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Quick notes on all the subsume abilities that can generate energy


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While looking through the subsume abilities noted in the helminth dev workshop, I thought I'd take notes on all the available abilities that can generate energy in case I want to slot them in to any of my builds, and figured I should share my notes (somebody's probably already done this, but whatever :p). Included in the notes are some mentions about how the generation works, and what sort of mods affect it, to give an idea as to what sort of builds they might be able to slot into. They largely assume some familiarity of the abilities themselves, and the notes are fairly energy-generation-centric, so might be lacking in advice on how to use the ability normally.

Because the announced subsume abilities are subject to change, this might not reflect the abilities available on release. If I've made any mistakes or missed anything, corrections are welcome.

Gara - Spectrorage (with Spectrosiphon)
Cost: 75
Energy generation: Enemies in the charm radius of Spectrorage (4 meters beyond the mirror radius (affected by Ability Range), which is affected by how many mirrors are present, which is also affected by Ability Range), have a flat 50% chance (unaffected by mods) to drop an energy orb on death.
As an ability: Provides an AOE decoy to every enemy in the radius.

+Ability Range is the main stat to care about.
+Ability Strength can help the mirrors last longer before shattering, and +Ability Duration can keep the ability up for longer, but they aren't super necessary if you can kill enemies fast enough.

Limbo - Banish
Cost: 25
(It's not clear if warframes who gain this ability will be able to cast this on themselves to enter the Rift plane, so assume this is only relevant for restoring energy to allies)
Energy generation: Enemies and allies caught in Banish's cone which extends to 35 meters (affected by Ability Range) out from the caster are sent to the Rift plane for 25 seconds (affected by Ability Duration). In the rift plane, players regenerate 2 energy per second (unaffected by mods).
As an ability: Effectively temporarily removes enemies in the radius for the duration. Can be used to protect allies by banishing them to the Rift plane.

+Ability Duration is the only stat to care about if you're only planning to use this for energy regeneration.
+Ability Range is useful if you want to make the most use out of this as an ability.

Mag - Pull
Cost: 25
Energy generation: Enemies killed by Pull's damage have the weighted chance of dropping an energy orb as their loot increased by 25% of its base weight (affected by Ability Strength). The ability affects every enemy that's within 25 meters (affected by Ability Range) and a 90` angle of the caster's aim (unaffected by mods), as well as enemies within 6 meters of the caster (unaffected by mods), dealing 300 magnetic damage (affected by Ability Strength) as well as ragdolling them and pulling them in.
As an ability: Provides AOE knockdown to enemies in the radius, while also dealing some damage and pulling them closer.

+Ability Strength means more damage dealt by Pull, and +Ability Range means more enemies hit by it.

Protea - Dispensary
Cost: 75
(This ability is complicated enough that I'm not going to even try to describe the whole ability - read the wiki for the info :p)
Energy generation: The energy orbs dropped from the cache will be replaced every 5 seconds after being taken (unaffected by mods), with a 25% chance to drop an additional orb whenever spawned (affected by Ability Strength). The same applies to the Empowered Health Orbs, which notably restore 100 health (unaffected by mods), making them great sources of energy for Equilibrium builds.
Note: It has been mentioned in the workshop that the subsumed version of Dispensary will have a shorter duration than its regular counterpart.

+Ability Duration is a stat to possibly care about, increasing how long the cache is active for (though not the rate of spawns).
+Ability Strength can help with extra spawns, but -Ability Strength won't have adverse effects on the base spawns.

Titania - Spellbind (with Spellbound Harvest)
Cost: 25
Energy generation: If at least 4 enemies (unaffected by mods) that aren't already affected are hit by Spellbound (so are within a 5 meter radius (affected by Ability Range) of the target), restores 50 energy (affected by Ability Strength).
As an ability: Provides crowd control, as well as status cure and immunity.

+Ability Range and +Ability Strength are the only stats to care about if you're only planning to use this for energy regeneration.
+Ability Duration is useful if you want to make the most use out of this as an ability.

Trinity - Well Of Life (with Pool of Life)
Cost: 25
(Note: The ability has recently been changed and I don't have the mod to test personally, but I assume this is how the augment works)
Energy generation: Enemies that sustain enough damage to die when the ability ends have a 25% chance to drop an energy orb (affected by Ability Strength). Additionally, they drop 4 health orbs (unaffected by mods), which is useful for Equilibrium builds.
As an ability: Temporary disables a single target while providing health and lifesteal to those attacking it.

