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QoL: Universal Slam


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If there's one thing that rudely reminds me I'm running a mission without a melee weapon, it's the inability to slam. I often go soaring off the side of platforms or landing impotently in a crowd of enemies when I should be making a grand entrance. My suggestion is simple: add a "superhero landing" ground slam as a default ability, without needing a weapon, to facilitate this fairly core movement ability. It doesn't need to do any damage, perhaps just a radial knockdown. Fact is, I'm probably not the only one that uses this skill as a means of transport, be it speeding up falling, stopping a overshooting bullet jump, or making quick turns. We can all go fast, but sometimes you just gotta stop too.

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Or simply allow us to use our naked fists as a (weaksauce) Melee weapon when no proper one is equipped,
just like we are able to when Zanuka Hunter captures us.


5 hours ago, LordPantaloonsthe3rd said:

screw rhinos passive

Very yes 😛

Either make that - i.e. the Heavy Impact Mod which Rhino's Passive just copies - actually worth something
(maybe find a healthy middle ground between the current version and the one that allowed map nuking lol, or forget damage and give it a CC focus)
or replace the Passive with something else (maybe a "wrecking ball" feature after sprinting for a bit, smacking enemies out of his path, that could be fun).

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10 hours ago, LordPantaloonsthe3rd said:

ok so screw rhinos passive then

Remove that horrible passive and give him something else. Maybe Rhino create minor shockwaves when walking that staggers enemies or bonus attack speed and damage when using heavy melees : Hammers and Heavy Blades.

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