breach on your parazon. Makes the spy missions go faster when you know the shortcuts.



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On 2020-08-20 at 7:00 AM, (NSW)Gamer-Steve said:

As far as I've seen, using Void mode / Void Dash into or through lasers can trigger alarms in Spy Vaults. A frame such as Limbo (Preferably with a sentinel rather than an Animal companion if you have one can help here) can walk through Corpus lasers via the Rift Plane without any worry however.

  • That said, he's still normally visible to Corpus security cameras (& those Grineer  / Orokin drones) 🙂 

 Well talking about Limbo the corpus' cameras are not a concern since they usually die if banished, and can be banished through the glass and thin enough walls, also if you cast stasis before the banish the enemies will freeze, giving you enough time to kill them, and no alarm will be triggered (only if you mess your timing going in the rift some bad things can happen)

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On 2020-08-20 at 5:05 AM, (PS4)theMycon said:

Frost's snow globe will push nearby enemies outside as you cast.  It can be used to get enemies off of terminals in Interception missions, or just to push enemies away from a Defense target.

(You still shouldn't have bubbles up in more than one location at a time. If it stops people from using their guns, it's a Bad Thing.)

The initial bubble freezes all enemies in range and the Push can deal up to half an enemy's health as true damage, if they hit a surface.

Frost's 1 can explode any un-needed bubbles.

Stacking bubbles doesn't count towards the max limit and can let you hit the max durability, regardless of your armour.

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Unsure if these have been said:

Nova makes Lua Spy a breeze. Just mod her for efficiency and range and you've basically got the best spy mission frame in existence next to Loki due to her portals. Another thing about modding for range is her second ability, which can easily smash cameras in a radius and stun enemies for a short time.


Rhino makes solo interception rivens easy. Just do Pluto's interception (modding for strength because Iron Skin go brrrrr), and just smack the enemies around. (This also generally works for any (do solo while) missions because Rhino can kinda just jesus his way through anything. This also works to exploit synthesis targets without taking damage since all you need to do is just spam iron skin at the beginning of the mission and then find the synth target.


Farming Exploiter Orb during Thermia Fractures + a resource booster yeilds a TON of world-based loot, im talking servofish parts, gems, the whole nine yards. Not to mention the amount of her Toroids, which give a lot of standing with Duck if you haven't maxed her already.


If a Mesa joins a Hijack mission with one other person, it's game over. Just have the person riding the hijack have super high shield stats, then have the mesa just run around Regulating everything. I've found this works even better in Corpus Hijack.


Need easy sentient final blows but don't want to run to Lua? Just kill Vomvalysts during tridolons, free sentient kills and some nice loot to boot.


Want easy eximus kills but don't want to run countless missions? Just wait for an Eximus stronghold Sortie mission. Eximus galore!


(more will be added when I find them)

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° Roll to remove latchers from your Warframe;

° If you kill dargyn pilots in Vauban's Vortex it counts as killing them "before they hit the ground";

° Loki can't teleport you if you're in operator form. (Helps when he is too carried away with this ability);

° Protea's Vapor specter is pretty cheap and very useful, as she often spawns her Dispensary

° Harrow's 1 ability can chain a Tusk Thumper for a very short period. It is enough, though, to make a few hits in Thumper's leg. 

° Mesa can shoot from inside the Limbo's Cataclysm;

° Ash (and probably Loki) can teleport through glass in some Spy Vaults. For example, that grineer spy vault that requires to move a small elevator: there's a Guardian to which you can teleport. As far as I remember, Ash also can teleport to unbroken containers. 

° Med-tower (an air-support charge) can revive your pet if they're bleeding out, but not with full health. If you activate Med-tower when your health is full, it will heal your pet even though it will be making that noise as is you can't use it.

° If you heal yourself using the Life Strike mod, you will heal your pet unless it has Link Health

This is all I could remember. 

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52 minutes ago, SHArK-FiN said:

Synthesis scan (display synthesis traces without holding the scanner):
While aimming with the synthesis scanner, swipe once with melee or swap weapon. The traces within a certain range (~50m) would appear and stay on the screen forever even when you are not looking through the scanner. Refrain from doing this on an endless mission as this will make the map filled with synthesis traces.

That's interesting 🙂 

I've seen synthesis trails show up outside of the scanner in a couple of missions in the last few months, but I was never sure what caused them. It may be a bug, but I think it really helps speed up the process of tracking their location! To be honest, it reminds me of a few ideas I had pertaining to scanning in a thread I started recently too.


As for a few more bits of advice:

  • When it comes to intrinsic farming for Railjack missions (Preparing for the next Scarlet Spear!), I've noticed that you can get a decent amount of intrinsics while piloting solo (If you need / want to go solo), even in some of the higher-level missions of Earth Proxima. You can even multitask affinity gain for mastery by bringing weapons or a frame to rank up! But it always would be beneficial to have at least one other Tenno with you in the mission in case something goes sideways.
    • & when first starting Earth Proxima, if you need to there's nothing wrong with parking your Railjack inside one of those large rocks too. But that being said, investing early-on with Tactical Rank 4 will help whenever there's a Hull Breach. The Free Flight mission would help for practicing how to pilot the ship!
    • For longer Railjack missions, situations can change in not too long. So a few things to try could be shooting while going in reverse (To pick off ramsleds chasing you), using the Forward Artillery (Which is located behind / underneath the Navigation console in your RJ) on a crewship, and making sure you know your way around the ship in case a major breach occurs.
  • After you use a single forma on your frames, companions (Including Sentinels), and your weapons, those things can have their mod polarities moved around! I didn't know that when I first started out, so i think I used up one or two forma on some slots that could've just been shuffled into a non-polarized area. This is even more useful when you have a Prime frame, companion, or weapon since they usually have at least one additional polarity compared to their normal version.
  • As far as I've seen, using Void mode / Void Dash into or through lasers can trigger alarms in Spy Vaults. A frame such as Limbo (Preferably with a sentinel rather than an Animal companion if you have one can help here) can walk through Corpus lasers via the Rift Plane without any worry however.
    • That said, he's still normally visible to Corpus security cameras (& those Grineer  / Orokin drones) 🙂 
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Easier to spot any kind of pickups/in-game hints with effects:
Some people might have difficulty spotting pickups and hints when there is no auto-pickup and/or indicator. Example are index points on the floor and the clues in Nightwave.
Simply go into display setting, and turn the effects intensity way up. This will make all important things (which usually emit lights) more eye-catching, including in-game hint effects such as ores, synthesis targets and aura color around enemies.

If you ever feel like interactive are not obvious, the effects intensity is the key.

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Synthesis scan (display synthesis traces without holding the scanner):
While aimming with the synthesis scanner, swipe once with melee or swap weapon. The traces within a certain range (~50m) would appear and stay on the screen forever even when you are not looking through the scanner. Refrain from doing this on an endless mission as this will make the map filled with synthesis traces.

Edit: Patched

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Faster mining in PoE and OV (by skipping the gem/ore popup):
After mining a rock, quickly swipe once with a quick melee. This will cancel the pop-up while keeping the gems/ore you mined. Then Zoom-in (default right mouse button) to automatically equip the laser miner again. Without the popup, the next ore would display the weak points immediately.

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