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Being Overpowered is Good and Nerfs are Bad.

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I think you kinda missed the point about nerfs.

Nerfs happen because some weapons, abilities, frames just turn out way too strong. So strong that picking anything else is almost pointless.

Like the Bramma. That weapon did a lot of damage and it was easy to get and mod and even with self damage everyone wanted to use that weapon because it was so much better than anything else. So obviously it needed a hard nerf.

Now I know someone will tell me that De should buff everything to the same level but think that through because I don't think you realize how impossible that would be to do.

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And being overpowered all the time gets dull quickly. When you walk into a room for the ten-thousandth time and obliterated the twenty or so enemies in it in a matter of seconds (if not just instantly with some frame nuke) it gets pretty damn old.

The gameplay is literally a less engaging yet more "graphically interesting" version of Cookie Clicker when you spend so long being as overpowered as we are.

Yet the "solution" that gets thrown around of just artificially limiting ourselves isn't a solution at all as it just eliminates any reason to get or progress anything new; why even touch the Helminth system when it needs to be abandoned later to avoid boredom? While us continuing to be this overpowered has the exact same consequence as getting stronger is meaningless as it's pointless to go from dealing 5x of an enemies max hp to dealing 6x their max hp, thus there is no reason to progress and get new gear yet again.

Really the game doesn't need to be "hard" or "difficult" but it does absolutely need to justify the power and systems we have access to and are continuing to get. Otherwise it all continues to be meaningless as it all already is. And if DE can't make said content when it is needed then nerfing our power is the only other solution.

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The problem is that only handful of primary and secondaries doing any damage and only few melee stances being worth using, so by nerfing you effectively cripple peoples' choices, instead of creating more choices.     


Oh but thats Hard work right...  Dealing with 400+ weapons for game balance 

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7 hours ago, (NSW)JJA209 said:

So I’m not here to convince DE on what they should do with their game. I’m just stating my opinion on things here. And here’s what I think about this whole topic at hand:

If I grind to mod a specific build and put in the forma and find all the good mods with Rivens and researched on how to be powerful with that specific build, then I believe that we should be rewarded on the intentions of killing the most op and powerful enemies in the galaxy. Being overpowered is the reward for overcoming that the challenge of building your gear right no matter on what type of item that may be. When DE make nerf and decrease the stats of your items that you care and main for. I think is just personally a wrong approach to the players that main and worked hard to achieve those builds.

While the stats and power levels of the items should not be equal but the result of your builds should be equal. Feel free to tell me your opinion on this. I’d love to read them.


Ans so, as i have said, DE should just make a doomsday device as a reward so you can blow up the entire solar system with the press of a red button. The end, warframe is over, nobody won but you were the one that killed them all. Yay?

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2 hours ago, JackHargreav said:

Now I know someone will tell me that De should buff everything to the same level but think that through because I don't think you realize how impossible that would be to do.

Oh because thats some actual work to do aint it, much like the work People expect of others to do irl . Not necessarily calling out DE but i think we're giving them too much balance passes, by calling it too much work. 

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34 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

Actually, thats Impact damage.

Actually it's blast damage at least impact have a bonus on shields.

BTW they can continue to increase their payerbase with 12 old boys complaining about "nerfs" here, there is something called dignity, even when you speak about video games.

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55 minutes ago, killerJoke66 said:

The problem is that only handful of primary and secondaries doing any damage and only few melee stances being worth using, so by nerfing you effectively cripple peoples' choices, instead of creating more choices.

If there's one or two obvious power outliers within 50 options, really there are one or two options because all others are provably inferior. If those power outliers are nerfed to be in line with the other options, the list of best options gets closer to 50.

The trouble with "buff everything to the most powerful level" is that you really don't need the most powerful levels of stuff to succeed in this game. You can take average stuff and wreck shop. Buffing more stuff to OP levels just means the game gets mad easy no matter what you're using, and so to keep the game's incentive for action the devs would then need to buff enemies across the board. So if we want an action game experience (and not a one-button-everything-dies idle game) it's either nerf a couple options, or buff everything (including enemies) except the OP stuff. The latter option leads to the same outcome, just with larger numbers.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Yggranya said:

Ans so, as i have said, DE should just make a doomsday device as a reward so you can blow up the entire solar system with the press of a red button. The end, warframe is over, nobody won but you were the one that killed them all. Yay?

If I get to mr30 then I’d hope that this would be my reward. Please  DE you must make this happen for mr30 players.

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59 minutes ago, killerJoke66 said:

Oh because thats some actual work to do aint it, much like the work People expect of others to do irl . Not necessarily calling out DE but i think we're giving them too much balance passes, by calling it too much work. 

Actually It's not that. 

We have a lot different weapons with very different mechanics and an assault rifle will never be able compete against something like the Bramma for example.

Even if it has infinite range and punch through non of the rifles would come anywhere near to a aoe weapon.

And yeah you could say that buffing 400 weapons is a bit rough but I see that as a smaller problem.

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DE have no clue how to balance difficulty and player power. It's been 7 years, you would think one of the devs would have realized what they are doing wrong, that Grinding gears are doing right, but nope... DE are balancing the game around popularity rather than power, meaning they have no idea why certain setups are being used. I'm willing to bet that they don't know about the Eidolon meta, because the warframes used there are not popular in general gameplay, so they have no clue 90% of the setups are useless for that content.

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42 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

The latter option leads to the same outcome, just with larger numbers.

i highly disagree with that statement , also if we were to affectively nerf frames , enemies and weapons across the board; its actually more work than just buffing very very subpar ones to the competant levels . in my opinion ,maybe im seeing it wrong but for now im sticking with continual of the current systems' overhaul or buffing stuff that is very subpar , nerfing at this stage imo creates more issues than solving any fundemental cracks in the system.

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3 hours ago, Cocarum said:

we have too many casual nutella boys/girls here, that's why. they dont know how to build or play this game and they are crying because they DONT WANT to farm some mods or weapons. they are too many now, that's why DE is doing this... if they lose their casual player base they will close the game.

i spent so many platinum for my frames and weapons and yes... i know that feeling my boy...

DE won't balance the game around META builds because it's a positive feedback loop that, yes, will result in people giving up the game because not everyone finds spamming spores or using weapons like the bramma fun.  Even they are privy enough to know that if everyone's using the same toys, it means one of two things - either they are the best in slot, or they're the only practical options to get anything done.  Unfortunately, people get the two mixed up a lot and consider "best in slot" to be simultaneously "the only practical option" which is just not true.  There is overlap in some cases, but not as often as people make it out to be.  The belief BiS or bust is not a law, it's more a mental illness at this point. 

Not every frame needs roar or warcry.  Not every frame needs vex armor.  A lot of frames that need one don't need the other.  A lot of frames need them all.  But some people act like one of these will be the only option worth having ever, which is just not true.

And you know what?  It's a good thing having them isn't mandatory.  More play options > what people call a "challenge."

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