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Nyx's Absorb negates core gameplay: operator mode


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Operator mode is part of the core gameplay since a while now, but when using Absorb, Nyx cannot go into operator mode negating the usage of operator abilities, arcanes, amps. Something a player earned while playing.

Its usage cuts players off from playing part of the game and the only answer is using Assimilate mod that can allow players to use the operator like any other ability in the game.

Please consider to allow the usage of operator mode with Absorb, at its current state it's obsolete in regards of how the game is played.

Best regards,
A Tenno  


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Absorb can best be considered as a 'hold and release' type of ability that you just don't have to physically hold the button for.

From this perspective, not being able to Operator out is as sensible here as in, say, Garuda in the middle of charging up her blood-bomb (which you do hold yourself), or Banshee channelling her Sound Quake into the floor (which you also don't personally hold). The Warframe is too actively engaged in the ability to allow Transference.

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11 hours ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

Absorb can best be considered as a 'hold and release' type of ability that you just don't have to physically hold the button for.

From this perspective, not being able to Operator out is as sensible here as in, say, Garuda in the middle of charging up her blood-bomb (which you do hold yourself), or Banshee channelling her Sound Quake into the floor (which you also don't personally hold). The Warframe is too actively engaged in the ability to allow Transference.

These abilities work differently, Garuda's ability is a charge ability: according to how much the button is hold, the outcome is empowered; Nyx's absord and Banshee's sound quake are channeling abilities, upholding abilities like Oberon's 3 without the benefits of action and transference.

I focus my attention on Nyx, because each frame should be considered on its own. Absord does bring nothing, it's idle mode, going against the general gameplay, moreso it negates current core gameplay in operation mode. Enabling part of the core gameplay for this ability would help the non-usage of assimilate, opening up more combination also in view of the helminth update.

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