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Kidframe/Warpframe Indra?


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What would happen if one were to infest a fully grown void child with the warframe mutagen?  Would the evolution be something woven, stranded between good and evil, some sort of power vacuum?

The warframes, their progenitors' powers or expertise, and, it would seem likely, most of them unwilling subjects.  But not all as unwilling as much as unaware.

A maw of approaching gases, particles, bits – something seemingly living – tracing up and down, leading … or trying to escape like an insect, having limited means to act tactically.

An arm in outreach, dark, worse than cold, changing things along its path.  Black to white, white to black, dead and living.  There is a goal, a target, but not everyone knows where to place results.

What was effective, suddenly, ineffective.  Its counterpart now the ideal character.  Vulnerabilities, statuses, not just in and out of existence.  Warped, altered, rendered unto a new balance.


A Philosophy of Balance, Part I: Common Patterns

If balance is cosmetically distinct, functionally identical maths, forcibly categorized into equivalences, then let character transcend said categories.  But then character is called into question – and possibly balance is an infinite fractal, for which we have yet to mention the more complex maths.  Some of which have no known solution or no known correct and timely outcomes.

Many issues of balance are simple – two characters have equivalent effectiveness over time, except one is incapacitated far more often.  Sometimes complexities are a scapegoat.  To be fair, both characters are symmetrical enough to have complex issues applied equally in fair regard, even if some issues involve functions that are not smooth or continuous – like temporary invulnerability, invisibility, crowd control, aoe vs single target, etc.  If we state the goal to be that each character can accomplish the same feat in their own way, then we must also consider time and the environment.


Some things are not meant to be.  If everything were countered before it even began, as a state of balance, then would not that balance be sought for understanding, implementation, or conquest?

If there were more than yes or no, more than a carousel of values, more venues of manipulation than are common patterns, then would it be so different than this – random – chaos?

They say friends are foes, waiting to find out how they scored on the test.  But ecology does not demand the existence of either such character.  Why should you duel ideas at infinity?


Edit 8/23/20: Abilities

Nebula – a slow moving cloud-like nebula damages and weakens enemies near the center, while enemies near the outskirts have their damage types and vulnerabilities changed according to the nebula's color. Augment: color does not matter and all changes become “bane”.


Localization – enemies within x meters have decreased stats, enemies outside x but within y have increased stats. Negative power strength instead makes close enemies stronger and distant enemies weaker.


Envelop – target an enemy to place them in stasis; while in stasis they are vulnerable, but if they emerge they will be more powerful. Target an ally to put them in a resistant stasis, when they emerge they will be healed and gain an armor multiplier relative to the damage taken by their cocoon. The cocoon uses the warframe's base armor value.


Biosis – enemies reduced to death will instead reform into a superorganism, covering the ground with a biotic mold, which slows enemy movement and strengthens warframes based on its density – warframes between two linked mold patches will receive a reduced buff, and standing on a patch gives the full buff. Enemies killed near a patch will extend the patch's area rather than add another layer.

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Ok but seriously though this is incomprehensible. It starts out vaguely hinting at some kind of child Warframe, tries to get philosophical for a bit of flavor text, then spirals off on a tangent never to return to the topic. It's like watching a high schooler trying to deliver a speech they are clearly improvising because they failed to understand- let alone do- the related assignment.

One of the first things you'll learn in both Interpersonal Communications *and* Networking is that what message you sent will never matter as much as what the recipient receives; doesn't matter how profound you think you sound if you fail to convey your ideas accurately to your intended audience.

As for the idea itself: if you are trying to get at what I *think* you're trying to get at about turning a Tenno directly into a Warframe, it's already been established that that can't happen. Whatever happened to their bodies during their time in the Void has rendered the Tenno immune to Infestation, to the point that the Helminth strain itself- required for the creation of Warframes- is actively afraid of them.

If you mean just *any* child being made into a Frame, well, we have Nezha, who's, like, 12.

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Ok now I see abilities and... I don't see a coherent theme here. Granted some have neat ideas- I kinda like that ult where enemies killed create zones of fungal growth that empower allies that stand in them, but they don't really seem to fit together unless you wanna stretch things a bit and rename the third one "Plasmid" and let the fourth be bacterial cultures instead of mold. Nebulae don't quite fit in (though clouds of pathogen might?) and I can't quite tell how the second is supposed to be working.

Rewarding negative ability strength seems like a unique but ultimately suboptimal play as inverting the area effect won't do you much good if it still performs less effectively than leaving the ability unmodified, but I could see an interesting passive where modding a Frame's stats into the negative doesn't weaken them below base but instead converts them into positive buffs to a different aspect of the ability.

So far it looks like you've inadvertently stumbled into a possibly interesting idea for some sort of bacterial/plague Frame, but I still stand by my assessment that your writing style reads like the product of a learning algorithm.

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