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Helping community: Velocitus with primed rubedo-lined barrel vs Rubico prime with riven



Hi, so assuming that nobody posted anything like this... (in 2019 there was a post but this post has been archived) I'm going to post this here to help anyone of you just starting out doing tridolons OR to anyone of you that want to try this out in a 5-6x3 tridolon.

Back in 2019, the velocitus was first brought to ground with the gravi mag for killing those orbs. Back then the velocitus was weak and was terrible against anything other then those orbs.

A few weeks ago this all changed. Baro brought "Primed Rubedo-Lined Barrel". At first I didn't thought much of it and I didn't bother looking at the numbers.
So a few weeks have been passed and when I finally screwed around with the Velocitus build and I saw the numbers I thought uhm what? Excuse me? And my build didn't even have any riven at all...
Turns out Velocitus was as strong as (maybe even stronger then) my rubico with riven (build down below and yes I do know this riven is a 'meh' riven, still it's powerfull enough to get the job done).

So I thought ok lets test this out against eidolons. Turns out my Velocitus can now 1-2 shot eidolimbs with this build down below (with rhino buff).
Conclusion: Velocitus does a much better job at eidohunting then any other gun without rivens.
Conclusion 2: Velocitus does way more damage then first thought because of Primed rubedo-lineed barrel

https://ibb.co/KwW2C6T (rubico build)

https://ibb.co/VDpbnQC (velocitus build)

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11 answers to this question

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Velocitus was already a nice meme, Primed Rubeo Barrel was not a significant catalyst in that. because Primed Rubedo Barrel is just a 43% Damage increase. that's not that big a deal.

the main catalyst would be the changes to its Stats with the Railjack changes in U27.4, taking it from fully capable to be used for Eidolon Hunting, to the overall epic meme that Velocitus is everywhere in the game now.
where Velocitus was just about tripled in average (Charged) Damage per Shot.


Archwing Gun stats normalized - space combat now uses ground “Heavy Weapon” stats.
Increased size of Velocitus projectile in space.
Quick shot Damage increased from 200 Magnetic to 150 Impact, 150 Puncture, 150 Slash and 150 Magnetic.
Quick shot Critical Chance increased from 25 to 30%.
Charged shot Damage increased from 1200 Magnetic to 400 Impact, 400 Puncture, 400 Slash and 400 Magnetic.
Charged shot Critical Chance increased from 30 to 60%.
Charged shot Critical Damage increased from 3 to 3.6x.

and then the Ricochets too, i don't know when that appeared but at some point since then to now Velocitus seems to Richochet now, quite violently.


in fact, just yesterday my Velocitus Red Crit an Archwing Enemy (in Steel Path, no less) for somewhere in the area of ~625,000. without any sort of Damage buffing Abilities.




(also technically that Rubico should have Primed Cryo Rounds on it but that's neither here nor there)

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il y a 1 minute, taiiat a dit :

and then the Ricochets too, i don't know when that appeared but at some point since then to now Velocitus seems to Richochet now, quite violently.

It was introduced right after its stat changes.

It only works on space though. Normal missions don't have the ricocheting, which is kinda sad honestly.

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9 minutes ago, taiiat said:

Velocitus was already a nice meme, Primed Rubeo Barrel was not a significant catalyst in that. because Primed Rubedo Barrel is just a 43% Damage increase. that's not that big a deal.

the main catalyst would be the changes to its Stats with the Railjack changes in U27.4, taking it from fully capable to be used for Eidolon Hunting, to the overall epic meme that Velocitus is everywhere in the game now.
where Velocitus was just about tripled in average (Charged) Damage per Shot.

and then the Ricochets too, i don't know when that appeared but at some point since then to now Velocitus seems to Richochet now, quite violently.


in fact, just yesterday my Velocitus Red Crit an Archwing Enemy (in Steel Path, no less) for somewhere in the area of ~625,000. without any sort of Damage buffing Abilities.




(also technically that Rubico should have Primed Cryo Rounds on it but that's neither here nor there)

So Velocitus was always there ever since the beginning of gravi mag? I saw a 2019 post which said that the velocitus was awfull against trido's...
Back then ofcourse they've nerfed the ground stats.

