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Heart of Deimos: Necramech Feedback Megathread


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Necramechs! Big! Stompy! Bristling with guns!

These new additions came with The Heart of Deimos, and we would love to hear your feedback. From the Necramechs themselves to their weapons, powers, and stats, if you have feedback, please leave it here!

If you have feedback to leave on the subject of the Necramechs, then please do so in this thread. Please remember that you should keep your feedback constructive and civil. If you like an aspect of the new content, tell us what you like. If you do not like an aspect, then tell us why, and what you would change to make it better!

Please bear in mind this is not a place to leave bugs you discover while playing. If you do need to report a bug, please use the dedicated Heart of Deimos Bug-Hunting thread!

Thank you!

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I just did the part of the Heart of Deimos quest where you get to pilot a Necramech for the first time. Here is my feedback:

* Sound design is awesome. The mechanical sounds the mech does while walkiing, jumping, dashing, the weapon firing, outstanding.

* I don't like the look of the mech itself, but I understand this is a matter of taste. I do hope when we get to own our own one, that there will be ways to customize it beyond recoloring (e.g. whole model swaps like with Railjack skins).

* Not sure how the thing heals itself, it seems to be tied to something dropped by enemies. I hope there will be other ways of self-healing beyond that.

* It is possibly just because the weapon might be an unmodded base model, but ammo recharge delay is horrendous as it is during that mission. Otherwise, I like that weapon.

* Melee felt pointless, most of the time that little swing with the arm doesn't hit enemies standing right at my feet. I tried using the #2 skill, it didn't help much, it was far more effective to boost away from enemies and gun them down.

* No Vacuum, no Loot or Enemy Radar, even though my Kavat with the respective mods was active at my side, alive and well. This must be addressed, it is really frustrating to play without these two. (Ceterum censeo univac etc..)

* While I could loot resources by walking over them, I could not loot mods. The whole mission I was taunted by loot I could not collect. But then at the end of the mission, even the collected resources seem to be forfeited, I got literally nothing in the mission result screen. I suppose for this step of the quest that is intended, maybe then consider disabling these loot drops for the duration of the mission, otherwise it is really annoying to see loot, be unable to collect all of it, and then find out after the mission you get none of that anyway.

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Please DE, the interface... Who needs all the extra lines up and down the screen beyond the simple targeting reticle? It's just distracting, and serves no purpose. What's wrong with regular warframe interface, in normal gameplay? The energy tracker is horrible. The stamina bar is horrible. They blend in, because it's all the same color. And it's not like warframe powers are easy to read from regular interface, but it's somehow even worse with mechs.

Please, I was about to go and rant about how you cloned RJ interface here - but RJ actually has different colors for bars and stuff! Just why do you keep doing those interfaces...

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First off - they're awesome. I don't know if they'll be useful at all, but the fact that they sound, feel and look (at least in a niche way) awesome is super big. I would definitely jump into one once in a while just to experience it again, unlike K-Drives. It really FEELS like I am operating an actual mech I know from other sci-fi works. It operates and moves exactly like I would've wished. It's clunky, yet mobile. It feels powerful. I do have some gripes, concerns and suggestions however.

1. Vacuum should be a thing, everything else has it.

2. The UI is yellow, even though I am using a red theme (Stalker, I think?). It feels very orokin-esque, like the base vitruvian theme coloring. Could we get ones matching our regular UI? It feels kind of jarring, but it's not the end of the world.

3. Melee was atrocious, at least on the introduction necramech. I don't know if a real one gets any better, but I still wanted to let you know. It hits nothing, it's slow and it's weak.


4. I don't quite understand where they stand in terms of strength and relevance compared to warframes, especially in the old war. Some details were dropped in the initial quest, but up until now we had never even heard of these things existing and being relevant at all. Now suddenly they're kind of made out to be more resilient towards.. plot weakness (I don't really understand what the heart means at all, I really didn't get it as warframes and powers still worked eventually). I'm just very confused about it as a whole.


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45 minutes ago, (XB1)Shodian said:

The charge attack felt a little clunky to me. Had a hard time getting it to work, if i pressed the button too soon i ended up crouching but if i was too late i just did the lighr dash. But everything else about it I really liked.

Same. I would make the dash's direction be aligned with our camera direction like Gauss's Mach Rush.

My gripe is the Necramech's recovery from a hard fall. Without using dashes, it's pace-breaking.

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Just to give my feedback.

We need informations about alternative shot, because there's no indication about energy consumption or any requirements to use it (i even don't know if there's just a cooldown or if it need a massive quantity of energy to be used ... ).

We need an indicator for first ability to know if it's used or just if we already have a bomb to send.
The Necramech UI is not clear, i mean for active abilities without timer. I don't know, just put an animation arround ability icon to know if it's already activated.
Other suggestion, it could be good, by holding [throwing bomb button] to get a preview about where we'll throw it and potentially start to show the explosion radius ?

I'll use my previous suggestion about first ability to the second. I'd like to see the area limit.

Third ability is horrible, throwing bombs in front of body orientation not where we aim, it's insanely horrible.

And some animations are not smooth or ugly, we don't understand their impact or strength (for example melee attack is really slow, but no effect to give his powerful attack aspect).

Sprint works strangely .. It said we need to hold [Sprint button] to continuously dash while it's not the case. I'd needed to double tap on [sprint button] to do it.

Just please think about UX (User eXperience for anyone who don't know what I mean) before any release ... It's the principal problem at each new content update (but your work still amazing).

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My point is that the idea of loading a weapon for a large and powerful AOE might be what makes non-AOE weapons shine.