+Ability Strength is a stat to care about i if relying on the energy orbs, while an Equilibrium doesn't really have to worry.
+Ability Duration can help if you need more time to kill the enemy.

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Nice to see somebody actually looking at other uses for the subsumed abilities along with the modifiers that work best with them. That should help people decide which ones will synergize best with their current setups and avoid wasting precious mod slots when they don't need to.

Now all we need is whining about how overpowered they all are so that we can get all of them nerfed as well....

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2 hours ago, Atkana said:

Trinity - Well Of Life (with Pool of Life)
Cost: 25
(Note: The ability has recently been changed and I don't have the mod to test personally, but I assume this is how the augment works)
Energy generation: Enemies that sustain enough damage to die when the ability ends have a 25% chance to drop an energy orb (affected by Ability Strength). Additionally, they drop 4 health orbs (unaffected by mods), which is useful for Equilibrium builds.
As an ability: Temporary disables a single target while providing health and lifesteal to those attacking it.

I thought the Augment dropped a Health Orb... Not an Energy Orb 😮

oh wait... never mind... It is an Energy Orb 😛

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Ugh, TheoryFrame players. Yeah, good luck at getting energy regen from Pull. It has stunk for energy regen since Mag's last rework and probably longer than that. The Magnetize and Pull combo (to boost the damage done by Pull and thus increase the chance of getting an energy orb) has to be one of most idiotic combinations ever devised by DE, but they are proving masters at being able to exceed expectations.

5 hours ago, Atkana said:

Energy generation: Enemies killed by Pull's damage have a 25% (affected by Ability Strength) chance to drop an energy orb.

That should be: Enemies killed by Pull's damage have a 25% (affected by Ability Strength) increased chance to drop an energy orb. If enemies have a 5% chance of dropping an energy orb, then a 200% strength build Mag increases that to 7.5%. Don't spend all that energy in one place. 😉

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Ever since i started using a Zaw with exodia brave , my energy problems have been minimum.

It is also a type that has excellent mobility and acceptable damage.

So energy has been a relatively low priority for me.


But if i had to subsume abilities for the purpose of energy regen heres what i would see,

Spectrorage (with augment) is probably only good on static CC/Defense frames (Khora , vauban , frost) it primary purpose of CC will kinda be moot on them, also 75 energy is too steep unless you build fo efficiency , but the whole point of energy regen is to not be limited to efficiency builds (usually) so i do not see myself ever using that ability..

Banish is good for multiple things , and if it can be self cast that will open so many doors (i expect this is the ability to keep an eye on for changes / rules)

Pulls energy regen is pointless outside of very low levels and the rare ocassion where you beat an enemy to an inch of ther health and then pull them. Does not seem like it will be effective for regen unless they change the base ability.

Dispensary is actually not too different from spectrorage when it comes to placement (but does not need augment or even enemies to work) and can as mentioned work with equilibrium for gaining much much more energy more reliably. pair that with health converter and you got a tasty build that does many things as long as you are willing to wait a few seconds.

Spellbind is not too reliable and needing an augment to boot. but as an overall ability (status immunity and CC ) it is worth more than the other options and cheap to cast, If i am using a frame that can group enemies then this ability would be just right,

Pool of life .... not too sure of this ,you can technically get energy with equilibrium, but if you are going to use that logic then you could consider any armor boost ability to be a "rage/hunter adrenaline" enabler as well and since you are depending on the feature of companion mods to allow constant health orb absorption there are companion mods that can give energy as well.



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1 hour ago, ZenHare said:

That should be: Enemies killed by Pull's damage have a 25% (affected by Ability Strength) increased chance to drop an energy orb. If enemies have a 5% chance of dropping an energy orb, then a 200% strength build Mag increases that to 7.5%. Don't spend all that energy in one place. 😉



Pull's drop chance modifies the drop weight of Energy from the basic drop pool.

Pool of Life and Spectrosiphon apply their Energy drop chance as an additional drop.