Anyway, I didn't saw any posts at all of velocitus vs eidolons/tridolons... So I thought, I just put this right here to help anyone out...
(btw about the rubico build, wouldn't that lead into magnetic dmg?)

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4 minutes ago, Grayfox1990 said:

I saw a 2019 post which said that the velocitus was awfull against trido's...
Back then ofcourse they've nerfed the ground stats.

lower Crit Chance and other Stats plus Critical Focus didn't exist yet - so back then it simply wasn't able to be very consistent, not so much that it wasn't capable of dealing some nice Damage.

after all at that point you were looking at a Modded Damage(not including Enemy Resistances) of.... just shy of 20,000, with a Crit Multiplier of 5.4. so if you got it to Crit, the Shot would be about 100,000 baseline, essentially on par with a fully Modded Sniper Rifle.
and now with those adjusted Stats it's about triple. :)

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9 minutes ago, taiiat said:

lower Crit Chance and other Stats plus Critical Focus didn't exist yet - so back then it simply wasn't able to be very consistent, not so much that it wasn't capable of dealing some nice Damage.

after all at that point you were looking at a Modded Damage(not including Enemy Resistances) of.... just shy of 20,000, with a Crit Multiplier of 5.4. so if you got it to Crit, the Shot would be about 100,000 baseline, essentially on par with a fully Modded Sniper Rifle.
and now with those adjusted Stats it's about triple. 🙂

Ok I see. Thanks for explaining. Btw, your velocitus red crit damage, was that with or without a riven?

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6 hours ago, Grayfox1990 said:

Ok I see. Thanks for explaining. Btw, your velocitus red crit damage, was that with or without a riven?

without, i haven't gotten around to acquiring one yet. i just had Avenger on.

which should put be at....
oh, haha. that's only 201%. i saw what definitely felt like more than 1% Red Crits. well, double rather than triple Crits was around 430,000 at any rate then.

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6 hours ago, taiiat said:

without, i haven't gotten around to acquiring one yet. i just had Avenger on.

which should put be at....
oh, haha. that's only 201%. i saw what definitely felt like more than 1% Red Crits. well, double rather than triple Crits was around 430,000 at any rate then.

Arcane avanger? Hm need to try that. Thats still alot more then what I had. I only had orange crits around 60-100k

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12 minutes ago, Grayfox1990 said:

Arcane avanger? Hm need to try that. Thats still alot more then what I had. I only had orange crits around 60-100k

that was vs a relatively low Armor sort of Enemy that has Shields, ofcourse. since Velocitus has some Magnetic that would inflate the numbers a bit plus the same deal for the modded Elemental Damage. it's definitely a best case scenario, but it does give an idea of that Velocitus is a pretty silly Weapon, now. :)

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Yeah.... I use Velocitus now ever since Primed Rubedo Lined Barrel....

But I'd like to Point out Velocitus has always been good... Sporting a higher Base Damage than Vanilla Opticor (which is known for its high base damage)....

And the reason nobody reccommended it is for the exact same reason...  It was inconsistent.

It was great if you got a Crit but Rubbish if you didnt...


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10 hours ago, Lutesque said:

Yeah.... I use Velocitus now ever since Primed Rubedo Lined Barrel....

But I'd like to Point out Velocitus has always been good... Sporting a higher Base Damage than Vanilla Opticor (which is known for its high base damage)....

And the reason nobody reccommended it is for the exact same reason...  It was inconsistent.

It was great if you got a Crit but Rubbish if you didnt...


Ow I see. I don't use the opticor throughout eidolonhunting since you can't hold the charged beam. But it is good for other purposes. What really is interesting is that velocitus however can hold the chrarged shot and it works the same as the lanka.

Lanka now is irrelevant as many rivens have been screwed over as well as the velocitus doing a much better job due to higher base dmg. I can 1 shot teralyst limbs but indeed, sometimes if you don't crit I need to take a few shots more... Rubico doesn't need to charge so I guess the rubico still stays the ultimate weapon to use with a riven that is. UNLESS you have a velocitus riven.

I was just fooling around and thought maybe this could help some members here.

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