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Devs, can we have an option to buy back sold warframe blueprints please?


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Hi devs,

I don't know if it would be possible, but would you be able to give us the option of buying back sold warframe blueprints? Throughout the game, there never was a need for warframe blueprints, once you'd built that warframe, other than of course prime. Now that we have the new Helminth system kicking in, I think it would only be fair to allow those who put in the work and effort to farm blueprints, to be allowed to buy them back? After all, all we got was a measly 5/7.5/10k or so credits, when if we'd known about the coming Helminth ability swap system, we'd never, ever have sold them at all.


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You can already retrieve every WF BP.... It's one thing to be able to buy quest WF prints, this was a nice addition, but to be able to buy back any WF BP? When you can farm them? Come on, that is just laziness.


Here's the thing, the Helmith system will allow you to sacrifice a WF for a specified ability, but It's not like you use that ability once and It's gone, forcing you to farm it again, when you sacrifice the WF, its ability stays permanently available for every/any WF, there's no need to have a buy back option for frames that you can farm, sorry but I don't see the need for it.

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6 minutes ago, ZarTham said:

You can already retrieve every WF BP.... It's one thing to be able to buy quest WF prints, this was a nice addition, but to be able to buy back any WF BP? When you can farm them? Come on, that is just laziness.

There was absolutely no need for warfame bp's, once you'd built that particular warframe and had it in your inventory. You're saying that I'm being lazy, because I DON'T want to go and farm BP's I've already spent hours doing so in the past? Are you for real? Seriously?
If there was ANY inkling, at DE, were considering bringing in Helminth, they should have put a halt on selling Warframe blueprints. I've spent a hell of a long time farming some warframes. I think the Devs should consider giving those high MR players duplicates of already gained warframes for Helminth, for the amount of time they've put in farming for them.

There is absolutely nothing lazy, whatsoever, in wanting to NOT farm for bp's you've already previously farmed. I got lucky on the PC this time. It only took me 16 attempts to get all the Equinox bp's. On the PS4, the previous year, it took me over 55 attempts!! Thankfully RNGesus was looking out for me, but I'm not going back again to farm Tyl Regor for the 8 pieces needed that could very well take me between 8 and 55+ attempts to do so.

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2 minutes ago, Marcuspolomintus said:

There was absolutely no need for warfame bp's, once you'd built that particular warframe and had it in your inventory.

Yeah, I know, I also deleted some, including weapons *cough* Sibear *cough*

2 minutes ago, Marcuspolomintus said:

You're saying that I'm being lazy, because I DON'T want to go and farm BP's I've already spent hours doing so in the past? Are you for real? Seriously?

Not saying you're lazy, but taking into consideration that WF is a farming game, and also considering what I wrote on my edit, sorry but being able to buyback every WF BP it's just stupid.... And goes against what WF is.

You deleted them? That's on you...

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2 hours ago, EDM774 said:

have you gone to check what simaris has to offer in the relays before posting this? Clearly not. Hint: go check.

Really, Simaris is offering BP's? Really, You didn't think I might already know this? It would be faster to do the quests & missions again, that it would be to get the standing from Simaris to buy them - 50,000 standing for the Warframe Blueprint and 25,000 for each of the pieces - Total 125,000 Simaris standing? My daily Simaris standing cap is 21,000. It would mean it would take me 6 days of solid, scanning/capture farming to be able to buy the whole set!

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2 minutes ago, ZarTham said:

Not saying you're lazy, but taking into consideration that WF is a farming game, and also considering what I wrote on my edit, sorry but being able to buyback every WF BP it's just stupid.... And goes against what WF is.

And I'm asking the Devs to give those people, who've already acquired the warframe, an automatic duplicate for use in Helminth, seeing as they've spent a long time previously farming for them. 

4 minutes ago, ZarTham said:

You deleted them? That's on you...

I deleted them because there was no warning saying "you do know that these warframe blueprints will be used for a future game mechanic to improve warframes?"

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4 minutes ago, Marcuspolomintus said:

And I'm asking the Devs to give those people, who've already acquired the warframe, an automatic duplicate for use in Helminth, seeing as they've spent a long time previously farming for them. 

That would be nice but it ain't gonna happen. So the faster you get to grinding Simaris the better. It's exactly what I've been doing.

