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Need a Moa mod build



Soon Ill be using a MOA with Helstrum as pet.
Yet Im curious how to build my MOA. Im fond about the Nychus MOA´s Blast Shield and also Vacuum and Medi-ray.

Any tips on what else would be ideal?
Also seen some people using shield charger on builds but I feel like im missing the point. Can someone also explain whats good about it?

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Moa kinda suck.. they are a mix between sentinel and beast.  Beasts have the best healing abilities with Hunter's Return.   Moa get link health/shield/armor like a beast but they lack the ability to use Hunter's return.

One situation I like having a Moa (slightly) is for any SPY runner frames like Ivara or Loki.  There is a precept on one of the moa heads that lets them hack consoles.  They wont hack every console you come across but they can maybe get like 2 consoles per vault.  Problem is if you bump into enemies and alert them, them being alerted will make your moa go aggro, and it sometimes sets off alarms as your sneaking through a vault.   Besides setting off alarms occasionally, Moa have GARBAGE pathing.  They will walk through or stand in traps and die.  Other times they will just go braindead and stand around instead of following you.     Still I take my spy moa with me any time I do spy missions just so I can get some free hacks.   

About the only other situation I like having a Moa is if im playing a warframe thats just standing in place and shooting.   Then you can use a bubble precept and get free damage reduction.  


  • Link Health
  • Link Armor
  • Animal Instinct/primed
  • Vacuum 
  • Pack Leader (if its possible, I am just going off memory)
  • Medi-Ray (to heal you)
  • Synth Deconstruct + Synth Fiber

 Yes Shied Charger is a great mod for moa/sentinels because it increases your max shields and shield recharge... with new shield gating mechanics this is even more awesome...  Im using the 2 synth mods because mostly I play tanks who dont need shields,  And those synth mods reload your guns while your doing melee..   they also drop health orbs and help armor your moa...  I like passive healing but me personally I would rip out medi-ray and put in shield charger.  I use magus repair r5 to heal no matter what frame im using...    

Tether mine can be great if you have AoE weapons or melee.... however where your moa decides to shoot it is absolutely random and chances are you wont even be able to take advantage of it.  This should be fired right at his masters feet so enemies are piled up right in front of your face lol.   Because of the random spot I never use this precept.

Shockwave is to slow and not very useful, anything within 15 meters should already be instantly dead from YOU.

Blast shield is the one that gives moa 4k shields?  That sounds awesome but understand precepts are not ALWAYS ON.   Your moa has to cast it, and it only lasts for a limited time.  So sure when its up your Moa is pretty invinc lol. I like this better than the melee precept.

Hard Engage.. its funny to watch but the actual stats of his melee is hidden.  And more importantly anything that close should already be dead by your hands..

I dont remember the others.....

My advice would be Bubble and Hack possibly Tether although I doubt you will like it.   Hard engage + Bubble would turn your moa into the ultimate body gaurd while your standing around shooting stuff lol.    Hack can kill alarms,  it can take over enemy moa (i've had 6 damn enemy moa following me around before lmao),  so its more than just for spy.  


-Moa are unique because unlike sentinels they do not need a mod telling them to attack, they just do...like a beast would.  So dont freak out about not seeing those attack mods.

-You have to build each Moa Head to unlock those precepts.   But once you have you can put those precepts on any Moa.   So Build one moa you think is super cool looking,  the rest can be made out of garbage parts and deleted after you master them =P.  (getting them to 30, then gilding them and getting to 30 again = mastered)


Overall though for a pet... healing/survival(beast) and utility(beast/sentinel) should beat out a Moa.....

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