Also, unlike the warframe, mech looks much better in terms of the combat system.

Our energy regenerates itself and does not depend on external sources, which makes our abilities limited. It's great. I mean, I can't spam with them, but I have them all the time. But I hope there will be no energy drain because it will ruin everything. 

Stamina and movement look good too. The only complaint is the limitation of the flight system, but there may be an improvement for that. Also, some abilities could spend stamina instead of energy, that would be good. It would be very similar to TESO.

But overall I got a lot of fun with this fight and a little bit of the mech that I found in ow.

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Necramech was probably the most epic thing I've ever played in Warframe. Sound design was fantastic and overall it felt GOOD to stomp around as a giant robot and booty blast some Infested.

Hopes for the future:

  • Modular Necramechs :). I was slightly sad to see there was only a default Necramech.
  • Melee was a little clunky; perhaps they should use Arch-melee (since it seems to already be using an Arch-gun)
  • Necramech should be able to pick up health orbs; it can already pick up energy orbs.
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4 hours ago, ShadenightX said:

informations about alternative shot, because there's no indication about energy consumption or any requirements to use it (i even don't know if there's just a cooldown or if it need a massive quantity of energy to be used ... ).

Found ou during the quest that you can charge the alternative shot only when the tiny blue half circle in the center is full. Not sure how it recharges though I think when I was hit?

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43 minutes ago, selig_fay said:

Use the operator to enter the room where you were given the mech for the quest.

So I'm back there.... but what do I do next?


I see a way to build one, but I'm not sure if that's the only way to get the necramech back.


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43 minutes ago, Almagnus1 said:

but what do I do next?

Reputation farm. You can also fix any mech in OW, but only during the day and only temporarily.

46 minutes ago, Krilexis said:

Found ou during the quest that you can charge the alternative shot only when the tiny blue half circle in the center is full. Not sure how it recharges though I think when I was hit?

I haven't figured it out myself yet, but it looks like it's charging from hitting the enemy.

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I was so happy that you should now also give Mechs, but the disappointment was great.

The most important thing: Mechs are pilotable robots (see Mechwarrior, Titanfall etc)! This thing is just a different frame.

And then that design, just ugly, looks like a trash can with limbs.


Why not something like that?


I'm not really going to play building this thing because of levels, unless the design is thoroughly reworked.



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Short feedback  : Filler content for mr ranking up

Long feeback: 

  • Automatic gun instead of a aoe weapon vs infested = BAD choise of armament
  • Melee is there just to say ... ye it has melee . When you manage to hit somthing with that janky animation, it ragdols and aparently low damage.
  • The enviroment it is played in and the aoe explosions from the shots hiting somthing makes visibility a nightmare
  • Stamina bar is bad, it's regen is bad and the uses we get from it is mediocre.
  • Old war tech... now we know why the orokin are realy dead.
  • Lore vise, no explication as to wtf they are is even given... why do they have some skulls ? is my wf piloting it or is my operator ? I guess it's the operator ... but i don't have a clue
  • The ram hitbox is to low.
  • Vacum and radar from pets not working
  • Feels like i'm playing a 1990s version of mechwarrior than anything else.
  • The actual cos of making the blody thing is to hig for the low usability.
  • The 1s ability is borderline bad becasue of the traver time the projectile has
  • The 2d ability is sorta good  electric barier i guess vs infested... long range i'm guessing not so much
  • 3rd was so laking i completly forgot what it was doing <--- hint on the impact it had 
  • 4th no clue what it is.
  • Energy regen is too low for this game
  • Weapon reload delay is way to long for a horde shooter
  • Stamina needs to regen a lot faster if meant to be used.
  • Thematicaly cool if you like 40k lore (wich i'm guilty of ) so artists get 10/10 from me 
  • Needs to clean up the screen .. the hud needs to be clearer and cleaner not with artistic lines everywhere that don't help at all.
hace 8 minutos, Miyabi-sama dijo:

This piece of uh... awesome design... shouldn't be here at the first place.

Totally irrelevant. So space, so ninja. Mastery fodder it is. Until you obviously make it arbitrary for some new boss fights or something, like gravimag archguns. Duuh.

My bet is they will force us to use them to fight the worms...

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11 minutes ago, kaotis said:

Automatic gun instead of a aoe weapon vs infested = BAD choise of armament

If you're talking about a quest mech, then his weapon has some AOE, and the alternate mode has a large AOE. I haven't seen any problem with this.

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hace 5 minutos, selig_fay dijo:

If you're talking about a quest mech, then his weapon has some AOE, and the alternate mode has a large AOE. I haven't seen any problem with this.

That's probably coz you didn't go in the map with any of the ignis weapons.

What i meant to say is, that in a situation that you have a swarm of enemy npc , thematicaly a flametrower or somthing like a shtogun would have been more apropiate.

The aoe it had was explosion on impact and i said it made visibility a pain coz of all the particles, but you are right my statement should have been a bit more detailed. 

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13 minutes ago, kaotis said:

What i meant to say is, that in a situation that you have a swarm of enemy npc , thematicaly a flametrower or somthing like a shtogun would have been more apropiate.

The minigun suits me. A minigun with an underbarrel grenade launcher suits me even more. This is a quest. There are level 17 mobs and there are not many of them. And it has been confirmed that archguns can be used, so there is no problem.

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hace 4 minutos, selig_fay dijo:

The minigun suits me. A minigun with an underbarrel grenade launcher suits me even more. This is a quest. There are level 17 mobs and there are not many of them. And it has been confirmed that archguns can be used, so there is no problem.

Sadly i will belive it when i see it is my current state of expectations with the promises that are done on devstreams.

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