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4 minutes ago, Marcuspolomintus said:

I deleted them because there was no warning saying "you do know that these warframe blueprints will be used for a future game mechanic to improve warframes?"

Yeah my problem with the way DE handled this is that instead of just saying... "hey ya know what, we're changing a fundamental interaction that has been in the game since we added primes, our bad. We're going to go ahead and refund any non prime frame people mastered and sold, adding them to the foundry ready to claim"

Instead what we got was a sad grind grab where they take the sucks to be you path AND in addition are leveraging the loss to bolster their Twitch channel/drops system...... like stay classy I guess?

The thing that really gets me is that it doesn't get DE anything..... Players are going to grind for like a week and then will shift to adopt the new system where in which they now sacrifice instead of just delete. So the old normal shifts to the new normal and a chance at good will is tossed into a burning garbage can over maybe eeking out a weeks worth of grind. 

But hey I just got the last bit to retrofit my Warspite so YaY Me 😄


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They've also stated that this is not for beginners, and it's deep into the new syndicates progression. 

It'll take a long time to even unlock helminth.

The fastest way to max your simaris standing is stealth scans on high levels, takes about a minute per 1k for me with ivara on the kuva fortress, go for the frames you specifically want the abilities of and maybe by the time you unlock helminth you'll already have most of simaris' frames.

It also takes a day to subsume a frame, so assuming you have at least a few frames that you already have enough spare parts for, that should also give you some more working time.


As for the ability to buy them back, simaris selling quest frames is a fairly recent addition, that just last update prices where halved.

So get good, go farm, join the entire rest of the community that's been playing for years that sold all the non prime variants years ago.


This game has been updating and evolving forever, maybe they should just give us back all the modular Warframe abilities we had before they updated the system, remember that guys? Back when abilities where mods?

Please, this is Warframe, they don't want you to blow through content and your asking that they just hand you the content anyway, you think it's not part of the plan when they stop and go, "so we see all these veterans at mr29, do et agan." This is the point, they want you to do it again, finish the star chart again, steel path, collect all the warframes again, helminth. Next is gonna be something with all 500 weapons.


Warframe is saying pretty clearly, do it again, vet.

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33 minutes ago, Marcuspolomintus said:

I deleted them because there was no warning saying "you do know that these warframe blueprints will be used for a future game mechanic to improve warframes?"

Since this system is not even released I'm pretty sure they hadn't had this in mind for a longer time.

And with your Account creation you agreed that DE can change whatever and whenever they will without any consequences. They don't owe us anything. Whenever they giving sth for free it's their "generous" decision

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1 hour ago, Marcuspolomintus said:

Hi devs,

I don't know if it would be possible, but would you be able to give us the option of buying back sold warframe blueprints? Throughout the game, there never was a need for warframe blueprints, once you'd built that warframe, other than of course prime. Now that we have the new Helminth system kicking in, I think it would only be fair to allow those who put in the work and effort to farm blueprints, to be allowed to buy them back? After all, all we got was a measly 5/7.5/10k or so credits, when if we'd known about the coming Helminth ability swap system, we'd never, ever have sold them at all.


It wont be possible.

The idea of all the time farming those frames being wasted is incorrect. You got to Use the frames once they were built. Being able to Use something is Use-ful, or useful as we know it nowadays. You also would've collected mountains of resources along the way too.

A lot of people deleted old frames when they needed slots or got Primes. I did too. But you can't Subsume from Day 1, you'll need to build the Helminth system first anyway. So in the meantime you have a reason to play and goals to achieve.

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2 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

Since this system is not even released I'm pretty sure they hadn't had this in mind for a longer time.

Yeah~ I'm totally sure they whipped it up the day of Tennocon, they knew for months and could have at any time said

"HEY COMMUNITY! We have something new in the works and you might want to hold onto your old non prime frames instead of deleting them~" 

Instead we got what they DID which is say absolutely heccin nothing until the day of the reveal..... I mean I do appreciate DE waiting until the day after I pulled my Inaros Prime out of the oven and deleted my old Inaros to be all.... "Hey Tenno, guess whut~" 

8 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

And with your Account creation you agreed that DE can change whatever and whenever they will without any consequences. They don't owe us anything. Whenever they giving sth for free it's their "generous" decision

Oh my sweet summer child, there are consequences..... like me taking the money I would have tossed at Digital Extremes and tossing it instead at YoStar because when YoStar regularly bends over backwards to make things right for the community. Where as DE regularly either doesn't try or just misses the board entirely when they seem to actually bother.

