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Atleast remove the "very experienced players" part if you make Helminth available for MR8


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I don't even know how MR 8 can be considered very experienced. The MR 8 I know and saw don't have frames for the helminth system... or slots. If they are "very experienced" warframe players with 4-6 frames then what am I with all the frames in the game at MR 27? O.o

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17 minutes ago, Samhel said:

what am I with all the frames in the game at MR 27

A rank 27 registered loser thats what, Im a 29 ranked registered loser.

They changed it for whatever reason from like 16 to 8, they are doing what they want because they want to lure new players to stay for longer, and new players would be busy till MR 8 for like a month

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I dont think MR was ever a good restriction if they want it to be veteran only. The MR reduction is funny but pretty meaningless. The far better veteran check in my opinion is the resource grind of the helminth system.

With the railjack build quest we saw that lots of people stopped halfway through because they couldnt be bothered to farm the resources even though the grind was trivial. It didnt even scratch any of my resource stacks.

Of course it comes down to what your definition of a veteran is. I think giant resource stacks of most if not all resources in the game is a pretty good check for it because it means you had to not only do most content but also farm most content. To me that's a far better indicator then mastery rank.

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vor 28 Minuten schrieb Lazarow:

A rank 27 registered loser thats what, Im a 29 ranked registered loser.

They changed it for whatever reason from like 16 to 8, they are doing what they want because they want to lure new players to stay for longer

"For whatever reason"? You read these forums. You know the reason. They changed it because people complained about it.

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vor 6 Minuten schrieb Traumtulpe:

To be fair, the statement became nonsensical. MR 8 is a new player.

The system was supposed to be for people invested into the game - now it's for everyone. DE just doesn't have the balls to say it how it is. Whatever.

I'm not so sure about that one. It seems to me that everyone forgets that helminth is supposed to cost a lot of resources and a good variety of them on top of that. New players just dont have that kind of resource stack just wasting around in their ship. Sure the mastery thing is silly, especially when auto filling ayatan sculptures is locked at mr 10, but saying it's now a system for everyone is not correct imo.

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Mr is a very bad way way of indicating experience. I’ve seen low mr players outperform me  all the time and I’m Mr 24. I’ve also seen mr5 players already with Excalibur umbra. MR is basically a grind tolerance of how much stuff you want achieve in the game and that’s all it is. It makes no sense in my view to put an mr lock on the Helminth because it’s resources based. Instead it should have a resource locked instead of an MR lock so that way it’s not as divided amoung the community besides the players that don’t  have the resources. If a low mr player has the resources to do it, then why should their be an mr lock stoping them when this has nothing to do with MR in the first place?

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I wish the helminth system was available to me at a lower MR. I could have subsumed base frames once I got the primes versions. Would have been a hell of a lot better than selling them for credits. I would have probably bought more warframe slots along the way to hold base frames so I could eventually subsume them once I hit Mr8. I might have had to buy plat to do so but at least all the frames I crafted were going to something interesting. 

I see no reason to lock this feature behind MR. Higher MR players lose nothing and lower MR players have more options, while DE pleases a larger portion of the player base. It just seems very petty to me to get butt hurt because some MR8 can subsume. Like who really cares if someone else is having fun? You should be happy for them because they are enjoying the same game you enjoy. 


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20 minutes ago, Voltage said:

DE makes more money when it's available to more players. I don't know why it's so surprising or confusing. How many new players do you think will subsume their only Rhino and then go pony up for Rhino Prime in trade chat?

Yes but you reach a point when after killing millions of level 20 enemies just to get an useless MR 1 weapon and played 100,000 of these missions, you will just ask  yourself: "Why the f...?????" .

Probably a lot of people will start to have doubts even before but hey! you will still play thinking to have a decent content soon or later...

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As much as I don't like this change either, I tend to forget how long I was stuck on mr9 and mr8. I can't remember why exactly. I think it was more of a lack of investment but anyways I think there's a reason why this was changed outside of "gotta have more money".

At least I don't see many players buying frames for money just to dump them immediately.

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Nerfing the only useful abilities (bandaid fix) and making it so the new players that get into the game from the hype around the update get acess to it after a week of playtime (or when they become endgame veteran players in DE's eyes). Looks to me like any other day in DE's development cycle of warframe.

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2 hours ago, Berserkerkitten said:

Oh yeah, because it's the phrasing that matters right now. Never mind the fact DE have zero clue what to do with MR or why it's even there.

Well it's not a phrasing problem, but if they don't want to do the right thing, because they are greedy or lazy or just simply stupid then changing that one sentence to atleast not make that many people laugh on it shouldn't be that hard to do. 


1 hour ago, Hexsing said:

Cuz the rank 9 test is borked so its the fall off point for many players.  

How is it "borked"? ;-; Am I the only person that didn't have problems with any MR tests? Players should use that other button that lets you see what test you need to do for the MR.

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30 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

That's DE for ya. Make something new, endgame for veterans and then make it available for new players as well because "muh new players need attention", completely ignoring the original goal.

Ah, we are now speaking of Helminth as "endgame"?

What else? I need a list of many ways we can say "slap to the face" that are passive agressive enough to not get moderated and Warning Pointed for upvotes.

Then I will go and thank them for the update for more upvotes.

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