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Lua Spy (Kuva lich) alarm




So a couple of times I've tried running Lua spy (Luva Lich) with Ivara, I was using her 3rd ability to stealth through the mission, yet on one of the spy rooms, whereas you need to wall hang on floating platforms whilst shooting the floating orb then hopping to the next etc., as soon as i enter the room, even when stealthed with Ivara as well as having her mod where she would not trigger lasers, the alarm sounds.

Before I entered this room, I made sure to shoot the floating orb with paris prime, so I would not leave stealth, but the same issue happened as soon as I entered the room. I didn't stand on any plates nor trip any lasers, nor did any enemy spot me inside the room.


Any idea what went wrong?

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4 answers to this question

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Some missions have glitches that only happen when played as lich nodes. Larissa, Neptune spawns Lua Sentients, Kokabiel, Europa spawns Sprag and Ven'kra Tel (and a misplaced Patient Zero Alad V transmission), and Pavlov, Lua has the parkour vault automatically trigger the second the player enters. 

Most of these bugs have been around a long time. It's not an error on your part at all, just the game freaking out.

My personal theory is that the game swapping the faction of what are usually corpus or crossfire nodes to grineer nodes freaks it out and causes these bugs to happen. 

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15 hours ago, (XB1)xASHALLx said:

So a couple of times I've tried running Lua spy (Luva Lich) with Ivara, I was using her 3rd ability to stealth through the mission, yet on one of the spy rooms, whereas you need to wall hang on floating platforms whilst shooting the floating orb then hopping to the next etc., as soon as i enter the room, even when stealthed with Ivara as well as having her mod where she would not trigger lasers, the alarm sounds.

so you going that route for that rooms vault. 
as each lua spy has more than one way to go through to it.
it could have been that a thrall could have spawned into one of the time states where the drone is, an since they are 2 differnt factions it triggered the drones alarm.

tho limbo is rather great at lua spies as while in rift he can go through lasers an not trip alarm just the drones if see him will trigger the alarm when he is in the rift.

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I've actually SEEN what trips the alarm.

It only happens in the one vault with all the broken laser beams (the first vault) and only with a Kuva Lich. The normal "Lua" sensor drones get replaced by Grineer sensor regulators, and it just so happens in the back-right room (from entering) one of the Grineer sensor regulators goes right through one of the laser beams, tripping the alarm.

So the sensor regulator is a different "faction" than the tileset is, which causes that issue. It's a pathing issue with the sensor regulator If you really feel like it, you can go into a regular Lua spy and see the Lua drone going right through the laser trip wire on its path.

As far as the Kuva Lich Lua Spy goes, you have to brute force it. I take Titania, you can fly through the rooms very quickly and get all the way around avoiding the electrocuted wall. It also makes the second vault (with the long hall full of sensor drones) very easy as well.

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