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Volt and Mirage - Destroyed ESO


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Volt literally wiping the entire map over and over and over again. Everyone standing around because one lazy player wants to 1 click wipe the map and force all others to have no reason to play.

Mirage spamming her 2 ability into every spawn point and then sitting for the entire map as nothing can spawn in and survive more the 2 seconds.

THIS IS EVERY GAME!!!! You nerf anything people use a lot so why is this never ending?

These 2 frames and the nonsense of a game they bring have absolutely killed the entire ESO and SO game mode. Why in the hell do you let this continue? 1 player sits and clicks a button every few seconds which then causes everyone to leave since why would you stand there and do nothing? Yet you nerf Saryn and other frames or not allow her 4 to be used more then once in an hour? Kill these 2 play styles immediately. Volt should not chain over 5 enemies and Mirage should not be able to use more the 5 of her 2 on the map at any time....simple. Now we can all actually play the game mode.

Oh and for the love of god, do something about this stupid 1990's host migration every single map change. Not only do you screw us over with it but we lose nearly the entire focus counter waiting to rejoin the game. Why do you not set the timer to stop? I lost 90% of the counter over 8 maps in a row in 4 different games. What the hell is the point? Ya know simple things make a difference? Penalize people who leave before a certain amount of maps like they lose 100% of the focus they gained...and 20% of what they have in their school already. Make the game actually have some sort of penalty since right now it doesnt matter in any way if you live or die, use 1 button or 4.

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5 minutes ago, ParanoidDreamszs said:

Dead serious. Sick and tired of ESO being nothing but a sit and watch fest due to these 2 methods and frames.

Im bit tired that people aren't aware of the solo play option if they are so bothered and angry about peoples playstyle

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7 minutes ago, ParanoidDreamszs said:

Dead serious.

Well. There are at least 3 others you miss to rant about so I cannot take you seriously. It seems like you wanted to try to play one of these frames and failed or lost against another one of these.

Because if you would be just one of those guys standing around...what the issue? Free Affinity and loot! I would love to have such guys in my pugs but I end up with 3 Rank 0 Trinitys or Lokis

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10 minutes ago, 8faiNt said:

Im bit tired that people aren't aware of the solo play option if they are so bothered and angry about peoples playstyle

You forgot to mention recruit chat. Where people can get a group without set frames. So you don't have to solo it.

24 minutes ago, ParanoidDreamszs said:

Volt literally wiping the entire map over and over and over again. Everyone standing around because one lazy player wants to 1 click wipe the map and force all others to have no reason to play.

Have you not played ESO? It is so incredibly boring. And if you actually need to farm a rarer item it can take hundreds of runs. We have to maintain efficiency, and run it many times, of course people are going to take the map wiping things. If you don't like it, find a group in recruiting chat that excludes the frames you don't want to play with. If you cannot find a group, play solo. Because people like efficiency, you don't seem to.

  • There are many more frames that are useful than just Volt and Saryn.
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38 minutes ago, ParanoidDreamszs said:

THIS IS EVERY GAME!!!! You nerf anything people use a lot so why is this never ending?

By that Logic ESO itself should get nerfed since people use that alot. 😛

Besides isn't that the whole point of ESO... To Delete Everything on the Level as soon as it spawns ? 

thats how that game mode was designed... So Volt and Mirage are just doing what they are suppose to do on that mode...

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1 hour ago, krc473 said:

And if you actually need to farm a rarer item it can take hundreds of runs. We have to maintain efficiency, and run it many times, of course people are going to take the map wiping things.

Well, sometimes that "race to efficiency" gets so normalized that one does it everywhere, including on missions outside their farming objective, only for the sake of having them done and coming back to their farming mission. But i digress...

In Sanctuary Onslaught, the team does need to keep killing enemies at a fast pace in order to proceed. But i agree that you shouldn't have to go solo -- as in any mission -- in order to have the fulfillment of contributing. I mean, what would be the point of doing everything alone in a cooperative game?

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Omg its a power fantasy bro i don't want to have to do things or have any form of challenge ok!!? SHUT UPP!!!!!!!

