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Steel path missions


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I just want to state that i dislike the new steel path missions or steel series or what it is called..its like reinventing the game

" now you must do all the missions over again...but on lvl 100 huehuehuehue"

But hand claps for that ideea..who ever came up with that plan must have been promoted....well not in my company.


I refuse to do all these missions over again..its lame done and not very fun at all.

It dosent bring anything new to the table here..just a redo recycle of the game


Are you out of ideeas devs ?

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4 minutes ago, Psycr0vv said:

now you must do all the missions over again...but on lvl 100 huehuehuehue

more like "now you can do all over again if the current game is too easy for you"

4 minutes ago, Psycr0vv said:

I refuse to do all these missions over again

Then don't. No one forces you and it just rewards with fashion

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24 minutes ago, Psycr0vv said:

who ever came up with that plan must have been promoted.

Well... I don't think the guy can be promoted much further, if it's the same one who talked the most about it in devstreams prior to SP's release.

Though, seriously, I kinda agree - it feels like yet another attempt at challenge that missed its mark. Specially if we take into account the initial remarks DE made about it "not being an attempt at endgame, but just a skip on the first hour of regular missions. Because we dislike players prioritizing Simulacrum over real missions and all that", which was instantly voided once they included special modifiers. It stopped being a time-skip to be an attempt at endgame right then and there, in my eyes.

And at this point I seriously wonder why more bullet-sponging and timed invulnerability is still the default answer to "challenge". 

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I'll do Steel Path for the innate mod booster, now it stacks with sortie ones and to farm standing for Simaris, but I'm not in  a rush to complete it, especially as Saryn's been cheesing Earth easily.

If I was still farming material then I might be more eager.

As it is, I'll just use it to farm silver-grove mods and Condition_Overload.

Still, for the people who did play for 3-hour runs, and considered the 1st 2 hours to be a tedious warm up, I can see it supports them.

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I actually really like Sp mode now, after completing everything and then using SP as my main game play I think its much more enjoyable than normal mode.  As for farming, everything in SP is a lot better for farming, if you need it that is.. we crack up as to the amounts of stuff we get like 300k of polymer bundles or plastids :) though all we want is SE .. but the higher levels make it more fun and interesting for us especially when enemies get up to higher levels of 4000+ adds a little spice to the game I think .. 

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