Also of note: The "charm" on Spectrorage seems bugged. It "encourages" enemies within the charm radius to walk to the center of the mirror carousel, but they don't shoot any mirrors. Instead, they spazz out a bit and continue firing at you (or any other nearby allied target in aggro range that isn't the mirror carousel).

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3 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Pulls energy regen is pointless outside of very low levels and the rare ocassion where you beat an enemy to an inch of ther health and then pull them. Does not seem like it will be effective for regen unless they change the base ability.

Not to count, Polarize is much better for getting energy. It hits enemies in a sphere out to the same range (unless you are dropping duration under 50%) and does considerably more damage. 

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2 hours ago, MasterBurik said:



Pull's drop chance modifies the drop weight of Energy from the basic drop pool.

Pool of Life and Spectrosiphon apply their Energy drop chance as an additional drop.

Also of note: The "charm" on Spectrorage seems bugged. It "encourages" enemies within the charm radius to walk to the center of the mirror carousel, but they don't shoot any mirrors. Instead, they spazz out a bit and continue firing at you (or any other nearby allied target in aggro range that isn't the mirror carousel).

You kill them once inside the circle anyways. You dont wait for them to kill themselves lol. At higher levels they wouldn't die anyways lol.

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14 minutes ago, (PS4)Madurai-Prime said:

You kill them once inside the circle anyways. You dont wait for them to kill themselves lol. At higher levels they wouldn't die anyways lol.

That's no excuse for poor functioning mechanics. Spectrorage states that it forces enemies to attack the mirrors, so they better well damn attack the mirrors.

Not flail about and shoot me and my allies.

Not run in and out of the circle because they can only melee.

Attack the damn mirrors.

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Played Mag a lot - those arent even noticeable since Pull does low damage and kills only very low-levels. so you resort to other reliable ways of regen like zenurik.

"Enemies killed by Pull have a 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% increased chance to drop an Energy orb. "  so its only an increase to base chance, you arent getting 50% chance for orbs with 200 STR

Gara aug is good but that takes a slot.

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47 minutes ago, MasterBurik said:

That's no excuse for poor functioning mechanics. Spectrorage states that it forces enemies to attack the mirrors, so they better well damn attack the mirrors.

Not flail about and shoot me and my allies.

Not run in and out of the circle because they can only melee.

Attack the damn mirrors.

It worked recently. Probably just a new update bug. Maybe try telling the appropriate forum section.

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Spectrorage is mediocre cc but excellent for energy in the right situations. It does work better when camping where you can place it at a chokepoint along an enemy approach and regularly clear out the enemies inside and around it. It should be decent on camping frames and on frames with an ability that can pull enemies into the ring at long range.

Puil is on kill, good luck with that.

There's no indication that banish will work on the player, and I doubt it will be allowed to (unless they make it short duration with a cooldown) because then frames that kill with abilities would become invincible.

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17 hours ago, Tinderox said:

I think spectro rage fits very well whit equinox, in terms of kit, and in terms of theme.

Hrm, that's not a bad call. The rest build I use focuses on range at the expense of strength and essentially has an unused ability slot to fill, so I could see it fitting in there 🤔 As an ability it could help lure more enemies into the rest, though at that point 2 powerful crowd controls might be a bit overkill.

16 hours ago, ZenHare said:

That should be: Enemies killed by Pull's damage have a 25% (affected by Ability Strength) increased chance to drop an energy orb. If enemies have a 5% chance of dropping an energy orb, then a 200% strength build Mag increases that to 7.5%. Don't spend all that energy in one place. 😉

Oh wow, so Pull is even more terrible than I thought it was. I'll update the post - thanks for the info 😛

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hace 7 horas, Atkana dijo:

Hrm, that's not a bad call. The rest build I use focuses on range at the expense of strength and essentially has an unused ability slot to fill, so I could see it fitting in there 🤔 As an ability it could help lure more enemies into the rest, though at that point 2 powerful crowd controls might be a bit overkill.

Oh wow, so Pull is even more terrible than I thought it was. I'll update the post - thanks for the info 😛

No. if you dont have any tanking abilities, also, you can use spectrorage to make enemies go into the circle, sleep them so they cannot break the glass, kill and repeat. Im preparing my equinox for that build whit energy transfer and duality, so i can make a equinox whit all 4 abilities usefull, also spellbind can be usefull cuz we emake long range builds in most cases

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