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Black Screen of death while Railjacking


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Was soloing a Railjack mission for about 40 minutes when I encountered the Black Screen. Occured right as i transitioned from space-into-Grineer Crew ship. I could still hear the grineer, so I jumped and walked to "reactor" and swung a few times to break it and succeeded. 

*The whole occurence began like this: I had just left a Grineer Crew ship, after knocking the reactor core a few times with my hammer. Was flying around I noticed that Grineer Crewship was just floating adrift. I was going through the motions quickly, so I probably didn't hit enough times to completely destroy reactor. I attempted to re-enter the that crewship and then I was welcomed with the black screen. Afterwards was as I stated, heard grineer still, walked to reactor, hit it to trigger but still didn't blow up and left the ship. I actually had normal screen and everything when free flying, but entering my railjack was black screen again. 

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