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Why I think people are dying on Tridolon hunts


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There are various reasons:

1. They haven't leveled up waybound focus points enough.
2. They don't know how to properly switch between warframe and operator into void mode to avoid danger.
3. They're too low a mastery level bringing into play point 1.
4. Haven't equipped decent arcanes on their Waframes and Operator for survivability.

I just came out of an Eidolon hunt that lasted 40 mins. It was a real chore and not enjoyable to say the least. This is why I'm not really happy on doing Tridolons any more.
 It was 2 Volt Primes and a Volt. I was playing Chroma Prime. The Volt left during the last fight, probably died and it left the two Volt Primes, one a MR28 and the other 21. They both died when there was still 3 Synovias left to be taken down. And they complained about me not helping enough, when other than taking out the Vomvalysts, but more importantly the shields, I was also helping to take out Synovias. I was Madurai focus so my damage was coming from Void Mode and up until being left to solo the Hydrolyst. So, I managed to take out the remaining Synovias and the head, defeating the last Eidolon, but really, I was not impressed by these two players who kept dying all the time, especially at their rank. Then the 'dead' host stated that  didn't help and it could be see by the damage scores. In other words, this showed what happens in Tridolon hunts in that Volts just sit back and pop off Synovias, while the other members take down the shields and deal with the vomvalysts. Some will say that's their job and I agree, but you don't slag off your team, when they're the ones making your 'Synovia popping' accessible. My damage wasn't as high, because the only chance I got to use Void strike was when I was taking down the shields in operator mode. I wasn't able to fully utilize Vex Armour and Void strike, together on Synovias. If I had, I would certainly have been mirroring the damage the Volt was putting out. And I also revived my team mates about 6 times. I also had double the vomvalyst kills than the others. They died, as far as I could see, because they were poor at Void mode management.

People slag off Chroma, but this showed why I like using him. He survived to solo the Hydrolist's last 3 Synovias and head.
I'm not knocking Volts, far from it. There have been times I've played in a team with one and we've completed the Tridolon in sub 13 mins AND with no deaths. I'm just tired of being on missions where players blame others instead of themselves. Arcanes really help you survive, especially Magus Elevate and Magus Replenish on your operator. And their deaths were clearly a case of not having them installed and very poor operator/void mode management.
I suppose this rant is really about calling out bad behaviour, poor gameplay performance (at high mastery rank) and of course why Chroma is an excellent choice for Tridolon hunts, especially when the rest of your team dies. 

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15 minutes ago, Marcuspolomintus said:


alot of times ppl in these random tricaps expect others to carry them or expect everyone to be able to solo something.
they never think of how the other person is playing there frame or what they are used to doing in the tricap.

i have had players that refuse to take out vombs as they are 472% focused on taking out synovias, while im playing the trinity keeping the lures alive an not being destroyed by the freaking laser pillars. So i cant keep track of if there vombs about at those times.
had players constantly break the knees first when kept saying no don't do that save for last your making this harder, as it they fail there arms around alot making hitting those so much harder.
getting into a tricap an being a maduri user while charging up my VS an having to waste it cause no one is taking out vamps

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13 minutes ago, Ster said:

how is this rant post considered feedback ? 

Idk, what do you expect from this post?

LoL... I didn't even Notice this.... 

Oh well... Now that he brought it up:

I can't speak for any other Volts but back when he used to hunt with him I would die constantly because I needed to get my Shields in place.... Regardless of whatever else was going on... Even if Garry is raining Lazers and Harry is Blowing Bubbles I would be up in my Warframe placing Shields while taking Damage...

It happens less often now that Shield Gating is a thing and Recharge Barrier is PvE compatible now. But that's how I used to do Volt...

Nowa days I die with my girl Ivara 🙂 !!!

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Taking out the synovias and the final health bar are the easiest part. I can do that myself as Trinity. The shield phase is what usually needs more concentrated damage so if you're just waiting on the side for them to take the shield down, you're indeed not helping. Don't let the high damage % fool you into thinking you were the MVP.

On the flip side I'm not saying your teammates were flawless either.

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On 2020-08-21 at 6:49 AM, Iamabearlulz said:

Stop flooding the Feedback subforum with your self-glorifying, condescending rants.

I wish that could be fixed for most of the Feedback threads. It makes DE's lives reading feedback a massive headache because of the negative attitude that overshadows any feedback, if any are in there like OP's thread here.


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23 minutes ago, (PS4)Double991 said:

Taking out the synovias and the final health bar are the easiest part. I can do that myself as Trinity. The shield phase is what usually needs more concentrated damage so if you're just waiting on the side for them to take the shield down, you're indeed not helping. Don't let the high damage % fool you into thinking you were the MVP.

On the flip side I'm not saying your teammates were flawless either.

100% agree! He should adopt to battle conditions and HELP OUT!

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Things wrong with this run:

1. You're a Chroma

2. You're "helping" popping limbs when only one person should be on that role

3. Back on point 2, you said Volt(s) were sitting back and just popping limbs, the DPS should be dropping wisps between each down phase, and both of them shouldn't be on DPS role

4. The MR28 is probably an ESO28 if the run lasted 40 minutes and he's complaining as the Volt (an experienced Volt should be able to solo a tricap in ~20 minutes if they know what they're doing, although I know there are much better players than I that can do it faster)

I'd go find a clan that knows how to do eidolon hunts and teach you if you really want to get into it. If this is a pub run, then.... that sort of just explains itself. I also don't get how you're gunna complain about people's mastery rank being too low when you yourself are an MR7.

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Last time I did eidolon we had 2 people in the party not having done the operator unlock quest and we did 4x3, one was playing Harrow and did what he had to do perfectly, the other played chroma and did between 4 and 9% damage while *@##$ing around, he though he was getting in to do the dps, the time he took finding a limb to hit I already killed one with Titania. You need only 1 players for a flawless serie, a second for a non hyper agitated serie, the others 2 is kind of security layer for shield dps(when nothing crits or something) and ease for lures, etc...

The issue I had with learning the fight is the blattant lack of communication in public parties, people rant, rq, insult but there is maybe 1 person out of 10 who is capable AND willing formulating constructive feedback.

The reasons for people sucking in Eidolon:

1) People who know the thing are not willing to explain properly to the newcomers / guide them

2) People can tag randomly while it requires a bit of prep and/or some form of "mentorship"

3) The progression curve is big, lots of players get repetitively carried without understanding much

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So i think they are dying because 1. they are not playing much eidolons and who cares 

If your problem is people not going all out into builds to do tridolon go to recruit chat, some people just want to play casually and not stress about it.

Also, people at some point have to be bad at something, relax, maybe when they have played enough they will know how to not get squished by garry... o they won't, again, who cares

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If you want top damage snipe the lures and get like 4 or 5. The million or so damage you do on that brings you way up in the overall damage of the mission.


If you want an easy run be Trinity. Vary easy to solo keep lures alive and the whole team. With no buffs or rivens your rubico prime can kill a node in 4-6 hits depending how your crits go. I always go with it and it’s an easy time.

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