56 minutes ago, DeckChairVonBananaCamel said:

wait, what builds are volt and mirage using? i need to know... for science

just grab volt, max out his strength and range both preferably about 200% get enough efficiency so that you can easily regen his 4 with zenurik you dont need duration really

works up until i cant remember what round(i think 4), but it does not scale as well as saryn

mirage is a leech needs others to do a lot of killing at first to get her 1 going, she kills things the moment they spawn so its peak efficiency but without a saryn i'm not sure how far she can get

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24 minutes ago, maycne.sonahoz said:

Well, sometimes that "race to efficiency" gets so normalized that one does it everywhere, including on missions outside their farming objective, only for the sake of having them done and coming back to their farming mission

I do think that this is essentially what the issue is. And it is a result of drop chances and such. People need to be as efficient as possible in the tedious content (like SO) so they can get back to what they like doing. 

26 minutes ago, maycne.sonahoz said:

order to have the fulfillment of contributing.

I am really not sure what you mean by this statement. In my experience ESO and SO were so much better when someone was just nuking the map compared to playing so “everyone could contribute”. It means you are less likely to fail to reach wave 8. And you have an easier time when you have to run the mission 40 times to get Khora.

  • I have played as the person nuking, and essentially a leech. They were both about as enjoyable as each other. The problem here is how tedious the missions are.
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39 minutes ago, Lemon said:

Omg its a power fantasy bro i don't want to have to do things or have any form of challenge ok!!? SHUT UPP!!!!!!!

just grab volt, max out his strength and range both preferably about 200% get enough efficiency so that you can easily regen his 4 with zenurik you dont need duration really

works up until i cant remember what round(i think 4), but it does not scale as well as saryn

Yeah i just gave it a shot solo, almost failed at round 3 because i got 3 grineer waves in a row, haha

DEFINITELY not as overpowered as OP lead me on to believe, but maybe if i had a squad buffing me? (or if i had mirages eclipse power *helminth chrysalis hype intensifies*)

otherwise it's pretty good crowd control

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58 minutes ago, krc473 said:

it is a result of drop chances and such

I completely agree.

1 hour ago, krc473 said:

I have played as the person nuking, and essentially a leech. They were both about as enjoyable as each other. The problem here is how tedious the missions are.

It is indeed not an easy mission. Still, there is room between contributing the most and doing the whole job.
Also, not everybody enjoy the same, but that's another topic.

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2 minutes ago, maycne.sonahoz said:

Also, not everybody enjoy the same, but that's another topic.

That is true, I cannot deny that. I get that some people might enjoy it. I might have too, if it hadn't become just another mission to get something with a stupidly low drop chance. I get that the low drop chance incentivises buying the item outright, but it just doesn't make sense on cosmetics you cannot buy.

  • The frames are fine. DE needs to sort out the drop rates and make content that is more than just a tedious farm. 
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3 hours ago, DeckChairVonBananaCamel said:

wait, what builds are volt and mirage using? i need to know... for science

Volt usually goes full range (or 265),Primed Continuity, Strength and maybe a streamline for some efficiency (75% is fine if you are using maxed energizing dash).

Volt just wrecks things without armor, with armor you will don't do much though.


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8 hours ago, krc473 said:

Have you not played ESO? It is so incredibly boring. And if you actually need to farm a rarer item it can take hundreds of runs. We have to maintain efficiency, and run it many times, of course people are going to take the map wiping things. If you don't like it, find a group in recruiting chat that excludes the frames you don't want to play with. If you cannot find a group, play solo. Because people like efficiency, you don't seem to.

Want to sidestep efficiency with me? I'll part with a Braton Vandal Blueprint in exchange for a Lato Vandal Barrel. Both are Rotation C with same drop chance in ESO. I may also have another Braton Vandal Stock which is also apparently rotation C.

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On 2020-08-22 at 2:53 AM, DeckChairVonBananaCamel said:

wait, what builds are volt and mirage using? i need to know... for science

The Mirage nuker build relies on high range and the augment for her 2 (Explosive Legerdemain).  Like others have said, she relies on others doing some of the killing for her until there's enough orbs to turn into mines.  She's a bit like Equinox in that regard.  You can do sky high damage, but your limits will be obvious if you don't have some other people killing things as well.


