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If you're not going to fix the attack speed bug, take warcry out of the subsuming list


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Nearly 11 months ago, shortly after melee 3.0 came out, some change was made to the input processing logic. Something about queuing.

It completely broke several classes of weapons (polearms, dual swords, most likely more) when you have PFury or Berserker active and receive a speed buff (Volt, Valkyr, Wisp, Arcane Strike) if the game is running at 120 or 144 FPS.

When I say "break", I mean "the weapon swings once and aborts the attack chain, leaving you to stand around for a second or so while your character recovers enough to give a single poke to the enemy once again".

I reported this right after it happened:

This was, of course, completely ignored, despite the thread being repeatedly bumped for half a year. At this point, it's a fair assumption that DE have precisely zero interest in fixing this bug which they introduced. If melee is never going to be repaired, take warcry out of the ability assimilation list before it gets stuffed on to 1/4 of all the frames out there and breaks close combat in public matches.

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36 minutes ago, DoomFruit said:

Nearly 11 months ago, shortly after melee 3.0 came out, some change was made to the input processing logic. Something about queuing.

I thought there were issues with high attack speed before that too. But, forgetting Warcry completely, DE should have fixed this a long time ago.

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