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The ultimate frost rework


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So we all know frost needs a rework his 1 is outdated and his 2 is lacking and he has the worst prime in the game. so lets get into this.


Armor  350, health 100, shield 175, speed .95, energy 200

PASSIVE when shields are depleted or recovered from a depletion release a cryo nova.

1 Ice wave is his new 1 with some changes built into it every enemy hit restores 40 shield (can grant overshield) and the augment is built in same energy cost, same range, same damage.

2 a new ability Frigid Halo a ability that grants a immunity to status effects and grands 35% damage reduction while active overshield cap doubled cost 75 energy, duration 25 seconds (this ability only affects frost). 

3 snow globe augment (chilling globe) built in range buff 15% allies no longer have to worry about badly placed globes as they now longer affect allie bullets coming into the globe. NEW AUGMENT personal globe frost can charge the ability to reduce snow globes range by 50% but it moves with him.

4 increase duration to 10 seconds.

This is my final Frost rework I took inspiration from comments on my other rework ideas and looking at other frames that tank better. The way this Frost is played is spam 1 and 4 always have 2 active and run new globe augment to be a rampaging blizzard of destruction. The reason for what the prime stats are is simple 200 energy cause he will be energy hungry armor for snow globe and shield cause that was already there. Snow globe needed to be more forgiving to allies shots so that was changed for that and his 4 is awesome as is.

Thank you for reading my Frost rework idea and have a nice day :).



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+1 for changing his 1 out entirely because its useless. If the ice wave ability doesn't scale it should get something like a shield repair, so I like that. 

2nd ability, I believe you meant frigid instead of fridged? 


I posted a rework a while back but DE never looked at it. Shame they stopped checking the forums for good ideas.

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On 2020-08-20 at 4:12 PM, (PS4)Used_microwave said:

Ice wave is his new 1 with some changes built into it every enemy hit restores 40 shield (can grant overshield) and the augment is built in same energy cost, same range, same damage.

If enemies are affected by cold status then guarantee a frozen status, if frozen, shatter/unfreeze frozen enemies dealing AOE damage with a cold status chance; if it seems OP make it an augment.

On 2020-08-20 at 4:12 PM, (PS4)Used_microwave said:

A new ability Frigid Halo a ability that grants a immunity to status effects and grands 35% damage reduction while active overshield cap doubled cost 75 energy, duration 25 seconds (this ability only affects frost). 

Not sure about this, with the augment on his snow globe you would already have damage mitigation, I'd rather give him a solid debuff ability or a party buff.

On 2020-08-20 at 4:12 PM, (PS4)Used_microwave said:

Snow globe augment (chilling globe) built in range buff 15% allies no longer have to worry about badly placed globes as they now longer affect allie bullets coming into the globe. NEW AUGMENT personal globe frost can charge the ability to reduce snow globes range by 50% but it moves with him.

On augment cast make it behave sort of like nezhas halo, just that in this case it would be cold/freeze.

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