Also I've found Mirage tends to slow down around wave 6 or 7.  It's not really an issue because the optimal farm is to stop at wave 8.  But Saryn doesn't even have to consider that.

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On 2020-08-22 at 11:04 AM, krc473 said:


  • I have played as the person nuking, and essentially a leech. They were both about as enjoyable as each other. The problem here is how tedious the missions are.

Bingo !!!

That being said if someone can enjoy Defection.... I guess it's possible for someone to enjoy ESO.


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En 22/8/2020 a las 7:51, ParanoidDreamszs dijo:

Volt literally wiping the entire map over and over and over again. Everyone standing around because one lazy player wants to 1 click wipe the map and force all others to have no reason to play.


Ermm maybe first 2-4 zones after that not so much 1 click.

En 22/8/2020 a las 7:51, ParanoidDreamszs dijo:

Mirage spamming her 2 ability into every spawn point and then sitting for the entire map as nothing can spawn in and survive more the 2 seconds.

What alternative universe you come from sir ?

En 22/8/2020 a las 7:51, ParanoidDreamszs dijo:

THIS IS EVERY GAME!!!! You nerf anything people use a lot so why is this never ending?

I'm doing 3-4 ESO runs per day(til zone 8, rotation C), if i see a volt nuker is once every 3 weeks , Mirage thing i haven't seen that in my life (i know it's posible because i did try it once) but never seen it a part from myself (and i used it once ).

En 22/8/2020 a las 7:51, ParanoidDreamszs dijo:

These 2 frames and the braindead nonsense of a game they bring have absolutely killed the entire ESO and SO game mode. Why in the hell do you let this continue? 1 idiot with no skill sits and clicks a button every few seconds which then causes everyone to leave since why would you stand there like an idiot and do nothing? Yet you nerf Saryn and other frames or not allow her 4 to be used more then once in an hour? Kill these 2 play styles immediately. Volt should not chain over 5 enemies and Mirage should not be able to use more the 5 of her 2 on the map at any time....simple. Now we can all actually play the game mode.

For starters some one playing a frame in the way they want doesn't make them an idiot, you don't like it go solo. Secondly seeing you not mentioning saryn means you : A) play sayn and are anoyed by other players geting your kils or stoping your spores. B) You hardly play ESO to start with.

If it's A)  i say get gud scrub if B) don't post feedback if you haven't hardly experienced somthing (3 runs or 10 of ESO until zone 4 is not experiencing the mode )

En 22/8/2020 a las 7:51, ParanoidDreamszs dijo:

Oh and for the love of god, do something about this stupid 1990's host migration every single map change. Not only do you screw us over with it but we lose nearly the entire focus counter waiting to rejoin the game. Why do you not set the timer to stop? I lost 90% of the counter over 8 maps in a row in 4 different games. What the hell is the point? Ya know simple things make a difference? Penalize people who leave before a certain amount of maps like they lose 100% of the focus they gained...and 20% of what they have in their school already. Make the game actually have some sort of penalty since right now it doesnt matter in any way if you live or die, use 1 button or 4.

This makes me belive that you are in the A) option (that i mentioned above). Git gud boy ....


En 22/8/2020 a las 8:05, 8faiNt dijo:

Im bit tired that people aren't aware of the solo play option if they are so bothered and angry about peoples playstyle


hace 7 horas, Lutesque dijo:

That being said if someone can enjoy Defection.... I guess it's possible for someone to enjoy ESO.

Both modes are either farm drops/affinity/focus while watching youtube until you get what you came to get 😛

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Is not that the point OP? 90% of the time I play ESO, I am leveling stuff. It really sucks when people do not do damage. It is even worse sometimes if I kill mobs with skills or undesired weapons, which nets no affinity. The other 10% is for NW. When I am doing it for NW be thankful that I am providing you affinity to level stuff. 

You know... if you want to play challenging stuff, where clearing a room in 1-2 secs is not a thing, steel path exist. ESO is affinity farming spot. Do not complain that people do... that.

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