Hell I still recall the Scarlet Spear bungle.... Yeah we know it was pretty much unplayable for a week soooo... we double the points you got during that time. Cool beans so the people for whome the system worked got double points for no reason, the people for whom it did not got shafted cause you can't double NOTHING. Which only covers people who slammed their heads into the wall, people who got burned once or twice and said "yo dawg, I'm gonna wait till this is fixed" just get left out in the cold.

Oh BTW to be "fair" for consoles they held the Glass Maker back a week on PC to give consoles an extra week of Scarlet spear because PC got one more week than they did. Let's just totally ignore that fact that "extra" week on PC was in a state where the mode didn't award credits a majority of the time but released on consoles in working order. GGWP 

You know what YoStar did? 

There was a server issue that necessitated them to preform a rollback, at that point technically no harm no foul and they could have just walked away. BUT INSTEAD they also issued compensation in the for of I want to say Apologems (gems being their premium currency) now I would not expect any company to do that but they did. AND THEN! they went through and reinstated any ships that had been pulled during the rollback period. I'm sorry that's not only done right but it's also above and beyond. 

So they where already technically good at the rollback, then they slathered it with gravy AND THEN they gave their players ice cream. 

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Just now, chaotea said:

Just an FYI, this system is most likely implimented with the idea to encourage you to go back and re-earn blueprints, not just using what you had in stock.

OK one final time with gusto. 

DE created a system where in which for years the standard that they nurtured was one where the player earned a frame and when the prime came out it outmoded the standard frame. Which gave the player zero incentive to hold onto the old frame, in fact doing so was detrimental as DE charged the player money to hold onto the old frame. 

Flash forward to the reveal where DE shifts the standard from Delete to Subsume and functionally tells people who had previously participated in their old standard to get bent because they should have been psychic. 

The ultimate result possibly gains DE a week or so of "extra" grind at which point people just shift into the new standard of subsume outmoded frames. Where as people who start the game now, knowing that the standard is to Subsume will always just subsume.


The real question is what did DE potentially gain by doing nothing for the playerbase Vs what they potentially lost? Because they really didn't IMHO stand to gain anything of significance but not announcing the upcoming importance of old frames and doing nothing for people who participated in their old standard certainly cost them general goodwill. 

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Not to mention the plat to credit conversion for buying components would be ridiculous. 

And you'd probably complain about that as well. 

It's not worth doing the math but you'd be paying probably tens of millions of credits for one component to make it equal to buying a frame with plat.

You're supposed to farm for items in game or farm plat by selling stuff. The game even gives you discounts on the market pretty occasionally.

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15 minutes ago, Oreades said:

OK one final time with gusto. 

DE created a system where in which for years the standard that they nurtured was one where the player earned a frame and when the prime came out it outmoded the standard frame. Which gave the player zero incentive to hold onto the old frame, in fact doing so was detrimental as DE charged the player money to hold onto the old frame. 

Flash forward to the reveal where DE shifts the standard from Delete to Subsume and functionally tells people who had previously participated in their old standard to get bent because they should have been psychic. 

The ultimate result possibly gains DE a week or so of "extra" grind at which point people just shift into the new standard of subsume outmoded frames. Where as people who start the game now, knowing that the standard is to Subsume will always just subsume.


The real question is what did DE potentially gain by doing nothing for the playerbase Vs what they potentially lost? Because they really didn't IMHO stand to gain anything of significance but not announcing the upcoming importance of old frames and doing nothing for people who participated in their old standard certainly cost them general goodwill. 

A great argument, except its missing scope. For one thing, this system is intended to be late game. I think they said you'd have to be MR15 to even access the subsume system. Another thing is that they sell Warame slots for platinum. So in my case, ive never sold a warframe, even after i got prime versions. Warframe slots are 20 plat a peice. So is right for DE to give everyone back thier sold warframes, even if it is saying as you put it, get bent, to those who have spent money on slots and have saved frames for years? Because every argument i can think of that would make this 'ok' could be apllied in reverse.

