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New Sanctuary "Malfunction" Gamemode


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A new gamemode like sanctuary onslaught but no efficiency and instead it has a kill count like Granum void. but with endless rounds. 1 reward per round. 

in malfunction you fight only 1 enemy but 75 at a time, a duping error in the system causes only 1 enemy to spawn. you must kill all 75 to win. there will be 3 orbs that drop during the rounds you collect and put into a roaming drone that is fixing the system error. you must keep the drone alive and exterminate the 75 duped enemies. 

-1 Enemy type not faction but basically 75 of a kuva jester, 75 of a bombard, 75 of nox, or 75 corrupted heavy gunner, the enemy chosen is random-

There is normal and elite versions.

Normal Malfunction is base level 60 enemies.

75 kills and +25 per additional squadmate

Awards 50 endo and kuva per round

Each Round grants an 45s focus booster

Has A A B C rotation reward as well

Elite Malfunction is base level 120 enemies.

100 kills and +25 per squadmate.

Awards 100 endo and kuva per round

Each Round grants a 45s focus booster

Has A A B C rotation reward as well

----Each orb you give to the drone will repair its health and shields. 3 cells are required. Cells are dropped from ELITE eximus versions of the duped enemies. these enemies have a size increase of 10% and get 200% health armor shields of the enemy that is being spawned. 


Sentient enemies will not be picked.

Beasts and animals as well, but Drahk or Kavat masters will. 

No loot will drop like in sanctuary but Simaris will reward 50 endo and kuva per round in normal and 100 endo kuva in elite. 

ONLY 1 enemy will spawn, not 1 but 75, but 1 version or type, just duplicated. Every round the enemy that spawns will change. so round 1 can be 75 kuva jesters, round 2 can be 75 grineer lancers, round 3 75 nox, round 4 75 elite corpus crewman, etc. 

Relics are rewarded in Normal per round

Radiant relics are rewarded in Elite per round

---Other rewards---

Normal Rotation C has Universal Syndicate medallion

Normal Rotation B has 300 kuva or 300 endo

Normal Rotation A has 5000 or 10000 credit cache

Along with relics.


Elite Rotation C has Lua Lens Blueprint

Elite Rotation B has 400 kuva or 400 endo

Elite Rotation A has x1 Zenurik Madurai Unairu Vazarin Naramon lens. 

Along with Radiant Relics


-----I really just want a gamemode that has 200 level 200 kuva jesters. 

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On 2020-08-19 at 6:41 AM, jam2see said:

I like the idea but you would have to do something about enermies that can crowd control. I perssonally would not want to to face 75+ heavy units with their ground slam, you might end up perma cced

that would be pretty fun. but easily countered by iron skin. warding halo. sure footed or primed sure footed. and atlas passive.  


really think that the 6000 kuva reward should be removed from daily sorties, but instead added as a 100% reward for completing them alongside the other loot table. 

doing a sortie gives 6000 kuva upon completion alongside the other loot rewards. 

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