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Anothed Treasurer "fun"


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  1. Ancien Healer aura restore Treasurer shield. With bad luck it make Treasurer immortal on Void Fissure mission. DE team, Treasurer have heal and shield or heal and anothed heal now because removing shield not remove Treasurer damage reduction.
  2. Wild fussure spawn (each few seconds) near Treasurer even if no other mobs near. Seems it is traces anothed half bug, newly spawn mob trigger fissure (little "surprice" from almost dead Corrupted and Fusion MOA). With Treasurer it may triggered on slow mines.

At last Stalker and Treasurer broke alliance. Only Stalker now very love Void Fissure mission.


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В 23.08.2020 в 19:44, RazerXPrime сказал:

Kill the ancient healer? This is what you should do in every case even vs normal mobs without the Treasurer.

ОК, cap. Only read p.2 first. In few seconds around Treasurer spawn lot mobs and at last 3 Healers. Or find in crowd all healer (who aura each other), or pursue Treasurer. Make both without one-button anihilator build almost impossibly.

PS. Anyway, Healer restore target heal not target shield. Or let DE allow use healer specter (new loka) also for restore both shield and heal if it WAI.

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Since the treasurer is considered a normal non corrupted enemy it can trigger corrupted spawns. Although I've never encountered the issue you described and even then it's complete RNG what spawns. Having 3 ancient healers spawn is not impossible, but it is very unlikely. The treasurer is a very resilient unit. It was designed that way. On high level tilesets it's really tough to kill even without an ancient healer. Anc ancient healer present makes it tougher to be sure.

It could be what you're describing is related to how his shields work. Since his shields have damage reduction, maybe te game handles them as health instead of actual shields?

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В 26.08.2020 в 12:35, RazerXPrime сказал:

Having 3 ancient healers spawn is not impossible, but it is very unlikely

You lucky man.

В 26.08.2020 в 12:35, RazerXPrime сказал:

Although I've never encountered the issue you described

Try catch Treasurer in fissure mission. I make video in next time.

В 26.08.2020 в 12:35, RazerXPrime сказал:

The treasurer is a very resilient unit. It was designed that way. On high level tilesets it's really tough to kill even without an ancient healer. Anc ancient healer present makes it tougher to be sure.

If no Healer near Treasurer very quick lost shield. If at last one Healer near Treasurer almost impenetrable (treasurer damage reduction plus healer aura damage reduction plus shield restore from healer).

В 26.08.2020 в 12:35, RazerXPrime сказал:

Since his shields have damage reduction, maybe te game handles them as health instead of actual shields?

I test Treasurer in simulactum (AI off mode) and.. removing shield not remove damage reduction. Field tests give same result, removing shield not remove damage reduction.

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