To make clear my own personal stance here, though i have all the original frames still, due to a desire to collect, I am planning on, and have been, making a all new set of warframes to subsume. Fortunatly my pack rat hoarding mentality means that ive still got alot of frame parts (i always sold all but 1 part incase i needed it later, though some ive used for emephras, ect.) but ive still farmed 5 others since tennocon, so I do speak as someone who is farming a fresh set.

So people who start the game now, will have the knowledge that the can subsume, but will need to hoard their frames until MR 15 at least, which means a monetry investment.


That said, the simaris WF blueprints and stuff should be made for credits, not standing. Its too hard to grind out that standing if you need it for all those warframes.


So to conclude, its not about what DE will gain. Its about making any of the monetry investments made invalid. We didnt even touch on people who bought frames from markets. Its a much safer move for them not to do anything, as it really is a complex issue. I certainly dont think its cost as much good will as you may think however.


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1 hour ago, Oreades said:

Oh BTW to be "fair" for consoles they held the Glass Maker back a week on PC to give consoles an extra week of Scarlet spear because PC got one more week than they did. Let's just totally ignore that fact that "extra" week on PC was in a state where the mode didn't award credits a majority of the time but released on consoles in working order. GGWP 

Whats your fair solution to this though? Give PC an extra week than console? Take a week away for console to make things more 'fair'?

1 hour ago, Oreades said:

You know what YoStar did? 

There was a server issue that necessitated them to preform a rollback, at that point technically no harm no foul and they could have just walked away. BUT INSTEAD they also issued compensation in the for of I want to say Apologems (gems being their premium currency) now I would not expect any company to do that but they did. AND THEN! they went through and reinstated any ships that had been pulled during the rollback period. I'm sorry that's not only done right but it's also above and beyond. 

So they where already technically good at the rollback, then they slathered it with gravy AND THEN they gave their players ice cream. 

How long was this rollback for? Silly asking, im sure youre referencing it because it was the same 7 years as Warframe. The fact that they reinstated 7 years of data should definatly be discussed more. Dont know why people arnt talking about this more.

DE should learn from this as they have done something that has erased your invested time and money, through no fault of your own. You had no hand in the desisions to erase your content and have nothing to show for the time spent.

For clarity ive Italicised the part where i used sarcasam. My use of sarcasam came about as i read more of your posts and realised you were making deep and meaningful insights, without any meaning or insightfulness. You've certainly not taken a single moment to think about the process of game development.

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2 hours ago, Marcuspolomintus said:

I deleted them because there was no warning saying "you do know that these warframe blueprints will be used for a future game mechanic to improve warframes?"

I think the real question though is: Did you sell them to free up space for a new warframe? If you sold them and never used that slot, sure you should get your warframe back (at the cost of the credits it was sold for). You have had since used that slot though, you'd need to pay 20 plat. Would you accept that?

Maybe it would be better to say that if you had already mastered a warframe, you could pay 20 plat to subsume if you no longer have a copy of that frame in your inventory. Though theres issues with this too (it would probably need to give you a WF slot too).

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5 hours ago, ZarTham said:

You deleted them? That's on you...

Yes and no. 

Until the recent reveal, we had really no reason to think we would ever need them again. For years and years we did not and were not told we ever would. I'm not saying I expect to get all the vanilla's I deleted hand back to me. I'm not saying I think I am entitled to that. But... I think it's a little more complex than "you deleted them your fault", when we had no idea this was going to be a thing. 

I'm not bitter, but DE didn't give any advance warning about this even a few weeks in advance of Tennocon as a hint. I threw away like three vanilla's for their prime counterpart during that time, didn't even need the space, just out of habit, because I wasn't going to use them anymore, and didn't think there were any consequences. 

Don't get me wrong, I know they didn't want to spoil their reveal and they have been pretty cool about it halving Simaris costs, and giving away some of the harder to get parts through Twitch drops, but let's not act like anyone had any inkling of a warning that old vanilla's would ever be good for anything. 

