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Orokin Entrati Portal Gate collision problems


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I decided to create a tunnel in the Open Space room of the Dojo using the Orokin Entrati Portal Gate. Unfortunately, upon construction, I found that the opening/hole in the center of the decoration has collision physics, and I can't pass through it.

To make matters worse, even Decorate mode camera won't pass through the collision layer, meaning if I constructed an open space accessible via a tunnel made of Entrati Portal Gates, I effectively made it impossible for me to enter the room to decorate without moving/destroying the decoration.

Side note... can we also please have zero collision Decorate mode camera please?

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  • 8 months later...
On 2020-08-22 at 9:24 PM, Revenant0713 said:

I decided to create a tunnel in the Open Space room of the Dojo using the Orokin Entrati Portal Gate. Unfortunately, upon construction, I found that the opening/hole in the center of the decoration has collision physics, and I can't pass through it.

To make matters worse, even Decorate mode camera won't pass through the collision layer, meaning if I constructed an open space accessible via a tunnel made of Entrati Portal Gates, I effectively made it impossible for me to enter the room to decorate without moving/destroying the decoration.

Side note... can we also please have zero collision Decorate mode camera please?

I did the exact same thing. Except I placed a portal gate around the door thinking I could pass through the enormous open space in this ring, turns out you still can't. Just one portal I cant see on the outside, which under construction you're able to pass through, but when its finished boy are you done for. I can just stare at the console from outside an invisible collision layer and in some cases stand on it r62210993251.jpg

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