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What trade offers should I accept?



Hello there. I'm MR9, and I started playing Warframe in January of this year. I have no experience in trading whatsoever, other than this one time where this kind person gave me an Atlas Prime set for free (thank you so much, if you're still out there).

Anyways, I've created an account on warframe.market, and created some "placeholding offers," so that I could adjust the price of them later. I put on my profile that I wanted to buy a Saryn Prime set for 1 plat, and a Rhino Prime set for 1 plat. So far, so good.

The thing is, there are some people approaching me that want to sell me those sets, even though they are currently vaulted (if I'm not mistaken) and thus cost a lot more than 1 platinum. So my question is, are those offers safe to accept? Are they trying to pull some slick move on me? (lol) Or is there a certain custom that I'm not aware of (ex: 1 plat in an offer means that the price is up to haggling)?

Sorry if I wasn't clear in my explanation. English is not my first language. I'll try my best to clarify anything that I couldn't explain well, and I thank in advance all of those who choose to reply. 🙂

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9 answers to this question

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I'm not sure if there is a custom around "1 plat" offers, but in terms of establishing what a fair price is, I would just review the "want to sell" offers for a particular item on Warframe Market and see the range of prices that are being posted.  There will be a wide range, of course, and prices are subject to fluctuation, particularly with vaulted content (the longer something has been vaulted, the higher the price is likely to be), but you should at least be able to use WM to determine if someone is making a good offer or trying to cheat you.  

If in doubt, you can always cancel a trade at any point until it is finalized.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Dr_Bruiser said:

I'm not sure if there is a custom around "1 plat" offers, but in terms of establishing what a fair price is, I would just review the "want to sell" offers for a particular item on Warframe Market and see the range of prices that are being posted.  There will be a wide range, of course, and prices are subject to fluctuation, particularly with vaulted content (the longer something has been vaulted, the higher the price is likely to be), but you should at least be able to use WM to determine if someone is making a good offer or trying to cheat you.  

If in doubt, you can always cancel a trade at any point until it is finalized.

Thank you for your reply. The two items I listed go by around 150 plat on the cheap end of the scale, with the more expensive offers reaching about 500 plat. That's why I was so confused when people wanted to sell them to me for 1 plat each. I'll use warframe.market more often to check prices.

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16 minutes ago, (PS4)NexusBeetle said:

Hello there.


...and created some "placeholding offers," so that I could adjust the price of them later. I put on my profile that I wanted to buy a Saryn Prime set for 1 plat, and a Rhino Prime set for 1 plat. So far, so good.


Ah, the negotiator!

You can accept the offer if you're a bold one.

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5 minutes ago, HansLuft778 said:

Accept it, put the 1 plat and see what happens. They can't really scam you, except you are doing some promisse trades.

Next time, set the offer to 'Invisible', so noone can see and and message you about it. 


No promise trades here haha. And thank you for the Invisible offer tip. I didn't even realize that was an option!

As for scamming, is it truly safe? I heard somewhere that some players buy platinum and then fraud the transaction somehow, which could lock an account until the amount of money spent in that transaction was paid back. Are those common? I don't plan in spending money on Warframe in the near future, and to have to pay to unblock an account when I did nothing wrong would be... not so great. 

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)NexusBeetle said:

No promise trades here haha. And thank you for the Invisible offer tip. I didn't even realize that was an option!

As for scamming, is it truly safe? I heard somewhere that some players buy platinum and then fraud the transaction somehow, which could lock an account until the amount of money spent in that transaction was paid back. Are those common? I don't plan in spending money on Warframe in the near future, and to have to pay to unblock an account when I did nothing wrong would be... not so great. 

This exists, yeah. In this case you are giving the plat, so not to worry.

Otherwise, you should wait some days or weeks before spending the plat to be safe (never had this issue tho). If your account gets locked because you reach negative plat, you have to (and there is no other way) pay out the difference.


Edit: the fraud plat mostly comes from stolen credit cards etc, should not happen while trading.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)NexusBeetle said:

Haha, this is what I'm hoping for. I just wanna make sure that it's safe to do so. 

If you got more plats than their offer, you can't go negative, so there's really no risk there as far as i know.

I doubt they will sell for 1p though.

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