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Revenant Appreciation Thread. Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the Vampire


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No not the stupid sparkly kind from Twilight (or whatever that stupid movie is called) and not the ultra violent kind from Hellsing Ultimate (even if Hellsing Ultimate is the bomb. but that's a topic for another Thread).

I love the kind of classic Vampire from old movies.The blood drinking, life leeching kind. The scheming kind that seduces young women and hypnotizes witless villagers into subservient thralls.


I love Revenant!


Revenant obviously does not fit that kind perfectly and never will due to the limitations of the game, but sacrifices have to be made to guarantee a fun and balanced gameplay.


Enthrall: You want your own personal goonsquad? You got your own personal goonsquad and they even continue to deal damage after they kick the bucket.

Based on mentioned hypnotizing you can finally fulfill your dreams of having minions to do your bidding (or rather killing)


Mesmer Skin: Use your stunningly good looks (pun intended) to make enemies shoot themselfs rather than hurt you. And looking this sharp makes hypnotizing even easier.


Reave: The classic vampire trick. Turn into mist with a twist. While your body may leave the conventional plane of existance for a short time, your fangs don't  and you are free to enjoy the complimentary "all you can eat buffet" that decided it was a good idea to stand in your way.


Danse Macabre: It's a party alright. Drop some hot beats and show people how you move. They so elated, they just drop dead from pure excitement of having wittnessed the best dancer in the Origin System.


What can I say else? 

9.5/10 - His standart energy colour should have been red

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Revenant was originally supposed to be Eidolon themed until Rebecca decided she wanted him to be a vampire instead despite it not making sense.

Thralls are not good for damage.

Mesmer puts enemies to sleep, not make them shoot themselves.

Reave is a Vomvalyst dash now, not a mist wall.

I’d argue Octavia is the better dancer.

Other than that you’re one of the few people that understand the type of vampire Revenants ill-fitting abilities are inspired by.

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4 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Revenant was originally supposed to be Eidolon themed until Rebecca decided she wanted him to be a vampire instead despite it not making sense.

Thralls are not good for damage.

Mesmer puts enemies to sleep, not make them shoot themselves.

Reave is a Vomvalyst dash now, not a mist wall.

I’d argue Octavia is the better dancer.

Other than that you’re one of the few people that understand the type of vampire Revenants ill-fitting abilities are inspired by.



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21 hours ago, Helch0rn said:

Reave: The classic vampire trick. Turn into mist with a twist. While your body may leave the conventional plane of existance for a short time, your fangs don't  and you are free to enjoy the complimentary "all you can eat buffet" that decided it was a good idea to stand in your way.

Reave: The classic vomvalyst trick. Turn into a spectral mist and regain your strength.

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Revenant is one of my absolute favorites as of three days ago, when I picked him back up to do arbitrations.

Revenant is, in my opinion, the absolute best lazy tank.

  • He can not die while his Mesmer Skin is up. Even if an enemy does bypass his Mesmer, as long as he has charges, he is unable to die.
    • Mesmer skin also makes him immune to knock downs and staggers. Primed Sure Footed or Negation Swarm are not needed.
  • His Danse Macabre does more damage based on the damage he would have taken, if his Mesmer was not up. It also does some nice status.
  • His Reave will one-shot thralls with a decent build, and it refills his Mesmer. I repeat, it one-shots every time. It's based on a percentage of their health, and it can (and should be built to) go to 100%.
  • The Thrall "infection" spreads by itself, so you can keep his Mesmer up while doin' the laser Danse.
  • Even if you don't want to use Reave, you can use Rolling Guard into a Mesmer Skin cast to refill it. Not using Rolling Guard opens you up to damage during the cast animation.
    • And if you are too cheap to get Rolling Guard, use literally any mod from the Auger set to abuse shield-gate. It doesn't save you from toxin, but it'll usually work well enough.
  • He fun. He scale. He vampire. He rock monster.
  • Every change they have made after release has been a buff or a bug fix. Remember when he could only control 3 enemies? Ya, that sucked.

He is a tank. He can do some damage, and do some crowd control. He is strong because he is immortal.

Now, they did make him less of a vampire, but really, the tweaks make him faster at killing, and less of a CC frame.
Here's the original kit from Devstream 112:



Passive: Innate lifesteal proportional to the amount of energy he has.

First Ability: Cast on an enemy to afflict them, making them follow you around while drawing aggro. They are invulnerable to attacks.

  • Recasting on an afflicted enemy will transfer them to “Final Affliction” mode, where they attack enemies around them and afflict them as well.
  • Fully afflicted enemies explode upon death and restore energy when killed.

Second Ability: While active, enemies that attack you are stunned for X seconds. Each cast gives the player X number of charges – each stunned enemy costs one charge.

  • Stunned enemies can be afflicted (using his 1) at no energy cost.

Third Ability: Casting turns ‘Vlad’ into a mist that afflicts enemies that you pass through.

  • Passing through enemies also steals their health and shields.

Fourth Ability: Creates a large AOE blast that puts all caught enemies to sleep for a duration.


He was clearly changed and toned down a bit (look at that unlimited enemy control), but the thing is, he isn't weak now. He does not fit his theme, but he is still strong.

The new Xaku and Wraithe warframes are probably going to be the powerhouse damage dealer everyone wanted in Revenant, anyway. I would rather keep Revenant the way he is now, then get him a full-on rework. Especially with another sentient-like warframe around the corner.

Ya'll understand that reworking Revenant into another warframe takes as much effort as making another warframe. Which they are doing. All the time. It would remove a kit people enjoy, too.

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