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The game can and will keep changing. This has always been a known thing. Early on in the game, selling spare BPs, mods, and such are a way to help with the credit flow. Once you're really moving in the game, selling spares doesn't make as much of a difference. I still did it too when I'd look and have 40+ Oberon things lying around. When they introduced the ephemera that used frame parts to craft, I started keeping at least 1 of every frame part BP that dropped so I'd have them ready. Lo and behold there was a use for the extras again beyond that. They even gave us several weeks to get a head start on keeping or building frames to feed Helminth.

This isn't even particularly bad seller's remorse. As noted, it's intended for seasoned players, a lot of whom complain there's "nothing to do anymore". Well, if you always cleaned out your inventory to add a tiny amount onto your millions of credits you should have lying around as a veteran player, you just have a little more  to re-get before feeding Helminth.

It is a game where one of the main hooks is grinding loot. Yes the combat is enjoyable for many, but if you're that put out by the grind, you're probably playing the wrong game.

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3 hours ago, chaotea said:

I think the real question though is: Did you sell them to free up space for a new warframe? If you sold them and never used that slot, sure you should get your warframe back (at the cost of the credits it was sold for). You have had since used that slot though, you'd need to pay 20 plat. Would you accept that?

Maybe it would be better to say that if you had already mastered a warframe, you could pay 20 plat to subsume if you no longer have a copy of that frame in your inventory. Though theres issues with this too (it would probably need to give you a WF slot too).

Well, I sold the Warframes, that I then subsequently got the Primes for. No need having one of each in the inventory, well before I knew of Helminth that is. And what I'm writing about are the blueprints that we acquired from the farming of them. For example, I really am not looking forward to farming Equinox again.

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DE's gonna do you one even better, OP!

Forget the blueprint, they're going to let you buy the Whole Warframe! parts all included, no farming, no foundry waiting, and it'll even come with a pre-installed orokin reactor! Just check out that terminal on the right side of your Orbiter called 'Market'

It's like they made that thing Especially for you! Cause they know how much you hate farming they'll let you skip the whole process for Any Frame

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On 2020-08-19 at 1:21 PM, chaotea said:

Whats your fair solution to this though? Give PC an extra week than console? Take a week away for console to make things more 'fair'?

Real simple since the first week of the PC launch was a bug riddled and barely functional and the console version launched the following week with the cumulative updates ..... end them both at the same time. Not exactly rocket surgery.

On 2020-08-19 at 1:10 PM, chaotea said:

A great argument, except its missing scope. For one thing, this system is intended to be late game. I think they said you'd have to be MR15 to even access the subsume system. Another thing is that they sell Warame slots for platinum. So in my case, ive never sold a warframe, even after i got prime versions. Warframe slots are 20 plat a peice. So is right for DE to give everyone back thier sold warframes, even if it is saying as you put it, get bent, to those who have spent money on slots and have saved frames for years? Because every argument i can think of that would make this 'ok' could be apllied in reverse.

To make clear my own personal stance here, though i have all the original frames still, due to a desire to collect, I am planning on, and have been, making a all new set of warframes to subsume. 

.... a great argument except you proclaimed it a problem on one hand and declared that you would have taken the same actions either way on the other. So your investment isn't devalued because it doesnt change.

On 2020-08-19 at 1:27 PM, chaotea said:

I think the real question though is: Did you sell them to free up space for a new warframe? If you sold them and never used that slot, sure you should get your warframe back (at the cost of the credits it was sold for). You have had since used that slot though, you'd need to pay 20 plat. Would you accept that?

Maybe it would be better to say that if you had already mastered a warframe, you could pay 20 plat to subsume if you no longer have a copy of that frame in your inventory. Though theres issues with this too (it would probably need to give you a WF slot too).

No the real question is and continues to be, did DE foster a mechanic that outmoded vanilla frames and then implement a system that retroactively gives them not only purpose but would change how people dispose of them?

And there is no need to involve inventory slots nor is it a complicated issue to refund them. Just compare XP/mastery to ownership and add the descrepency to the foundry. 

Or chose to do what DE did and keep silent until the moment the big tennocon reveal hits and sucks to be the player for ot being psychic. I mean hell they released Inaros prime what two weeks before the announcement. Optimal time for people to yeet the new frame as it was freshly outmoded. GGNORE

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